Lesson Plan Grade 2: Business/Materials Lesson Objectives 5 Minutes

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 Basic  Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan grade 2

Business/Materials Lesson Objectives 5 minutes

- Shepherd Boy
- Papers Students will be able to understand the central
- Pencils message of the story and retell the story with
- projector details.
- Good Wi-Fi signal Students will be capable of describing the
character of the shepherded boy.
Students will be able to organize their thoughts
and ideas when analyzing the story and thinking
about it.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion 10 minutes

I will ask the students about yesterday class in which I read the story of the two foolish goats
to them. After engaging them I will shift to the new story of the shepherd boy. I will open the
projector to read the story together. Then I will give a written story to the students for better
understanding and reading. I will help them read and identify new words to comprehend.

Instruct and Model 15 minutes  R  W  L  S

I will make group of two of the students and I will share my screen with them that they may
think and read the story clearly. I will ask the students to compare and contrast the written
story which they already have and the story on the screen.
Now that they have fully comprehended the story I will ask them to think about the character
of the shepherd boy and the villagers.
Tell the students whether the shepherd boy was truthful or not.
Think about the villagers how they were deceived by the shepherd because they were honest. I
will asked them to be truthful and reasonable otherwise they will supper lose.

Guided Practice 10 minutes  R  W  L  S

Now, I will ask the student in the group of (2) to write the character of the shepherd boy on
pieces of paper after they write the character of the shepherd I will ask them to write some
traits of the villagers. When they complete the task they will share their work for peer review.
They will high light each other mistakes and make necessary correction. I will move around
and help the students in their task.
Independent Practice 5 minutes  R  W  L  S

Now, I will ask the student in the group of (2) to write the story once gain giving it another
ending such as the instead the shepherd boy they may write the milk maid boy or the wood
cutter boy. They will think critically and focus individually on their thoughts. I will provide
the graphics only on my screen to complete the given task of writing the story. After they have
completed the story they will share their work for peer review. They will high light each other
mistakes and make necessary correction. I will move around and help the students in their

Assessment 5 minutes  R  W  L  S
I will ask the students if they face similar situation how they will act in such circumstances.
Write your answer in one paragraph.

Home work;
- Write the moral lesson of the story in two sentences?
Upload your work on the online system of the school I will check it.

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