Law 3 Yr CAP 2020 Information Brochure - 2020

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Government of Maharashtra


Information Brochure for Centralized Admission Process (CAP)
First Year of Three Year Degree Course in Law leading to LL.B.(3Yrs.)
(Regular- Full Time- Course)
Academic Year 2020-21

Competent Authority
Commissioner, State Common Entrance TestCell
Office Address: State Common Entrance Test Cell, New Excelsior Cinema Building,
8th Floor, A.K. Nayak Marg, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001
Telephone No. (+91) 022-22016159 / 57
Website: CET CELL E-mail Id:[email protected]

CAP Process Website

Website for CAP Application form filling: -

Call Centre No. for CAP Application Form filling & Technical Queries:


This Information Brochure has been duly approved by

Government of Maharashtra, Department of Higher and Technical Education,
Mantralaya, Mumbai &
Director of Higher Education, M.S., Central Building, Pune

Special Note: -
1) Candidates are advised to download and read the CAP Information Brochure carefully before
filling in the On-Line Application Form.
2) Colleges of LAW are advised to keep the Copies of the Information Brochure available for the
Staff, Faculty and Candidates to refer to in their Library, Office for easy access to all
3) This Information Brochure should read in co-ordination with Admission Time Table,
Government Notification, Relevant Notices and Government Gazettes and Government
Resolutions displayed on the Admission web site :-

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No Details Page No.
1. Introduction 6
2. Definitions 6
3. Invitation of CAP Application Form 8
4. Role of Competent Authority and its Representatives in the 9
Centralized Admission Process
4.1 Jurisdiction of the Universities in the State of Maharashtra 10
5. Candidature Type: i) MS ii) OMS iii) J&K iv) NRI etc. and 11
6. Sanctioned Intake and Supernumerary Seats for LL.B-3 Yrs. 13
7. Allocation of Seats 13
(1) Maharashtra State Candidature Seats 13
(2) All India Candidature Seats(OMS) 13
(3) Minority Quota Seats(Only for Candidates belonging to MS) 13
(4) Institutional Quota Seats(Only for Unaided Colleges) 13
(5) Supernumerary Seats (Only for J&K Migrants) 14
7.1 Reservations 14
7.2 Eligibility Criterions 19
7.3 Steps involved in NRI/OCI/PIO/CIWGC/FNS Candidates 26
8. Preparation of Merit List 36
(1) Assignment of Merit Number(General) 36
(2) Change of Marks due to Verification 36
(3) Assignment of Merit Number (Candidature Type Wise) 36
9. Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 37
(1) Centralized Admission Process (CAP) stages. 37
(2) Conduct of CAP Round I 38
(3) During CAP 38
(5) Conduct of CAP Round II 39
(6) Reporting and Confirmation of Admission 41
10. CAP allotment Stages and Process of Allotment 41
(1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate 41
(2) All India Candidature Candidates 43
(3) Minority Quota Seats 43
(4) Jammu and Kashmir Migrant Candidature Candidates 43
11. Allotment of seats by CAP Round I, II and III 46
12. General Provisions 47
13. Institutional Level Round: - 48
Admissions in Institutional Quota and vacant seats after CAP
14. Approval of Merit List and Admitted Candidates List 49

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15. Cancelation of Admission, Refund of fees, Return of 50
Documents after cancellation of admission by Institution
16. Change of Course or Institution after First or Second year 51
17. Documents to be attached along with “Application Form for 52
Centralized Admission Process at Admitted College
Proforma-A: MS candidate C Type 60
Proforma-B-1: MS candidates D type 60
Proforma-B-2: MS candidates D type 61
Proforma-C:DEF-1,2,3 61
Proforma-D: DEF-3 62
Proforma-E:DEF-3 62
PWD/ PH Disability/LD Candidate Certificate given by Govt. NA
Medical Board, Civil Surgeon, All India Institute of
Rehabilitation will be valid to be uploaded by the Candidate.
Proforma-G1: MKS candidate 63
Proforma-G2:MKS candidates 63
Proforma-J: JK Migrants 64
Proforma-K: JK Migrants 64
Proforma-L:- JK Migrants 65
Proforma-O:- Minority Community 66
Annexure D : 69
Annexure E : 71
Annexure DM (Semester Pattern) 73
Annexure DM (Yearly Pattern) 74
Annexure PGM (Semester Pattern) 75
Annexure PGM (Yearly Pattern) 76
Important General Instructions to the Candidate 77
LL.B-3 Yrs. CET 2020 Result Analysis 78-80

Important Instructions to the Candidates

 Candidates who have secured qualifying non Zero Score in CET 2020 will be
required to register on the
 NRI/OCI/PIO candidates need to register on the Admission
portal verify the Schedule and report
to Centre on the Date and Place prescribed in the Schedule for NRI/OCI/PIO
and Foreign National Candidates.

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1. Government of Maharashtra ACT XXVIII of 2015,Dated 17th August, 2015.

2. Government Resolution - No. CET-2015/C.R.No.379/Mashi-2, Dated
4thDecember, 2015. (Competent Authority for CET & Method of Admission
3. Government of Maharashtra Gazette, No.TEM-2020/C.R.No.71/TE-4,Dated
8th October, 2020.( Law Eligibility Criteria)
4. Government of Maharashtra Gazette, No. CET. 2015/C.R.243 (Part-2)/Mashi-
2, Dated 5th May, 2017. (Admission Rules)
5. Government of Maharashtra Gazette, No. Vidhi-2019/C.R.No.79/Mashi-2,
Dated 14th June, 2019. (Admission Rules Amendment, 2019)
6. Government of Maharashtra Gazette, No. Vidhi-2020/C.R.No.83/Mashi-2,
Dated 13th August, 2020. (Admission Rules Amendment, 2020)

7. Government of Maharashtra ACT XXX of 2016, Dated 1st August, 2006.

(Provisions for Reservation of seats for Admission)
8. Government Resolution, No. CET 2017/C.R.No.124/Mashi-2, Dated 12th May,
2017 (Govt., Aided, Unaided, Minority Colleges Allocation of Seats %)

9. Government Resolution, No. CET 2019/C.R.No.169/Mashi-2, Dated 24th June,

2019. (Applicability of Law Eligibility & CAP Rule )

10. Government Resolution, No. GEC-1000/(123/2000)/Tanshi-1, Dated 17th April,

2000. (Female Reservation)

11. Government CircularNo.Majisai-2006/(241/06)/Mashi-6, Dated 10th

September, 2007 (Ex-Servicemen Reservation)

12. Government Resolution No. Amuja-2011/C.R.No.212/Ka-3, Dated 02nd April,

2018 ( Provisions for Reservation of seats to Orphan Candidates)

13. Government Resolution, No. Sankirn-1018/C.R.No.204/Mashi-2, Dated 13th

August, 2018. ( Provisions for Reservation of seats to PWD Candidates)

14. Government Resolution No. BCC-2020/C.R.No.295/16-B, Dated 24th

November, 2020.

15. Government Resolution, No. रा आधा -४०१९/प्र.क्र.३१/१६-अ, Dated 12th

February, 2019 (Provisions of EWS Reservation).

16. Government Letter No. Vidhi-2020/C.R.No.86/Mashi-2, Dated 23rd July, 2020.

17. Government Letter No. Vidhi-2020/C.R.No.174/Mashi-2, Dated 1st December,


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 Important Instruction to Candidates & Institutes :-

 All candidates are advised to download the Information Brochure for CAP and
read it carefully before filling in the On-line Centralized Application Process
Form. They are further advised to refer to CET Information Brochure also.
 All candidates are informed that in Online Process every Notice, Notification,
Change is intimated in Online – Mode only.
 Candidates are advised to keep up date with the web sites for latest Notifications
and Change in Schedule.
 Candidates are advised to seek the help of the Law Colleges in their locality to
fill in the On-Line CAP form/Option Form if they want.
 Application once finally submitted will not be allowed to be withdrawn/
Edited/ Changed in any circumstances. Fees once paid for Category change will
NOT be refunded under any circumstances nor can be held in reserve for next
year’s CAP.
 Candidates will have to upload the documents.
 All Institutes/Colleges participating in the On Line CAP Process are advised to
use IT infrastructure/Computer Facility of the Institute/College to help
candidates fill in the on line CAP form.
 All Institutes/Colleges participating in the CAP Process should also download
and keep the CAP Information Brochure on their office record and upload all CET
CELL notices on their College web site. They are also advised to refer to CET
Information Brochure.
 All Colleges of Law should update their Web site with Infrastructure, Human
resources, Fees, Hostel Facility, Library available in the College, NAAC
Accreditation, University Affiliation details etc.
 Candidates, whose graduation and post- graduation results are to be declared by
the University, will be accommodated in the round in which they will fill in the
form and submit it on line as per the provisions in the Notifications.
 There are no Facilitations centers for Higher Education Courses.
 Admitting Colleges will work as Reporting Centers.
 The Colleges will verify the documents of the Candidates and tally them with the
details in Provisional Admission Letter, details filled in on line application and
documents uploaded by the Candidate online CAP form and match them with
the original/Self attested documents of the candidate as per the eligibility criteria
mentioned in the CAP and CET Information Brochure.
 If there is any discrepancy is observed the candidate will be directed to edit the
option form at appropriate time as per the Time Table/Schedule.

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1. Introduction:-

This Brochure gives information regarding the Eligibility and Rules of

admission for LL.B. 3 Yrs. Full Time Degree course in the State of Maharashtra. This
also provides information about invitation of On Line Applications for admission
(CAP), preparation of Merit List, distribution of seats (Seat Matrix), details of various
reservation, various rounds and stages of Centralized Admission Process (CAP),
admission in Institutional Quota seats after CAP, Supernumerary Seats, refund of fees
before the cut -off Date of Admission, etc.
(2) Government of Maharashtra has published the Rules on 5th May, 2017 and its
amendments on 14thJune, 2019& on 13th August,2020 to regulate the admissions to the
First Year of Full Time Professional Undergraduate Law Courses (Three Years and
Five Years).(Hereinafter called as Rules)
These rules are applicable for Admission in Government, Private Government
Aided, University Managed College / Institutions /Department of professional
educational institutions vide Government Resolution of Higher & Technical
Education Department G.R.No.CET-2017/C.No.124/Mashi-2, Dated 12th May, 2017.

2. Definitions:-
(1) In the rules, unless the context otherwise requires,–
(a) “Act” means the Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Fees) Act, 2015 (Mah. XXVIII of
(b) “Admission Reporting Centre” means a center where the Candidate shall
report for confirmation of admission by verification of documents and payment
of fees;(Herein the case of LLB-3 Yrs. It means Admitting College)
(c) “All India Seats” means seats available to an eligible Indian National
(d) “Application Form” means prescribed form filled up online by the Candidate
for admission to the Course;
(e) “CAP Seats” means the seats filled in through the Centralized Process of
Admission (CAP)carried out by the Competent Authority;
(f) “Courses” means the Three Years Degree Course i.e. Bachelor of Law (LL.B.)
(g) “Department” Means the Higher and Technical Education Department of
Government of Maharashtra;

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(h) “Eligible Candidates” means the candidates who are eligible for different
Professional Courses as notified by the Government, from time to time, under
sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act;(in this case Government of Maharashtra
Gazette, Extraordinary, Part IV-B, Extraordinary No. 175, Dated 4th June 2019.)
(i) “Facilitation Centre” means a center where the facilities like sale of application
kits, filling online forms, verification of documents and grievances, etc. are
provided; here it means the centers where the candidates will be helped to
upload the necessary documents for filling in the CAP Form.(There is No
Facilitation Centers for Higher Education Courses. The Admitting Colleges will
work as Facilitation Centers.)
(j) “HSC” means the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Standard XII)
examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and
Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent certificate awarded by a
recognized Boards;
(k) “Institutional Quota” means seats available for admission to Eligible
Candidates at Institution level as declared by the Government or Appropriate
Authority, from time to time;
(l) “Inter-Se-Merit “means the order of merit declared by the Competent
Authority in respect of various classes or category of Candidates;
(l-1) “Jammu and Kashmir” means the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir
and Union Territory of Ladakh;
(m) “Minority Quota” means seats earmarked for the Minority Community
students from within the State of Maharashtra, belonging to the Minority
Community to which the Institution belongs;
(n) “Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)” means a Candidate or person registered as
an Overseas Citizenship of India as declared by the Central Government under
section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 and includes Persons of Indian
Explanation: -For the purposes of this clause, all the existing Persons of
Indian Origin (PIO) cardholders registered under Notification of the
Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs F.No.26011/04/98- F.I, dated
19th August 2002 and shall now be deemed to be Overseas Citizens of India

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(OCI) cardholders by virtue of Notification of Government of India, Ministry
of Home Affairs, No. 25024/9/2014-F.I., dated 9th January 2015;
(o) “Qualifying Examination” means examinations on the basis of which a
Candidate becomes eligible for admission or its Equivalent Examination;
(p) “SSC” means the Secondary School Certificate (Standard X) examination
conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary
Education or its equivalent certificate awarded by recognized Boards;
(q) “Supernumerary Seats” means seats which are over and above the Sanctioned
Intake approved by the appropriate authority and the Government, from time
to time.
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules, shall have the same
meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3. Invitation of Application: -
(1) The Competent Authority shall invite Online Applications from the Candidates
who had participated in the CET, for the Centralized Admission Process for
seeking admission to the Professional Course: LL.B.-3 Yrs. Full Time Regular
Course for which at least Non –Zero Score in MAH-LL. B (3 Years) CET-2020 is
required for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
(2) The Candidates seeking admissions to the Professional Courses for the seats
provided in -
(a) rule 7(1): Maharashtra State Candidature Seats, 7(2): All India Candidature
Seats, 7(3): Minority Quota seats and 7(5): Supernumerary seats for Jammu and
Kashmir Migrant Candidature of these rules shall apply to the Competent
Authority for admission through Centralized Admission Process (CAP);
(b) rule7(4): Institutional Quota Seats - of these rules shall initially apply to the
Competent Authority for verification of documents and then to respective
institute, to enable the institutions to give admissions to such eligible applicants
on the basis of Inter-Se-Merit, as specified in rule 13.
(3) The Candidate should submit along with the On Line Application, the requisite
certificates, as applicable and upload the documents on line in the necessary
Proforma issued by the concerned Competent Authority.

