Assessment I - Project Quality Management

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Details of Assessment

Term and Year 2 2020 Time allowed 8 Weeks

Assessment No 1 Assessment Weighting 100%
Assessment Type Written Responses, Case Studies and Portfolio of Evidence
Due Date Week 8 Room G112
Details of Subject
Qualification BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
Subject Name Project Quality Management
Details of Unit(s) of competency

Unit Code (s) and

BSBPMG513 Manage Project Quality

Details of Student
Student Name
College Student ID

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my

own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person Student’s
or source. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements Signature: ____________________
to complete the assessment tasks. I am also aware of my
right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and Date: _____/_____/_________
reassessment procedure were explained to me.

Details of Assessor
Assessor’s Name Shompa Chowdhury
Assessment Outcome
Competent Not Yet Competent Marks /100
Feedback to Student
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted

a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student. Assessor’s
Signature: ___________________
Student attended the feedback session.
Date: _____/_____/________
Student did not attend the feedback session.

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Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the Competent Not yet
following learning outcomes: (C) Competent
1.1 Determine quality objectives and standards with input from
1.2 Document, in a quality management plan, quality metrics for the
project and product output
1.3 Select established quality management methods, techniques
and tools to resolve quality issues
1.4 Distribute, discuss and support quality requirements with project
team and stakeholders
1.5 Include agreed quality requirements in the project management
plan, and implement as basis for performance measurement
2.1 Undertake quality assurance audit of project processes for
compliance with agreed plans
2.2 Assess quality control of project and product output according to
agreed quality specifications
2.3 Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake
remedial action
2.4 Maintain a quality management system to enable accurate and
timely recording of quality audit data
3.1 Review processes and implement agreed changes continually
throughout the project life cycle to ensure continuous quality
3.2 Review project outcomes against performance requirements to
determine the effectiveness of quality-management processes and
3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and
recommended improvements 
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A
student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the
assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion
of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-
Resources required for this Assessment

Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions should be read prior to undertaking the
Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully

 This assessment must be completed In class At home
 The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be
improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due
date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
 Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your
gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills
to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your
 Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook).

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There are two tasks to complete for this unit of competence:

Task 1 – Written responses

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project
quality within projects.

This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK). The
responses should include the following:

 Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless
otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of project quality
management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently
or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your
response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511
Manage Project Scope subject unit.
 However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must
negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently
working on or a project that you have worked in the past.

 If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to
use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study
examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies
are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be
assessed as satisfactory
 Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of
whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace
Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence

The portfolio of evidence comprises the assessment of the application of your project quality knowledge.
You will need to demonstrate your quality management skills applied to a project which is based on the
project you have chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. It should state relevant
experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently or are currently working on to progress
both your studies and your projects simultaneously.
If you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of completing this course, you must
negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working
on or a project that you have worked in the past.

If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a
scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a
suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-
learning. To such a degree you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study
examples that you will find on e-learning.

Your nominated project must be agreed between you and your Assessor so that its methodology, tools
and techniques accommodate to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency prior to start
of work on the unit.

Your project must comprise:

a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan
 a formal communication plan
 a devoted and project-based budget
 formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders
 a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology

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 a quality plan with assurance and control processes
 a project team-based environment.

Evidence of the following is important:

 demonstration of quality management for several complex projects
 knowledge of quality management plans, tools, issues and likely challenges

To achieve competency, you are required to demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience to:
Performance Evidence
 work with others to decide a project's quality requirements
 document a quality-management plan
 implement quality control and assurance processes for a defined project using a range of
tools and methodologies
 review outcomes and recommend process improvements.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
 explain quality management theory
 explain relevant standards that apply in the organisation
 describe quality assurance and control techniques, key tools and methodologies
 describe roles and responsibilities of quality management personnel
 explain methods for managing continuous improvement.


