State of The Art in Floating Wind Turbine Design Tools: A. Cordle J. Jonkman
State of The Art in Floating Wind Turbine Design Tools: A. Cordle J. Jonkman
State of The Art in Floating Wind Turbine Design Tools: A. Cordle J. Jonkman
J. Jonkman
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Presented at the 21st International Offshore and Polar
Engineering Conference
Maui, Hawaii
June 19 – 24, 2011
Conference Paper
October 2011
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State of the Art in Floating Wind Turbine Design Tools
Andrew Cordle
GL Garrad Hassan and Partners Ltd
Bristol, United Kingdom
Jason Jonkman
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Golden, Colorado, USA
ABSTRACT that the tools continue to improve the accuracy of their loading and
response predictions, thus providing the confidence required for de-
This paper presents an overview of the simulation codes available to tailed floating platform design.
the offshore wind industry that are capable of performing integrated
dynamic calculations for floating offshore wind turbines. It provides a PREVIOUS RESEARCH
description of the modelling techniques employed by each of the differ-
ent codes, and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of these methods. Frequency-domain methods commonly are used in the offshore oil and
A review of the testing and validation activities performed for a number gas industries to analyze and design floating structures. These methods
of the design tools is also included. Conclusions are presented about also have been employed in a number of instances for the preliminary
the development needs and future verification activities required for design of floating wind turbines. Bulder et al. (2002) used linear fre-
these codes. quency-domain hydrodynamic techniques to find response amplitude
operators (RAOs) to investigate a tri-floater concept. Lee (2005) used a
KEY WORDS: Offshore; floating wind turbine; integrated design similar process to analyze a tension-leg platform (TLP) design.
tools; state of the art; numerical simulation; testing; validation Vijfhuizen (2006) used frequency-domain analysis to design a barge for
a 5-MW turbine, including a wave energy device. Wayman (2006)
INTRODUCTION performed calculations in the frequency domain to model various TLP
and barge designs. Sclavounos et al. (2007) performed a parametric
The offshore wind industry has experienced significant growth in re- design study of floating wind turbine concepts and mooring systems
cent years, and continues to expand worldwide. Nearly all of the off- using a coupled linear dynamic analysis in the frequency domain.
shore wind turbines installed to date are located in North European
Seas and are mounted on fixed-bottom support structures in water There are numerous advantages to design calculations in the frequency
depths of 35 m or less. There are a limited number of suitable shallow domain. For example, the studies discussed above were useful in dem-
water sites available in offshore locations for countries currently active onstrating the initial technical feasibility of floating wind turbines.
in offshore wind. Much of the global offshore wind resource is in loca- They showed that turbines could be designed so that the natural fre-
tions where the water is much deeper than it is at the sites of current quencies are placed away from the wave-energy spectrum to minimize
installations. The offshore resources also exist where fixed-bottom dynamic response. Frequency-domain calculations, however, also have
support structures are not feasible, for instance off the coasts of the important limitations. They cannot capture nonlinear dynamic charac-
United States, China, Japan, Spain, Portugal, and Norway. The possi- teristics and cannot model transient loading events—both of which are
bility of mounting wind turbines on floating support structures opens important for wind turbines because the nonlinear dynamics introduced
up the potential to use such deepwater resources. The economic poten- through transient events and control system actions are significant for
tial of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) is demonstrated in loads analysis. Matha (2009) performed a standard frequency-domain
Musial et al. (2004). Realization of this potential, however, requires analysis for a floating wind turbine and showed that some couplings
cost-effective floating wind turbine designs that can compete with other between the platform motion and the flexible tower and blades were not
energy sources. taken into account. This factor could lead to natural frequencies being
wrongly predicted and critical system resonances not being identified.