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4. Role of competent Authority and its representatives in the Process of Centralized
Admission: -
(a) The Competent Authority, the Commissioner of State Common Entrance Test
Cell, Maharashtra State, and shall be the authority for Centralized Admission
Process and shall direct the students as per their allotment through CAP to all
institutions i.e. Government, Government Aided, University Department,
University Managed Colleges/Institutions, Minority Institutions/Colleges,
Aided and Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions.
(b) The Competent Authority shall deal with the representations received from the
candidates pertaining to allotment and admissions as Grievance Redressal
Authority. The Candidates will submit the grievances via E-mail on
[email protected] and online through Admission portal on
(a) Result of the CET.
(b) Score Card of the CET
(c) Schedule of the CAP

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4.1 Jurisdiction of the Universities in Maharashtra:

The following table shows the details about the Home Universities in

the State of Maharashtra with their Jurisdiction area.

Sr. Name of the University Jurisdiction of the University

1 Dr. Babasahb Ambedkar Aurangabad, Beed, Jalna,
Marathwada University. Osmanabad
2 Swami Ramanand Teerth Hingoli, Latur, Nanded, Parbhani
Marathwada University, Nanded
3 Mumbai University, Mumbai Mumbai City, Mumbai Suburban,
Ratnagiri, Raigad, Palghar, Sindhudurg,
4 Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari Dhule, Jalgaon, Nandurbar
North Maharashtra University,
5 Savitribai Phule Pune Ahmadnagar, Nashik, Pune
University, Pune.
6 Shivaji University, Kolhapur Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara,

7 Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur.

Solapur University, Solapur
8 Sant GadgeBaba Amaravati Akola, Amaravati, Buldhana,
University, Amravati Washim, Yavatmal
9 Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Bhandara, Gondia, Nagpur, Wardha,
Nagpur University, Nagpur
10 Gondwana University, Gadchiroli Chandrapur, Gadchiroli

11 SNDT Women’s University, Entire Maharashtra.


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5. CandidatureType:-
(1)Maharashtra State Candidature:-
A Graduate or Postgraduate candidate in any faculty of any University in
Maharashtra established by an Act of Parliament or by a State Legislature or an
equivalent National Institution in Maharashtra recognized as a Deemed to be
University or Foreign University in Maharashtra recognized as equivalent to the status

of an Indian University by an authority competent to declare equivalence; and

Type of Maharashtra State Details

Type - A A candidate who is Domicile of Maharashtra or born
in State of Maharashtra, or
Type - B The Father or Mother of the Candidate is Domiciled
in the State of Maharashtra, or
The Father or Mother of the Candidate is an
employee of the Government of India or
Type - C Government of India Undertaking who is posted
and reported to duty in the Maharashtra State before
the last date for submitting the Application Form for
CAP, or
The Father or Mother of the Candidate is an
Type - D
employee of the Government of Maharashtra or
Government of Maharashtra Undertaking, or
The candidates passing SSC and or HSC
Examination or Equivalent Examination from a
Type - E
recognized institution from a disputed Maharashtra-
Karnataka Border Area and whose Mother Tongue is

(Note: The Candidates who are NOT Born in Maharashtra and who have not
completed the Qualifying Examination (Graduation Degree & or Post Graduation
Degree in case of LL.B-3 Yrs. ) from the State of Maharashtra will be considered as All
India Candidature)
(2) All India Candidature:-
The Candidates having Indian Nationality are eligible under this Category.

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(3) Minority Candidature: -
The Maharashtra domiciled Candidate belonging to a particular
Linguistic or Religious Minority Community from within the State of
Maharashtra and as notified by the Government are eligible under this
Category. These candidates will be considered in the Minority Quota allocation
for the Minority Colleges they are eligible for only if they have marked the
proper Minority in their on line CAP Application form and have opted for the
particular Minority College Quota.

(4) NRI Candidature: -

The Candidate who fulfills the conditions as defined in clause (n) of section 2
of the Act are eligible under this Category.
(5) Foreign Student or OCI or PIO Candidature: -
The Foreign Student Candidates, as defined in clause (i) of section 2 of the Act,
the Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Candidate, as defined under clause (n) of
rule 2 and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) as defined in clause (o) of section 2 of
the Act are eligible under this Category.
(6) Jammu and Kashmir Migrant Candidature. —
(a) The Children of Citizens, who are displaced from Jammu and Kashmir to
any part of India or from unsafe border area of Jammu and Kashmir to a
relatively safer place in Jammu and Kashmir from 1990 onwards due to terrorist
(b) The children of officers belonging to Indian Administrative Services (IAS)
or Indian Police Services (IPS) or Indian Foreign Services (IFS) and children of
staff belonging to military and paramilitary forces transferred to Jammu and
Kashmir to combat terrorist activities and joined the post on or before the last
date for submission of application for admission;
(c) The children of staff and officers of Jammu and Kashmir police engaged in
combating terrorism; are eligible under this category.

6. Sanctioned Intake and Supernumerary Seats :-

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1) The Sanctioned Intake for First Year of Three Years Degree Course shall be as
per the approval given by the Authority which is Competent for giving
approval to said Course and affiliation given by the respective Affiliating
2) The Supernumerary Seats shall be available to the Private Professional
Educational Institutions as per the Policy of the Government, from time to time.

7. Allocation of Seats: -
The percentage of allocation of seats for various types of Candidates in the State
Level Seats shall be in accordance with the policy of the Government as specified in
the Schedule: I and Schedule: II enclosed at the end of the Information Brochure.

(1) Maharashtra State Candidature Seats: -

The Candidates having Maharashtra State Candidature as specified in rule 5(1)
of these rules, shall be eligible for these seats.

(2) All India Candidature Seats: -

The Candidates having Candidature as given in rule 5(2) of these rules shall be
eligible for these seats.

(3) Minority Quota Seats: -

The Candidates having Candidature mentioned in rule 5(3) of these rules shall
be eligible for these seats as specified in Schedule. These seats shall be filled in
accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 6 of the Act.

(4) Institutional Quota Seats: -

The Unaided Institution can admit Eligible Candidates as specified in schedule,
subject to following conditions: –
(i) The Candidates having Candidature mentioned in rule 5(1), 5(2), 5(3), 5(4), 5(5)
and 5(6) of Government Extra-Ordinary Gazette Part IV-B –No 113, 5th May
2017, shall be eligible for these seats;
(ii) The maximum 5% seats may be filled in from the NRI or Foreign Student or
OCI or PIO Candidates, at the Institution level on the basis of Inter-Se-Merit of
candidates, as given in rule 8 of these rules.

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(iii)The seats reserved for this NRI or Foreign Student or OCI or PIO quota remains
vacant, those vacant seats may be filled in by the Institution, from the Eligible
Provided that while filling of these vacant seats the preference shall be
given to the Maharashtra State Candidature Candidates on the basis of Inter-

(5) Supernumerary Seats for Jammu and Kashmir Migrant Candidature: -

(i) The Candidates having candidature as given in rule 5(6) of these rules* shall be
eligible for these seats;
(ii) The number of seats for this quota shall be as per the Policy of the Government;
(iii)These seats shall be filled in by the Competent Authority/Nodal Officer-
Director, Higher Education M.S. Central Building Pune-1 after due verification
of the documents and verifying the merit list.
(iv) These seats will be lapsed, if remains vacant.

7.1 Reservations:-
All the reservations given below shall be applicable to candidates
belonging to Maharashtra State only subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility
criteria specified by respective authorities from time to time.

(a) Reservation for Backward Class Category Candidates:-

The percentage of seats reserved for candidates of backward class
categories belonging to Maharashtra State only is as given below. The
percentage of reservation is the percentage of seats available for Maharashtra
Candidates, coming under the CAP. Backward class candidate shall claim the
category to which they belong to at the time of submission of application form
for CAP.
Sr. Category of Reservation Percentage of Seats
No. Reserved
01 Scheduled Castes and Schedule Caste converted 13.00 %
to Buddhism (SC)
02 Schedule Tribes (ST) 7.00 %

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03 Vimukta Jati (VJ)/ De Notified Tribes (DT) 3.00 %
04 Nomadic Tribes 1 (NT-B) 2.5%
05 Nomadic Tribes 2 (NT-C) 3.5%
06 Nomadic Tribes 3 (NT-D) 2.00 %
07 Other Backward Classes (OBC) 19.00 %
Total 50.00 %
(Source: Maharashtra ACT No. XXX of 2006)

i. In case of the Castes NT-A,NT-B, NT-C, NT-D,OBC and SBC belonging to

Maharashtra State ,candidates have to upload the Caste Certificate,
Caste/Tribe validity Certificate and Non Creamy layer certificate valid up to
31 March 2021 while filling the on line application form for CAP.
[If Caste validity Certificate / Non Creamy layer certificate is not available, then
candidate has to upload Receipt of application form submitted for obtaining Caste
validity Certificate / Non Creamy layer certificate ,But Candidates will have to
upload the original Caste validity Certificate / Non Creamy layer certificate
before the last date of Admission Confirmation of the First Round of Admission as
declared in the Tentative schedule of CAP.]

ii. Backward class candidates belonging to S.C./ S.T. from the State of
Maharashtra candidates will have to upload the Caste Certificate
&Caste/Tribe validity Certificate while filling the on line application form
for CAP.
If Caste/Tribe validity Certificate is not available, then candidate has to
upload Receipt of application form submitted for obtaining Caste/Tribe
validity Certificate. But Candidates will have to upload the original
Caste/Tribe validity Certificate before the last date of Admission
Confirmation of the First Round of Admission as declared in the Tentative
schedule of CAP.
iii. All candidates of Reserved Category will have to produce the Caste Certificate,
Caste Validity Certificate & Non Creamy Layer Certificate at the time of
documents verification for admission in Admitting College to Reserved
Category Seat.
iv. Candidates holding Caste certificate from any State other than Maharashtra

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will be considered as Open Category Candidate.
v. Provision for Special Backward Class: Some of the castes under SBC category
were earlier included in Other Backward Categories. Therefore, such SBC
candidate shall be held eligible for reservation in the backward class in which
they were included previously.
vi. After implementing admission process by following the merit list, if some of
the reserved seats remain vacant, and then SBC candidate will be given
admission to fill up the seat on priority basis to the maximum limit of 2% of the
total intake capacity.

(b) Reservation for sons/daughters of Defense Service Personnel:

Five percent (5%) seats within sanctioned intake of an institute of MS

quota, shall be reserved for Children of Ex-service personnel who are Domiciled
in Maharashtra State (Def-1), Children of Active Service Personnel who are
Domiciled in Maharashtra State(Def-2), Children of the Active Service Personnel
(Def-3) who are transferred to Maharashtra State but are not Domiciled in
Maharashtra State, or who are not domiciled in Maharashtra State but their
families are stationed in Maharashtra State under the provision of retention of
family accommodation at the last duty station on grounds of children’s education
provided further that, such candidate should have appeared and passed the
Graduation/ Post Graduation/ Qualifying examination from a school/college
situated in the State of Maharashtra.
These seats are within the sanctioned intake and are available as State
Level seats. This quota will not be available in Un-Aided Minority Colleges
and Aided Minority Colleges.
(i) A combined single merit list of all eligible Def-1, Def-2and Def-3
candidates shall be prepared.
(ii) Candidates claiming these seats shall produce additional documents in
Proforma C,D, and /or E as applicable.
(iii) This provision is NOT available to the children of CIVILIAN STAFF
who is working/ who has worked in the Indian Defence Service.

17 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(c) Reservation for Persons with Disability Candidate:
Five percent (5%) seats within sanctioned intake of an institute of MS quota
shall be reserved for Candidates having minimum 40% benchmark disability with
following nature of Disabilities.
Locomotor or disability Low-vision Mental illness
Leprosy cured person Deaf Multiple sclerosis
Cerebral palsy Hard of hearing Parkinson's disease
Dwarfism Speech and language disability Hemophilia
Muscular dystrophy Intellectual disability Thalassemia
Acid attack victims Specific learning disabilities Sickle cell disease
Blindness Autism spectrum disorder Multiple Disabilities

The candidates claiming reservation under this category shall submit the
certificates from the authority competent for issuing such certificate. The certificate
(Pro-forma) should clearly state that the extent of disability is not less than 40% (Forty
percent) and the disability is permanent in nature. This quota will not available in
Aided Minority Colleges, Unaided &Unaided Minority Colleges.
Note: - Candidates with Disability should note that on admission to degree
course they will not be given any exemptions or additional facility in the academic
activities other than those which may be provided by the respective Universities.
The allotment of seats reserved for the candidates with Disability shall be done
on the basis of an inter-se merit of respective type of handicap of such candidates.
These seats are available for Maharashtra domiciled candidates.
The candidates claiming reservation under this category shall Upload &submit
the PWD Medical Certificate issued by Civil Surgeon of the District Hospital & or
Approved Medical Board / or All India Institute established by Central Government
Competent to certify the Disability.
(In addition to the basic qualification, candidate who is suffering from any one
of the following permanent disability is eligible to seek admission against seats
reserved for persons with Disability candidates (i.e. candidate who is visually
impaired (blind) candidate type-P1, Candidate who is speech & hearing impaired
(deaf & dumb) candidate type-P2, Candidate who has Orthopedic disorders, learning
disabilities, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Spastic Candidate type-P3, provided
they submit a certificate clearly stating that the extent of disability is 40% and above
in case of P-1 and P-2 category candidates and No minimum % of disability is required
in case of P-3 candidates but the nature of disability should be of permanent nature.)

18 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(d) Reservation for EWS Candidate:-
As per the provisions in Government Resolution No. रा आधा -४०१९/प्र.क्र.३१/१६-
अ,Dated 12th February, 2019 and Government Letter No. Vidhi-2020/C.R. No.
86/Mashi-2, dated 23rd July, 2020, 10% seats Over and above the Maharashtra State
Quota of Institute / College shall be reserved for EWS candidates. These seats shall
be filled by the Competent Authority through CAP as per the policies of the
Government declared from time to time.

If EWS Certificate is not available, then candidate has to upload Receipt of

application form submitted for obtaining EWS Certificate. But Candidates
will have to upload the original EWS Certificate before the last date of
Admission Confirmation of the First Round of Admission as declared in the
Tentative schedule of CAP.

(e) Reservations for Orphan Candidates :-

One percent (1%) seats of CAP Seats (excluding Minority institutions, All India
Seats, if any) shall be reserved for Orphan Candidates. These seats shall be filled
by the Competent Authority through CAP as per Government Resolution, Women
and Child Welfare Department, No. AMJ-2011/C.R. 212 / Desk 3, Dated2nd April
2018 and the policies of the Government declared from time to time.