I. TASK 1 – Written Responses (Total 15 marks for TASK 1)
Q1: Importance of clarification and confirmation of quality requirements (5 marks)
Q2: Cost of non-conformance on quality requirements (5 marks)
Q3 Tools and techniques use to manage quality (5 marks)
II. TASK 2 – Portfolio of Evidence (Total 85 marks for TASK 2)
A. Quality Requirements (30 marks total)
1. Quality requirements summary for quality management plan (20 marks)
2. Quality Management processes for Quality Assurance and Quality control (5 marks)
3. Understanding quality plan with stakeholders (5 marks)
B. Quality Recording and processes (35 marks total)
1. Results of quality assurance and control evidence of identifying and resolving of
quality issues (25 marks total)
a) Overall statement on project quality (5 marks)
b) Processes used in development of the plan (4 marks)
c) Definition of quality in a table (6 marks)
d) Quality control processes to be used to monitor quality (6 marks)
e) Quality assurance processes to be used (4 marks)
2. Quality Variance (5 marks)
3. Recording Quality Audit (5 marks)
C. Quality Improvements (20 marks Total)
1. Quality Management Changes (5 marks)
2. Effectiveness of quality management processes (5 marks)
3. Listing of quality management issues (10 marks)

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Content Pages Marks
TASK 1 – Written Responses (Total 15 marks for TASK 1)
Q1: Importance of clarification and confirmation of quality
Q2: Cost of non-conformance on quality requirements 5
Q3 Tools and techniques use to manage quality 5
TASK 2 – Portfolio of Evidence (Total 85 marks for TASK 2)

A. Quality Requirements (30 marks)

1. Quality requirements summary for quality management
2. Quality Management processes for Quality Assurance
and Quality control
3. Understanding quality plan with stakeholders 5
B. Quality Recording and processes (35 marks)
1. Results of quality assurance and control evidence of identifying and resolving of quality issues
(25 marks total)
a) Overall statement on project quality 5
b) Processes used in development of the plan 4
c) Definition of quality in a table 6
d) Quality control processes to be used to monitor
e) Quality assurance processes to be used 4
2. Quality Variance 5
3. Recording Quality Audit 5
C. Quality Improvements (20 marks Total)
Quality Management Changes 5
Effectiveness of quality management processes 5
Listing of quality management issues 10
Total 100
The learner is required to update and adjust the page numbers and topics based on the amount of their content
and the responses made to each task.

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Task 1 – Written Responses
(BSBPMG513- 1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.4,3.1-3.2, PE 1-4, KE 1-5)

Answer the following questions in the appropriate spaces below:

All responses must:

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project
quality within projects.

This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK).
The responses should include the following:

 Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless
otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of project quality
management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you
recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects
simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic
chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit.
 However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you
must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are
currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past.

 If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to
use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study
examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case
studies are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will
not be assessed as satisfactory
 Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of
whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided, you
may use templates from the text or from your workplace that provide evidence of your

<50% marks of the allocated marks for the questions and answers in Task 1, will be given for providing
theoretical aspect and remaining 50% marks for providing the relevancy on how the information fits in within your
project management functionalities. However, Assessor to assess if relevant theory and reflection of the
student’s nominated project has been provided by the student as per the requirement of the tasks. Non-relevant
answers will be considered not satisfactory >

15 Marks
Question 1: Explain why it is important to clarify and confirm quality requirements with
stakeholders throughout a project. Also, state what quality requirements of your nominated project
would you confirm with your stakeholders. (BSBPMG513 – 1.1,1.4,1.5,2.1 PE 1,4, KE 1-5)
<2 mark for stating the reason, 3 marks for stating detailed information of quality requirements with example
from your nominated project. Total of 5 marks> 5 Marks

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Question 2: Explain how you can use the cost of non-conformance on quality to persuade
stakeholders on quality requirements (BSBPMG513- 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5, PE 1, 3, KE 1,2,3,5 )
<2 marks for stating the reason and 3 marks for detailed information with example from your project. Total of 5
marks> 5 Marks

Question 3: Describe the tools and techniques you have used to manage quality and achieve
project outcomes for projects within your workplace. (BSBPMG513 – 1.3,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.2,3.3, PE
2,3,4, KE 1-5)
<2 marks for stating the tools and techniques and 3 marks for detailed information with example from your
project. Total of 5 marks> 5 Marks

Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence

(BSBPMG513 – 1.1-1.5,2.1-2.4,3.1-3.2, PE 1-4, KE 1-5)

You must use the same project for all units in this course and must be relevant to your project as
stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless your nominated project changes during the
course or cannot adapt to the performance requirements of any of the units of competency. If
either or both events occur during your course, you must contact your assessor to find out what
you need to do to continue to satisfy the course performance requirements and achieve

The project must be in an organisation, business or you are operating as a consultant.

Your nominated project must have:

 a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan

 a formal communications plan
 a dedicated and project-based budget
 formal and planned engagement with a wide range of stakeholders
 a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology

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 a quality plan with assurance and control processes
 a project team-based environment.

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided, you
may use templates from this assessment or from your workplace that provide evidence of your

A. Quality Requirements 30 Marks

(BSBPMG513 – 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5, 2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1, PE 1-4, KE 1-5)

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided which
are provided or create relevant template as required by the tasks. You may use templates from the
text or from your workplace that provide evidence of your competency.

<50% marks of the allocated marks for the questions and answers in Task A (Q2 and Q3), will be given for
providing theoretical aspect and remaining 50% marks for providing the relevancy on how the information fits
in within your project management functionalities. However, Assessor to assess if relevant theory and
reflection of the student’s nominated project has been provided by the student as per the requirement of the
tasks. Non-relevant answers will be considered not satisfactory>

1. For this task, you are required to review your Scope of the project created for BSBPMG511
Manage Project Scope and document a Quality Management Plan using the template below for
the Scope of the project. This should also include the project management plan as a deliverable.
To locate the definition of quality of your project consider the followings aspects:
 How many quality items were identified?
 Were the measurable items clearly defined?
 Were the measures able to be readily measured?
 What needs to be distributed and discussed to support the quality requirements?

Quality Management Plan

(BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.2, PE 1-3, KE 1-3)

To satisfy the performance criteria, you must document quality management plan with providing at
least 5 (five) deliverables and its associated quality standards, assurance and quality controls.
Responses should include objectives, roles, responsibilities, timelines and performance reporting.

<You are required to document at least 5 deliverables and provide the associated quality requirements,
assurance and control for that deliverable. 1 mark allocated for each deliverable data you provide (total of 5
marks for each 5 of them), 1 mark allocated to each associated quality requirements/standards information (total
of 5 marks for each 5 of them), 1 marks for each quality assurance evidences (total of 5 marks for each 5 of
them) and 1 mark for each associated quality control data you will provide (total of 5 marks for each 5 of them).
This totals the Quality Management plan of 20 marks.>

20 Marks
Quality Requirements Summary
Deliverable Quality Requirements/ Quality Assurance Quality Control
<1 mark> Standards <1 mark> <1 mark> <1 mark>
<A deliverable as <List all quality <High level description of <High level description
specified in the requirements this may the applicable quality of the applicable
Scope Plan> include: stakeholder assurance processes> quality control
requirements, negotiated processes>

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trade-offs with cost,
schedule and performance,
standards. This should
include quality metrics to
enable measurement>

Quality Management processes

2. For each of the Quality Assurance and Quality Control processes listed above, provide detailed
processes including the processes for rectification of quality issues including quality criteria,
tolerance to accept review, sign off and acceptance. To develop the quality process, you are
required to complete the given table below. Provide at least 5 (five) Items and its associated data.
(BSBPMG513 –1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5, 2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1, PE 1,3,4 KE 1-5)
5 Marks
<Consider the following to support your findings: processes to rectify quality issues, provide details of your action
of rectification of quality issues and explanation your reason with quality criteria, tolerance to accept, review, sign
off and acceptance information.

