1. Public Relations is a management function aimed at achieving certain targets by developing clear work programs, finding facts, planning communications, and evaluating results.
2. The scope of public relations is broad, covering communication with internal and external publics, and depends on the organization's goals and the diversity of interested publics.
3. The purpose of public relations is to influence public perceptions from unfamiliarity and dislike to recognition and favorability through strategic communications campaigns.
1. Public Relations is a management function aimed at achieving certain targets by developing clear work programs, finding facts, planning communications, and evaluating results.
2. The scope of public relations is broad, covering communication with internal and external publics, and depends on the organization's goals and the diversity of interested publics.
3. The purpose of public relations is to influence public perceptions from unfamiliarity and dislike to recognition and favorability through strategic communications campaigns.
1. Public Relations is a management function aimed at achieving certain targets by developing clear work programs, finding facts, planning communications, and evaluating results.
2. The scope of public relations is broad, covering communication with internal and external publics, and depends on the organization's goals and the diversity of interested publics.
3. The purpose of public relations is to influence public perceptions from unfamiliarity and dislike to recognition and favorability through strategic communications campaigns.
1. Public Relations is a management function aimed at achieving certain targets by developing clear work programs, finding facts, planning communications, and evaluating results.
2. The scope of public relations is broad, covering communication with internal and external publics, and depends on the organization's goals and the diversity of interested publics.
3. The purpose of public relations is to influence public perceptions from unfamiliarity and dislike to recognition and favorability through strategic communications campaigns.
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Nama : Muhamad Firnanda Firmansyah
NIM : 2040210124
Tugas : UTS Bahasa INGGRIS
Public Relations Public Relations is a management function to achieve certain targets which previously had to have a clear and detailed work program, look for facts, plan, communicate and evaluate what results have been achieved. In Webester's Third New International Dictionary, Dictonery defines public relations as: The art of science of developing reciprocal understanding and goodwill (the art of knowledge to develop mutual understanding and goodwill). Erward L. Berney in the book The Engineering of Consent (1955) states Public Relations (PR) as inducing the public to understanding for and goodwill (persuading the public to have a supportive understanding and have good intentions). Furthermore, The British Institute of Public Relations defines Public Relations in two ways: 1. Public Relations activity is management of communications between an organization and it’s publics. 2. Public Relations practice is deliberate, plenned and sustain effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public. At a meeting of representatives of Public Relations experts in Mexico City in August 1978 explaining the definition of Public Relations is an art and social science that can be used to analyze trends, predict consequences, advise organizational leaders and implement planned programs about activities that serve either for the benefit of the organization or for the public or the public. Scope of Public Relations The scope of public relations is very broad, covering all forms of communication activities. The scope of public relations does not depend on the external public and the internal public but also on the characteristics of the organization in carrying out its vision and mission to achieve its goals. The wider the public component with an interest in the organization, the wider, more diverse and more complex the public elements will be. On the other hand, the scope of public relations in an organization or intermediate institution another; 1. Public internal It is the public who is part of the unit / agency / company or organization itself, such as stock investors and employees from the top to the bottom. 2. Public external Is the general public (society). Seek the growth of a positive public attitude and image towards the institution it represents. Purpose and Functions of Public Relations The purpose of Public Relations is to influence the public, among others, the extent to which they know and know the activities of the institution or organization represented by the first position, being recognized and liked. And the second public position knows and doesn't like it, then the Public Relations endeavors through a certain public relations technique process to be able to change the public's view to like it. In the third public position, it requires a hard struggle to change public opinion that has been unfamiliar and disliked through a PR campaign technique, a strategy to attract attention that is able to change from a position of "nothing" to "something". (Rosady Ruslan, 1997: 7) Public Relations Strategy From that, Public Relations must have a mindset and strategic that requires a lot of input and have a high level of dependence between one another so that it can implement, implement and control the most reliable strategies. Public Relations is required to think strategically at a high and complex level and will create a need for a more structured and systematic model that will help make satisfaction simpler in analyzing problems and formulating a good strategy that is also able to provide satisfactory results. The stages in the public relations strategy activities: 1. The target components are generally stakeholders and the public who have common interests. These general goals are structurally and formally narrowed down by having a common opinion, potential polemic, and their impact on the future of the organization, institution, company name and products or services that are of particular concern to the specific target (target public). 2. The target component in the public relations strategy serves the three possibilities towards a favorable position or dimension. Sumber : https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/40435-ID-strategi-komunikasi-public- relations.pdf