(f) Reservation for female candidates:

As per the provisions in Government Resolution No. GEC-1000/ (123/2000)/
Tech. Edu. -1, dated 17th April, 2000, 30% seats shall be reserved for female
candidates. There shall be no reservation for Female candidates under Defense,
Persons with Disability and Orphan categories.

19 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
7.2 Eligibility Criteria for LLB-3 Yrs. Course:

Eligibility Conditions and requirement for admissions to LL.B-3 Full time

Regular Undergraduate Degree Course are detailed below: -

A. For Maharashtra State Candidature Candidates:-

1) The candidate should be an Indian National and -
(a) Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty of any University in
Maharashtra established by an act of Parliament or by a State Legislature or an
equivalent National Institution recognized as a Deemed to be University or Foreign
University recognized as equivalent to the status of an Indian University by an
authority competent to declare equivalence, With Minimum
i. 45% marks in aggregate in qualifying examination (That is 45% marks
for all the parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in case of
candidates belonging to General (Open)/E.W.S./Orphan Candidates
from the state of Maharashtra.
ii. 42% marks in aggregate in qualifying examination (That is 42% marks
for all the parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in case of
candidates belonging to VJ/ DT/ NT(A)/ NT(B)/ NT(C)/ NT(D)/
OBC/ SBC Category belonging to State of Maharashtra.
iii. 40% marks in aggregate in qualifying examination (That is 40% marks
for all the parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in case of
Candidates belonging to SC & ST Categories from the State of

(b) An applicant who has passed the U.G degree and 2/3 years P.G degree from
University in Maharashtra mentioned in (a) after processing the studies in the
pattern 12th+3+2/3 with minimum marks as stated in (a) :
Provided that, the applicants who have obtained +2 Higher Secondary
Pass Certificate or First Degree Certificate by distance or correspondence
method shall also be considered as eligible for three year Law Courses.
Further provided that, no candidate from the open University having a
degree contrary of the U.G.C. Act and regulations and contrary to Rules of
Legal Education shall be eligible.

20 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(c) The qualifications of 10th (SSC), 12th (+2)(HSC) and graduation may be obtained
through any mode (distance / correspondence / open schooling method).

(d) The Applicant/s must obtain basic qualification for admission to three year Law

course for which the Basic Qualification shall be 12th (HSC) which shall be required to
be followed by three year graduation.

2) Non Zero Score in MAH-LLB-3 Years 2020 CET conducted by the Competent
Note: The Percentage of marks shall not be calculated by rounding off to nearest
(1) Candidate should have passed Graduate and or Post Graduate/ Qualifying
Examination from the State of Maharashtra. As regards Minimum percentage
of Marks in the Graduation and or Post Graduation, qualifying examination as
the case may be, the candidates must have secured:
(a) Forty-Five Percent (45%) marks in Aggregate (That is 45 % marks for all the
Parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in qualifying examination
in case of candidates belonging to General (Open)/E.W.S./Orphan
Candidates from the state of Maharashtra.
(b) Forty-Two Percent (42%) marks in Aggregate (That is 42 % marks for all the
Parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in qualifying examination
in case of candidates belonging to VJ/ DT/ NT(A)/ NT(B)/ NT(C)/ NT(D)/
O.B.C./ S.B.C. Category belonging to State of Maharashtra.
(c) Forty Percent (40%) marks in Aggregate (That is 40% marks for all the Parts
of the Degree Examination taken together) in qualifying examination in case
of Candidates belonging to SC&ST Categories from the State of
Maharashtra only.
(2) Three-year graduation degree in any faculty issued by any University
recognized by UGC and following a 12th+3+2/3 education pattern is a must for
admission of three-year law course.
(3) Candidate obtained bachelor degree from any open University with
Preparatory examination without passing HSC are not eligible for LL.B-3 year
Course & admission of LL.B-3 Year Course.[ W.P.12192/2018 Hon’ble
Aurangabad High Court Order.]
(4) Candidate should have completed any 3 Year bachelor degree from any open
University (recognized by UGC) after passing 12th Std. (HSC). Such candidates
are eligible for LL.B-3 year Course.

21 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(5) Those candidates who have passed 12th Std. (HSC) after Graduation and or Post
Graduation are not eligible for admission of LL.B-3 year Course since their
qualification is Non-Sequential.
(6) Basic qualification for admission into Three Year Law Course will be 12th (+2)
which shall be required to be followed by three-Year graduation and or two or
three Years Post Graduation.
Reference:- Minutes of the meeting The Legal Education Committee, Dated 30th
April, 2017.
(7) Candidate seeking admission into Three Year Law course must have passed
class 12th (HSC) as it is the Basic Qualification for the 3 year law course
without passing which, he or she cannot be considered eligible for LL.B-3
year Course.

B. All India Candidature Candidates, Union Territory of Jammu and Union Territory
of Ladakh Migrant Candidates: -
1) The candidate should be an Indian National and -
(a) Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty of any University established
by an act of Parliament or by a State Legislature or an equivalent National Institution
recognized as a Deemed to be University or Foreign University recognized as
equivalent to the status of an Indian University by an authority competent to declare
equivalence, With Minimum 45% marks in aggregate in qualifying examination.

(That is 45% marks for all the parts of the Degree Examination taken together)
(b) An applicant who has passed the U.G degree and 2/3 years P.G degree from
University mentioned in (a) after processing the studies in the pattern
12th+3+2/3 with minimum marks as stated in (a) :
Provided that, the applicants who have obtained +2 Higher Secondary Pass
Certificate or First Degree Certificate by distance or correspondence method
shall also be considered as eligible for three year Law Courses.
Further provided that, no candidate from the open University having a degree
contrary of the U.G.C. Act and regulations and contrary to Rules of Legal
Education shall be eligible.

(c) The qualifications of 10th (SSC), 12th (+2)(HSC) and graduation may be obtained
through any mode (distance / correspondence / open schooling method).

22 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(d) The Applicant/s must obtain basic qualification for admission to three year Law

course for which the Basic Qualification shall be 12th (HSC) which shall be required to
be followed by three year graduation.

3) Non Zero Score in MAH-LLB-3 Years 2020 CET conducted by the Competent
Note: The Percentage of marks shall not be calculated by rounding off to nearest
(1) Candidate should have passed Graduate and or Post Graduate/ Qualifying
Examination. As regards Minimum percentage of Marks in the Graduation and
or Post Graduation, qualifying examination as the case may be, the candidates
must have secured:
(a) Forty-Five Percent (45%) marks in Aggregate (That is 45 % marks for all the
Parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in qualifying examination.
(2) Three-year graduation degree in any faculty issued by any University
recognized by UGC and following a 12th+3+2/3 education pattern is a must for
admission of three-year law course.
(3) Candidate obtained bachelor degree from any open University with
Preparatory examination without passing HSC are not eligible for LL.B-3 year
Course & admission of LL.B-3 Year Course.[ W.P.12192/2018 Hon’ble
Aurangabad High Court Order.]
(4) Candidate should have completed any 3 Year bachelor degree from any open
University (recognized by UGC) after passing 12th Std. (HSC). Such candidates
are eligible for LL.B-3 year Course.
(5) Those candidates who have passed 12th Std. (HSC) after Graduation and or Post
Graduation are not eligible for admission of LL.B-3 year Course since their
qualification is Non-Sequential.

23 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(6) Basic qualification for admission into Three Year Law Course will be 12th (+2)
which shall be required to be followed by three-Year graduation and or two or
three Years Post Graduation.
Reference:- Minutes of the meeting The Legal Education Committee, Dated 30th
April, 2017.
(7) Candidate seeking admission into Three Year Law course must have passed
class 12th (HSC) as it is the Basic Qualification for the 3 year law course
without passing which, he or she cannot be considered eligible for LL.B-3
year Course.

C. NRI/ OCI/ PIO, Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries, Foreign National:-
(a) Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty of any University established
by an act of Parliament or by a State Legislature or an equivalent National Institution
recognized as a Deemed to be University or Foreign University recognized as
equivalent to the status of an Indian University by an authority competent to declare
equivalence, With Minimum45% marks in aggregate in qualifying examination.

(That is 45% marks for all the parts of the Degree Examination taken together)
(b) An applicant who has passed the U.G degree and 2/3 years P.G degree from
University mentioned in (a) after processing the studies in the pattern
12th+3+2/3 with minimum marks as stated in (a) :
Provided that, the applicants who have obtained +2 Higher Secondary Pass
Certificate or First Degree Certificate by distance or correspondence method
shall also be considered as eligible for three year Law Courses.
Further provided that, no candidate from the open University having a degree
contrary of the U.G.C. Act and regulations and contrary to Rules of Legal
Education shall be eligible.

(c) The qualifications of 10th (SSC), 12th (+2)(HSC) and graduation may be obtained
through any mode (distance / correspondence / open schooling method).

(d) The Applicant/s must obtain basic qualification for admission to three year Law

course for which the Basic Qualification shall be 12th (HSC) which shall be required to
be followed by three year graduation.

24 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Note: The Percentage of marks shall not be calculated by rounding off to nearest
(1) Candidate should have passed Graduate and or Post Graduate/ Qualifying
Examination. As regards Minimum percentage of Marks in the Graduation and
or Post Graduation, qualifying examination as the case may be, the candidates
must have secured:
(a) Forty-Five Percent (45%) marks in Aggregate (That is 45 % marks for all the
Parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in qualifying examination.
(2) Three-year graduation degree in any faculty issued by any University
recognized by UGC and following a 12th+3+2/3 education pattern is a must for
admission of three-year law course.
(3) Candidate obtained bachelor degree from any open University with
Preparatory examination without passing HSC are not eligible for LL.B-3 year
Course & admission of LL.B-3 Year Course.[ W.P.12192/2018 Hon’ble
Aurangabad High Court Order.]
(4) Candidate should have completed any 3 Year bachelor degree from any open
University (recognized by UGC) after passing 12th Std. (HSC). Such candidates
are eligible for LL.B-3 year Course.
(5) Those candidates who have passed 12th Std. (HSC) after Graduation and or Post
Graduation are not eligible for admission of LL.B-3 year Course since their
qualification is Non-Sequential.

25 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(6) Basic qualification for admission into Three Year Law Course will be 12th (+2)
which shall be required to be followed by three-Year graduation and or two or
three Years Post Graduation.
Reference:- Minutes of the meeting The Legal Education Committee, Dated 30th
April, 2017.
(7) Candidate seeking admission into Three Year Law course must have passed
class 12th (HSC) as it is the Basic Qualification for the 3 year law course
without passing which, he or she cannot be considered eligible for LL.B-3
year Course.

[For Eligibility Criteria References: Rules of Legal Education, 2008 (5)(b) & Govt. of
Maharashtra Gazette, Extraordinary, Part IV-B, Extraordinary No.235, Dated 8th October,

Important Notes:
Aggregate Marks means the Marks for all the parts of degree examination taken together. For
example, in case of Three-Years Degree Course Yearly Pattern candidates have to add the marks of
all three years (First Year + Second year + Third Year) and calculate the Aggregate Marks & Percentage
irrespective of the percentage declared by the University. Engineering Passed degree candidates should
calculate their percentage as per their number of years of degree examination.

Aggregate Marks means the marks for all the parts of degree examination taken together. For
example, in case of Three Year Degree Course Semester pattern candidates have to add the marks
of all Six Semesters (Semester-I + Semester-II + Semester-III + Semester-IV + Semester-V +
Semester-VI) and calculate the Aggregate marks & Percentage irrespective of the Percentage declared by
the University.

Engineering Passed degree candidates should calculate their percentage as per their number of
Semesters of degree examination.

The percentage of marks shall be calculated by rounding off to two places after decimal. This
round off will be applicable to the Percentage above the Minimum Percentage of Marks required for
qualifying examination mentioned in 7.2 (A,B &C) above i.e. 44.50% on wards till 44.99% cannot be
round of to 45% in case of Open Category, All India Candidature Type candidates (OMS), EWS
and SEBC Candidates and 41.50% onwards till 41.99%cannot be round off to 42% in case of OBC,
SBC, DTVJ, NT-1, NT-2 , NT-3 candidates and 39.50%on wards till 39.99%cannot be rounded
off to 40% in case of SC and ST candidates belonging to Maharashtra State candidates. Hon. High Court
of Judicature AT Bombay has confirmed this stand in the combined judgement in WP No. 2719
of 2019 and 2720 of 2019 uploaded on their web site on 16/11/2019.

26 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Note: -
1) Aggregate marks means the Grand Total of Marks obtained by the Candidate
at the Certificate/ Diploma on which the Class/Grade is awarded by the

2) In case the candidates are awarded Grades,/CGPA instead of marks , the

conversion of Grade/CGPA to Percentage of marks would be based on the
formula/procedure certified by the Board/ University/Institution who has
awarded the same. It is obligatory on the part of the candidate to bring the
Conversion Certificate from the Board/ University/ Institution.

7.2.1Age Limit:
There is no Upper Age limit at present for admission to LLB-3 Yrs. Course in
view of the cases pending in Hon. Supreme Court of India, and the order passed by
the Hon. High Court, Bombay in W.P. No. 3235/2016.The Admissions to LLB-3 Yrs.
Course will be subject to the final outcome of the various Writ Petitions pending before
various Hon. Courts.

7.3 Steps involved in the Admission Process of NRI/OCI/PIO/CIWGC/Foreign

National Students/ will be as under:

27 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
1. Candidate will register as NRI / OCI / PIO / CIWGC/ Foreign National
Candidates on as per the Schedule
declared by Competent Authority.
2. Candidate will Fill up the Application form, upload the required documents
and pay the Fee prescribed Rs. 5,000/- online as per the schedule.
3. NRI, OCI, PIO, CIWGC, FNS candidate after filling CAP Application form, will
go to the Designated Centre for Document Verification.
4. Candidate will take print out of the Form and Receipt and submit at the declared
centre by Competent Authority, State Common Entrance Test Cell, Mumbai.

Sr. No. Name of the Course Name and Address of the Facilitation
1 LL.B.-3 Years Government Law College, A Road Church
gate, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020.

