DMCN 13653
DMCN 13653
DMCN 13653
1 Deakin Health Economics, Centre for Population Health Research, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria; 2 Centre for Disability and Development
Research, Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy, Victoria; 3 Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Parkville, Victoria; 4 The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria;
5 Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, Victoria; 6 Victorian Managed Insurance Authority, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Correspondence to Sophy T F Shih at Deakin Health Economics, Centre for Population Health Research, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Vic. 3125,
Australia. E-mail: [email protected]
PUBLICATION DATA AIM Economic appraisal can help guide policy-making for purchasing decisions, and
Accepted for publication 20th November treatment and management algorithms for health interventions. We conducted a systematic
2017. review of economic studies in cerebral palsy (CP) to inform future research.
Published online 10th January 2018. METHOD Economic studies published since 1970 were identified from seven databases. Two
reviewers independently screened abstracts and extracted data following the Preferred
ABBREVIATIONS Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Any
CEA Cost-effectiveness analysis discrepancies were resolved by discussion.
CUA Cost-utility analysis RESULTS Of 980 identified references, 115 were included for full-text assessment. Thirteen
ICER Incremental cost-effectiveness articles met standard criteria for a full economic evaluation, two as partial economic
ratio evaluations, and 18 as cost studies. Six were full economic evaluations alongside clinical
ITB Intrathecal baclofen studies or randomized controlled trials, whereas seven involved modelling simulations. The
QALY Quality-adjusted life-year economic case for administration of magnesium sulfate for imminent preterm birth is
RCT Randomized controlled trial compelling, achieving both health gain and cost savings. Current literature suggests
intrathecal baclofen therapy and botulinum toxin injection are cost-effective, but stronger
evidence for long-term effects is needed. Lifestyle and web-based interventions are
inexpensive, but broader measurement of outcomes is required.
INTERPRETATION Prevention of CP would avoid significant economic burden. Some
treatments and interventions have been shown to be cost-effective, although stronger
evidence of clinical effectiveness is needed.
Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of developmental The precise aetiology of CP is still unclear. Risk factors
disorders of movement and posture, causing activity for CP include preterm birth, multiple pregnancy, intra-
restriction or disability attributed to disturbances occurring amniotic infection, perinatal inflammation, low maternal
in the fetal or infant brain. The motor impairment may be thyroid hormone levels, perinatal asphyxia, placenta abnor-
accompanied by a seizure disorder and by impairment of malities, fetal growth retardation, and neonatal hyperbiliru-
sensation, cognition, communication and/or behaviour, and binaemia. While CP involves damage to the central
by secondary musculoskeletal problems.1 CP has a preva- nervous system, clinical symptoms of CP are predomi-
lence of approximately 1 in 500 neonates, with 17 million nantly observed in the musculoskeletal system. In addition,
people affected worldwide.2 The overall prevalence of CP 31% of children with CP born between 1993 and 2006
in high-income countries is 2.11 per 1000 live births,3 and had epilepsy, 5% were blind, 2% were deaf, and 44% had
2.0 to 2.8 per 1000 live births in low- and middle-income intellectual impairment.7
countries.4 In Australia, after a long period of stable preva- CP is a lifelong condition, with profound impacts on
lence at 2 to 2.5 per 1000 live births, the rate of CP the individuals, as well as their family. Mothers of chil-
declined to 1.4 to 2.1 per 1000 live births between 2007 dren with CP have poorer mental and physical health
and 2009.5 The downward trend is particularly evident in outcomes than mothers of children with typical develop-
infants born extremely preterm. The severity and complex- ment.8,9 From a broader perspective, CP also significantly
ity of CP has also declined. The CP registers in some Aus- affects education and welfare systems. Given the burden
tralian states have estimated the current CP prevalence to and impact of CP, improvements in our knowledge base
be less than 1.5 per 1000 live births.6 to guide treatment and prevention is crucial. While
Figure 1: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram. aBoD studies were reported elsewhere. NHS,
National Health Service; EED, Economic Evaluation Database; HEED, Health Economic Evaluations Database; BoD, burden of disease.