The design and manufacturing of optimized and cost-effective floating This result underscores the importance of performing calculations for
wind turbines requires reliable and sophisticated design tools that can floating wind turbines in the time domain. For the purposes of this
model the dynamics and response of floating wind turbine platforms in paper, therefore, frequency-domain design tools are not considered and
a comprehensive and fully integrated manner. Currently, several so- all the codes presented are based on a time-domain analysis.
phisticated simulation codes are capable of modelling floating offshore
wind turbines. This paper presents an overview of the current status of SUMMARY OF EXISTING DESIGN TOOLS
these codes, together with a description of the various modelling tech-
niques employed by the different codes, and an analysis of the strengths A number of design tools available to the offshore wind industry have
and weaknesses of these methods. The testing and validation of these the capability to model floating offshore wind turbines in a coupled
design tools is also reviewed, and conclusions are drawn about the time-domain dynamic analysis. This section presents the methods em-
development needs and future verification activities required to ensure ployed by those design tools known by the authors, and includes four
categories: structural dynamics, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and tails of the quasi-static mooring line module are given in Jonkman
mooring lines. The summaries presented here apply to the design tool (2009).
capabilities available at the time of writing; future development is
planned for most codes to expand their capabilities.
ADAMS by MSC ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Me-
chanical Systems) is a commercially available general-purpose MBS
code developed by MSC Software Corporation. The code is not wind
turbine-specific and also is used by the automotive, aerospace, and
robotics industries. ADAMS models of wind turbines can be generated
using the FAST tool’s FAST-to-ADAMS pre-processor functionality.
FAST with TimeFloat Coupling The TimeFloat software also has Hydrodynamics. The hydrodynamic forces can be calculated in AD-
been coupled to FAST with AeroDyn to model the dynamic response of AMS by interfacing with the hydrodynamic subroutine package Hy-
the WindFloat floating foundation concept for large offshore wind droDyn, as described above in the section relating to the FAST code.
turbines (Roddier et al., 2009). TimeFloat is a time-domain software Alternatively, an equivalent subroutine can be used for calculating
tool developed by Marine Innovation & Technology for the analysis of loads on the floating platform—see, for instance, Withee (2004).
floating structures. The coupling of TimeFloat to FAST with AeroDyn
enables the aerodynamic, hydrodynamic and mooring-system forces Mooring lines. The ADAMS code also can be extended in a similar
acting on the structure to be computed simultaneously, including the manner as the FAST code to enable the modelling of mooring lines.
nonlinear quasi-static mooring forces and the nonlinear viscous forces This can be done by solving the mooring line tensions quasi-statically
generated by the water-entrapment plates. As described above, the in a separate module and interfacing with the main code at each time
wave-interaction effects are processed in the frequency-domain soft- step. Alternatively, a look-up table specifying the relationship between
ware WAMIT and the resulting added-mass, damping, and mean-drift restoring force and platform displacement may be defined at the moor-
coefficients and wave-exciting forces are passed to the TimeFloat code. ing-line interface point.
The hydrodynamic forces then are calculated by TimeFloat and include
memory effects, wave-excitation forces (using force components com-
puted by WAMIT), viscous forces resulting from drag effects, drift
forces, and mooring-line forces. The hydrodynamic forces are provided
as an input to FAST with AeroDyn, which then solves the turbine and
tower equations of motion and passes the platform motion back to
particle kinematics is calculated using stream-function theory. The
order of the solution is chosen based on the input values of wave
height, wave period, and water depth.
Hydrodynamics. The hydrodynamic forces are modelled using the stan-
dard SIMO code. Linear Airy wave theory is assumed for calculating
wave kinematics. The calculation of hydrodynamic loads takes into
account linear and quadratic potential forces including frequency-
dependent excitation, added mass and damping contributions (calcu-
lated in the frequency domain using WAMIT), and slow drift. Viscous
drag forces from Morison’s equation, mooring-line forces, and body-to-
body hydrodynamic coupling force models are also included.
Mooring lines. The mooring lines are modelled using the RIFLEX
code. This enables the representation of mooring lines as finite ele-
ments, incorporating nonlinear material properties and dynamic proper-
ties. A separate mooring-system module is not required, as it is an inte-
grated part of the RIFLEX code.
