Legal Writing
Legal Writing
Legal Writing
Chapter 7
Roughing Out the Argument Anatomy of a Legal Argument
5. Argument is inconsistent with facts are simply for the clarification of the
undeniable facts issue presented in your case.
- No assertion can defeat
facts that cannot lie There are 2 statements needed to introduce
your case:
6. Argument is inconsistent with a
prior claim 1. The statement of the case
- Persons who say one thing 2. The statement of the fact
now and another thing later
cannot be relied on to tell
The statement of the case
the truth
You must write a clear and concise
Pre-work Reviewed
statement of the
Summary of Steps to be Undertaken: a. Nature of the action
1. Ascertain the legal dispute
b. Summary of the pleadings
2. Make an outline of the relevant
facts c. Challenged order or decision issued
3. Identify the issues "...matters necessary to an understanding
4. Rough out your argument of the controversy"
Sufficiency of the introduction The chart given below can help you
organize the thoughts that are cramped up
How much background facts is needed?
in your mind.
"ONLY as much facts for the
understanding of the issue or issues that Statement of the case
the parties present."
Statement of the fact
Do not input too much information in
the background facts. Remember that you
Plaintiff's version Defendant's
still have the arguments section/part to
of the facts version of the facts
provide all the reasons to make your case.
The information you put in the background
The issue or issues
LWRI – TBA2 Thurs 5:30-7:30
justification, and may be inferred from the overlooked for the sake of protecting the
absence of probable cause. sensibilities of the greater number who are
presumably innocent? Surely not, since it
It cannot be said that an accusation is finding out the truth by investigating and
expressed during a startling event, when searching everyone who had the
the person made it was in a state of shock opportunity of committing the offense that
or disbelief at her loss, made it with will remove the cloud of suspicion from
deliberate malice. Things happened him. Feelings might get hurt but the truth
simultaneously. Casal could not have had will set every one free.
the opportunity to reflect and deliberate on
her action upon discovering her loss. She Relief
uttered what first came into her mind, a
natural thing under the circumstances. WHEREFORE, defendant-appellant Laura
Casal respectfully prays that Court to set
Besides, her suspicion of De Leon was not aside the decision of the trial court dated
altogether baseless. Admittedly, De Leon August 17 and dismiss the complaint
went in and out of the room hurriedly. against her.
Clearly, Casal was not motivated by any ill
will or personal hatred when she NOTE: Where the parties have conflicting
supposedly uttered her suspicion. And versions, it would seem best when you
when she supposedly sought investigation prepare the background or introductory
of the incident focusing on De Leon, she facts to extract your facts solely from the
merely exercised her right. Que jure suo direct testimonies of the witnesses from
utitur nulum damnum facit. One who either side. The direct testimonies of
exercises his rights does no injury. Even if witnesses, as a rule, embody the versions
damage results from a person’s exercising that the parties espouse. When the cross-
his legal rights, it is damnum absque examinations have done some damage to
injuria. the testimony of your opponent’s
witnesses, use these in the argument
In fact, the investigation did not single out portion where they would have greater
De Leon. All the people in the room at that impact and telling effect.
time were interviewed, their bags were
searched, and their fingerprints were taken. SHORT INTRODUCTIONS
The relatives of Casal were not spared The need to introduce the issue with some
from the interrogation, the body and bag background facts or antecedent
search, and the fingerprinting. circumstances (equivalent of the statement
Closing Statement of facts) is not limited to a memorandum
that a party submits after trial. They also
It does frequently happen that some work for incidental issues brought up in
valuable things are suddenly discovered the course of the proceedings. Example:
stolen in a big household, in a classroom,
or in an office full of personnel. Since it is [CAPTION OMITTED]
likely that only one was a thief, would it be MOTION TO QUASH
best that the loss be endured and
LWRI – TBA2 Thurs 5:30-7:30