Review 545
proximal femoral hardware retention (n=1);26 web-based system’ perspective, the model predicted an ICER of CAN
home program (n=1);27 and lifestyle intervention (n=1).28 $2083 per QALY gained and CAN$28 755 per CP
Seven of these economic evaluations were conducted by a averted. With the decision threshold for cost-effectiveness
modelling approach, whereas six were economic evaluations of ‘$50 000 per QALY’ applied in countries like Australia,
alongside clinical studies or randomized controlled trials the UK, and Canada, a result of CAN$2000 per QALY
(RCTs). The results of the data extractions from the eco- would suggest strong cost-effectiveness.
nomic evaluation studies are listed in Table II. Two studies The study of Cahill et al. also suggested that, compared
were classified as partial economic evaluations (i.e. func- with no treatment, magnesium sulfate was the dominant
tional electrical stimulation and proximal femoral hardware strategy (saving costs and gaining more health benefits)
retention) as either no comparison group data was presented when given to females with preterm, premature rupture of
or no comparison of outcome and cost were carried out. membranes, as well as females at risk of delivery before
There were 18 publications that reported on the costs of 28 weeks’ gestation.16 However, the intervention was not
treatment and therapy in 15 studies, either as part of a cost-effective when the risk reduction in moderate-to-
clinical study assessing effectiveness, or as a dedicated eco- severe CP by the magnesium treatment was less than 14%.
nomic study. Among these, six studies were cost analyses
or budget impact analyses of BoNT-A; four involved ITB Other preventative interventions for CP
therapy; four were cost studies of various surgical proce- One study reported a trial-based economic evaluation of
dures; two were assessments of gait analysis; and two stud- two fetal surveillance strategies focused specifically on the
ies focused on community-based care and a specialized prevention of CP.17 The trial results indicated a reduction
seating delivery model. Details of included economic eval- of CP cases through the surveillance strategies of car-
uation and cost analysis studies are discussed blow. diotocography plus ST-segment waveform analysis of the
fetal electrocardiogram versus cardiotocography alone.
Economic evaluation studies on prevention of CP Without a common metric like QALYs, this result is lim-
Magnesium sulfate ited in informing the ‘value-for-money’ of surveillance per
Administration of magnesium sulfate in females at risk of se, but is useful for decisions around technical efficiency
preterm birth to prevent CP is the most promising inter- (i.e. how to offer surveillance to whom with what modality,
vention of those studied to date. Two decision-analytic if a decision is to be made to offer fetal surveillance). We
modelling studies were carried out by Cahill et al. and are unable to conclude whether or not this intervention is
Bickford et al. to assess the cost-effectiveness of this inter- cost-effective by the threshold of $50 000 per QALY.
vention.14,16 Both studies modelled the cost and outcome However, fetal surveillance is significantly less cost-effec-
for a lifetime horizon and were undertaken from both the tive by the ICER of €167 854 per one CP case prevented
‘health system’ perspective to account for resources compared with the ICER of CAN$28 755 per CP averted
incurred in the health care sector, including out-of-pocket by magnesium intervention.
costs to the individuals, and the ‘societal’ perspectives to
capture a broader range of impacts. Economic evaluation studies on treatment for CP
In the study by Cahill et al.,16 cost was estimated in US BoNT-A injection
dollars and outcomes were reported as quality-adjusted life- Three studies have assessed the cost-effectiveness of
year (QALY). The strategies were also compared in terms BoNT-A injection in the management of spasticity, but
of ‘cases prevented’, ‘neonatal or infant deaths’, and cost- they demonstrate inconsistent results.19–21 In a modelled
effectiveness ratios. In the study by Bickford et al.,14 CP evaluation in the Australian setting, conducted as part of
was the only neonatal outcome included in the models and an application to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory
all costs were presented in 2011 Canadian dollars (CAN$). Committee for drug listing, the case is based on equivalent
Data from four RCTs were pooled to obtain the probabili- efficacy of BoNT-A injection and serial casting. The
ties of CP of various severities for the Canadian study.29–32 effects of BoNT-A lasted longer and therefore it was
For imminent preterm birth, use of magnesium sulfate regarded as the preferred treatment.21 The efficacy of the
was a dominant strategy that is both less costly and more treatment was modelled from RCTs including Australian
effective than the alternative of no treatment from both patients.33,34 A cost consequences analysis was undertaken
the ‘health system perspective’ and the broader ‘societal in which the costs and consequences of treatment were
perspective’.14 The broader perspective included productiv- presented separately and only the direct medical costs were
ity costs, such as all costs associated with lost labour mar- included. The additional cost for BoNT-A injection, dis-
ket productivity for adults with CP, and social costs counted at 5% annually, was 793 Australian dollars (AUD
consisting of all costs associated with specialized education, $) for patients with hemiplegia and AUD$867 for diplegia,
specialized housing, and lost labour market productivity over a treatment interval of 3.7 years. The study concluded
for primary care providers of children with CP. that the additional costs associated with BoNT-A over and
For threatened preterm birth, the intervention was dom- above serial casting treatment were modest and could be
inant from the ‘societal’ perspective and cost-effective from offset by indirect costs (e.g. travel costs) if analysed from a
a ‘health system’ perspective. From the narrower ‘health societal perspective.
