Ultimate Guide To LinkedIn Ads
Ultimate Guide To LinkedIn Ads
Ultimate Guide To LinkedIn Ads
Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for
Performance Marketers
Targeting for your First Campaign
LinkedIn Matched Audiences
Design Considerations
Text Overlays
Utilizing Video for Brand Awareness
Testing Your Creative
Attribution Challenges
Analyzing Performance and Optimization
With this guide, we’ll take you through the best practices
with targeting, ad formats for your message and audience,
creative tests to run, opportunities with ABM, how to run
performance analytics and more. Everything you’ll need to
launch your first campaign, and get it to perform for your
business, is right here.
3 3
LinkedIn Ads Campaign Structure 4
LinkedIn Ads
Ads Campaign
Campaign Structure
Structure 55
USE FOR >> Messaging that moves leads toward the next stage of qualification, re-engaging
lapsed customers or free users, or upselling/cross-selling existing customers.
USE FOR >> Targeting past visitors to specific product pages, pricing pages, signup
abandoners, or for B2C advertisers, cart abandoners. Exclude past visitors from campaigns
for pure prospecting where you are more likely to introduce them to the brand for the first
USE FOR >> Serving ads to target accounts at various stages of consideration, or excluding
employees of specific companies from campaigns.
There are a few additional LinkedIn targeting options which you can consider for
expansion purposes if you monitor performance.
Lookalike (LaL) Targeting: Like Facebook, LinkedIn can use an uploaded audience (email addresses of 300
or more users) or website audiences to find other users on the platform with the most similar characteristics.
Unlike Facebook, you cannot build lookalikes of various percentages of similarity. At the time of this writing,
Lookalike targeting is very new and the technology is still developing, so we only recommend testing as an
incremental option once core platform targeting options (like Job Functions and Titles) have been exhausted.
Audience Network: Activating the Audience Network will show your LinkedIn ads on partner sites, similar to
the Facebook Audience Network. At the time of this writing, there is little control over where these ads are
placed or for the bids and budgets allocated to this inventory. Given the lack of transparency and levers to
improve performance, we generally do not recommend it at this time.
Audience Expansion: Similar to lookalike targeting, this is a tool that gives you the option to advertise to
people outside of your targeting pool that may be relevant. Unlike lookalikes, this can expand targeting
based on LinkedIn platform audiences instead of using your email list or website audiences as the starting
point. Because it expands beyond your chosen targeting on its own terms, performance-minded advertisers
should be very cautious with testing.
Ad Units 9
LinkedIn Ads offers a variety of ad types to optimize your message and delivery to
your target audiences. Below is a breakdown of each ad type, how to best use it, and
what to consider to drive results.
Sponsored Content:
Specs - Image Size: 1200x627 px, Intro Text: 600 characters
• Lead Quality: Beyond email type, you may find the lead
quality of Lead Generation campaigns is lower than
campaigns directed to your website. Why? For one, your
website form may allow for validation steps that LinkedIn
doesn’t. Also, visiting a landing page offers another
opportunity for the user to question their readiness to
submit. Some may find the extra qualification is more
valuable, others the added lead volume. Testing is key.
Sponsored InMail:
Specs: Image Size: 300x250 px, Subject Line: 60 characters, Body: 1,500 characters
the best result. Because message length
Sponsored InMail delivers ad messages will be longer than other formats, it’s great
and optional banner images directly for already engaged leads who are warm
into users’ LinkedIn inboxes and allows and/or further down the funnel. Finally, you
for more messaging to promote your should add the optional banner image if at
offer. Sponsored InMail can be sent from all possible to maximize engagement.
the LinkedIn profiles of people at your
company and can address users by Sponsored InMail can be very effective, but
name for a highly personalized feel. Be it is expensive compared to other options
thoughtful about what user you choose from an impression standpoint. Heads up:
to send from - a company leader with a You’ll be charged for each sent InMail, even
professional LinkedIn profile image will get if the user chooses not to open it.
Text ads are easy to create and a relatively inexpensive option compared
to other ad types, since you only pay based on clicks or impressions.
