Lab Exercise 2 The Physiology of Skeletal Muscle: Safety
Lab Exercise 2 The Physiology of Skeletal Muscle: Safety
Lab Exercise 2 The Physiology of Skeletal Muscle: Safety
Work in groups of 4
Name and describe the phases of a muscle twitch.
Explain why the "all or none" law is reflected in the activity of a single muscle cell but not in an
intact skeletal muscle.
Understand that the graded response of skeletal muscle is a function of the number of muscle
fibers stimulated and the frequency of the stimulus.
Define and explain the physiological basis of the following:
- subminimal, minimal, maximal, supramaximal stimuli;
- latent period;
- wave summation;
- tetanus;
- muscle fatigue.
Explain the effect of load on skeletal muscle.
Students handling the frog must wear gloves.
At the end of the lab:
- discard the frogs in the heavy black plastic bag labeled "biological waste"
- wash your dissecting instruments with soap and water
- wipe your bench
- wash your hands.
double pithed frogs
frog board or tray, pins
figure 1
muscle bath
Ringer's solution (13g of NaCl, 0.28g of KCl, 0.3g of CaCl22H2O, 0.4g of NaHCO3 for 2L of distilled water)
glass probe
apparatus to record muscle contraction: recorder with 2 pens, amplifier, timer, transducer
thread, plasticine
A good way to understand the many factors that affect muscle response is to isolate a muscle and
observe it during its simplest contraction: the single muscle twitch. When an electrical stimulus is
applied to a muscle directly or through the nerve supplying the muscle, it causes the cell
membrane (sarcolemma) to depolarize.
Following this electrical event is a mechanical event, the contraction, which can be observed with
the naked eye. If a mechanical event is converted to an electrical impulse by means of a
transducer, the contraction can be recorded on a chart recorder. By varying the frequency and
intensity of the electrical stimuli applied to the sciatic nerve supplying the gastrocnemius muscle of
a frog, you will determine the subliminal, minimal and maximal stimuli for muscle contraction and
you will demonstrate summation, tetanus and fatigue. You will also determine how load affects the
work done by skeletal muscle.
1. Obtain a double-pithed frog from your TA. The frog's entire central nervous system brain
and spinal cord) has been destroyed by pithing. As a result they cannot feel pain.
2. Remove the skin from one leg by first cutting the skin as high as possible around the thigh.
Roll the loosened skin back a short distance (Figure 1a). Grasp it with one hand and the frog
thigh with the other. Peel the skin completely off the leg by pulling it quickly (Figure 1b).
3. Use figure 1c to help locate the gastrocnemius muscle. Keep the frog's tissues moist
with Ringer's solution during the remainder of the exercise.
4. Carefully insert a glass probe to separate the thigh muscles and to expose the sciatic nerve
(Figure 1c). Do not touch sciatic nerve with metal instruments and avoid unnecessary
pulling and handling of this nerve.
6. Using a glass probe, gently ease the nerve from its location and lay it on the surface of the
gastrocnemius muscle.
7. Cut the thigh muscles first near their origin on the pelvic girdle and then, just above the
knee (Figure 1d; be careful not to cut the gastrocnemius muscle or the sciatic nerve!).
8. Use the probe again to separate and free the gastrocnemius muscle from the other muscle
of the frog's leg.
9. Locate the Achilles tendon (Figure 1 c&e). Tie a piece of thread about 15 cm long (6
inches) around its lowest end. Cut the tendon at the point between the thread and the animal's
heel bone.
10. Lift and move the gastrocnemius muscle to one side. Cut the other muscles of the frog's
lower leg and the bone (tibiofibula) just below the knee.
11. Cut the femur bone to about 2.5cm (1 inch; Figure 1e).
12. Push a straight pin through the knee joint, and secure the pin in the lucite plug of the
muscle bath to anchor the knee. Fill the bath half way with Ringer's solution.
13. Run the thread, which is tied to the tendon through the pulley and attach its end to the
transducer lever.
14. Adjust the thread tension by moving the transducer up or down, until the lever is horizontal.
Make sure that the thread is aligned at a 90 degree angle to the transducer lever.
Figure 1. Preparation of the frog's gastrocnemius muscle
16. Using the glass probe, place the nerve over the electrodes. Keep the electrodes out of the
Ringer's solution. Keep the nerve moist at all times by pouring Ringer's solution over it between
recordings and remove the nerve from the electrode when not in use.
1. Set stimulator mode switch to single shot, and duration control to 1.2 msec.
2. Set chart recorder speed to 1-2.5 mm/sec and make sure that the pen touches the paper.
3. Set the voltage dial of the stimulator to its lowest setting and deliver one single stimulus to the muscle by
pressing the pulse switch.
4. Administer single stimuli to the muscle at approximately 2-5 seconds intervals, increasing the voltage of
the stimulation slightly until a contraction is obtained (shown by a spike on the paper). The voltage at
which this contraction occurs is called the threshold (= minimal) stimulus. Write the value of the
threshold in table 1. All stimuli applied prior to this point are termed subthreshold (subminimal) stimuli
because at those voltages no contraction was elicited.
5. Continue to turn up the voltage in small increments, obtaining greater and greater muscle contraction
until an increase in voltage no longer results in a greater contraction. The lowest voltage that produces
the maximal contraction is called the maximal stimulus. Record its value in Table 1. Any stimulus
greater than maximal is said to be supramaximal.