<You are required to document at least 5 items and provide the associated standard, quality criteria, category,
acceptance tolerance, occurrence, review process, responsibility and acceptance. 1 mark allocated for all 5 item
data you provide (total of 1 mark for each 5 of them), 0.5 mark allocated all associated standards information
(total of 0.5 mark for each 5 of them), 0.5 marks for all 5 quality criteria (total of 0.5 marks for each 5 of them), 0.5
marks for all 5 category data (total of 0.5 marks for each 5 of them) , 0.5 marks for all 5 acceptable tolerance
data(total of 0.5 marks for each 5 of them) , 0.5 marks for all 5 occurrence data (total of 0.5 marks for each 5 of
them) , 0.5 marks for all 5 review process (total of 0.5 marks for all 5 of them) , 0.5 marks for all 5 responsibility
data (total of 0.5 marks for all 5 of them) and 0.5 marks for all associated acceptance data you will provide (total
of 0.5 marks for all 5 of them). This totals the Quality Management process of 5 marks.>

<Each process should include step by step the quality objective, task description, who performs the
task, timeframes and when as well as any authorisations required or reporting>

Suggested Sample:

Item Quality Acceptable Review Responsibility

Standard<0.5 Category<0. Occurrence<0. Acceptance<0.5
<1 Criteria<0.5 tolerance<0.5 Process<0.5 /Sign Off<0.5
marks> 5 marks> 5 marks> marks>
mark> marks> marks> marks> marks>

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3. What would you do to ensure project team members and stakeholders understood the quality plan
you documented above? (BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.2, 1.3, 1.4,1.5, PE 1, KE 2,4) 5 Marks

<2 marks allocated to state your action and 3 marks to explain your reason. Total of 5 marks>


B. Quality Recording and processes 35 Marks

((BSBPMG513 –1.1, 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. 2.4, 3.1, 3.2,3.3, PE 1-4, KE 1-5)

1. In this activity, you are to demonstrate a quality plan for your nominated project and provide
results of quality assurance and control activities - evidence of identification and resolution of
quality management issues and defects.
The degree of formality and level of detail is determined by the requirements and should include
the following:

- implementation of a quality policy

- quality objectives for the project
- A list of the standards, tools and techniques used
- A statement of how quality will be measured
- Work performance data
- Approved change request
- quality assurance audits of project performance
- completed checklists
- specific status reporting on the completion and
- outcomes of quality assurance activities

(Total of 25 Marks for this task)

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided which
are provided or create relevant template as required by the tasks. You may use templates from the
text or from your workplace that provide evidence of your competency.
(BSBPMG513 –1.1, 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. 2.4, 3.1, PE 1-4, KE 1-5)

<50% marks of the allocated marks for the questions and answers in Task A (Q2 and Q3), will be given for
providing theoretical aspect and remaining 50% marks for providing the relevancy on how the information fits
in within your project management functionalities. However, Assessor to assess if relevant theory and
reflection of the student’s nominated project has been provided by the student as per the requirement of the
tasks. Non-relevant answers will be considered not satisfactory>

You may use the template given below or any choice of your own:

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a) Overall statement on project quality (BSBPMG513 –1.2,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, PE 2, 3, KE 1-5) 5 Marks
<2 marks allocated to refer to criteria, specification or any standards and 3 marks to explaining the
required achievement of quality result. Total of 5 marks>


b) Processes used in development of the plan (BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, PE1,3,4, KE 1-5)

4 Marks
<1 mark allocated to state the required process, 1 mark allocated to state the reason and 2 marks
explaining how this process contributes achieving the required quality outcome. Total of 4 marks>


c) Definition of quality in a table: at least 3 Quality Items to be stated. (BSBPMG513 – 1.2,1.5

2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1, PE 2, 3, KE 1,2,3)

<Minimum 3 quality items to be identified - 2 marks allocated for providing all 3 Quality items and 1 mark
each for providing all associated appropriate measures, units, existing tools and timing data of those 3
quality items. Total of 6 marks>

6 Marks

Existing project
Measures for Units to Timing of
Quality Items tools that will
each quality measure each measurement
<2 marks> provide quality
item <1 mark> item <1 mark> <1 mark>
data <1 mark>

d) Quality control processes to be used to monitor quality (must be to be related to previous data
provided in the definition of quality table task B1(c). (BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, PE 3, KE 1,3)

