Libraries Synthesis Essay
Libraries Synthesis Essay
Libraries Synthesis Essay
the future of public libraries. While some commentators question whether libraries can stay relevant,
others see new possibilities for libraries in the changing dynamics of today’s society.
Carefully read the following six sources, including the introductory information for each source. Write
an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on
the role, if any, that public libraries should serve in the future.
Libraries have a variety of different options that they can be used for like picking up books, but
nowadays, those options seem rarely needed. With technology advancing every day, libraries do not
seem as beneficial and convenient as they use to be. With this, libraries should not serve a purpose
in the future because they have been seen to not be as beneficial as they were once before,
convenient, technologically advanced, and outdated value.
The benefits from libraries before technological advances included a space for people to share
interests and learn, pick up new books to read, and a quiet workspace. Now, we are able to do all of
this without leaving our homes. According to Source E, Siegler writes, "But even then, ten years ago,
the internet was replacing the need to go to a library. And now, with e-books,... simply because it’s a
quiet place to study. . . .". Basically, Siegler is saying that even ten years ago, technology was already
replacing libraries with something more convenient, something at our fingertips. Personally, I rarely
went to the library as a kid as there was Amazon, but I know not everyone is fortunate enough for
that, but schools offer libraries inside as well. As Siegler goes on, he makes the statement, "But no
one wants to admit it because calling for the end of libraries seems about as popular as the Dewey
Decimal System" implying that it's an obvious topic that no one wants to discuss. With this,
technology is replacing the needs for libraries every day and since this is a topic that is uncommonly
heard of, there is no advancement with the uses for libraries.
As convenience is the number one factor in everything made today, libraries are no longer
considered convenient. With having to find your closest library and drive there, there is already use of
technology. In source D, the graph is comparing the use of print and e-books for those over 16.
According to the bar graph, the results show that e-books are able to replace print books in general.
WIth having a very wide variety of books to choose from at your fingertips, there is no need for a
library. Although they apply to different activities, e-books prove to be the most convenient and
beneficial for ages over 16. This is because the public space is out of the way when needed as
quickly as possible and long-lasting for your convenience. The other bar graph is showing the
percentage of people that needed help from librarians based on their age. Results show that
16-17-year-olds are the ones who needed the most help. This is most likely because they grew up in
a society that has relied on technology for everyday needs, and do not know how libraries work
because they rarely there. The older generations needed less help because they grew up with
libraries instead. All in all, technology has made libraries seem less convenient and beneficial as they
once were.
As libraries continue to not have striking benefits or advancements, they undergo funding cuts. In
source F, its shows data of how "twenty-three states reported cuts in state funding for public
libraries from 2010–2011 to 2011–2012. For three years in a row, more than 40% of participating
states have reported decreased public library funding". This concludes that many states are not
funding libraries because they don't have much value. Since libraries are considered to be outdated,
many people do not invest or spend money there, but in technology they do. With this, the lack of
funding they experience in modern times is an obvious reason that libraries lack the value they use
to serve. In conclusion, libraries should not serve a purpose in the future due to the lack of benefits,
inconvenience, outdated value, and technology.