5. Expert Committee at the Facilitation Center will verify and check the
Application form, Original documents, and will certify that the Candidate
fulfills the basic Academic Eligibility criteria as per the Common Admission
Process Brochure. No proxy will be allowed for verification.
6. Merit list of all the documents verified eligible candidates will be prepared by
Competent Authority based on the on line report submitted by the Expert
Committee & will be displayed on the Website before the start of Second
Candidates who are not able to produce the required Original
documents at the time of documents verification will be rejected & will not
be considered as eligible candidates. Their name will not be considered for
generation of Merit list.
7. NRI, OCI, PIO candidates are not required to fill in the on Line Option form if
he is desirous of seeking admission in unaided colleges.
8. If the Candidate is desirous of seeking admission in Government and
Government Aided Colleges, then he /she have to fill the College Option Form.
9. Facilitation Centre will update the approved status on line
10. NRI, OCI, PIO candidate will approach the unaided institutes for admission of
their choice before as per the time schedule published on website.
28 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
11. Institute will check the Eligibility, Documents and give him admissions by
generating on line admission letter from their log in.
12. The NRI, OCI, PIO, CIWGC, FNS quota in the Government and Aided colleges
will be filled in by Competent Authority through CAP.
13. Institute will update online his admission on portal before the beginning of the 3rdRound or
in the Institutional Level Round without fail. The unfilled NRI, OCI, PIO seats
will be automatically transferred to All India Candidature.
14. Even If NRI, OCI, PIO, CIWGC, FNS candidate has appeared for CET; he has
to register himself for NRI, OCI, PIO, CIWGC, FNS quota.
Special Instructions for NRI, OCI, PIO, CIWGC, FNS Candidates: -
The NRI/OCI/PIO/Foreign National Students/CIWGC/ candidates
are advised to keep the following documents ready:
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
01 Foreign Nationals/ 1) SSC (10th Std.)Mark Sheet or Equivalent
Foreign students Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
2) HSC (12th Std.) Mark Sheet or equivalent
Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
3) Degree Mark sheet or Equivalent along
with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
[Candidate has to Add the marks of All
Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/ Board
to award Certificate/ Diploma/Degree/PG
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-DM)
along with Mark sheets of all
Semesters/FY, SY Mark sheet /First year,
Second Year Mark sheet & final Third
Year Mark Sheet as single PDF. .
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
29 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}
[Annexure-DM is attached after the
And Or
3) Post Graduate Degree Mark Sheet or
Equivalent along with Grade/GP/CGPA
to Marks Conversion Certificate.

[Candidate has to Add the marks of All

Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/
Board to award Certificate/
Diploma/Degree/PG Degree.]
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-PGM)
along with the final year Mark Sheet in
single PDF format.
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}

[Annexure-PGM is attached after the

4) Equivalence certificate from the
Association of Indian Universities, New
Delhi (AIU) in case Qualifying certificate/
Degree is from Foreign Board/ University.
5) Eligibility Certificate from concerned
University in which candidates is seeking
6) Certificate / Proof of Foreign National or
Foreign Student Status.
7) Passport of the Candidate & Valid Student
Visa of the Candidate.
8) Original recent Affidavit (of Current

30 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
Academic Year) of the Mother/Father of
the Students in prescribed format (Marked
as Annexure - D).
02 Persons of Indian 1) SSC (10th Std.)Mark Sheet or Equivalent
Origin/Overseas Citizen of Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
India Candidates. Conversion Certificate.
2) HSC (12th Std.) Mark Sheet or equivalent
Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
PIO/OCI Candidates. Conversion Certificate.
3) Degree Mark sheet or Equivalent along
with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
[Candidate has to Add the marks of All
Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/ Board
to award Certificate/ Diploma/Degree/PG
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-DM)
along with Mark sheets of all
Semesters/FY, SY Mark sheet /First year,
Second Year Mark sheet & final Third
Year Mark Sheet as single PDF. .
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}
[Annexure-DM is attached after the
And Or
3) Post Graduate Degree Mark Sheet or
Equivalent along with Grade/GP/CGPA
to Marks Conversion Certificate.

[Candidate has to Add the marks of All

Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/

31 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
Board to award Certificate/
Diploma/Degree/PG Degree.]
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-PGM)
along with the final year Mark Sheet in
single PDF format.
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}

[Annexure-PGM is attached after the

4) Equivalence certificate from the
Association of Indian Universities, New
Delhi (AIU) in case Qualifying certificate/
Degree is from Foreign Board/ University.
5) Eligibility Certificate from concerned
University in which candidates is seeking
6) Certificate / Proof of Foreign National or
Foreign Student Status.
7) Passport of the Candidate & Valid Student
Visa of the Candidate.
8) Original recent Affidavit (of Current
Academic Year) of the Mother/Father of
the Students in prescribed format (Marked
as Annexure - D).
9) Original Affidavit (of current Academic
Year) of claimant disclosing his full identity
i.e. full name, age, residence, Occupation,
relationship with sponsor along family tree.
duly signed by the candidate/student or
his/her parents in prescribed format
(Marked as Annexure - E).
10) School Leaving Certificates/ Birth
Certificates/ Mark sheets/ PAN cards /
Passports/ Marriage Certificates etc. of
concerned relative members shown on
family tree/chart.
03 Workers in Gulf Countries/ 1) SSC (10th Std.)Mark Sheet or Equivalent

32 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
CIWGC Candidates Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
2) HSC (12th Std.) Mark Sheet or equivalent
Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
3) Degree Mark sheet or Equivalent along
with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
[Candidate has to Add the marks of All
Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/ Board
to award Certificate/ Diploma/Degree/PG
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-DM)
along with Mark sheets of all
Semesters/FY, SY Mark sheet /First year,
Second Year Mark sheet & final Third
Year Mark Sheet as single PDF. .
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}
[Annexure-DM is attached after the
And Or
3) Post Graduate Degree Mark Sheet or
Equivalent along with Grade/GP/CGPA
to Marks Conversion Certificate.

[Candidate has to Add the marks of All

Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/
Board to award Certificate/
Diploma/Degree/PG Degree.]
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-PGM)

33 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
along with the final year Mark Sheet in
single PDF format.
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}

[Annexure-PGM is attached after the

4) Equivalence certificate from the
Association of Indian Universities, New
Delhi (AIU) in case Qualifying certificate/
Degree is from Foreign Board/ University.
5) Eligibility Certificate from concerned
University in which candidates is seeking
6) Certificate / Proof of Person having
workers in Gulf Countries/ NRI Status
6) Letter from Employer on Company Letter
Head along with the necessary information
(i.e. date of appointment and working
period in the said firm, address, etc.),
7) Passport and Visa of parent working in
foreign country.
8) Certificate of Embassy stating NRI Status of
the Concerned.
8) Proof of residence showing minimum
continuous 182 days of stay of claimant NRI
in abroad for the Academic year of
Admission, prior to the admission date.
And/ OR
9) Proof of Residence Such as : Driving
License/Telephone Bill / Electric Bill /
Water supply bill / Rent receipt / Lease
Agreement / Property Tax Copy/ IT
Return Copy, etc. from last six months(With
full name & address of the Sponsor)
10) Original Affidavit (of current Academic

34 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
Year) of claimant/sponsor disclosing his
full identity i.e. full name, age, residence,
occupation, relationship with candidate,
etc. duly singed by the sponsor (Marked as
Annexure - D).
11) Original Affidavit (of current Academic
Year) of claimant disclosing his full identity
i.e. full name, age, residence, Occupation,
relationship with sponsor along family tree.
duly signed by the candidate/student or
his/her parents in prescribed format
(Marked as Annexure - E)
12) School Leaving Certificates/ Birth
Certificates/ Mark sheets/ PAN cards /
Passports/ Marriage Certificates etc. of
concerned relative members shown on
family tree/chart.
04 Non Resident Indian(NRI) 1) SSC (10th Std.)Mark Sheet or Equivalent
Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
2) HSC (12th Std.) Mark Sheet or equivalent
Along with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks
Conversion Certificate.
3) Degree Marksheet or Equivalent along with
Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks Conversion
[Candidate has to Add the marks of All
Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/ Board
to award Certificate/ Diploma/Degree/PG
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-DM)
along with Mark sheets of all
Semesters/FY, SY Mark sheet /First year,
Second Year Mark sheet & final Third
Year Mark Sheet as single PDF. .
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such

35 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}
[Annexure-DM is attached after the
And Or
3) Post Graduate Degree Mark Sheet or
Equivalent along with Grade/GP/CGPA
to Marks Conversion Certificate.

[Candidate has to Add the marks of All

Semesters or All Years of degree course
together and Calculate the Percentage of
Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/
Board to award Certificate/
Diploma/Degree/PG Degree.]
Candidate has to Upload Self attested
Conversion Certificate (Annexure-PGM)
along with the final year Mark Sheet in
single PDF format.
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are
separate, such candidate will upload both
the Mark sheet along with conversion
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of
Both the Year in Single Mark Sheet, such
candidate can upload only single mark
sheet along with conversion certificate.}

[Annexure-PGM is attached after the

4) Equivalence certificate from the
Association of Indian Universities, New
Delhi (AIU) in case Qualifying certificate/
Degree is from Foreign Board/ University.
5) Eligibility certificate from concerned
University in which the candidate is
seeking admission.
6) Original Affidavit (of current Academic
Year) of claimant/sponsor disclosing his
full identity i.e. full name, age, residence,
occupation, relationship with Candidate,
etc. duly singed by the sponsor (Marked as
Annexure - D).
7) Original Affidavit (of current Academic

36 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and
No. uploaded while filling the online CAP
Application form.
Year) of claimant disclosing his full identity
i.e. full name, age, residence, Occupation,
relationship with sponsor along family tree.
duly signed by the candidate/student or
his/her parents in prescribed format
(Marked as Annexure - E)
8) School Leaving Certificates/ Birth
Certificates/ Mark sheets/ PAN cards /
Passports/ Marriage Certificates etc. of
concerned relative members shown on
family tree/chart.
9) Sponsors valid Passport and VISA.
10) Certificate of Embassy stating NRI Status of
the Sponsor.
Proof of residence showing minimum
continuous 182 days of stay of claimant NRI
in abroad for the Academic year of
Admission, prior to the admission date.
And /or
11) Proof of Residence Such as :- Driving
License/Telephone Bill / Electric Bill /
Water supply bill / Rent receipt / Lease
Agreement / Property Tax Copy / IT
Return Copy, etc. from last six months(With
full name & address of the


SPONSORSHIP (format available at end of brochure)
(Format available at end of brochure)

8. Preparation of Merit List:-

(1) Assignment of Merit Number :-

All the eligible Candidates who have submitted Application Form on or before
the last date specified for the submission of Application Form for Admission through

37 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
CAP shall be assigned a merit number. The merit list shall be prepared on the basis of
CET Score or on the basis of marks obtained at qualifying examination, or any other
criterion as specified in sub-section (3) of the rule.

(2) Change of Marks due to Verification: -

If the marks in the qualifying examination are modified due to verification and
the same is duly certified by the concerned Appropriate Authority or Board, the same
shall be reported to the Competent Authority for admission through Centralized
Admission Process (CAP) or its designated representatives prior to 5 p.m. on the day
of display of final merit list.;

(3) Assignment of Merit Number in case of tie:-

(I) The merit list for the Candidates as per rule 5(1) (MS), 5(2) (OMS), 5(3)
(Minority) and 5 (6)(J&K Migrant) Candidates of these rules, shall be prepared on the
basis of CET Score of the Relevant Academic Year:
Provided that, in case of tie, the relative merit of Candidates shall be resolved
in the following order of preference and the methodology as specified below:-
(i) First preference shall be given to the Candidate having Post Graduate degree
of statutory University;
(ii) Higher percentage of marks in Post Graduate degree of statutory University;
(iii) Higher percentage of marks in Qualifying Undergraduate Examination (or
equivalent examination);
(iv) Higher percentage of marks in aggregate at HSC or equivalent examination;
(v) Higher percentage of marks in SSC or equivalent examination;
(vi) Older in age.
(II) The merit list for the NRI or OCI or PIO and Foreign Students stated at rule 5(4)
and 5(5) of these rules shall be prepared on the basis of the percentage of marks in the
Qualifying Examination:
Provided that, in case of tie, the relative merit of Candidates shall be resolved
in the following order of preference and the methodology as specified below,—
i. Higher percentage of marks in aggregate at HSC or equivalent examination;
ii. Higher percentage of marks in aggregate at SSC or equivalent examination;

38 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
9. Centralized Admission Process (CAP).—
(1) The Unaided Private Professional Educational Institution shall admit
Candidates through the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) as referred to in sub-
section (3) of section 3 of the Act. The stages of CAP shall be as stated below, ––
(a) Display or publishing of Information Brochure by the Competent Authority in
consultation with the concerned Directorate;
(b) Filling online application form by Candidate for participation in the
Centralized Admission Process (CAP);
(c) Uploading of scanned images of valid necessary original documents as per the
requirement of the admissions while filling of online application form;
(d) Document Verification at Admission Reporting Center by the Candidate
through the method prescribed by the Competent Authority for this purpose.
It is mandatory on the Candidate’s part to produce all original document in
support of the claim made in the application form;
(e) Display or publishing of provisional merit lists, submission of grievances, if
any, through the method prescribed by the Competent Authority for this
purpose and display or publishing of final merit lists;
(f) Display of available Category Wise Seats (Seat Matrix) available for respective
CAP Rounds;
(g) Filling up and confirmation of online option form having preferences of
Institutions prior to CAP Round-I and CAP Round-II. Candidates may fill in
preferences of Institutes in decreasing order of their preference as specified by
the Competent Authority. The option form once confirmed prior to CAP Round-I shall
be considered for allotment in the CAP Round-I and the option confirmed prior to
CAP Round II shall be considered for allotment in CAP Round II only;
(h) Display of provisional allotment of respective CAP Rounds indicating allotted
(i) Candidate shall accept the offered seat by paying seat acceptance fee at
Admission Reporting Centre (ARC) from Candidate’s login as per the schedule
declared by the Competent Authority;
(j) Only after seat acceptance as per clause (i), the Candidate should report to the
allotted institute for seeking admission on the allotted seat as per final
allotment in CAP rounds;
39 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(k) The time schedule prescribed by Competent Authority for compliances for
various stages of CAP is mandatory.

(2) Conduct of CAP Round –I.

The seats available for Round-I shall be published on the website. The
Candidate whose names appeared in the final merit list of CAP shall be eligible to
participate in this round by filling online option form. The Candidate shall fill and
confirm the option form through Candidate’s Login.