References Country Aim Study type Time horizon Population Comparison Population Study results Comments
Magnesium sulfate
Bickford et al.14 Canada To assess the cost- Decision-tree models Life expectancies at Magnesium sulfate No treatment Patients in whom PTB From a health system and All costs are presented in
effectiveness of and probabilistic birth for fetal at <32+0wks’ a societal perspective 2011 Canadian dollars
administering sensitivity analyses neuroprotection gestation is respectively, savings of ($1CAN=$1US=£0.62)
magnesium sulfate using TreeAge imminent or CAN$2242 and CAN Both costs and QALYs
to patients in whom threatened $112,602 are obtained for were discounted at 3%
PTB at <32wks’ each QALY gained annually for the base
gestation Savings of CAN$30 942 case analyses
and CAN$1 554 198 is
obtained for each case of
CP averted when
magnesium sulfate is
administered to patients
in whom PTB is imminent
From a health system
perspective and a societal
perspective respectively,
a cost of CAN$2083 is
incurred and savings of
CAN$108 277 is obtained
for each QALY gained
and a cost of CAN$28 755
is incurred and a saving
of CAN$1 494 500 is
obtained for each case of
CP averted when
magnesium sulfate is
administered to patients
in whom PTB is
Cahill et al.16 USA To estimate the cost- Decision analytic and Life expectancy of 75y Magnesium sulfate No treatment Females carrying Magnesium sulfate for
effectiveness of cost-effectiveness therapy for the singleton neuroprophylaxis led to
magnesium sulfate model prevention of CP pregnancies between lower costs (USD$1739 vs
neuroprophylaxis for in infants born 24wks 0/7d and USD$1917) and better
all females at risk for preterm 31wks 6/7d gestation outcomes (56.684 vs
PTB before 32wks at high risk for 56.678 QALYs)
from a societal spontaneous PTB For every 10,000 females at
perspective 32wks’ gestation due risk for preterm birth
to either PTL or treated with magnesium,
PPROM USD$1.8 million were
saved and 52 QALYs
were gained
Table II: Continued
References Country Aim Study type Time horizon Population Comparison Population Study results Comments
Cahill et al. USA To estimate the cost- Decision analytic and Magnesium sulfate No treatment Magnesium for
effectiveness of cost-effectiveness therapy for the neuroprophylaxis was the
magnesium model prevention of CP dominant strategy (i.e.
neuroprophylaxis for in infants born less expensive and more
all females at risk for preterm effective)
PTB before 32wks Considering an annual
from a societal birth rate of 4 million
perspective births, a strategy for
magnesium sulfate for
References Country Aim Study type Time horizon Population Comparison Population Study results Comments
BoNT-A injection
Tapias et al.18 Spain To conduct a CMA of CMA alongside a Average time of Abo-BoNT-A Ona-BoNT-A 936 spastic children No significant difference in The analysis was
Abo-BoNT-A vs Ona- observational follow-up: 18.6mo for aged 2–18y treated in the treatment conducted from the
BoNT-A in treating longitudinal study Abo-BoNT-A and the paediatric effectiveness between the perspective of the NHS,
patients with 19.06mo for Ona- neurology unit of a two BoNT-A. Therefore, a considering direct costs
paediatric spasticity BoNT-A Spanish hospital CMA was conducted only: pharmacological
The mean pharmacological costs (manufacturer’s
cost per patient and year selling price) and costs of
was €480 for Ona-BoNT-A visits in 2016 Euros if the
and €287 for Abo-BoNT-A, ‘typical patient’ profile is
which represents annual considered in sensitivity
savings in favour of Abo- analysis, the potential
BoNT-A of €193 in pharmacological savings
pharmacological cost with Abo-BoNT-A would
The total annual direct cost be €295 per patient per
obtained was €839 for year
Ona-BoNT-A and €631 for
representing a difference
of €208 per year in favour
of treatment with Abo-
Catsman-Berrevoets the Netherlands To compare RCT BoNT-A followed by Intensive PT only 65 children with CP No statistically significant
et al.19 effectiveness and iPT (n=41) (n=24) aged 4–12y evidence was found for
cost-effectiveness of added value of BoNT-A
BoNT-A+iPT vs only injections in BoTN-A+iPT
intensive PT treatment for the primary
treatment in a RCT outcomes
Average treatment costs
(including plaster and
Ankle-Foot-Orthosis) were
significantly higher in
BoNT-A+iPT than in iPT
(€8963 vs €6182; p=0.001)
Table II: Continued
References Country Aim Study type Time horizon Population Comparison Population Study results Comments
Yagudina et al.20 Russia To conduct a CEA of Decision tree model Abo-BoNT- Standard therapy The Abo-BoNT-A+standard The data on drugs efficacy
Abo-BoNT- A+standard includes centrally therapy helps to avoid (measured as proportion
A+standard therapy, therapy vs Ona- acting muscle surgical intervention in of patients with spastic
Ona-BoNT- BoNT-A+standard relaxant, 93% of patients vs 90% of forms of CP, avoided
A+standard therapy therapy vs physiotherapy, patients with Ona-BoNT- orthopaedic surgery at
and standard therapy standard therapy casting, and A+standard therapy and second year of therapy)
solely in patients solely orthosis for 48% of patients with was obtained from
with spastic CP standard therapy. available clinical trials.
