Motivation Letter MUN
Motivation Letter MUN
Motivation Letter MUN
develop the knowledge that I have gained in school in the form of leadership skills, the ability to
speak and negotiate, the ability to think critically and the ability to be confident and speak publicly. I
am also very interested in having discussions and debates with many people especially in the fields
of politics, economics, health, defense, culture and security. In addition, when I was in boarding
school I hung out and lived with many people from various ethnic groups in Indonesia such as
Javanese, Sundanese, Minang, Bugis, Papuan, Ambonese and many more. That is my advantage over
others, because I am very interested to be able to discuss and get to know more in the cultures in
Indonesia. Then when I was in school, I was also active in various competitions either as a committee
or a participant. At school, I was also taught how to be a good leader by mandating that I become a
student organization manager at my school and be part of the students who run the wheels of
government in my school in the ISMI organization (Madrasatul Mua'limin Al-Islamiyah). And when I
was at school I was also obliged to speak two languages: Arabic and English I think that's the
important capital that I have to be able to dabble and be part of this model program of the United
Nation. That's why I'm involved in this program. I hope that with my participation in the United
Nation Model program can give me a very useful knowledge and experience and later I can use it to
build my beloved country Indonesia and can be a part in advancing and showing the quality of young
Indonesians in the eyes of the world and in the future can make Indonesia can actively participate in
international relations in the United Nations in various fields. Hopefully these things can provide an
overview to consider in order to be eligible for this program.