SIMO/RIFLEX with HAWC2 Coupling The SIMO/RIFLEX code Figure 7: OC3-Hywind spar-buoy modelled in 3Dfloat (Nygaard et al.,
also has been coupled with the HAWC2 code in Skaare et al. (2007) 2009)
and Larsen and Hanson (2007). HAWC2 is an aeroelastic simulation
tool developed by Risø National Laboratory for the dynamic analysis of Structural dynamics. The 3Dfloat code uses FEM for modelling the
fixed-bottom wind turbines (Larsen and Hansen, 2007). The coupling structural dynamics of a floating wind turbine. Euler-Bernoulli beams
of these two codes enables detailed modelling of both the aerodynamic with 12 DOF are used, and geometric nonlinearities in the elements are
and hydrodynamic forces acting on a floating offshore wind turbine. taken into account by casting the model in a co-rotational framework.
The HAWC2 code also has been used to directly model a floating wind The rotor and drivetrain are modelled as rigid, with no interaction be-
turbine in Karimirad et al. (2009), with the mooring-line analysis per- tween the rotor and the tower. Flexibility is included in the tower. The
formed separately in SIMO/RIFLEX. global motion of the structure is taken into account by using structural
Structural dynamics. The HAWC2 code uses a combined linear FEM
and nonlinear MBS representation to calculate the structural dynamics Aerodynamics. Rotor aerodynamics is calculated in 3Dfloat using BEM
of a wind turbine. A number of separate bodies can be defined, consist- theory. Extensions for dynamic inflow and large yaw errors also are
ing of an assembly of linear Timoshenko beam finite elements. The included.
bodies are connected by algebraic constraint equations, which can take
the form of flexible joints, bearings, or rigid connections. Internal Hydrodynamics. The hydrodynamic forces are calculated in 3Dfloat
forces are calculated from these algebraic constraints. To couple the using Morison’s equation with wave particle kinematics derived using
two codes together, the position, velocity and acceleration vectors and linear Airy wave theory. The hydrodynamic loads include terms for
rotation matrix at the interface point are passed to HAWC2 by added mass of water from the acceleration of the structure, linear hy-
SIMO/RIFLEX. The reaction force at the interface point is returned to drostatic restoring, and nonlinear viscous drag.
SIMO/RIFLEX by HAWC2 at each time step.
Mooring lines. The mooring lines are modelled in 3Dfloat using beam
Aerodynamics. The aerodynamic forces on the rotor are calculated in finite elements with extensional stiffness included and bending stiffness
HAWC2 using BEM theory. The classic approach has been modified to neglected. The mooring lines also can be replaced by linear stiffness at
include the effects of dynamic inflow, dynamic stall, skewed inflow, the fairlead positions for the purposes of eigenfrequency analysis.
shear effects on induction, and effects from large deflections. The aero-
dynamic calculation points are positioned independently of the struc- SIMPACK by SIMPACK AG SIMPACK is a commercially available
tural nodes to provide an optimal distribution of these points. general-purpose MBS code developed by SIMPACK AG. The code is
used by the automotive, railway, aerospace, and robotics industries. A
Hydrodynamics and mooring lines. In Skaare et al. (2007) and Larsen version of SIMPACK—SIMPACK Wind—offers extensions to the
and Hanson (2007) the modelling of hydrodynamics and mooring lines original code that allow integrated wind turbine simulation. The SIM-
is performed in SIMO/RIFLEX, as described above. In Karimirad et al. PACK code has been used to model a floating wind turbine in Matha et
(2009) the hydrodynamic forces are calculated using Morison’s equa- al. (2011).
tion based on the instantaneous position of the platform. The mooring
lines are modelled in SIMO/RIFLEX using an FEM model and the
resulting force-displacement relationship applied as an external force at
the fairlead position.
