Health Education (Midterm) : PPT Based Notes

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Health Education (Midterm)

- Learning occurs in an orderly
fashion, from the simple to the complex, from
the complex to the abstract.

“No single theory of learning has yet emerged

that is applicable to the wide array of
outcomes in the many different settings in Proposes that humans cannot be
which learning occurs.” "given" information which they immediately
understand and use. Instead, humans must
- a coherent framework of "construct" their own knowledge. They build
integrated constructs and principles that their knowledge through experience.
describe, explain or predict how people learn.

- must demonstrate that they regularly

employ sound methods and clear rationale in Key behaviorist thinkers including Thorndike,
their education efforts, patient and family Pavlov and Skinner have hypothesized that
interactions, staff management and training, learning is a change in observable behavior
continuing education and health promotion caused by external stimuli in the
programs. environment. The key principle of
Behaviorism is the reward or punishment of a
new behavior.

: Learning is a permanent
change in observable behavior as a result of
The learner is passive controlled by the
environment. A response that already occurs : Change in
in the presence of one stimulus can be
observable behavior
"conditioned" to occur following a different
stimulus. This learning theory is very :
important for emotional learning.
Mental processes are not important.

Learning can be transferred from one

situation to another. Assessment of learner’s
behavior is necessary. Replaced Behaviorism as the dominant
learning paradigm in the 1960s and proposes
Teaching is the deliberate that learning comes from mental activity such
manipulation of the environment. as memory, motivation, thinking and
reflection. In cognitivism, learning is the
Learning is a result of process of connecting pieces of knowledge in
conditioning and experiences. It is meaningful and memorable ways.
encouraged by changing the environment.
: A relatively permanent
- The learner must understand change in mental representations or
the goals. Education should promote learner associations due to experience. It is the
independence. building of connections in schema through a
process of assimilation and accommodation.
- Learning is affected by
: A change in
culture and value system. The learner is an
active participant in the learning process. mental representations that are displayed
through behavior.

Health Education (Midterm)

Learning occurs internally through changes - Prime mover of the educational
in mental structure. wheel.

- the key participants in the

learning process.
-It only studies observable and external
behavior. It cannot be seen, therefore cannot
be studied. This is simple reaction to a
stimulus. - provides essential features and
ingredients that could make
headway in guiding the processes
and methodologies needed for a
smooth linkage among the three.
- It specifically studies internal

- The learner is an embodied spirit,

-The Social Learning Theory states that a union of a sentient body and a
people learn from one another via rational soul. His body experiences
observation, imitation, and modeling. sensations and feels pleasure and
pain. His soul is the principle of
-It is often referred to as a bridge behaviorist spiritual acts, the source of
and cognitive learning theories because it intellectual abstraction, self-
encompasses attention, memory, and
reflection, and free rational
: An acquisition of those
behavior patterns which society expects.

It occurs by observation and modeling within

a social context. All learners are equipped with cognitive
as well as appetitive faculties however,
Shared control between behavior, the
they differ in the degree to which they are
environment, and the internal events that
influence perception. utilized and expressed on the account of
the learners’ abilities, aptitudes,
: Behavior does interests, values and attitudes and home.
not have to be displayed at all to show

: -The students’ native ability dictates the

Learning occurs internally through social prospects of success in any purposeful
experiences in the environment. activity. It determines their capacity to
understand and assimilate information
for their own use and application.

- It refers to the students’ innate talent or gift.

Principal elements that make teaching It indicates a natural capacity to learn certain
and learning possible and attainable:

Health Education (Midterm)

working towards improving his/her own
-Learners vary in activities that are
undertaken due to a strong appeal or

All learners are equipped with cognitive and

appetitive faculties. They differ in the degree
to which they are utilized and expressed on The learning environment is the place where
account of the Learner’s: teaching and learning can take place in the
most effective and productive manner.