<Minimum 3 items to be identified - 1 mark allocated for providing the 3 items, 3 marks allocated for
providing all appropriate measures against the 3 items and 2 marks for project stage of those 3 items.
Total of 6 marks> 6 Marks

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Item <1 mark> Measure <3 mark> Project stage <2 mark>

e) Quality assurance processes to be used. (BSBPMG513 –1.1, 1.2,1.3,1.5, 2.1 ,2.4, 3.1, PE 3, KE 2,3)

<Minimum 2 items to be given in each “ongoing” and “at the end” column - Must identify external and internal
for both contents. 1 mark each for external and internal quality assurance identified. Total of 4 marks.>
4 Marks

Ongoing (external and internal) <2 marks> At the end (external and internal) <2 marks>

2. For one of the variances in quality identified above, explain the action taken to correct the
variance. Also state how you would discuss this matter with your project team members to
ensure understanding and agreement on actions taken. (BSBPMG513 –2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.2,3.3, PE 1, 3,4,
KE 2,3, 4, 5) 5 Marks

<1 mark allocated to identify the variances in quality, 3 marks to explain your action of correction and 1 mark
to state to elicit views and opinions on others on agreed action. Total of 5 marks>


3. Explain how the quality management system enables accurate and timely recording of quality
audit data in your project. (BSBPMG513 –1.3, 2.1,2.2,2.4, PE 3, KE 2, 3,5) 5 Marks

<2 marks allocated to state how quality management system supports accurate and timely recording of
quality audit and 3 marks for explanation. Total of 5 marks>


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C. Quality Improvements 20 Marks
((BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.3,1.5,2.1,2.2, 2.3, 3.1,3.2,3.3, PE 1,3,4, KE 2,3,4,5)

<50% marks of the allocated marks for the questions and answers in Task C (Q1 - Q3), will be given for providing
theoretical aspect and remaining 50% marks for providing the relevancy on how the information fits in within
your project management functionalities. However, Assessor to assess if relevant theory and reflection of the
student’s nominated project has been provided by the student as per the requirement of the tasks. Non-
relevant answers will be considered not satisfactory>

1. Review your project performance in terms of quality management and state instigated agreed
changes during the project to ensure continuous quality improvement. You may refer to
BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope and reflect on the change request task, that may have
impacted on the project quality. (BSBPMG513 –3.1,3.2,3.3, PE 4, KE 2,3,4,5)
5 Marks

Note: If you have not completed the subject unit BSBPMG511 and have started with this course
with this subject as your initial subject unit, then consider a change within your project that has
been requested (either by you, your project team member or Sponsor) that may impact/have
impacted on your project baseline. Using this information respond to the above question.

<2 mark allocated to state the changes and 3 marks to explain your action of quality improvement. Total of 5


2. Would your quality management processes and procedures be considered effective?

Why/why not? Please consider any quality management tools and techniques, processes or
methods utilised. (BSBPMG513 –1.1, 1.3, 1.5,2.1, 2.2,3.1,3.2,3.3, PE 4, KE 1,2,3,5)
5 Marks
<1 mark allocated to state your response and 4 marks to explain. Total of 5 marks>


3. List at least 5 quality management issues you may have experienced during the execution of
your nominated the project (in the table below) including a recommendation for future
projects. (BSBPMG513 –1.1,2.3,3.1,3.2,3.3, PE 1,3,4, KE 3,4,5)

10 Marks
<1 marks allocated to identify each quality management issues (5 marks in total of 5 quality management
issues), 0.5 marks allocated to state recommendation( 2.5 marks in total of 5 state recommendation) 0.25 marks
allocated to state date ( 1.25 marks in total of dates provided), 0.25 marks allocated to providing lesson learnt
raised ( 1.25 marks in total of 5 lesson learnt. Total of 10 marks>

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Date <1.25 Description of Recommended Action for next Lesson Learnt
marks> problem/opportunity <5 marks> time/project <2.5 marks> Raised By <1.25


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