Structural dynamics. The SIMPACK code uses an MBS representation A model of the floating wind turbine was built at 1:47 scale, with
to allow a large number of structural configurations and DOF. In SIM- Froude scaling applied. DC motors were used to control the rotational
PACK, the parts or bodies of the wind turbine structure are connected speed of the rotor and the blade pitch angle. A variety of sea states and
using complex joints with different types of force elements acting from wind velocities were tested, including the 100 year wave condition and
the inertial system on the bodies (e.g., aerodynamics on the rotor, hy- wind speeds above and below rated wind speed. The JONSWAP wave
drodynamics on the support structure) and between bodies (e.g., spring- spectrum was applied with turbulent wind for both the simulations and
damper elements). The parts of the wind turbine where the relative the model experiments. The measured hub wind speed from the model
deflection of the bodies is small in comparison to the rigid-body motion scale experiments was used as the basis for the turbulent wind field
are considered rigid. The SIMPACK code is able to include flexible used in the simulations, with corrections for Reynolds number effects.
FEM bodies of arbitrary geometry with the C-B method into the MBS The results of these tests showed very good agreement between the
model to account for larger deflections. This option is used for model- responses of the scale model and the predictions from the simulation
ling of the wind turbine blades and tower. An FEM blade model, con- code. The results also showed a significant increase in the damping of
sisting of Euler-Bernoulli or Timoshenko beam elements, is reduced by the tower motion when active blade-pitch damping was introduced.
the C-B method and is capable of considering bending in flap- and
edgewise direction, torsional and tensional rigidity, and the relevant Another floating wind turbine code which has been validated with the
coupling effects. The relevant geometric stiffening effects are included use of measurements is TimeFloat, a time-domain design tool for cou-
for the reduction, representing a nonlinear model for medium dis- pled analysis of floating structures (described above). The hydrody-
placements. The blade model also can be split into separate C-B re- namic calculations within this code were validated using wave-tank
duced flexible bodies that are connected with zero DOF, representing a tests performed at the University of California-Berkeley ship-model
nonlinear blade model for large displacements. The validation for the testing facility (Roddier et al., 2009). A 1:105 scale model of the float-
nonlinear behaviour is based on a comparison with the FEM code ing platform was fabricated. It included a foam disk at the tower top to
Abaqus, and is described in more detail in Matha et al. (2010) The represent wind forces and an electrical motor to model the gyroscopic
flexible tower is modelled with the same approach. Single- and multi- effect of the rotor. A three-hour realization of the 100-year sea state
torsional drivetrain models can be implemented to account for flexibil- was generated with and without steady wind, and the resulting platform
ity of the bedplate and other components. Drivetrain models for spe- motion measured using a digital video camera. The floating platform
cific analysis, mainly for frequency domain analysis, also can include also was modelled in the TimeFloat software using a simplified model
models for tooth contacts. for aerodynamic forces acting on the rotor. The results from these nu-
merical simulations then were compared with the measurements from
Aerodynamics. The AeroDyn aerodynamic subroutine package is used the tank tests. The comparison of model test results and numerical
to calculate aerodynamic forces in SIMPACK, as described above in simulations showed good agreement, with the TimeFloat software gen-
the section relating to the FAST code. erally underpredicting platform motion slightly. This is most likely due
to imperfections in the model and experiment data.
Hydrodynamics. The hydrodynamic forces in SIMPACK are calculated
by interfacing with the hydrodynamic subroutine package HydroDyn, Other measurement campaigns are being planned. The University of
as described above in the section relating to the FAST code. Maine DeepCwind Consortium in the U.S. has been awarded a $7.1-
million grant to develop floating offshore wind capacity. One of the
Mooring lines. SIMPACK can model mooring lines two ways. One stated aims of this project is to validate the coupled aero-hydro-elastic
method is to solve the mooring-line tensions quasi-statically in a sepa- models developed by NREL. The research program will include tank
rate module and interface with the main code at each time step. The testing, deployment of prototypes, and field validation.
other way is to use an integrated nonlinear MBS mooring-line model,
in which each line is discretized into separate rigid or flexible bodies The EOLIA project, led by Acciona, also has included some code-to-
connected by spring-damper elements. measurement tests. The objective of the project is to develop solutions
for the design and implementation of deepwater offshore wind farms.