1. Comfortable
2. Confidential
3. Safe
- Ensures privacy and opportunity to
engage confidential communication.
- Common area to maximize visual and
auditory privacy from other patients
or staff.
- With easy access and setting
applicable to all patients.

The professional teacher is the “licensed

professional who possesses dignity with high
moral values as well as technical and - When planning and designing and
professional competence...he/she adheres to, evaluating an educational program, the nurse
observes, and practices a set of ethical and educator must carefully consider the
moral principles, standards, and values.” characteristics of learners with respect to
(Code of Ethics of Nurses). The professional their developmental stage in life.
teacher is one who went through four-to-five-
year period of rigorous academic preparation - Chronological age is only a relative
and one who is given a license to practice by indicator of someone’s physical, cognitive and
Professional Regulation Commission. psychosocial stage of development.

A professional health educator possesses the

following attributes:

1. Control of the knowledge base of teaching

-is the art and science of helping children
and learning and use this knowledge to guide
the science and art of his/her practice.

2. Repertoire of best teaching practice and 1. Infancy and Toddlerhood

can use these to instruct children in
classrooms and to work with adults in any 2. Preschooler
3. School-aged Child
3. Disposition and skills to approach all
aspects of his/her work in a reflective, 4. Adolescence
collegial, and problem-solving manner.

4. View of learning to teach as a lifelong

process and dispositions and skills for

Health Education (Midterm)

According to Piaget: preoperational
According to Piaget: Sensorimotor stage
- Egocentric; thinking is literal and
- Learning is through sensory concrete; precaudal thinking.
experiences and through movement According to Erickson:
and manipulation of objects. initiative vs. guilt

-Taking on tasks for the sake of

being involved and on the move;
According to Erickson: trust vs
learning to express feelings trough
mistrust (birth to 12 months) play.
autonomy vs shame and doubt (1-3
- Building trust and establishing
balance between feelings of love and Cognitive: animistic thinking;
hate; learning to control willful limited sense of time; egocentric;
desires. transductive reasoning.

- Patient education is devoted to normal Psychological: Separation anxiety,

development. If the child becomes ill, play is his/her work; fears loss of
the first priority for teaching
body integrity; active imagination;
intervention is to assess the parent’s
and child’s anxiety levels and to help interacts with playmates.
them cope with their feelings of stress
anxiety can adversely affect their
readiness to learn.
1. Build trust.
2. Allow for manipulation of
3. Use positive reinforcement.
Cognitive: Responds to step-by-step 4. Encourage questions.
commands; language skills develop 5. Provide simple drawings and
rapidly during this stage. stories.
6. Focus on play therapy.
Psychological: Aggravated by personal
7. Stimulate the senses.
and external limits; routines provide
sense of security.

1. Focus on normal development, According to Piaget: Concrete

safety, health promotion and operations stage.
- Developing logical thought
2. Use repetition and imitation.
processes and ability to reason
3. Stimulate senses.
syllogistically; understands cause
4. Provide Safety.
and effect.
5. Allow for play and manipulation of
objects. According to Erickson: industry vs.

Health Education (Midterm)

- Gaining a sense of responsibility Psychosocial: Personal fable- feels
and reliability; increased invulnerable, invincible/immune to
susceptibility to social forces natural flaws.
outside the family unit; gaining
awareness and uniqueness of
special talents and qualities.
1. Establishing trust.
2. Identify control focus.
3. Use peers for support and
Cognitive: able to draw conclusions and influence.
intellectually can understand cause and 4. Negotiate for change, contract.
effect. 5. Focus on details.
6. Make information meaningful to
Psychosocial: Fears of failure and being life.
left out of groups; fears illness and

Andragogy: the art of science of helping

1. Encourage independence. adult learns (Knowles).
2. Use logical explanations and
analogies. - Learner centered; less teacher
3. Relate to child’s experience. centered.
4. Use subject-centered focus. - Power relationship is horizontal.
5. Use play therapy.
6. Provide group activities.
7. Use drawings, models, dolls,
painting, audiotapes, and