(3) During the CAP.—

(a) If a Candidate is allotted the seat as per his first preference, such allotment shall
be auto freezed and the Candidate shall accept the allotment so made. Such
Candidate shall then be not eligible for participation in the subsequent CAP
rounds. Such Candidates shall then report to ARC for verification of documents
and payment of seat acceptance fee through Candidate’s Login. Thereafter such
Candidate shall report to the allotted institute and seek admission on the
allotted seat. If such Candidate does not report to ARC for confirmation of seat
acceptance, their claim on the allotted seat shall stand forfeited automatically
and the seat shall become available for fresh allotment. For such Candidate, the
allotment so made shall be the final allotment;
(b) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than the first preference given by
the Candidate and if the Candidate is satisfied with such allotment and do not
wish to participate in further CAP rounds, such Candidate can freeze the
offered seat through Candidate’s Login. Once the Candidate freezes the
allotted seat, such Candidate shall then report to ARC for verification of
documents and payment of seat acceptance fee. Thereafter such Candidate
shall report to the allotted institute and seek admission on the allotted seat. For
such Candidate, the allotment so made shall be the final allotment. If such
Candidate does not report to ARC for confirmation of seat acceptance, their
claim on the allotted seat shall stand forfeited automatically and the seat shall
become available for fresh allotment. The Candidate who freezes the seat shall
then be not eligible for participation in the subsequent CAP rounds;

40 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(c) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and accepted
the seat by reporting to the ARC for confirmation of seat by paying the seat
acceptance fee through Candidate’s Login shall be eligible for participation in
the subsequent rounds for betterment;
(d) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and not
accepted the seat by not reporting to ARC for confirmation of seat acceptance
and not paying the seat acceptance fee through Candidate’s Login shall be
eligible for participation in the subsequent rounds.

(4) Sub rule (4) deleted;

(5) Conduct of CAP round II: -

(a) The seats available for Round II shall be published on the website.
(b) The Candidates eligible for Round II are allowed to fill in and/or edit online
option form filled in by the Candidate for the previous round. The CET
qualified Candidates who has failed to register themselves before CAP Round
I for the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) shall be eligible to register for
Centralized Admission Process (CAP) before Round II. But the Merit List of
such newly registered Candidates will be published separately and they will
be placed below the Candidates whose names have been published in the first
Merit List. The seats to be allotted during these rounds shall be available to the
eligible Candidates falling under the following categories: ––
i. Candidates as per the sub-rule 3 (c) and 3(d) above;
ii. Candidate who have not been allotted any seat in any of previous
iii. CET Qualified Newly Candidates who did not participate (failure of
filling CAP application form and option form) in previous round.
(c) Candidates who have been allotted seat other than first preference and
reported to Institution for confirmation of seat acceptance, whilst filling fresh
option form, he need not fill the preference already allotted to the Candidate in
the previous round. Once upward preference is allotted to such Candidate, his
earlier seat allotment shall stand automatically cancelled due to application of
dynamic allocation. If the Candidate is not allotted seat in Round II, the seat
41 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
allotted in Round I, as the case may be, shall be retained automatically but the
Candidate will have to report to ARC and Concerned College or Institute for
Confirmation of Admission.
(d) At the time of reporting to the allotted college on Institution for confirming the
allotted seat, the Candidate shall submit all the original documents in support
of the claims made in the application. In that event, if the Candidate fails to
produce the documents in support of the claims, so made in the application,
the allotment shall stand cancelled automatically and the seat shall become
available for allotment in further rounds;
(e) The Candidate will be entitled to rectify the following errors in the application
form at the time of scrutiny of documents at ARC viz.
(i) Change of gender from male to female and vice-versa;
(ii) Error while entering marks obtained by Candidate in examination, CET.
However, the change in the merit number declared vide First Merit List
due to increase in the marks will not be permitted.
(iii) Error with mentioning the caste, sub-caste, the category of backward
class. A reserved category Candidate will be allowed to change his
category from Reserved to General upon his failure to submit requisite
documents like Caste Certificate, Tribal Certificate, Validity Certificate,
Non-Creamy Layer Certificate, etc. as the case may be.
(iv) Removal of minority status due to failure of submission of supporting
(v) Removal of Disability status due to failure of submission of supporting
(vi) Removal of Defense status due to failure of submission of supporting
(vii) Change in type of Candidature;
(viii) Change in Qualification.
Apart from the above, no other change or rectification shall be allowed.
(6) Reporting and Confirmation of Admission:-
The Candidate shall report to the institution finally allotted to him and confirm
his admission in College or Institution as per the schedule. The College or Institute

42 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
shall verify the required documents and upload the admission of the Candidates in
the online system through Institute Login immediately and shall issue a system
generated receipt of confirmation of admission to the Candidate.

10. CAP allotment stages and process of allotment:

Allotment of seats under CAP shall be made in the following manner:—

(1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate.—

(i) The stages of computerized allotment are as follows :—

Stage –I : For all the Candidate :

(a) All the Candidates (Open, Reserved, Male, Female) belonging to various
categories shall be considered for allotment of seats as per their Inter-Se-Merit;

(a-1) Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Orphan Candidates shall be

considered for allotment of seats reserved for them as per their Inter-Se-Merit,
and if seat is not available in the respective reserved category, then they shall
be considered for allotment in Open Category as per the Inter-Se-Merit.;
(b) Backward Class Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment in Open
Category seat by virtue of their Inter-Se-Merit or in their respective Category of
reservation, if Open Category seats are not available at their merit;
(c) The Minority seats shall be allotted to the Candidates of the Maharashtra State
belonging to the Minority Community to which the institution belongs by
virtue of merit or in Open Category as per their Inter-Se-Merit if the seats
reserved for them are not available at their merit;
(d) SBC Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment in Open Category
by virtue of their merit and in case of SBC Candidates who were in Backward
Class prior to their inclusion in SBC Category shall be considered in their
original Backward Class Category;
(e) Persons with Disability Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment
of the seat reserved for them in their respective category, as per their Inter-Se-
Merit and if seat in their respective reserve category is not available, then they
shall be considered for allotment in Open Category as per their Inter-Se- Merit.

43 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(f) Defence Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment of the seats
reserved for them in the respective category as per their Inter-Se-Merit and if
seat in their respective reserve category is not available then they shall be
considered for allotment in Open Category as per their Inter-Se-Merit.
(g) If a seat is available for a candidate in more than one category then the seat
allotment shall be done in the sequence as given below.—
(i) Seat for Ladies;
(ii) Seat for Persons with Disability candidate;
(iii) Seat for Defence.

Stage – II: For allotment of seats reserved for Female to Male Candidates.—
If the seat remains vacant after allotment to Female Candidates of the Backward
Class Category or Open Category, such seat shall be allotted to the Male Candidates
belonging to respective Backward Class or Open Category.

Stage –III: For SBC Category Candidates.—

If the Backward Class Category seat remains vacant, such seat shall be
considered for allotment to the Candidates of SBC Category, limited to the extent of
2% seats.

Stage –IV, Stage-V & Stage VI: Deleted (As per Amendment Dated 14th June 2019).

Stage –VII: For all Candidates (without any type of Reservation).—

The seats shall be considered for allotment to all the Candidates based on Inter-

Stage–VIII: For all Candidates (without Maharashtra State Seat and All India Seat
Tag) -
If the seat remains vacant after completion of Stage -VII then for allotment of
such vacant seats, Stage VIII shall be executed by removing the Maharashtra State and
All India Seat Tag.
(ii) For seats reserved for female candidates the procedure for reservation as given
in Government Circular of General Administration Department, No. RSV.
1012/CN.16/12/16.A, dated 13th August 2014 shall be adopted.

44 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(2) All India Candidature Candidate.—
a) The allotment to these seats shall be done through CAP on the basis of CET
b) All these seats are treated as “General Category” seats and no reservation is
provided in these seats for Candidates of Backward Class Category, Ladies,
Persons with Disability and Defence, etc.

(3) Minority Quota Seats:-

The stages of computerized allotment are as follows:-
Stage- I :The seats under minority quota in the minority institution linguistic or
religious shall be allotted to the candidate belonging to respective minority
Stage- II: If the Seats remains vacant shall be allotted to the Maharashtra State
candidature Candidates.
Stage- III :If the seats remains vacant shall be allotted to the all India candidature
(4) For Jammu and Kashmir Candidature Candidates: -
The Supernumerary seats for Jammu And Kashmir Candidature candidates
shall be allotted to the eligible candidates as in 5(6) on the basis of the Score or Marks
in the Entrance Test (MAH-LLB3CET-2020) conducted by the Competent Authority,
further if seats remain vacant then the seat shall be allotted to the candidates on the
basis of CET conducted by the Competent Authority.
a) Application Form Filling and Submission for Jammu & Kashmir Migrant
The eligible Jammu & Kashmir Migrant candidate shall fill the Online
Application Form, take the printout of the On-line Application form and
required documents and send duly filled in and signed Application Form by
Speed Post/Courier /by hand delivery for verification & confirmation to
admission identified for these admissions to the following Address as per the
Notification published by Director, Higher Education, Pune:-
Directorate of Higher Education,
First Floor, Central Building, Near Sassoon Hospital,

45 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pune Station, Pune - 411 001. M.S.
i. The application should reach on or before the last date as notified.
Applications received after last date or incomplete application will not be
verified and confirmed and name of such candidate will not appear in the
merit list prepared for the purpose of CAP.
ii. The Competent Authority shall publish the provisional Merit List as
specified in Rule8(4).
iii. The candidates whose names do not appear in the merit list(s) will not be
able to participate in entire Admission Process.
iv. The candidates will report to the college allocated to them by the Director
Of Higher Education, Pune, M.S./Competent Authority and seek admission
by completing all required formalities.
v) Candidates seeking admission against these seats shall report to the
Admitted College for admission as per the schedule by Director of Higher
Education, Pune.
vi) The candidate shall produce the documentary evidence strictly as per the
Proforma(s) in support of their claims.
vii) These admissions will be made strictly in the order of merit from amongst
the candidates who report in person for admission at the Office of Director,
Directorate of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra, Central
building, Pune: 411001 as per schedule displayed by Director of Higher
Education, against the seat available in the various Institutes at the time
when the candidate actually report for admission.
viii) Admission once confirmed shall be final and candidate shall not be allowed
to seek transfer of their admission to some other institution and/or some
other course during entire duration of the course.
ix) The candidate reporting late for the admission shall be considered for
allotment against seat available at that time. The decision of the admission
centre in-charge shall be final and binding.

b) Reporting at Institutes:
i) The candidate shall confirm the admission by paying the requisite amount
of fee and by submitting required documents in original to respective
46 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
institute, to which admission is granted as per schedule.
ii) If the candidate fails to substantiate the claims made at the time of
submitting necessary original documents within the reporting time for CAP
round, the candidate forfeits the claim on the allotted seat.
iii) If a candidate is unable to produce original certificates at the time of
his/her admission on account of admission already secured to some other
institution, he or she shall produce a certificate from the Head of the
institution where he/she has already taken admission indicting that
he/she has been admitted to a particular course in that institution on a
particular date and hence original certificates have been retained in that
institution. The candidate shall produce the attested copies of the
certificates dully attested by the Head of the concerned institution. Such
candidates shall be required to pay the fees immediately at the time of
admission and such candidates shall be permitted to submit the required
original certificates within the 04 working days after the date of payment
of fees.
Important Note:
Candidates admitted under this provision are not allowed to change
course or college in any year of the study.

11. Allotment of seats by CAP Round I and II—

(1) CAP Round I and II shall be conducted by computerized allotment.
(2) In CAP Round I.—
(a) For Minority Institutions, the allotment shall be given to the candidates as per
following Preference: -
(i) Stage I of sub-rule (3) of rule 10,
(ii) Stages I and II of sub-rule (1) of rule 10,
(iii) Stage II of sub-rule (3) of rule 10,
(iv) Sub-rule (2) of rule 10,
(v) Stage III of sub-rule (3) of rule 10 ;
(b) For other than Minority Institutions, the allotment shall be given to the candidates
as per following preference :-
(i) Stages I and II of sub-rule (1) of rule 10,

47 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(ii) Sub-rule (2) of rule 10 ;

(3) In CAP Round II.—

(a) For Minority Institutions, the allotment shall be given to the candidates as per
following Preference :-
(i) Stage I of sub-rule (3) of rule 10,
(ii) Stages I to IV of sub-rule (1) of rule 10,
(iii) Stage II of sub-rule (3) of rule 10,
(iv) Sub-rule (2) of rule 10,
(v) Stage III of sub-rule (3) of rule 10 ;

(b) For other than Minority Institutions, the allotment shall be given to the candidates
as per following preference:
(i) Stages I to IV of sub-rule (1) of rule 10,
(ii) Sub-rule (2) of rule 10 of these rules.

(4) Sub rule (4) deleted.

(5) If the seat remains vacant due to non-allotment and non-reporting such seat
will be considered for allotment in subsequent round to all the candidate in 5(1), 5(2)
and 5(3) irrespective of the seat type on the basis of Inter-Se-Merit.

12. General provisions:-

a) Allotment in CAP Round-I and II of State Level Seats will be carried out as per
Inter-Se-Merit of Candidates having Maharashtra State Candidature. The seats
will be allotted to Candidates as per Inter-Se-Merit, options filled and seats
available at that point of time in the stage of CAP Round-I and II.
b) All Candidates eligible at a particular stage of allotment will be considered for
allotment of a seat in that stage, even if they have been allotted or not allotted
a seat in the previous stage.
c) During the allotment of any stage, the Candidate may get upward shift in the
allotment with reference to the options filled by the Candidate according to
availability of seats at that point of time.