TERJEMAH Public Relations Public Relations merupakan fungsi manajemen untuk mencapai target tertentu yang sebelumnya harus mempunyai program kerja yang jelas dan rinci, mencari fakta, merencanakan, mengkomunikasikan hingga mengevaluasi hasil-hasil apa yang telah dicapai. Dalam kamus Webester’s Third New Internasional Dictonery mendefenisiskan humas (Public Relations) sebagai: The art of science of developing reciprocal understanding and goodwill (seni pengetahuan untuk mengembangkan pengertian timbal balik dan niat baik). Erward L. Berney dalam buku The Engineering of Consent (1955) menyatakan Public Relations (humas) sebagai inducing the public to understanding for and goodwill (membujuk public untuk memiliki pengertian yang mendukung serta memiliki niat baik ). Selanjutnya, The British Institute of Public Relations mendefenisikan Public Relations pada dua hal : 1. Aktivitas Public Relations adalah mengelola komunikasi antara organisasi dan publiknya. 2. Public Relations adalah memikirkan, merencanakan dan mencurahkan daya untuk membangun dan menjaga saling pengertian antara organisasi dan publik. Pada pertemuan wakil-wakil dari pakar Public Relations di Mexico City pada bulan Agustus 1978 menjelaskan defenisi Public Relations adalah seni dan ilmu pengetahuan social yang dapat dipergunakan untuk menganalisis kecenderungan, memprediksi konsekuensikonsekuensinya, menasehati pimpinan organisasi dan melaksanakan program yang terencana mengenai kegiatan- kegiatan yang melayani baik untuk kepentingan organisasi maupun kepentingan publik atau umum. Ruang lingkup Publik Relations Ruang lingkup public relations sangat luas mencakup seluruh bentuk kegiatan komunikasi. Ruang lingkup public relations tidak tergantung pada public eksternal dan public internal tetapi juga karakteristik organisasi dalam menjalankan visi dan misi untuki mencapai tujuan. Semakin luas komponen public yang berkepentingan terhadap organisasi maka elemen publiknya juga akan semakin luas, beragam dan permasalahan pun semakin kompleks. Pada sisi lain, ruang lingkup public relations dalam sebuah organisasi atau lembaga antara lain ; 1. Membina hubungan kedalam Adalah public yang menjadi bagian dari unit/ badan/ perusahaan atau organisasi itu sendiri seperti penanam saham dan kariyawan dari tingkat atas sampai paling bawah. 2. Membina hubungan keluar Adalah public umum (masyarakat). Mengusahakan tumbuhnya sikap dan gambaran public yang positif terhadap lembaga yang diwakilinya. Tujuan dan Fungsi Public Relations Tujuan Public Relations untuk mempengaruhi publiknya, antara lain, sejauh mana mereka mengenal dan mengetahui kegiatan lembaga atau organisasi yang diwakili tersebut tetap ada posisi pertama, dikenal dan disukai. Dan posisi Publik kedua mengenal dan tidak menyukai itu, maka pihak Public Relations berupaya melalui proses teknik public relations tertentu untuk dapat merubah pandangan publik menjadi menyukai. Pada posisi publik ketiga membutuhkan perjuangan keras untuk merubah opini publik yang selama ini tidak mengenal dan tidak menyukai melalui suatu teknik kampanye PR, strategi menarik perhatian yang mampu mengubah dari posisi “nothing” menjadi ”something”. (Rosady Ruslan, 1997:7 ) Strategi Public Relations Dari itu, Public Relations harus memiliki pola pikir dan strategic yang banyak membutuhkan masukan-masukan dan memiliki tingkat ketergantungan yang tinggi antara satu dengan yang lainya sehingga dapat menerapkan, mengimplementasikan dan mengontrol strategi yang paling handal. Public Relations dituntut untuk berfikir strategic pada tingkat yang tinggi serta kompleks serta akan memunculkan suatu kebutuhan model yang lebih terstruktur dan sistematis akan membantu membuat kepuasan untuk lebih sederhana dalam menganalisa permasalahan serta merumuskan sesuatu strategi yang baik juga mampu memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Adapun tahap-tahap dalam kegiatan strategi public relations : 1. Komponen sasaran, umumnya adalah para stakeholder dan publik yang mempunyai kepentingan bersama. Sasaran umum tersebut secara structural dan formal yang dipersempit melalui menyandang opini bersama (common opinion), potensi polemic, dan pengaruhnya bagi masa depan organisas, lembaga, nama perusahaan dan prodik atau jasa yang menjadi perhatian sasaran khusus (target public ). 2. Komponen sasaran yang pada strategi public relations berfungsi untuk ketiga kemungkinan tersebut kearah posisi atau dimensi yang menguntungkan. Penjelasan dari saya secara keseluruhan : Public Relations merupakan fungsi manajemen untuk mencapai target tertentu yang sebelumnya harus mempunyai program kerja yang jelas dan rinci, mencari fakta, merencanakan, mengkomunikasikan hingga mengevaluasi hasil-hasil apa yang telah dicapai. Ruang lingkup public relations Semakin luas komponen publik yang berkepentingan terhadap organisasi maka elemen publiknya juga akan semakin luas, beragam dan permasalahan pun semakin kompleks. Tujuan Public Relations untuk mempengaruhi publiknya, antara lain, sejauh mana mereka mengenal dan mengetahui kegiatan lembaga atau organisasi yang diwakili tersebut tetap ada posisi pertama, dikenal dan disukai. Adapun tahap-tahap dalam kegiatan strategi public relations : 1. Komponen sasaran, umumnya adalah para stakeholder dan publik yang mempunyai kepentingan bersama. 2. Komponen sasaran yang pada strategi public relations berfungsi untuk ketiga kemungkinan tersebut kearah posisi atau dimensi yang menguntungkan.
Sumber : https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/