TESTING AND VALIDATION OF DESIGN TOOLS As part of the project, the capabilities of FAST with AeroDyn and Hy-
droDyn have been extended and applied to the analysis of three floating
The development of design tools capable of modelling floating plat- concepts (spar buoy, TLP, and semi-submersible), alongside compari-
forms is an important step forward for the offshore wind turbine indus- sons with the SIMO/RIFLEX code. To verify the models, tank tests
try, but the results obtained from these codes must be shown to be ac- also have been performed at 1:40 scale for each of the concepts. No
curate and reliable. Comprehensive testing and validation therefore is public results from this project are currently known to the authors.
crucial for giving sufficient confidence to developers and investors.
The best way to achieve such confidence is to take measurements from The HiPRwind project is an EU research project awarded in the 2010
a real machine and compare the measured data with the results from Seventh Framework Programme. The project aims to develop and test
numerical simulations. The floating wind turbine industry is relatively new solutions for offshore wind farms at a large scale. One of the main
new, therefore very little measurement data is available to use to vali- aims of the HiPRwind project is to install a 1:10-scale model of a fu-
date the codes. Therefore, a second method also is employed—that of ture commercial 10-MW floating wind turbine installation. The model
comparing the results of different codes with each other. will be deployed in real sea conditions, and will be used to monitor and
assess the important operational parameters. The resulting measurement
Code-to-Measurement Comparisons A number of studies have been data will be an important contribution toward overcoming the gap be-
performed by Statoil for the development of the Hywind floating wind tween small-scale tank testing and full-scale offshore deployment.
turbine concept, see Nielsen et al. (2006). The Hywind floating plat-
form concept consists of a deep-water slender spar-buoy with three Other current and future FOWT research projects include the EU
catenary mooring lines. The integrated SIMO/RIFLEX/HAWC2 design DeepWind project, the Spanish Azimut project, the ZEFIR Test Station
tool was used in Skaare et al. (2007) to model the structure. As part of project off the coast of Spain, and the FOWT prototypes being jointly
the development of this concept, model-scale experiments were carried developed and tested by Sasebo Heavy Industries and Kyoto Univer-
out at the Ocean Basin Laboratory at MARINTEK in Trondheim to sity, Currently there is no detailed information about code-to-
validate the coupled wind and wave modelling of the Hywind concept. measurement campaigns planned for these projects.
Code-to-Code Comparisons In addition to validating codes using SESAM and DeepC. The SESAM and DeepC tools were not included
measurements, an important way to verify the predictive accuracy of in the discussion above because currently they cannot model the cou-
numerical simulation tools is through code-to-code comparisons. Most pled dynamics of the turbine with floating platform. A variety of differ-
of the codes used for the analysis of floating wind turbines have been ent load cases were performed. These included a full-system eigenana-
validated in this manner. One example is the FAST code, the aero- lysis; a static equilibrium test; free-decay tests for each of the six rigid-
elastic features of which have been verified through comparisons with body degrees of freedom of the platform; time series response tests with
ADAMS, described in Buhl (2001). Another example is the regular waves and irregular waves modelled with a rigid rotor and no
SIMO/RIFLEX code used to model the Hywind floating wind turbine wind; time-series response tests with regular waves and irregular waves
concept, which was validated in part through comparisons with Hy- modelled with a flexible rotor and steady and turbulent wind; and “ef-
windSim, a relatively simple MATLAB/Simulink code developed for fective RAOs” calculated with regular waves at varying frequencies.
the purposes of such comparison in Nielsen et al. (2006). Numerous Not all of the codes were able to contribute results to every test case
code-to-code comparison methods were used to verify the hydrody- performed due to various limitations on their modelling capabilities.