48 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
d) There shall not be any reservation under different categories in an unaided
private Professional Educational Institutions for allocation of seats stated in
rule 7(2), 7(3), 7(4) and7 (5) of these rules.
e) All reserved Category Candidates (including SBC in their original
Category)shall be considered for allotment in all stages.
f) Due to upward shifts, the seats falling vacant shall be considered for allotment
in further iterations of the same stage as per the provisions of that stage of
g) Allotment against the first available option in the order of preference filled in
shall be retained as final allotment.
h) The allotment list displayed on website will show the provisional allotment
offered to the Candidates. No personal communication or allotment letters in
this regard shall be issued to the Candidates.
i) A Candidate who has been allotted a seat shall download the “Provisional Seat
Allotment Letter.” At the time of seat acceptance, Candidate has to pay a Seat
Acceptance Fee through Candidate’s Login. Seat will be confirmed by the
Reporting Centre after verification of the original documents and ensuring that
the Candidate meets all the eligibility norms. The centre in-charge shall issue
the Online Receipt of acceptance.
j) The seat acceptance fee shall be Rs. 1000/-, for all admitted Candidates and the
same shall be treated as non- refundable.
k) Failure to report in person for Seat acceptance will be considered as if the
Candidate has rejected the offer.
l) Admitting College will cancel the admission of the candidate if, at any time,
any of the documents or certificates submitted by the candidate is found to be
invalid or fraudulent and/or the Candidate does not meet the eligibility norms.
It is the duty of the candidate to verify the eligibility Criteria.
m) Candidates who want to reject the allocated seat in the First Round can do so
by not remitting the seat acceptance fee at the Reporting Centre for CAP Round
I. Candidates, who rejects allocated seat in CAP Round I, can participate in CAP
Round II by filling the new option form.

49 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
n) If any of the statement made in application form or any information supplied
by the Candidate in connection with his admission is found to be false or
incorrect, the Principal shall cancel his admission and forfeit the fees. An appeal
against the action of cancellation of admission may be preferred within seven
days to the Competent Authority. The Competent Authority shall decide the
appeal within fifteen days and his decision thereon shall be final.
o) Complaints regarding the use of fake certificates to be investigated in time
bound manner and if found guilty, such admission shall be cancelled. Further,
appropriate action shall be initiated with due intimation to Competent

13. Admissions in Institutional Quota and vacant seats after CAP:-

The Principal or Director of the institution shall carry out the admissions for
these seats in the following manner:-
a) Admissions shall be made in a transparent manner and strictly as per the Inter-
Se- Merit of the Candidates who have applied to the Competent Authority for
verification of documents and then to institution.
b) Information Brochure of the Course and Prospectus of the Institution which
specifies rules of admission and facilities and infrastructure in the Institution
should be published well before the commencement of the process of
admission. All the information in the Brochures and Prospectus should also be
displayed on the Institution’s website.
c) Institution shall invite applications by notifying schedule of admission and the
number of seats in the course to be filled by the institution, by advertisement
on the web site of the institution.
d) Aspiring Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria as notified by the
Government and specified by the appropriate authority, from time to time,
shall apply to the Principal or Director of the respective institution for
admission at the Institution level as provided in rule 3(2)(b).
e) The institution after verification of all required documents shall prepare and
display the Inter-Se-Merit lists of the Candidates to be filled in at the institution
level, in the Institutional Quota and Quota for NRI, PIO, OCI and

50 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Supernumerary Quota along with the vacant seats after CAP, on the notice
board and shall publish the same on the website of the institution.
f) The Minority or Non-Minority institution intending to surrender the
Institutional Quota (in part or full) of specified courses to the CAP shall
communicate two days before the display of seat matrix of CAP Round I and
the same shall be allotted as per the rules of CAP. The institute shall not be
allowed to surrender Institutional Quota seats thereafter.
g) All the admissions and cancellations shall be updated by the Institution
immediately through online system.
h) If any CAP seat remains or becomes vacant after the CAP Rounds then the same
shall be filled in by the Candidate from the same Category for which it was
earmarked during the CAP. Further if the seats remain vacant then the seats
shall be filled on the basis of Inter-Se-Merit of the applicants.

14. Approval of Merit List and the Admitted Candidates List:-

(1) After completion of Admission process every Unaided Private Professional
Educational Institution shall submit the Admission-approval proposal to the
Director, Higher Education and after due verification of the admissions by the
Expert panel appointed by Director of Higher Education, the Unaided
Institutions will submit the verified admission report to the Admission
Regulating Authority in accordance with the sub-section (5) of the section 9 of
the Act.
(2) The Admission-approval proposal shall include the list of all Candidates
admitted which shall have the quota, Candidature Type, Reservation,
Qualification Marks, etc., as well as, the required documents of the Candidates
admitted at Institution level.
(3) If a minority institution fails to admit minimum fifty-one percent of its
sanctioned intake from the persons belonging to the concerned minority, for
period of three consecutive years the Competent Authority shall inform the
Department accordingly. The Department shall forward such cases along with
observations to the Minorities Development Department as per provisions of
sub-section (2) of section 6 of the Act.

51 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
15. Cancellation of Admission and Refund of Fees, Return of Documents by
Institutions: ––
(a) The Candidate shall apply online or off line for cancellation and submit duly
signed copy of system generated application or hand written application for
cancellation of admission to the Institution. Once the Candidate submits online
or off line request for cancellation, his admission shall be treated as cancelled.
The Institute shall consider the online or off line request made by Candidate for
cancellation as final irrespective of whether he has submitted duly signed copy
of system generated application or hand written application to the institute.
Upon such cancellation, the Candidate shall lose the claim on the seat and such
seat shall become available for further allotment. The Candidate shall then
become entitled to and the institute shall refund the entire fee to the Candidate
after deduction of Rs.1000/- towards processing charge and refund all his
original documents submitted to the Institute within two day’s form
submission of duly signed copy of system generated application or hand
written application to the institute.
(b) Notwithstanding clause (a) above, Candidate shall not be entitled to any refund
of his fee except the Security Deposit and Caution Money Deposit if the online
cancellation is effected by the Candidate after 5.00 p.m. of the cut-off date
prescribed by the Competent Authority.
(c) No Institution, who has in its possession or custody, of any document in the
form of certificates of degree, diploma or any, other award or other document
deposited with it by a person for the purpose of seeking admission in such
Institution, shall refuse to return such degree, certificate, award or other
document with a view to induce or compel such person to pay any fee or fees
in respect of any course or program of study which such person does not intend
to pursue or avail any facility in such Institution.
(d) The Institution shall not recover the fees for the subsequent years from the
student seeking cancellation of his admission at any point of time.

16. Change of Institution after First Year:-

1) The Candidate seeking for a change in institution after successfully completing
the First or Second or Third or Fourth Year (Whichever is applicable) of studies

52 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
in unaided institution will be allowed to do so in any other unaided institution
subject to the availability of seats and changes will be carried out based on the
marks of First Year or relevant Year. The Principal shall be responsible for
ascertaining the eligibility of the Candidates as laid down by the concerned
University for the course.
2) Transfer of Candidates after one, two, three or four year shall be made in the
following manner: -
(a) The Candidate once admitted in First or Second or Third or Fourth Year
shall not be eligible for transfer to any other institution during the same
academic year.
(b) The Candidate passing the First Year ( both first and second semester) or
Second Year (both Third and Fourth Semester) or Third Year (both Fifth
and Sixth Semester) or Fourth Year (both seventh and eighth Semester)
examinations in full or failed in one of the heads of passing are considered
as eligible for transfer of Institution or course provided that for transfer
after Second Year the candidate should have passed the First year, and for
transfer after Third Year the candidate should have passed First and
Second Year and for transfer after Fourth Year the candidate should have
passed First, Second and Third Year ;
(c) There shall be no transfer of students at any stage in any case from
Unaided Institutions to Government or Government Aided, University
Departments, University Managed Institutions. However, the Candidate
from Government or Government Aided, University Departments,
University Managed Institution may seek transfer to Unaided Educational
(d) There shall be no transfer of students at any stage to Autonomous
(e) The Principals of Unaided institutions shall consider the Candidates from
other institutions for transfer with prior approval from the Directorate of
Higher Education on submission of No Objection Certificate (NOC) from
institution, Eligibility Certificate from University and Vacancy position.
The Principal or Director shall ascertain the eligibility of Candidates as

53 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
laid down by the concerned University for the course to which the
Candidate is being transferred;
(f) No application without recommendation of the Principal of Institution
shall be entertained by the Directorate of Higher Education;
3) The Candidates admitted under Supernumerary Quota seats are not eligible for
change of Course or Institution;
4) The Candidates from the professional educational institutions which are
outside the purview of this act shall be eligible for transfer to the unaided
private professional educational institutions subject to the fulfillment of
eligibility criterion and requirements stipulated under the provisions of sub-
section (1) of section 3 of the Act and the fulfillment of the conditions stated in
sub-rule (2);
5) List of all such transfers shall be communicated by the Directorate of Higher
Education to the office of the Admissions Regulating Authority for final

17. Documents to be uploaded along with “On- line Application form for
Centralized Admission Process”:-
The candidates are required to carry All Original Certificates /
Documents in support of their claim at the time of filling up of application
Form for Admission for the scrutiny and verification at Admitted College. The
Admitted College will appoint an expert committee to verify the documents of
the candidates before admitting them.
If a candidate is unable to produce original certificates at the time of
his/her admission on account of admission already secured to some other
institution, he or she shall produce a certificate from the Head of the
institution where he/she has already taken admission indicting that he/she
has been admitted to a particular course in that institution on a particular
date and hence original certificates have been retained in that institution.
The candidate shall produce the attested copies of the certificates dully
attested by the Head of the concerned institution. Such candidates shall be
required to pay the fees immediately at the time of admission and such
candidates shall be permitted to submit the required original certificates

54 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
within the 04 working days after the date of payment of fees.

(1) Instructions for Uploading the Documents required while filling the on line
Centralized Admission Process (CAP) Application form for admission to LL. B-
3 Yrs. -2020.
(i) Candidates and Parents are requested to Scan the following documents
& keep ready for uploading while filling the on line Application form in
their Pen Drive OR Desktop OR Laptop.
(ii) Photograph Image: Passport size color photograph. Size of photo file
should be between 20KB to 50KB. The Image file should be in JPG or
JPEG format.
(iii) Signature Image: Applicant has to Sign on white paper with Black or
Blue Pen. Signature image Size file should be between 10KB to 20KB.
The Image file should be in JPG or JPEG format.
(iv) The documents listed in following table should be in PDF format of Size
up to 500KB.
(v) The Scanned Uploaded documents should be readable; upload the
documents only after ensuring this. If the uploaded documents are not
readable then such documents will not be considered as valid and the
responsibility of the same shall completely by with the candidate.

Sr. Type of candidate Following documents are to be scanned and uploaded

No. while filling the online CAP Application form.
1 All Candidates. 1)SSC (Std. X) Mark sheet.

[Maharashtra State [If candidate has Passed SSC from CBSC, ICSE, IGCSE, IB
Candidate, Outside board etc., then such candidate will have to
Maharashtra State Prepare/Produce the Conversion Certificate with Self
Candidates (All Attestation along with the Name & Signature of the
India Candidature) Parents & will have to upload SSC Mark sheet along with
including Jammu &
Conversion Certificate in single PDF format.]
Kashmir Migrant
Candidates] (The Sample Copy of Conversion Certificate will be
displayed on the Website)

55 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
2) HSC (Std. XII) Mark Sheet / or equivalent i.e. Engg.

[If candidate has Passed HSC from CBSC, ICSE, IGCSE, IB

board etc., then such candidate will have to
Prepare/Produce the Conversion Certificate with Self
Attestation along with the Name & Signature of the
Parents & will have to upload SSC Mark sheet along with
Conversion Certificate in single PDF format.]
(The Sample Copy of Conversion Certificate will be
displayed on the Website).

3) Degree Mark Sheets.

[Candidate has to Add the marks of All Semesters or All
Years of degree course together and Calculate the
Percentage of Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/ Board to award
Certificate/ Diploma/Degree/PG Degree.]
Candidate has to Upload Self attested Conversion
Certificate (Annexure-DM) along with Mark sheets of
all Semesters/FY, SY Mark sheet /First year, Second
Year Mark sheet & final Third Year Mark Sheet as
single PDF. .

{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are separate, such

candidate will upload both the Mark sheet along with
conversion certificate.
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of Both the Year in
Single Mark Sheet, such candidate can upload only
single mark sheet along with conversion certificate.}
[Annexure-DM is attached after the Proforma]
And Or
3) Post Graduate Degree Mark Sheet or Equivalent along
with Grade/GP/CGPA to Marks Conversion Certificate.
[Candidate has to Add the marks of All Semesters or
All Years of degree course together and Calculate the
Percentage of Degree Examination irrespective of the
marks considered by the University/ Board to award
Certificate/ Diploma/Degree/PG Degree.]
Candidate has to Upload Self attested Conversion
Certificate (Annexure-PGM) along with the final
year Mark Sheet in single PDF format.
{(i) If P.G. Marks Sheet of Two years are separate, such

56 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
candidate will upload both the Mark sheet along with
conversion certificate.
(ii) If P.G. Mark sheet contain marks of Both the Year
in Single Mark Sheet, such candidate can upload only
single mark sheet along with conversion certificate.}
[Annexure-PGM is attached after the Proforma]

4) LL.B.-3 Year CET-2020 on line application form.

[ If candidate has lost CET Application form, then Such

candidate can download/ Upload their CET Application
form in Place of CET Application form while filling CAP
Application form, by paying fees of Rs. 100/-+ payment
gateway charges on line from the CAP web site.]

5) Hall Ticket of LL.B.-3 year CET-2020.

(Hall Ticket is Not Mandatory, it is purely optional only)

Note: Principal of the Law Colleges Should not ask the

admitted Candidates to produce Original Hall Ticket if
Candidate has lost Hall Ticket. Also should not ask to
produce the NC from Local Police Station.

6) MAH-LL.B.-3 Yrs.2020 CET Score card.

7) Domicile Certificate
Birth Certificate Mentioning place of Birth
School Leaving Certificate mentioning Place of Birth.
In addition to the above documents, candidates are required to upload following
documents depending upon the Category and Candidature type of the Candidate to
which they belong.
2 Maharashtra State Domicile Certificate of the candidate from the State of
Type-A Candidates Maharashtra.
Birth Certificate Mentioning the Place of Birth which is in
School Leaving certificate of the candidate Indicating
place of Birth in the State of Maharashtra.
Community, Nativity & Date of Birth Certificate.