Text ads display on the right-hand side of the desktop interface, and they
have great viewability - they actually stay on the user’s screen even as
they scroll down the LinkedIn newsfeed. For those who want to keep
their messaging in front of their audience while saving on cost, text ads
are an efficient option, though the branding impact pales in comparison
to the larger and media-rich Sponsored Content ads. Text ads often work
best as companion ads to broader campaigns involving LinkedIn’s more
immersive ad types. Try them as a remarketing campaign or in support of
higher budget Sponsored Content campaigns.
Tailoring the customer journey can be a powerful strategy to engage
with your audience. With dynamic ads, businesses can customize
their messaging by incorporating user profile information such as the
user’s own photo, company, title, and more. You can have that content
displayed in the ad unit to make it look like the offer is personalized to
them. Like Text ads, Dynamic ads appear on the right side of the desktop
interface and also remain on a user’s screen as they scroll through their
Similar to Facebook’s ad product of the same name, the core of this ad
type is a string of image-based cards. You can use the cards to either go
in-depth in one offer or advertise multiple offers. Each card can lead to its
own landing page, or you can use carousel ads with the Lead Gen Form,
in which case all cards populate the same form. Like with sponsored
video, this option is useful for telling a visual story, great for both brand
awareness or conversions. If using carousel ads, we advise running a few
different tests, such as adjusting the number or cards or the order of the
Bidding Options 14
Cut your bids when launching Text Ads. With Text Ads on
5 LinkedIn, you can start your bids much lower than Sponsored
Content Ads, often around $1 to $3.
Ad Creative Strategy 15
When choosing images,
Whereas Facebook limits text overlays on ad images to
20% or less of total pixels, LinkedIn doesn’t. You don’t have
to include them, but doing so can improve ad recall and
engagement. Many ads and user posts contain just an image,
so adding an overlay can be a key way to differentiate your
image or offering from other posts in the feed.
• Users will tune out the same ad image seen too often
• Refreshing and rotating creative has a huge impact on engagement and performance
• Plan campaigns with at least 12 pieces of creative to start - three different sets of four, with each having a
different base creative idea or core image.
Though there is limited control for creative testing on LinkedIn, there is still a lot to be learned by doing it.
• Run bigger tests to start a campaign and refine down to more nuanced tests as the campaign runs. For
• Test 1: Compare digital illustration versus photography involving people
• Test 2: Add or modify the CTA button on the image
• Test 3: Change copy overlays and/or the intro copy
Don’t forget to record outcomes for cumulative learning across tests and campaigns. This will help you
make better assumptions and begin with more worthwhile tests in future campaigns.
As of this writing, LinkedIn will only show 4 unique ads to a single user from
any given ad account in a 48-hour period. If you only have one ad targeted to
an audience, you’ll be able to show the ad to any given user once per 48-hour
period, for two ads you’ll be able to show both of those once per 48 hours, and
so on. So, to maximize your impression frequency, you will want to have at least
4 unique ads running to a given audience or campaign. Once you find top
performing offers and creative, you likely can pull back that number for “always-on”
or “evergreen” campaigns since frequency isn’t as much of an imperative.
MARKETING Target Account Management
The Matched Audience feature will help you reach your
target account list, and you have a number of options to get
Account-based marketing (ABM) is a
marketing discipline that involves sales
1. Directly upload your target accounts using email lists or
and marketing teams targeting specific
website URLs
businesses to turn them into customers
through a coordinated strategy. Adopting 2. Use a marketing automation suite like Hubspot or Marketo
ABM goes well beyond what we’ll cover
3. Use a data management platform like LiveRamp
here, but LinkedIn’s ad targeting makes
it an indispensable tool for marketing to 4. Use ABM platforms like Terminus
target accounts in ABM. Though many of
the more advanced tactics and analysis in Updating lists can be cumbersome in LinkedIn directly,
ABM will require a software partner, you depending on list size and update frequency. LinkedIn’s
can use LinkedIn Ads immediately to begin audience integration partners will update list membership
advertising to a list of target accounts with automatically in each campaign. Their partner list is changing
ads that match the company’s industry and all the time; check with your platform’s support to find out if
use case, and offers that match their point in they are a LinkedIn integration partner.
the buying process.
Account-Based Marketing 19
One-to-One: If you’re hoping to get fully personalized by naming the targeted company in your ad creative, it’s
possible to do, but requires a campaign for every company. For that reason, unless you have only a handful
of companies you want to target in that fashion, LinkedIn Ads is best activated for one-to-few or one-to-many
ABM campaigns.