Preparing Minimal Provide

learners information.
According to Piaget: formal operation Prepare
Help develop
- Abstract thought: reasoning is
both inductive and deductive.
Begin thinking
about content.
According to Erickson: identity vs. Climate Authority Relaxed,
role confusion. oriented trusting
Formal Mutually
- Struggling to establish own Competitive Respectful
identity; seeking independence Informal, warm
and autonomy. Collaborative,
Openness and
Cognitive: Propositional thinking; Humanness
complex logical reasoning; can build on Planning By instructor Mechanism for
past experiences; conceptualizes the mutual
invincible. planning by
learners and

Health Education (Midterm)

Dx. of By instructor By mutual -focusing on relationships and
needs assessment commitment to others in their personal,
Setting By instructor By mutual occupational, and social lives.
Objectives assessment
Designing Logic of Sequenced by
Learning subject readiness
Plans matter Problem units Cognitive: cognitive capacity is fully
Content developed, but continuing to accumulate
new knowledge and skills.
Learning Transmittal Experiential
activities techniques techniques
Psychosocial: autonomous; independent;
stress related to many decisions being
Evaluation By instructor Mutual re-
diagnosis of made regarding career.
measurement of
program 1. Use problem-centered focus.
2. Draw on meaningful experiences.
3. Focus on immediacy of
4. Allow for self-direction and setting
own pace.
1. Relates learning to immediate 5. Organize material.
needs. 6. Encourage role play.
2. Voluntary and self-initiated.
3. Person- centered and problem-
4. Self-controlled and self-directed.
5. Learner desire active role. According to Piaget: formal operation
6. Teacher is Facilitator. stage
7. Information and assignments are
pertinent. -abstract thought; reasoning is both
8. New materials draw on past inductive and deductive.
According to Erickson: generativity
9. Able to learn in group.
vs. self- absorption and stagnation
10. Nature of Learning activity
changes frequently. - Reflecting on accomplishments
11. Learning reinforced by application and determining if life changes are
and prompt feedback. needed.

Cognitive: ability to learn remains steady

According to Piaget: formal operations throughout this stage.
stage (begins in adolescence carries
through adulthood). Psychosocial: facing issues with grown
children, changes in own health, and
- Abstract thought: reasoning is increased responsibility for own parents.
both inductive and deductive.

According to Erickson: intimacy vs.

isolation 1. Maintain independence and
reestablish normal life patterns.

Health Education (Midterm)

2. Assess positive and negative past 3. Loneliness- frequently depressed,
learning experiences. isolated or lonely.
3. Assess potential sources of stress. 4. Abandonment- untrue that they
4. Provide information relative to life are being abandoned by children,
concerns and problems. siblings, or friends. Usually have
good support system.

Teaching Strategies

1. Use concrete examples.

Geragogy: the teaching of older
2. Build on past experiences.
persons accommodating the normal 3. Focus on one concept at a time.
physical, cognitive and psychosocial 4. Use a slow pace.
changes. 5. Use repetition and enforcement.
6. Provide brief explanations.
According to Piaget: formal operation
7. Use analogies.

-abstract thought; reasoning is both

inductive and deductive.

According to Erickson: ego integrity vs.

- Coping with reality of aging, mortality,
and reconciliation with past failures.

Cognitive: Fluid intelligence and

Crystallized intelligence

Fluid Intelligence- capacity to perceive

relationships, and to perform abstract
thinking with declines with aging.

Crystallized Intelligence- intelligence

absorbed over a lifetime, which increases
with experience.

False stereotypes which may lead to

unsuccessful outcomes.

1. Senility- often not due to mental

decline, but to disease process,
medication interactions, sensory
deficits, dehydration, or
2. Rigid Personalities- personality
traits remain stable through life,
labeling them as cranking,
stubborn, “slow” is disservice.

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