Listening Comprehension Joe Biden's First Speech After Victory
Listening Comprehension Joe Biden's First Speech After Victory
Listening Comprehension Joe Biden's First Speech After Victory
Listening comprehension
Joe Biden’s first speech after victory
Pre-Listening questions:
1. Did you follow the presidential elections at all? Were you interested in the
outcome of this year’s election?
2. Did you know how the system in the USA works? Where did you learn about it?
Did you talk about it during a lesson at school?
3. What did you expect would be the result of the election? Were you surprised?
4. What do you feel about it now? What do you expect will change in the next few
5. Do you know how President Trump reacted when he heard the result? What do
you think of his reaction?
6. Did you follow any statements on social media of celebrities or other politicians?
1. What has the democratic party done for a presidential ticket for the first time in
the history of nation?
2. What does he pledge to be like as a President?
3. What did he seek this office for?
4. What does he say about his wife Jill?
5. What does he say about his vice president?
6. What does he say to the people who voted for President Trump?
Listening comprehension / Joe Biden’s first speech after
1. What has the democratic party done for a presidential ticket for the first time in
the history of nation?
They won with the most votes – 74 million
2. What does he pledge to be like as a President?
He will unify and work to win the confidence of all the people.
3. What did he seek this office for?
Restore the soul of America, rebuild the middle class, make America respected
4. What does he say about his wife Jill?
She’s an educator and a military mom. Without her support he wouldn’t be here.
5. What does he say about his vice president?
She is the first black woman of South Asian descent ever elected to national
office. And that she is family.
6. What does he say to the people who voted for President Trump?
He understands their disappointment. They should give each other a chance.
They are not enemies, they are Americans.
7. What does the Bible apparently tell us?
To everything there’s a season, a time to build, a time to reap, a time to sow and a
time to heal.
8. What are the great battles of our time?
To control the virus, to build prosperity, to secure family’s health care, to achieve
racial justice, to root out systemic racism, to save the climate, to restore
decency and to defend democracy.
9. What is the most important issue?
Get COVID under control. Without that hardly anything is possible.
10. What will happen on January 20th, 2021?
A group of leading scientists will convert The Biden-Harris COVID plan into
11. What possibilities does he believe America has?
To become freer and more just, to create jobs, to cure diseases, to not leave
anyone behind, to never give up and give in.
12. What does he hope to provide to the 230,000 families who have lost someone to
the virus with the hymn?
Some comfort and solace.