6. Keep your recording. You will have to include it (or a photocopy of it) in your lab report. Label the chart
clearly, and record chart speed and direction, as well as the intensity of the stimuli applied to the
muscle. Indicate on the chart recording the subminimal, minimal, maximal and supramaximal stimuli.
The response of a muscle to a single brief threshold stimulus is called a muscle twitch.
There are three phases in a muscle twitch:
1) the latent period: it follows the stimulation, the excitation-contraction coupling is
occurring and no response is seen on the myogram;
2) the period of contraction; and
3) the period of relaxation.
A twitch may be strong or weak depending on the number of motor units activated. A
twitch may be fast or slow depending of which muscle is stimulated: for example the
extraocular muscle has a fast twitch, but the soleus has a slow twitch.
1. Set stimulator mode switch to single shot, and duration control to 1.2 msec.
2. Set chart recorder speed to 50 mm/sec and make sure that the pen touches the paper.
3. Set the voltage dial of the stimulator above the maximal stimulus found in exercise A and deliver one
single stimulus to the muscle by pressing the pulse switch.
5. Keep your recording. You will have to include it (or a photocopy of it) in your lab report. Label the chart
clearly, and record chart speed and direction, as well as the intensity of the stimuli applied to the
muscle. Indicate on the chart recording the latent period, the period of contraction and the period of
If a skeletal muscle is stimulated with a rapid series of stimuli of the same intensity
before it has a chance to relax completely, the response to the second stimuli will be
greater than to the first. This phenomenon is called wave summation.
1. Set chart recorder speed to 1-2.5 mm/sec.
2. Set stimulator intensity to a voltage sufficient to cause maximal contraction (this means above the
maximal stimulus).
3. Set the repeat mode of the stimulator at a frequency of 1/sec. (this means that the stimulator stimulates
the muscle automatically every second without you having to press the pulse switch).
5. Stop stimulation and allow the muscle to return to baseline (approx. 15-20 sec)
6. Repeat 3, 4, and 5 with frequencies of 2/sec, 5/sec., 10/sec., and in steps of 5 up until the muscle
reaches a sustained contraction called tetanus.
7. Set the repeat mode of the stimulator to a frequency HIGHER than the one that caused tetanus.
8. Apply the stimuli. If fatigue does occur, record for 5 to 10 seconds. DO NOT DAMAGE THE MUSCLE –
you need it for Exercise D! If fatigue does not occur, continue to increase the stimuli frequency in steps
of 5/sec (apply for 10-15 seconds allowing the muscle to rest between increments as instructed above)
until fatigue is observed.
9. Stop stimulation and allow your muscle to rest for 10 minutes before doing the next experiment (do not
leave the nerve on the electrodes, keep muscle and nerve moistened with Ringer's solution).
10. Keep your recording. You will have to include it (or a photocopy of it) in your lab report. Label the chart
clearly and indicate individual twitches, wave summation, incomplete tetanus, tetanus and fatigue.
Record chart speed and direction, as well as the intensity and frequency of the stimuli applied to
the muscle.
When the fibers of a skeletal muscle are slightly stretched by a weight or tension, the
muscle responds by contracting more forcibly and thus is capable of doing more work.
However, if the load is increased beyond optimum, fatigue occurs more quickly, and if the
stretching is excessive, the muscle is unable to contract.
The external work of a muscle is the product of the force it exerts on an object by the
distance over which it moves the object. The work performed by the muscle can be
calculated using the following formula:
where D is the distance in cm, L is the weight of the load in g and W* is the work in
1. Set the chart speed to 1 or 2.5 mm/sec.
2. Adjust your amplifier using the gain control in such a way that a 1 cm deflection of the distal extremity of
the lever corresponds to a 2 cm deflection of the recording pen. Keep this recording to calibrate the
distance moved by the muscle (see below).
3. Using single stimuli, determine the voltage for maximal contraction (the value for the maximal stimulus
may have changed since exercise A).
5. With the chart recorder still running, increase the load on the muscle by placing a 10 g. weight in the pan.
Note: the pan itself weighs 10 grams and so the final load is 20 g; this also means that twitch in 4. was
generated with 10 g. load.
6. Adjust the baseline using the pen zero control and stimulate the nerve with a single stimulus again.
7. Repeat the steps 5 and 6 increasing the weight each time: load the muscle with 50g, 100g, 150g etc.until
no more contractions can be observed.
8. Keep your recording. You will have to include it (or a photocopy of it) in your lab report. Label the chart
clearly and indicate chart speed and direction, the intensity stimuli. and weight of the load applied
to the muscle.
D = the distance the muscle shortens during contraction and moves the object (weight)
To calculate the distance, you must use your calibration recording produced at the beginning of this exercise.
If you adjusted the gain such that a 1cm lowering of the lever corresponds to a 2 cm pen deflection on the
chart recorder, then you can calculate D by:
Clean up:
Turn off and disconnect the electronic equipment.
Discard the frogs in the heavy black plastic bag labeled "biological waste"
Discard excess Ringer's solution.
Wash glassware, rinse it thoroughly with soap and water, leave it to dry on paper
towels on your bench.
Rinse the frog board and the muscle bath with water. DO NOT USE DETERGENT
Wash your dissecting instruments with soap and water.
Wipe your bench
Leave your space clean and tidy for the next group.
Wash your hands before leaving.
NAME & section #:
State the purpose of this exercise.
Use separate pages.
Use spaces provided below. Do not use extra pages.
Explain the mechanism of wave summation and tetanus and explain why you get an
increased tension when the frequency of the stimulus increases. (Include in your
explanation the role of Ca2+ in wave summation and tetanus)
The end