The Abo-BoNT- The following costs were
A+standard therapy has taken into account: the
the lowest cost- costs of
effectiveness ratio pharmacotherapy,
(RUB$11 509 /USD$215) in inpatient and outpatient
References Country Aim Study type Time horizon Population Comparison Population Study results Comments
ITB therapy
Bensmail et al.22 France To assess the cost- Modelling study Various treatment ITB therapy Compared with Patients with disabling ITB therapy model Direct medical costs were
effectiveness of ITB sequences over 2y conventional spasticity and revealed a lower cost measured in Euros (2006)
therapy medical treatments functional (€59 391 vs €88 272; and based on a French
for disabling dependence caused p<0.001) and an overall retrospective cost survey
spasticity by any neurological more favourable cost- at Raymond Poincar
disease effectiveness ratio Hospital by Bensmail
(€75 204/success vs et al.
€148 822/success;
p<0.001), compared with
conventional medical
management without ITB
Hoving et al.23 the Netherlands To compare the costs Combined CEA/CUA CITB in children Standard treatment Gaining one QALY cost, on Health effects were
and health effects of alongside the Dutch with intractable only average, €32 737 (€28 273, expressed in terms of a
CITB with those of national study on the spastic CP using the UK EQ-5D VAS for individual
standard treatment efficacy and safety of index) problems and QALYs,
only, from the health CITB for intractable Additional mean annual derived from the Dutch
care perspective spasticity in children costs of CITB €3732 and EQ-5D index
with CP the mean intervention- Included intervention costs
related health care costs and other health care
at €4226 per year costs. For the latter, data
were collected by means
of a questionnaire and a
cost diary
Costs were estimated for
the year 2003 in Euros.
We discounted costs that
were not available for the
year 2003 with 4% per
year according to the
Dutch guidelines
de Lissovoy USA To assess the cost- CUA using ITB therapy for the Alternative medical Children with severe ITB therapy increased the HUI-2 to rate health states
et al.24 effectiveness of ITB mathematical treatment of and surgical spasticity of cerebral 5y cost of treatment by associated with the
among children with modelling and severe spasticity therapy origin who have not $49 000 relative to course of treatment by a
severe spasticity of computer simulation associated with CP responded to less alternative treatment panel of clinicians
cerebral origin invasive treatments accompanied by an Data on treatment costs
such as oral average gain of 1.2 QALY representative of these
medications; over a The net result was an children were derived
5y episode of incremental cost- from a health insurance
treatment effectiveness ratio of USD claims database that
$42 000 per QALY included both commercial
All costs were adjusted to and Medicaid data
base year 2003. Both
costs and QALYs are
discounted at an annual
rate of 3%
Table II: Continued
References Country Aim Study type Time horizon Population Comparison Population Study results Comments
Other treatment/intervention
Comans et al.27 Australia To estimate the cost- CEA alongside a 20wks The ‘Move it to Usual care 102 children aged 8– The intervention group
effectiveness of a randomized improve it’ (Mitii) 18y with unilateral had significantly higher
training system for controlled trial therapy is a web- spastic CP (GMFCS proportions of
improvements in based system level I or II) responders in two
upper-limb function designed to subscales of the AMPS
for children with facilitate intensive and the two subscales of
unilateral CP motor planning, the COPM. Power to
upper limb, gross detect a significant
motor, and difference was at least
cognitive 88% for all four outcomes
rehabilitation (AMPS-M, AMPS-P,
QALY, quality-adjusted life-year; PTB, preterm birth; PTL, preterm labour; PPROM, preterm premature rupture of membranes; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; CRF, case report
form; BoNT-A, botulinum toxin A; CMA, cost-minimization analysis; NHS, National Health Service; PT, physiotherapy; RCT, randomized controlled trial; iPT, intensive physiotherapy; CEA,
cost-effectiveness analysis; PBAC, Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee; ITB, intrathecal baclofen; CUA, cost-utility analysis; CITB, continuous ITB; EQ-5D, EuroQol-5D; VAS, visual
analogue scale; HUI, Health Utilities Index; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; AMPS, Assessment of Motor and Process Skills; COPM, Canadian Occupational Perfor-
mance Measure; SF-36; Short Form-36; SF-6D, Short Form-6D; ST, segment waveform analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram.