Candidate has to upload any one document from these

57 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
four documents.
3 Maharashtra State Domicile certificate of father or mother of candidate
Type-B Candidates indicating that he/she is domiciled in the State of
4 Maharashtra State Certificate from the employer in Pro forma-A stating that
Type-C Candidate father or mother of the candidate who is a Central
Government/Government of India undertaking
employee is presently posted in/outside Maharashtra.
5 Maharashtra State Certificate from the employer in Pro forma-B-1 stating
Type-D Candidate that father or mother of the candidate who is a
Maharashtra State Government or Maharashtra State
Government undertaking employee.
Undertaking along with documentary evidences from the
retired employees stating the Place of Settlement in
6 Maharashtra State 1) Certificate stating that candidate belongs to the
Type-E Candidates of disputed border area in Pro forma-G1.
Maharashtra And
Karnataka disputed
2) Certificate stating that the mother tongue of the
border area.
candidate is Marathi in Pro forma-G2

7 Backward class 1) Caste Certificate.

candidates belonging And
to S.C./ S.T. from the 2) Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate.
State of Maharashtra
[If Caste/Tribe Validity certificate is not available, then
candidate has to upload Receipt of application form for
Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate. But Candidates have to
upload the Caste/Tribe Validity certificate before the Last
Date of Confirmation of Admission of First Round,
otherwise candidate will be considered in Open category
in the subsequent rounds.]
8 Backward class 1) Caste certificate.
candidates belonging And
to VJ/ DT/ NT(A)/ 2) Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate.
NT(B)/ NT(C)
[If Caste/Tribe Validity certificate is not available, then
/NT(D)/ O.B.C/
candidate has to upload Receipt of application form for
S.B.C from the State
of Maharashtra only. Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate. But Candidates have to
upload the Caste/Tribe Validity certificate before the Last
Date of Confirmation of Admission of First Round,
otherwise candidate will be considered in Open category
in the subsequent rounds.]

58 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
4) Non Creamy Layer Certificate valid upto 31st March
If Non Creamy Layer Certificate is not available, then
candidate has to upload Receipt of application form
submitted for obtaining Non Creamy Layer Certificate.
But Candidates will have to upload the original Non
Creamy Layer Certificate before the last date of
Admission Confirmation of the First Round of
Admission as declared in the Tentative schedule of

8a Economically 1) Eligibility Certificate for Economically Weaker

Weaker Section.
Section Candidates If EWS Certificate is not available, then candidate has to
(E.W.S.) from the
upload Receipt of application form submitted for
State of Maharashtra
only obtaining EWS Certificate. But Candidates will have to
upload the original EWS Certificate before the last date
of Admission Confirmation of the First Round of
Admission as declared in the Tentative schedule of

9 Ex-Servicemen 1) Defence service Certificate Pro forma-C.

( Def-1) And
2) Domicile Certificate of Father/Mother who is an ex-
service personnel is domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.
Active Domicile 1) Defence service Certificate Pro forma-C.
10 Defence Candidates. And
( Def-2 ) 2) Domicile certificate of father/mother who is active
defence service person is domiciled in the State of
11 Active Non Domicile 1) Defence service Certificate Pro forma-C
Defence candidates. And
( Def-3 ) 2) Certificate from the employer in the Pro forma-D
stating that Father/Mother of the Candidate who is an
active defence service person presently posted in
Certificate from the employer in the Proforma-E stating

59 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
that Father/Mother of the Candidate who is an active
defence service person and has retained the family in his
previous place of posting in Maharashtra.
12 Person With
Disability 1) PWD Medical Certificate issued by Civil Surgeon of the
Candidates [PWD].:- District Hospital & or Approved Medical Board / or All
Locomotor disability
India Institute established by Central Government
Leprosy cured
person Competent to certify the Disability.
Cerebral Palsy
Dwarfism And
Muscular dystrophy 2) Domicile Certificate of the Candidate.
Acid attack victims OR
Blindness 2)Birth Certificate Mentioning the Place of Birth which is
in Maharashtra.
Hard of hearing OR
Speech and language 2)School Leaving certificate of the candidate Indicating
disability place of Birth in the State of Maharashtra.
Intellectual disability
Specific learning
Autism spectrum
Mental illness
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Sickle cell disease
Multiple Disabilities
13 Jammu and Kashmir 1) Certificate of posting in case of defence and
Migrant Candidates. Government servants in Proforma-J
2) Certificate of stay in refugee camp for those staying in
camp in Proforma-K
3) Certificate stating that the candidate belongs to
displaced family in Proforma-L
14 Minority Candidates 1) Domicile certificate of the candidate belonging to the
State of Maharashtra.
1) Birth Certificate Mentioning the place of Birth which is
in Maharashtra state

2) Declaration of the Candidate for the respective

60 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Linguistic / Religious Minority Community in Proforma
“O” and
2)Leaving Certificate having Information pertaining to
Religion / Mother tongue
15 Certificate for 1)Orphan Certificate issued by Competent Authority.
Orphan Candidates
These candidate claiming reservation under this quota as
per G.R.No OCC-2011/C.N.212/Desk-3 Woman and
Child Development Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai
400032 dated 2nd April 2018 will produce Orphan
Certificate from Regional Deputy Commissioner, Woman
and Child Development.

61 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma-A
[For Type-C candidates]

[For sons and daughters of Central Government/Government of India Undertaking Employees]

This is to certify that Shri/Smt.
is an employee in the capacity
of (Designation) in (Name of the
This Organization/Establishment/Department is Under (Department of
Central Government/ Government of India Undertaking)
Shri/Smt. is transferred to in
Maharashtra State Vide transfer Order No. Dated

He/ She has joined duty in Maharashtra on and is currently working in the same post.
This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her son/ daughter ’s admission to
the First year of the Three Year Full Time Under Graduate Degree Course in Law / First year of the Five Year Full
Time Integrated Under Graduate Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& Date (Signature)

Place: Seal Name & Designation of the Head of the Office

Note: This Proforma is to be accompanied by attested copy of:-1) Transfer order 2) Joining report

Pro forma-B-1
[For Type-D candidates]

[For sons and daughters of Maharashtra state Government/Maharashtra State Government Undertaking
This is certify that Shri/Smt. is
an employee in the capacity of (Designation) in (Name
of the Organization / Establishment / Department)
This Organization/Establishment/Department is Under (Department of
Maharashtra State Government/ Maharashtra State Government Undertaking)
Shri/Smt. is transferred to in
Maharashtra State Vide transfer Order No. Dated

He/ She has joined duty in Maharashtra on and is currently working in the same post.
This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her son/ daughter ’s admission to
the First year of the Three-Year Full-Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.
Outward No.& Date (Signature)
Place: Name & Designation of the Head of the Office

Note: This Pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of:- 1) Transfer order 2) Joining report.

62 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma B-2
(For Type-D Candidate)
[For sons and daughters of Maharashtra state Government/Maharashtra State Government Undertaking retired
This is to undertake that I, have retired from the service from the post
of (Designation) in (Name of the
Organization/Establishment / Department)

This Organization/Establishment/Department is Under (Department

of Maharashtra State Government/ Maharashtra State Government Undertaking).
I have retired on and settled in Taluka District.
This undertaking is submitted for the purpose of my son/daughter ’s
admission to the First year of the Three Year Full Time Under Graduate Degree Course in Law / First year of the
Five Year Full Time Integrated Under Graduate Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Place: Signature
Date: Name

Note: : This Pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of:- 1) Pension Order. 2) Proof of settlement(Ration
Card/Electricity Bill/Aadhar card/ Telephone Bill/ Property Documents/Election card).

Pro forma -C
(For Def-1,Def-2 and Def-3 Candidate)
[For sons and daughters of Defence Service Personnel]
This is to certify that Shri/Smt. , ( Full name of the Employee with Rank
of the employee) is/has been a member of Armed forces of India. He /she has put in
Years of service in Indian Army/Indian Navy/Indian Air Force from
to and is currently working/retired from service on
/ permanently disabled since / killed in action on

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her son/daughter’s

admission to the First year of the Three Year Full Time Under Graduate Degree Course in Law / First year of the
Five Year Full Time Integrated Under Graduate Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& date Signature

Place: Name and Designation of the Authority
Seal not below the rank of Commandant or equivalent/
District Sainik Welfare Officer

Note: 1) This certificate is not to be issued for the Civilian Staff working in the Indian Army/Navy/Air force.
2)For Def-1 and Def-2 candidates, above pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of Domicile
certificate of parents who is in active service or ex-serviceman.

63 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
64 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma-D
(For Def-3 Candidates)
[For sons and daughters of Active Defence service personnel not domiciled in Maharashtra state]
This is to certify that Shri/Smt. , ( Full name of the Employee with Rank of
the employee) is a member of Armed forces of India, and is currently in Indian Army/Indian Navy/Indian Air
Shri/Smt. is transferred to (Place of Posting) in Maharashtra
State vide transfer order No. Dated . He/ She has joined
duty in Maharashtra on (Date of Joining) and is currently working in the same post.
This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her son/daughter’s
admission to the First year of the Three-Year Full-Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& date Seal ( Signature)

Place: Name and Designation of the
Head of the Office
Note: This Pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of:- 1) Transfer order 2) Joining report.
This certificate is not to be issued for the Civilian Staff working in the Indian Army/Navy/Air force.

Pro forma-E
(For Def-3 Candidates)
[For sons and daughters of Active Defense service personnel not domiciled in Maharashtra state but retained
their family accommodation]

This is to certify that Shri/Smt. , ( Full name of the Employee with Rank of
the employee) is a member of Armed forces of India, and is currently in Indian Army/Indian Navy/Indian Air
Shri/Smt.. is presently posted at (Place of
Posting).His/Her previous posting was at in Maharashtra state .
He/she has retained family accommodation in in
Maharashtra State on account of posting in non- family station /for education purpose of son/daughter.
This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her son/daughter’s
admission to the First year of the Three-Year Full-Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& date Seal ( Signature)

Place: Name and Designation of the Head of the Office

This certificate is not to be issued for the Civilian Staff working in the Indian Army/Navy/Air force.

65 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma-G1

(For candidates from Maharashtra and Karnataka disputed Border Area)

This is to certify that Shri / Smt. _( Candidate himself/herself)
is a resident of Village in Taluka District.
This village is a village which exists in Maharashtra Karnataka disputed border area.

This certificate is issued or the purpose of his / her ward’s / candidate’s admission to the First year of the
Three-Year Full-Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& Date: District Collector/Deputy Commissioner/

District Magistrate/ Additional District
Place: Taluka Executive Magistra

66 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma-G2
(For candidates from Maharashtra and Karnataka disputed Border Area)

This is to certify that Mr./Miss . is a student of this
School/College. He / She has passed Std.XII / degree examination from this school / college located
in Maharashtra Karnataka disputed border area. His / Her mother tongue is Marathi and he / she has passed
Std.X / Std. XII / degree examination with Marathi as one of the subjects.

This certificate is issued or the purpose of his / her admission to the First year of the First year of the
Three-Year Full-Time Degree Course in Law for the Academic Year 2020-21.

Outward No.& Date: Head Master/ Principal

Seal School / College



Pro forma-J
(For sons and daughters of defence/Para-military force/I.A.S. / I.P.S. /I.F.S./J&K
Police officials posted in Jammu/ Kashmir to combat terrorist activities)

This is to certify that Shri / Smt. . is an official belonging to

defence/Para-military force/I.A.S. / I.P.S. /I.F.S./J&K Police presently posted and working at

which is treated as disturbed area in Jammu & Kashmir.

This certificate is issued or the purpose of his / her son/ daughter’s admission to the First year of the
Three-Year Full-Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& Date: Head of the Office


67 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma-K
(For Jammu/ Kashmir Migrant candidates)
(Migrants staying in refugee camps)

This is to certify that Mr. / Miss . belongs to a family residing
in this refugee camp after being displaced after 1990 due to terrorist activities in Jammu & Kashmir.
The details of refugee status is as under.

Ration Card Number:

Name of the members on ration card:

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to the First year of the First year of the
Three-Year Full-Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& Date: Name & Signature of Head of the Office

Migrant / Refugee Camp

Place: Seal


Pro forma-L
(For Refugees staying with relatives)
(Displace Jammu / Kashmir candidates staying with relatives / friends in India
other than Migrant / Refugee camp)

This is to certify that Mr. / Miss . is a displaced person from
Jammu & Kashmir after 1990 due to terrorist activities in Jammu & Kashmir. He / She is staying with
( Name & complete address of the Person with
whom the candidate is staying at present) since past years.

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to the First year of the Three-Year Full-
Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& Date: Name & Signature of


68 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma-L
(For Refugees staying with relatives)
(Displace Jammu / Kashmir candidates staying with relatives / friends in India
other than Migrant / Refugee camp)

This is to certify that Mr. / Miss . is a displaced person from
Jammu & Kashmir after 1990 due to terrorist activities in Jammu & Kashmir. He / She is staying with
( Name & complete address of the Person with
whom the candidate is staying at present) since past years.

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to the First year of the Three-Year Full-
Time Degree Course in Law for the academic year 2020-21.

Outward No.& Date: Name & Signature of District Collector


69 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Pro forma-O
(For seats under Minority Quota)


For Admission to LL.B-3 Year-2020-21

I, Son / Daughter of
Resident of
( Full address) hereby
declare that
I belong to the Gujarati/Shindi/Hindi/Panjabi/Kannada /Linguistic minority
I belong to the Muslim/Sikh /Christian /Buddhist / Jain / Zoroastrian (Parsi)*
religious minority community
and / or
As my mother tongue is not mentioned in my Leaving/Transfer Certificate for
deciding my candidature under linguistic minority status. I undertake that my mother
tongue is .

I undertake to submit the relevant documents supporting my claim for belonging to

minority community as per government resolution Minority Department No.AVV-
2010C.No109/10Desk-5,Dated 1/7/2013 at the time admission to the Admitted

Date: Signature

Place: Name of the Candidate

( *Strike out whichever is not applicable)

70 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(For First Year Admission to LL.B-3 Yrs.)

Allocation of seats for admission to the Professional Under Graduate Degree Course in Law
into the Government, Aided Professional Educational Institutions and Aided Undergraduate
Degree Departments/Courses in Law into Non-Agricultural Universities. (Annexure to the
Government Resolution No. CET-2017/C.R.124/17/C.E.2, Dated 12th May, 2017.)

