Business 1

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“Business” is the word, the superbly focal point of all ages from the beginning of human history till

and it will keep hold around all coming ages till the end of human existence. With the passage of time
values and traditions regarding business were and still a topic of regular change, but in any age it is the
factor which never changed its need is “business”.
Now, in the present age where the directions, techniques and modes of many aspects have changed, a
revolution regarding “Business” is also showing its importance also. These days we are living in a crisis
of a pandemic named as “COVID 19” and by the view point of work or business we are living in a
COVID Economy. Needs or professions are not changed but the modes of work are totally changed. A
huge bulk of professions is mostly shifted online and market is now full of a large no of skillful
professionals available from all over the world.
“I” , “Myself” is a new one in the field of skillful professionals and want to prove myself as a competent
one. I am confident regarding my talents keeping a powerful set of skills.
My name is ----------------------------------------- and I am -------------- years of age having work
experience of --------------years regarding business as a student.
As every personality have some traits with positive and strong reasons to be considered, I am well versed
. Communication skills, . Creative writing,
. Innovation, . Computer applications,
. Entrepreneurship, . Marketing skills,
. Critical thinking, . Presentations (By own
self/multimedia & other modes),
. Motivational approach. . Social media network,
. Business & office management, . Digital marketing,
. Leadership skills, . Organizational skills,
. Skills regarding people & behaviors, . Collaboration skills,
. Time quality management skills, . Problem solving skills.
Now, with the changing traditions of business “Entrepreneur ship” has become a proper field and trait
in itself as well. “Entrepreneurs” may be called magicians to work wonders in the field of business
regarding “What?”, “When?”, “where?” and “How?” to start. It is the one of the best features of my work
experience. Compatibility, honesty, devoutness and promises to keep are the words explaining my
“multidisciplinary, well focused, tailored and innovative” nature.
As a business student I remained a best student by showing my leadership as well as group management
abilities as well as the best features of my presentations regarding business cases and criteria simulation
a) To Be functional by using low risk, low cost and compatible promotional techniques.
b) To be more reluctant, competent, organized, confident and superbly energized in competence.
c) To be more cultural, social and ethical because I knew well

 How to keep the process boiling,

 How to target the required community?
 How to generate need, loyalty and confidence of client?
How to keep the audience bound to be good clients and high rating indicators?
It is a known fact that digital media has captured the minds and markets. Fortunately, I am a pro in it. I
know well how to use different digital media channels like you Tube, Instagram, twitter etc. even I am an
expert in “SEO on page and SEO off page measures” to keep and maintain.
It is an art and a fun to keep the digital media audience regular, rating indicator and in bound and it is a
crafty thing to fulfill all 5D’s e.g. Digital devices, Digital data, Digital media, Digital platforms (e.g.
video marketing) and Digital technology and it is my proficiency and most integrated feature in my
As my training and study regarding business shows that I am a team leader in real, To win the said title
I adopted the following strategies to keep my group members physically and my audience in bound at
digital media and website: -
a) Focus on “you” as a unique one.
b) Regular content update with positive issues.
c) Tried my best to feel like a best companion to know the needs.
d) Always created the need with too cool push ups.
e) Regular appreciation for audience even by positive replies.
f) Built my personal brand.
g) Kept myself consistent toward my work.
h) Generated valuable comments.
i) Always delivered quality and value.
j) Provided unexpected and surprise incentives.
Cultural and social values are a remarkable part to consider in every type of marketing and it remained
my best policy to keep the contents positive and for all not for a specific school of thought. My own
social media group is too large and active with multiple communities and successfully getting positive
push ups regarding my website and other social media channels. Public opinion is a must to keep the
developmental process up and to welcome it always “whether it is in favor or not “ is the key to success
to play the “WIN, WIN” game.
Now, communication skills at a high rate have become the part and parcel of every trait whether anyone
is going to present at local community level or at high profile business meetings, well chosen words in
best summarized way prove the command and proficiency of the concerned ones. There is not a single
platform of social or digital media even where it is not applicable. We can even say that only good
communication skills are the base of all marketing and business gaining tact & strategies. So, in the said
regard I am the best natural communicator and presenter as well.

By keeping in view all the said, it is enough and much sufficient to showcase my abilities as “Your

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