Further, a more recent RCT (2015) showed no statisti- In a further study, an ICER of USD$42 000 per QALY
cally significant evidence for the added value of BoNT-A in a CUA was reported.24 The likelihood that ITB has a
treatment followed by intensive physiotherapy compared cost per QALY of less than or equal to USD$50 000 was
with intensive physiotherapy alone.19 The trial found greater than 70%. Similar to the modelling study discussed
trends towards the intervention effect in favour of only above,22 the CUA compared ITB with a conventional
intensive physiotherapy for improving gross motor func- medical approach among children who had not responded
tion (p=0.095), decreasing sedentary behaviour during to less-invasive treatments such as oral medications. A
everyday physical activity (p=0.087), and improving quality mathematical model simulated the experience of two
of life (p=0.066). The addition of BoNT-A to physiother- groups of children, an ITB group and an alternative treat-
apy improved everyday physical activity over 24 weeks’ ment group, followed over a 5-year treatment period.
follow-up (p=0.064), with a significantly higher treatment Based on results of 15 studies selected by the authors to
cost (€8963 vs €6182; p=0.001). The higher treatment cost identify the typical symptom profile of a child with severe
did not seem to be warranted for the improved daily physi- spasticity, five health states were established to describe a
cal activity in the short-term, but long-term impact is typical child receiving ITB. Utility weights for each health
uncertain. state were rated by a panel of nine clinicians using the
A third modelling study constructed a decision-tree model Health Utilities Index.35 By drawing random samples with
to simulate the effects of Abo-BoNT-A, Ona-BoNT-A, and bootstrapping techniques from the appropriate sets of util-
standard therapy.20 Treatment efficacy, measured as the pro- ity and cost values, the model created a set of data points
portion of patients with spastic CP who avoided orthopaedic for members of each of the two cohorts. ICERs were
surgery at the end of 2 years of therapy, was obtained from derived from the bootstrapping data sets of cost and utility
available clinical trials. Abo-BoNT-A plus standard therapy that generated QALY over a 5-year period.
is the most cost-effective treatment choice with the lowest In contrast to these desk-top modelling studies, a CEA/
ICER. Similar results were found in another, more recent CUA was carried out alongside a Dutch national study on
economic study of BoNT-A treatment in which two types of the efficacy and safety of ITB therapy for children with
BoNT-A (i.e. Abo-BoNT-A and Ona-BoNT-A) were com- CP.23 Data were collected from a sample of 15 young people
pared in 895 paediatric patients aged 2 to 18 years with spas- aged between 7 years and 17 years at the time of pump
ticity.18 This was a cost-minimization analysis, where the implantation with Gross Motor Function Classification Sys-
treatment effectiveness was equivalent between the two tem levels III to V. The economic evaluations compared the
drugs, conducted alongside a longitudinal observational costs and health effects of ITB with standard treatment only,
study. The total direct cost (pharmacological and medical for a 1-year period. Standard treatment included physical
visits) difference was €208 per year per child in favour of therapy, occupational therapy, and/or rehabilitation. Both
treatment with Abo-BoNT-A. the CEA and the CUA was undertaken from the health care
perspective, taking into account all relevant resources con-
ITB sumed. Additional health effects of ITB were assessed by
Despite the limited efficacy base, there were three eco- using the visual analogue scale for individual problems in
nomic evaluation studies on ITB, two modelling studies the CEA and the EuroQol-5D in the CUA.36 Owing to the
and one cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)/cost-utility analy- small sample size, bootstrapping methods were undertaken
sis (CUA) alongside a national study on the efficacy of to verify the reliability of the results with 1000 replications.