namic calculation module HydroDyn used in the FAST code. These The test cases provided a number of interesting results, some of which
methods included comparisons between the WAMIT frequency-to-time are outlined below.
conversion and HydroDyn calculations; comparisons between the
mooring-line force-displacement relationship calculated by the quasi- Structural dynamics. The participating codes all employ different
static method and that calculated by another code; and comparisons methods for modelling structural dynamics, which was illustrated in a
between time-domain results and frequency-domain results. The meth- number of differences in the results. The rotor-nacelle assembly was
ods are described in full in Jonkman (2009). The GH Bladed code has modelled rigidly in 3Dfloat and both the rotor-nacelle assembly and
recently undergone development from a pure modal representation of tower were modelled rigidly in SIMO, SESAM, and DeepC. This
structural dynamics to a MBS representation, as described above. The meant that these codes could not model structural deflections in these
new code structure is released in Bladed v4.0. Several levels of testing components. The FAST code predicted a higher natural frequency for
and validation were carried out for the new code structure, including the second blade asymmetric flapwise yaw frequency than that pro-
code-to-code comparisons and code-to-measurement campaigns. Full vided by the other codes. This is because FAST does not account for a
details are given in Witcher et al. (2010). torsional mode in the tower, whereas other codes that include tower
flexibility do account for this mode. The ADAMS code predicted less
The most extensive code-to-code comparison work in the offshore wind energy from the irregular wave simulations in the power spectra for
industry has been performed as part of the Offshore Code Comparison tower-top shear and rotor torque at the second tower and blade bending
Collaboration (OC3) project within the International Energy Agency natural frequencies than produced by FAST and Bladed. This might be
(IEA) Wind Task 23 (Jonkman et al., December 2010). In this project, because of an effect typical of ADAMS simulations, in which numeri-
a number of participants used different aero-elastic codes to model the cal damping increases with frequency.
coupled dynamic response of the same wind turbine and support struc-
ture, with the same environmental conditions. The results were com- Aerodynamics. Most of the participating codes use BEM theory for the
pared to verify the accuracy and correctness of the modelling capabili- calculation of aerodynamic loads with the exception of SESAM and
ties of the participant codes, and to improve the predictions. DeepC, which did not model aerodynamics for the purposes of this
project. The 3Dfloat, SIMO, SESAM, and DeepC codes modelled the
Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Phase IV In Phase IV of rotor as rigid, which meant that the aero-elastic response was not rigor-
the OC3 project a floating offshore wind turbine was modelled (Jonk- ously modelled. One example of this was in the calculation of effective
man et al., April 2010). The turbine model used was the publicly avail- RAOs, for which the 3Dfloat code showed lower excitation in yaw,
able 5-MW baseline wind turbine developed by NREL, and the floating greater excitation in fairlead tensions, and greater excitation at the first
platform was a modification of the Hywind spar-buoy developed by tower bending frequency for all parameters. This was thought to be due
Statoil of Norway. The turbulent wind fields and irregular wave kine- to differences in aerodynamic damping due to the rigid rotor, although
matics were generated independently and were provided to all partici- it also could have been related to the modelling of the rigid spar with
pants to ensure tight control of all the inputs. A stepwise verification beam elements of artificially high stiffness. The 3Dfloat code also gave
procedure then was used, and the complexity of both the model and the a higher mean thrust in the simulations with regular wind and waves,
test cases was increased with each step. which corresponded with higher platform surge and pitch displace-
include wave radiation damping for the analysis of floating support ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The present work was funded by the Commission of the European
Mooring lines. Various methods are used in the different codes for Communities, Research Directorate-General within the scope of the
modelling mooring lines. These included both user-defined force- Integrated Project “UpWind – Integrated Wind Turbine Design” (Pro-
displacement relationships and full dynamic models. The SESAM and ject No. 019945 (SES6)).
DeepC codes used FEM for the mooring lines, and also predicted more
energy content above 0.1 Hz for fairlead tension in the power spectra REFERENCES
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