No. Of Seats- As % of sanctioned Intake

CAP Seats
Sr. *Quota for NRI,
Type of Institution Maharashtra All
No. OCI, PIO, Minority
State India
Foreign Quota
Candidates Seats
1 Government
85% 10% # 5% Nil
2 Government Aided
85% 10% 5% Nil
3 Government Aided
35% 10% 5% 50%
Minority Institution
4 University
Department/Course 85% 10% 5% Nil
(Government Aided)

The Admissions to the Courses in these institutions shall be done by adopting the procedure laid
down in Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of
Admission to the Full Time Professional Undergraduate Law courses) Rule,2017 except rule 3(2)(b),
rule 13.
 Maximum 5% Seats within sanctioned intake will be filled through NRI, OCI, PIO, Foreign
Candidates by Competent Authority by adopting following procedure:-
(a) The Competent Authority shall invite Online Application from NRI, OCI, PIO, Foreign
Candidates seeking admission to these institutes;
(b) The Competent Authority shall first prepare Merit List of all such applicants by following the
procedure specified in rule 8(3) of the said rules;
(c) The Competent Authority shall give admission to the eligible NRI, OCI, PIO, Foreign
Candidates strictly on the basis of Inter-Se-merit:
(d) If the seats remain vacant from NRI, OCI, PIO, Foreign Candidates Quota, it will be filled from
the All India Candidature Candidates on the basis of Inter-Se-Merit by Competent Authority.
@ Applied for courses run by Government in Government Law College, Mumbai.
# One seat of the Government Law College, Mumbai will be filled through the nominated
candidate from Bhutan Government. This seat shall be within the sanctioned intake capacity
and shall be filled at the Institute level with due permission of government. If this seat remains
vacant, it will be filled through All India Seats by Competent Authority.

71 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(For First Year Admission to LL.B-3 Yrs.)

A. Allocation of seats within Sanction Intake

Allocation of seats for admission to the Professional Undergraduate Degree Course in Law
into the Unaided (Vina-Anudanit) Professional Educational Institutions and Unaided/Self-
Financed Undergraduate Degree Departments/Courses in Law into Non-Agricultural
Universities. (Annexure to the Government Resolution No. CET-2017/C.R.124/17/C.E.2,
Dated 12th May, 2017.)
No. of Seats- as % of Sanctioned Intake
Institute Level
CAP Seats
Institute Level
Type Of Institute (Including 5%
No. Maharashtra All
Minority Quota for NRI,
State (M.S.) India
Quota OCI, PIO,
Candidates Seats
Candidate if
Unaided* (Vina-
1 Anudanit) 65% 15% Nil 20%
Unaided* (Vina-
100% of M.S.
2 Anudanit) Minority 15% # 51% @ 20%
Seats $
3 65% 15% Nil 20%
The Admissions to the Courses in these institutions shall be done by adopting the
procedure laid down in Maharashtra Unaided private Professional educational
Institutions ( Regulation of Admission to the Full time Professional Undergraduate
Law Courses) Rules, 2017.
 Seats of the Unaided (Vina-Anudanit) Courses will be distributed as above till they
become eligible for Government aid.
CAP Seats = Sanctioned Intake – Institutional Quota
# CAP seats excluding Minority Quota
$ M.S. Seats = CAP Seats – ( All India Seats + Minority Quota Seats )
The seats excluding the Minority Quota and the Institutional Quota shall be filled in
the stipulated percentage from the Maharashtra Candidature Candidates and All
India Candidature candidates.
@These are the Minimum percentage of seats to be filled in the Minority Institution through
CAP, this may be extended up to 100%. However, before the commencement of the CAP,
such Institution shall declare & inform to the Competent Authority about the maximum
percentage of minority quota to be filled in their Institution.

Annexure - D

72 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
(Should be notarized / registered)

I, age ---------- ---------- residing at -----------------

---- occupation ------------------- situated at --------------------------- (office Add) do hereby
solemnly state on affirmation as under:-
I hereby give an undertaking to financially support my ward ------------- ---------
--------- (Full name of the Candidate) aged -------------- residing at ------------------ --. I am
his/her ---------------- (relation of the sponsor with Candidate i.e. Real Brother, Sister or
Maternal / Paternal aunt, uncle, etc) and submitting my information as to enable
him/her to take admission in LL.B-3
Yrs. Full Time Degree course under NRI Quota for Academic Year 2020-21.

1) Full Name of Guardian :

2) Age :

3) Present Address :

4) Occupation / Designation :

5) Name of the Company / Organization :

6) Office Address :

7) Passport Details: :

a) Passport Number :

b) Date of Issue :
c) Date of Expiry :

d) Place of Issue :

9) Period of residence in foreign Country :

10) Phone No. :

73 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
My family relationship is as under:
The below given image for Representation Purpose only, the Actual Family tree may
vary according to Relationship of the Candidate and Sponsor.

Family Tree Chart

Name of
Patternal Grand

Name of the
Name of
Patternal Uncle

Name of Brother
Name of the Name of the
or Sister of the
Sponsor Candidate

Note : Family tree shown above is for representation and will change as per Maternal /
Paternal relations/Sponsor's case

It is clearly understood by me that admission of my ............ (relation) on the basis of

the documents and information submitted by me. In case, the information given will found
incorrect and/or in case any illegality caused in granting this admission will brought to the
notice of the Admissions Regulating Authority at latter point of time I will be fully
responsible for any averseaffect of the same. It will be open for the Competent Authority
to take appropriate action as deemed fit in this regard.

Hence, the information stated above is correct to the best of my knowledge and

Signature and Name of Parents / Guardian

Dated this ………(day) of ………. (month), ………(year)

Before me

74 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Annexure - E


(should be notarized / registered in Rs. 100/- Stamp paper)

I, age ---------- ---------- residing at ---------------------

occupation ------------------- do hereby solemnly state on affirmation as under: -
Mr/Mrs/Ms. is my (relation) and
his/her personal details are given below: -

1) Full Name of Sponsor :

2) Age :

3) Present Address :

4) Occupation / Designation :

5) Name of the Company / Orgnisation :

6) Office Address :

For that I have written this affidavit for shown of my family tree/chart, the details of which
are as under:-
My family relationship is as under:
(The below given image for Representation Purpose only, the Actual Family tree may
vary according to Relationship of the Candidate and Sponsor.Family tree shown below
is for representation and will change as per Maternal / Paternal relations/Sponsor's

75 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Family Tree Chart

Name of
Patternal Grand

Name of Name of the

Patternal Uncle Father

Name of Brother
Name of the Name of the
or Sister of the
Sponsor Candidate

It is submitted that the information stated above is correct to the best of my knowledge and

also the documents and information evidence submitted by me in this respect. In case, the

information given will found incorrect and/or in case any illegality caused in granting this

admission will brought to the notice of the Admissions Regulating Authority at latter point of time

I will be fully responsible for any averseaffect of the same. It will be open for the Competent

Authority to take appropriate action as deemed fit in this regard.

Hence, the information stated above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature and Name of Parents / Guardian

Dated this ………(day) of ………. (month), ………(year)

Before me

76 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Candidate has to prepare the Marks/Grades/CGPA to Percentage Conversion
(In Case of Semester Pattern Candidates)
(For Graduate Degree Programme)

Name of the Degree/Examination Passed:

Year of Passing:
Name of the Passing University:
Name of the Candidate:
Name of the College:
Sr.No. Semester Marks Obtained Out of Marks
1 Semester-I
2 Semester-II
3 Semester-III
4 Semester-IV
5 Semester-V
6 Semester-VI

Total Marks of All Six

Semesters in Degree
Aggregate Percentage obtained on the basis of Total Marks of all Six
Semesters for the qualifying Degree Examination: ------ / ----- =------ %
I --------------------- have read all the rules of admission and on understanding
these rules, I have filled this On Line Application form for admission to First Year of
Three Year Degree Course in Bachelor of Laws leading to LL.B. (Regular Full Time
Course) 2020-21.
The information given by me in this Conversion Certificate is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief. If at latter stage, it is found that I have furnished wrong
information and / or submitted false certificate (s), I am aware that my admission
stands cancelled and fees paid by me will be forfeited. Further I will be subjected to
legal and / or penal action as per the provision of the law.

( )
Name of the candidate
( )
Signature of the candidate

77 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Candidate has to Prepare the Marks/Grades/CGPA to Percentage Conversion
(In Case of Yearly Pattern Candidates)
(For Graduate Degree Programme)
Name of Degree/Examination Passed: -
Year of Passing:
Name of the Passing University:
Name of the Candidate:
Name of the College:
Sr.No. Year Marks Obtained Out of Marks
1 First Year
2 Second Year
3 Third Year
Total Marks of All Three
Years in Degree

Aggregate Percentage obtained on the basis of Total Marks of all Three Years
for the qualifying Degree Examination: ------ / ----- = %
I --------------------- have read all the rules of admission and on understanding
these rules, I have filled this On Line Application form for admission to First Year of
Three Year Degree Course in Bachelor of Laws leading to LL.B. (Regular Full Time
Course) 2020-21.
The information given by me in this Conversion Certificate is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief. If at latter stage, it is found that I have furnished wrong
information and / or submitted false certificate (s), I am aware that my admission
stands cancelled and fees paid by me will be forfeited. Further I will be subjected to
legal and / or penal action as per the provision of the law.

( )
Name of the candidate
( )
Signature of the candidate.

78 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Candidate has to prepare the Marks/Grades/CGPA to Percentage Conversion
(In Case of Semester Pattern Candidates)
(For Post Graduate Degree Programme)

Name of P.G. Degree /Examination Passed: -

Year of Passing:
Name of the Passing University:
Name of the Candidate:

Name of the College:

Sr.No. Semester Marks Obtained Out of Marks
1 Semester-I
2 Semester-II
3 Semester-III
4 Semester-IV
Total Marks of All Four
Semesters in Post
Graduate Examination.
Rows can be added if semesters are more than four.
Aggregate Percentage obtained on the basis of Total Marks of all Four
Semesters for the qualifying Post Graduate Examination: ----- / ---- = %
I --------------------- have read all the rules of admission and on understanding
these rules, I have filled this On Line Application form for admission to First Year of
Three Year Degree Course in Bachelor of Laws leading to LL.B. (Regular Full Time
Course) 2020-21.
The information given by me in this Conversion Certificate is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief. If at latter stage, it is found that I have furnished wrong
information and / or submitted false certificate (s), I am aware that my admission
stands cancelled and fees paid by me will be forfeited. Further I will be subjected to
legal and / or penal action as per the provision of the law.

( )
Name of the candidate
( )
Signature of the candidate.

79 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Candidate has to Prepare the Marks/Grades/CGPA to Percentage Conversion
(In Case of Yearly Pattern Candidates)
(For Post Graduate Degree Programme)

Name of P.G. Degree/Examination Passed: -

Year of Passing:
Name of the Passing University:
Name of the Candidate:

Name of the College:

Sr.No. Year Marks Obtained Out of Marks
1 First Year
2 Second Year
Total Marks of All Two

Aggregate Percentage obtained on the basis of Total Marks of all Two Years
for the qualifying Post Graduate Examination: ------ / ----- = %

I --------------------- have read all the rules of admission and on understanding

these rules, I have filled this On Line Application form for admission to First Year of
Three Year Degree Course in Bachelor of Laws leading to LL.B. (Regular Full Time
Course) 2020-21.
The information given by me in this Conversion Certificate is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief. If at latter stage, it is found that I have furnished wrong
information and / or submitted false certificate (s), I am aware that my admission
stands cancelled and fees paid by me will be forfeited. Further I will be subjected to
legal and / or penal action as per the provision of the law.

( )
Name of the candidate

( )
Signature of the candidate

80 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Important General Instructions to the Candidates:-

1. The detailed schedule for Admission for LL.B-3 Yrs. is uploaded on
2. Separate schedule will be uploaded for NRI,OCI,PIO, and Foreign National
Candidates on
3. Candidates are advised to keep in touch with the web site for Notices and
change in schedule if any.
4. Candidates are advised to read the Information Brochure and the information
of the Colleges including infrastructure, facilities, faculty, library, fee structure,
Staff, and other amenities before making the choice.
5. The Admission Process is based on Merit(CET Score), Academic Score in case
of tie in CET Score, options of the candidates for colleges, category of the
candidate and Candidature type.
6. In case of difficulty candidate can call the Help line No .020-67635959 and send
mail to 1) [email protected] and
7. Candidate who wants to edit their category from reserved category to open
category filled in the CET Application form can do so by paying the balance
amount of fee on line.
8. Fee structure of Govt, Govt-Aided and Unaided collegeswill be displayed on
the web site in All College list details.
9. Candidates should study the table given below for giving options to colleges
of their choice.

81 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Government of Maharashtra
MAH LL.B.3 Yrs. CET 2020
Date of CET- 2nd & 3rd November 2020
Date of Declaration of Result:- 2 December 2020
Analysis of MAH-LL.B-3 Yrs. CET 2020
No. Details Particulars

Total Number of Candidates Appeared

1 43579
for CET

Number of Candidates who have scored

2 43557
Non Zero Score

Number of Candidates Scoring Zero

3 22

4 Highest Marks Scored in the CET 118

Sr. Equated Score

No. of. Candidates
No (Out of 150)
1 118 4
2 114 2
3 112 7
4 111 10
5 108 4
6 107 11
7 106 20
8 105 21
9 104 31
10 103 41
11 102 4
12 101 41
13 100 29
14 99 24
15 98 52
16 97 68
17 96 59
18 95 89
19 94 119
20 93 83
21 92 116
22 91 108
23 90 108
24 89 148
25 88 147
26 87 166
82 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
27 86 198
28 85 200
29 84 187
30 83 239
31 82 223
32 81 302
33 80 184
34 79 373
35 78 313
36 77 331
37 76 329
38 75 381
39 74 258
40 73 356
41 72 366
42 71 459
43 70 464
44 69 552
45 68 587
46 67 543
47 66 554
48 65 787
49 64 708
50 63 758
51 62 872
52 61 862
53 60 927
54 59 803
55 58 1075
56 57 1100
57 56 914
58 55 1452
59 54 1386
60 53 1352
61 52 1676
62 51 1653
63 50 1361
64 49 1712
65 48 1400
66 47 1442
67 46 1243
68 45 1561
69 44 1354
70 43 1119
71 42 1098
72 41 1018

83 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
73 40 923
74 39 746
75 38 609
76 37 424
77 36 385
78 35 349
79 34 238
80 33 232
81 32 256
82 31 211
83 30 144
84 29 71
85 28 63
86 27 3
87 26 73
88 25 39
89 24 23
90 23 12
91 22 37
92 21 33
93 20 28
94 19 12
95 18 21
96 17 8
97 16 13
98 15 5
99 14 7
100 13 7
101 12 2
102 10 4
103 9 2
104 8 7
105 7 5
106 3 4
107 2 7
108 1 10
109 0 22
Grand Total 43579

84 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
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85 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0
Wish You All the Best!

86 | P age L a w 3 Y r C A P B r o c h u r e 2 0 2 0

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