ITB.22–24 The modelling studies aimed to simulate real-life The results showed ITB therapy was cost-effective by
scenarios. improving health outcome at a reasonable cost with an
One modelling study compared the cost-effectiveness of ICER of €32 737 per QALY (using the Dutch EuroQol-5D
ITB used as the first-line treatment with all other conven- index) and €28 273 per QALY (using the UK EuroQol-5D
tional treatment options offered to patients with spastic- index).
ity.22 The comparator was a package of specific current
treatments based on the most established French treatment Other therapies and interventions for treating CP
patterns, namely physical therapy only, oral antispasticity Recently, a CEA was conducted alongside an RCT to esti-
agents, focal spasticity treatments, neurosurgical interven- mate the cost and benefits of providing a multimodal web-
tions, nursing care, and ITB (plus ITB potential adjust- based program delivered at home to facilitate intensive
ment dose plus potential pump removal). Two decision motor planning, upper limb, gross motor, and cognitive
trees were constructed by simulation models using com- rehabilitation.27 The participants of the RCT were 102
puter programming languages that aimed to replicate real- children with spastic unilateral CP aged 8 to 18 years with
life clinical practices. Using ITB as the first-line strategy Gross Motor Function Classification System level I or II
in severely impaired individuals with disabling spasticity and Manual Ability Classification Scale levels I and III.
had a significantly higher success rate than conventional The ICER results reported as ‘cost per proportion of
medical management (78.7% vs 59.3%; p<0.001). ITB was responders’, defined as the minimum clinically important
considered to be the dominant strategy providing greater difference by either 0.3 logits on the Assessment of Motor
effectiveness at a lower cost. or Process Skills or 2 points on the Canadian Occupational
Review 553
Performance Measure, ranged from AUD$3078 to AUD therapy (ITB-free).41 Cost projections were developed over
$4191 compared with usual care. With modest costs and a a 30-year time horizon. Costs in the month of implant and
significant difference in proportion of responders for the in the following year were USD$26 375 more than con-
intervention group, the authors concluded that the inter- ventional management. However, financial break-even
vention offered a cost-effective program adjunct to direct occurred between the second and third years postITB
rehabilitation for limited costs and greater gains in health implant. The lifetime analysis indicated that ITB was cost
outcomes. saving, with USD$8009 saved per patient per year com-
A CUA of a lifestyle intervention was evaluated along- pared with conventional therapy (3% discount rate; 2007
side an RCT for 57 adolescents and young adults with CP reference year). Most of the savings were derived from
aged 16 to 24 years.28 The analysis examined a 6-month reductions in inpatient admissions, physician office visits,
lifestyle intervention consisting of physical fitness training and outpatient physiotherapy. However, another study that
combined with counselling sessions (focused on physical compared 9 months before and after implantation of ITB
behaviour and sports participation), compared with the indicated no significant difference in total costs.42
control group who continued with usual care. Intervention
costs, direct medical costs, and productivity costs were Surgical procedures
assessed, with 2009 Dutch reference unit prices. Quality of A micro-costing study detailing cost components associated
life was measured using the Short Form-36 and converted with an intervention, was conducted to determine health
into Short-Form-6D utility scores.37 The preliminary care costs of upper-extremity surgical correction in 39 chil-
results showed the intervention group gained 0.0131 dren with spastic CP at a Dutch hospital.43 The average
QALYs with a lower annual total cost of €310, compared hospital cost was €6813 per child (reference year 2014),
with the control group. However, none of the comparisons consisting of medical costs from the first contact until
in cost or outcome between the two groups were statisti- 9 months after surgery. Rehabilitation costs were estimated
cally significant. Bootstrapping results showed 86% of at €3599 per child with an average of 3.5 months duration
ICERs were less €20 000 per QALY. The study suggests a of the rehabilitation program.
lifestyle intervention is cost-saving or cost-effective com- A costing exercise to produce patient level costing data
pared with offering no intervention to improve movement for all instrumented scoliosis corrections was performed to
behaviour and fitness among young people with CP. inform a national tariff for paediatric spinal surgery in the
UK.44 A total cost of £20 340 was estimated from 23
Costing studies of treatment for CP patients with non-idiopathic scoliosis with neuromuscular,
BoNT-A injection CP, congenital, and syndromic scoliosis. Another retro-
Two budget impact analyses, undertaken in the UK and the spective review of 74 surgical patients with neuromuscular
Russian Federation, showed that Abo-BoNT-A was a less scoliosis (28% with CP) indicated a total (SD) surgical cost
costly treatment than other BoNT-A injections, for example of USD$50 096 (USD$23 998).45 Major contributors to
Ona-BoNT-A or Inco-BoNT-A.38,39 In the UK study, the cost of scoliosis surgery were implants, inpatient and
treatment with BoNT-A for patients with upper-limb spas- intensive care unit costs, and bone grafts.