LinkedIn Ads have similar challenges as other but then actually converts on another. Like with
social channels when it comes to evaluating its Facebook ads, that type of connection can only
true impact, just perhaps not to the same extent. be made by LinkedIn and is only reported in their
We touched on accounting for impressions in the conversion data. Unlike Facebook, at the time of this
above section, and how accounting for LinkedIn writing, LinkedIn does not provide insight into the
Ads purely off of click-based conversions in all amount of cross-device conversions they’re tracking
likelihood is undercounting its value. So when in reported totals. This makes it nearly impossible to
evaluating LinkedIn using click-based attribution estimate its true value in third-party tools. Here’s a tip:
in tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Omniture, • Mobile has an 80% share of traffic for feed ads,
or even point solutions for marketing attribution, compared to over 90% for Facebook
you should always consider whether LinkedIn
• If you also run Facebook ads, you could estimate
Ads is being valued appropriately for budgeting
a 15-20% lower cross-device multiplier for
LinkedIn than what you typically account for with
Facebook ads
• If not running Facebook ads, you may need to
Because users are logged in, LinkedIn has the look for other sources of cross-device conversion
unique ability to report on conversions that occur data to approximate an adjustment.
when a user sees or clicks an ad on one device,
Add ValueTrack Parameters Before Launching
Web analytics software like Google Analytics will by default classify LinkedIn
Ads traffic as organic or referral social network traffic. To keep organic and
paid LinkedIn traffic separate when evaluating it, you will want to add utm_
source=linkedin and utm_medium=cpc parameters to your URLs (these may
differ if you have unique, custom source and medium values already in place).
Additionally, for Google Analytics, you may have to adjust Default Channel
Groupings rules to reclassify “linkedin/cpc” traffic as Paid Social if you haven’t
previously adjusted rules for other paid social channels.
Visit the Website Demographics interface
routinely to know how your LinkedIn
audiences are performing. Consider ways
to increase penetration for those that are
performing best, and identify which audiences
perform poorly to either exclude or reconsider
messaging and offers.
Video Ads
1 A click on a video pauses the video instead of directing to your landing page. Include a Call-to-Action
button in the ad, and always add a shortened link at the end of body text for easier navigation to the page.
Minimum Audiences
LinkedIn Ads’ minimum audience size per campaign is 300 users. An audience that small might make
sense for uploaded lists or remarketing, but for prospecting, we generally recommend a minimum size of
200,000 using LinkedIn’s audiences.
High CPC
3 Advertisers are often surprised by LinkedIn traffic cost, but it matches the quality of the audience
targeting. If you follow the other advice in this guide and compare lead sources to one another, you’ll
often find that the lead quality justifies it.
UTC Time
5 The date and time in the LinkedIn Ads interface is UTC/GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), so if you’re located
on the West Coast of the US, consider that when monitoring spend or scheduling campaign launch and
end timing.
Budget Sensitivity
7 Budget adjustments on LinkedIn can be felt far faster than other ad channels you might be running now.
If you crank up budget in a campaign and check in a couple hours later, don’t be surprised to see a big
spike in volume.
When Metric Theory first partnered with ServiceMax, they had recently moved away from SMB marketing
and were targeting larger enterprise-level deals. To shift focus to enterprise deals, Metric Theory knew that
accurate end-to-end lead quality tracking would be essential. Once comprehensive ad tracking parameters,
Salesforce dashboard access, and lead quality reporting were in place, Metric Theory & ServiceMax set the
following goals:
Thanks to its high-quality audience data, LinkedIn Ads is very effective at reaching and closing the target
audience profile. Since activating LinkedIn, 85% of ServiceMax’s sales opportunities have been sent by
LinkedIn retargeting as the last touch. While LinkedIn is typically used to prospect and create awareness for
ideal professionals and companies, ServiceMax and Metric Theory have also taken advantage of the platform
to remain top-of-mind and close enterprise leads. In the case of ServiceMax. Search creates the awareness,
then LinkedIn retargeting drives leads for effective pipeline growth.
ServiceMax is a leading software company that
provides field service software to enterprise
businesses. They focus on industries related to