Sample Teaching Plan 2
Sample Teaching Plan 2
Sample Teaching Plan 2
Lesson Plan
Duration: 45 minutes
Learning Theory: Ausubel’s Subsumption Theory- Ausubel’s theory is concerned with how individuals learn large amounts of
meaningful material from verbal presentations in a school setting. According to Ausubel a primary process in learning in learning in
subsumption in which new material is related to relevant ideas in the existing cognitive structure on a substantive, non-verbatim basis.
Goal: To enable students to effectively identify and manage a client with Precipitate Labour
At the end of the 45 minutes session the students will be able to:
Define precipitate/precipitous labour
Identify risk factors for precipitate labour
Outline the causes of precipitate labour
State the signs of precipitate labour
Describe the nursing management of precipitate labour using the nursing process
Discuss the complications of precipitate labour to the mother and the infant
Question and Answer/Summary
Brincat, M., Versi, E & Rodeck, C. H., (1984).Full term precipitate labour;5,(2), 96-97 Retrieved from
Nodalo, B.A.,Tan,E., Ymas, L. & Christine (n.d.)Abnormal Progress in Labor (Precipitous Labor and Birth & Retraction
Rings)Retrieved from
Objectives Content Teacher’s activity Learners’ activity Evaluation
Define This refers to a delivery which Ice breaker: Lead five Give prompt At least two students
precipitate/precipitous results after an unusually rapid minute discussion on responses to teacher defined precipitate
labour labor (less than three hours) and test done by students activity labour with a 90%
culminates in the rapid, earlier today. accuracy
spontaneous expulsion of the Give own
infant. Ask student their interpretation of the
understanding of term precipitate
precipitate labour labour
Give definition of
Precipitate labour
Identify risk factors Lead discussion on the Students will listen Two students
for precipitate labour Multipara with relaxed pelvic risk factors attentively and ask described two risk
or perineal floor muscles appropriate questions. factors of precipitate
Previous history of labour with a 90%
precipitate labour accuracy
Unusually strong, forceful
Inadequate warning of
imminent birth due to absence of
painful sensations during labor
Small foetus
Large pelvis
Outline the causes of
precipitate labour The use of:
Oxytocin drip
Cocaine use
Signs of precipitate labour
State the signs of Increased pain more than
precipitate labour normal
Increased maternal heart rate,
pulse and body temp
Increased BP
Nasal Flaring
Hypertonic Contractions
Describe the nursing Place class in two Students will listen
management of groups. Each group attentively participate
precipitate labour will give two actual actively and ask
Previous labor history if the
using the nursing and two potential appropriate questions
woman is a multipara
process nursing diagnoses for about precipitate
Strength of contractions precipitate labour labour
Be alert for contractions that
are more frequent than every
2 minutes and dilatation that
progresses faster than
normal(more than 1.5cm/hr)
Assess fetal status
Assess mothers comfort
Assess mother’s coping
Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing Intervention
Non- Pharmacologic:
•Continue electronic
Tocolytic agent such asterbutaline
may be administered to reduce the
force and frequency of
Notify physician for rapid
cervical changes