ticity was less costly than ‘best supportive care’ per patient
per year. Note that the meaning of ‘best supportive care’ Gait analysis
varies from country to country. In this study an increased One study concluded that computerized gait analysis was a
uptake of Abo-BoNT-A resulted in a 5-year saving of £6 potentially useful technology in the management of children
283 829 from the UK payer’s perspective. with walking disabilities, but its efficacy had not been estab-
A retrospective clinical notes review in Germany on chil- lished.46 Later, a retrospective study in 462 ambulatory
dren treated with BoNT-A showed an 85% reduction in the patients with CP was conducted to compare the number of
percentage of children requiring surgery and 60% shorter procedures and total costs between groups of patients under-
average length of stay than the control group who would be going gait analysis versus no gait analysis.47 Adjusting for age,
eligible but did not receive the treatment.40 The total cost of CP type, ambulatory status, Gross Motor Function Classifica-
managing a patient receiving BoNT-A during their first year tion System level, and follow-up time, patients in the gait
of treatment was found to be €16 700. The comparable cost analysis group had more procedures (gait analysis: 5.8; no gait
of managing a control group patient was €33 800. The analysis: 4.2; p<0.001) and higher costs (gait analysis: CAN
researchers concluded that the use of BoNT-A released $43 006; no gait analysis: CAN$35 215; p<0.001) during
resources for alternative use during the first year after treat- index surgery but less subsequent surgery after the index sur-
ment, without any loss of clinical improvement. gery. Patients in the NGA group were twice as likely to have
undergone additional surgery than patients in the gait analysis
ITB therapy group (adjusted hazard ratio 2.1; p=0.002).
A retrospective database analysis using actuarial methods
was carried out to investigate the cost associated with ITB DISCUSSION
therapy for adjunct spasticity control versus continued con- When interpreting the findings of this review, it is impor-
ventional medical management in the absence of ITB tant to note that the term ‘economic evaluation’ has a very
Review 555
€78 719 and €393 594 per CP case prevented. In the procedures. There is a debate, however, about its overall
majority of CP cases, the underlying injury occurred before clinical benefits. Two RCTs investigating BoNT-A injec-
labour onset. There is evidence of peripartum asphyxia in tion frequency concluded that yearly injection versus every
only about 10% of term births resulting in CP. Accord- 4 months achieved the same treatment outcomes for
ingly, no matter how effective intrapartum fetal surveil- lower-limb spasticity in children with CP.62,63 Substantial
lance is in detecting fetal hypoxia/asphyxia, it will only savings, in medical costs and cost to the families in time
afford opportunities for mitigation in a small number of and travel, would be made if the BoNT-A regimen was
cases. The ICER results are limited in assessing the techni- reduced from every 4 months to yearly injections. Based
cal efficiency to determine what is the best way to under- on the current economic evaluation assessment, use of
take fetal surveillance, with what modality, and in which BoNT-A injection may be cost-effective, but further
target population. New research areas in the prevention of research is needed on its overall cost-effectiveness for dif-
CP in high-risk populations include use of antioxidant ferent applications in CP management.
therapies (e.g. melatonin) in the perinatal period to protect Many budget impact analyses and costing studies
the fetus, particularly the developing brain, against oxida- assessed the cost of BoNT-A versus control groups. The
tive stress in pregnancy and at birth.54 Further evidence of selection of comparator ranged from ‘best supportive care’
efficacy and effectiveness is required. to ‘usual care’. The meaning of ‘best supportive care’ or
In addition to prevention of CP, the economic analysis ‘usual care’ will vary from country to country and also
of CP included studies of BoNT-A and ITB. Modelling within countries. Therefore, it is hard to draw conclusions
simulation studies suggest that ITB could be cost-effective as to whether cost savings in using BoNT-A to manage
or cost-saving, although its efficacy is still to be verified by CP in one country are applicable to another country.
stronger evidence.22–24 However, inconsistent results of the The current economic evaluation literature regarding
cost-effectiveness for BoNT-A injection have been ITB therapy suggests that the intervention is cost-effective
reported from four economic evaluation studies, mainly in the short term and could be a dominant strategy in the
owing to the additional effectiveness of the treatment com- long term. However, the efficacy and effectiveness of the
pared with the chosen comparator, for example serial cast- therapy has not been well established and stronger evi-
ing, intensive physiotherapy, or standard treatment.19–21 dence is required. According to a ‘systematic review of sys-
Furthermore, some results are indicative and do not consti- tematic reviews on best available intervention evidence for
tute strong evidence of value-for-money without evaluating children with CP’, ITB therapy was graded as a ‘yellow’
long-term effect or reporting ICER by QALYs. BoNT-A intervention, that is, where predominantly low-quality sup-
injection is better for purely dynamic equinus but often it porting evidence is available and the size of the gains var-
is used for mixed equinus when there is some contracture. ied between studies.61 It was graded as a ‘probably do it’
Serial casting might by slightly superior to BoNT-A injec- intervention, but quality and well-designed clinical trials
tion when there is a little more contracture.33,55 This raises are necessary to verify efficacy. ITB may benefit children
the importance of critical considerations in the clinical with severe spasticity of cerebral origin who have not
context. In contrast, for economic considerations, without responded to less invasive treatments such as oral
a unified comparator it is difficult to draw conclusions medications.
about the economic value of the treatment. Nevertheless, it Cost-effectiveness ratios were presented by some studies
is clear from studies comparing different types of BoNT-A that were not economic evaluations, that is, by cost out-
that Abo-BoNT-A is the most economical choice com- come descriptions. This can create confusion for readers
pared with other types with equivalent treatment effect. and such studies need to come with a warning that the
There is evidence in the literature that BoNT-A injec- information provided is descriptive and does not report
tion is effective for CP management (e.g. spasticity, motor efficiency. Economic evaluations should report incremental
function), but the results are inconsistent. BoNT-A injec- costs in relation to incremental outcomes. However,
tion for the upper limbs has been used with good efficacy ICERs were not often reported. There are various guideli-
if combined with therapy to reduce spasticity and improve nes for critical appraisal/reporting of economic evaluation
hand function;56,57 other studies have shown that BoNT-A studies; but no universally accepted criterion standard is
injection is ineffective for hip displacement.58,59 One ani- used.12,64,65
mal study suggests that repeat BoNT-A injections may
have potential harm in dramatically reducing muscle CONCLUSION
torque and producing fibrosis.60 BoNT-A injection is con- It is clear from the present systematic review that the eco-
sidered effective for the following goals: reduction of nomics of CP is under-researched and more economic
upper- and lower-limb spasticity; improved walking abili- studies in this topic, as well as long-term clinical studies,
ties; improved hand function and performance of func- are needed to provide robust evidence to inform value
tional hand activities in combination with occupational judgements. At this time, successful prevention in CP
therapy; and reduction in drooling.61 BoNT-A has been would clearly avoid significant costs. The administration of
used in young children to reduce spasticity in multiple magnesium sulfate for imminent preterm birth is a domi-
muscles before children are old enough to undergo surgical nant strategy resulting in less cost and more benefit
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OBJETIVO La evaluacio n econo mica puede ayudar a orientar la formulacio n de polıticas para las decisiones de compra y los
algoritmos de tratamiento y gestio n para las intervenciones de salud. Realizamos una revisio n sistema tica de los estudios
econo micos en para
lisis cerebral (PC) para informar la investigacio n futura.
M ETODO Los estudios econo micos publicados desde 1970 se identificaron a partir de siete bases de datos. Dos revisores
analizaron de forma independiente los resu menes y extrajeron los datos siguiendo los lineamientos de los ıtems de informes
preferidos para revisiones sistema ticas y metaana lisis (PRISMA). Cualquier discrepancia se resolvio mediante discusio n.
RESULTADOS De 980 referencias identificadas, 115 se incluyeron para la evaluacio n de texto completo. Trece artıculos cumplieron
con los criterios estandar para una evaluacio n econo mica completa, dos como evaluaciones econo micas parciales y 18 como
estudios de costos. Seis fueron evaluaciones econo micas completas junto con estudios clınicos o ensayos controlados aleatorios,
mientras que siete incluyeron simulaciones de modelado. El argumento econo mico para la administracio n de sulfato de magnesio
para un parto prematuro inminente es convincente, logrando tanto un aumento de la salud como un ahorro en los costos. La
literatura actual sugiere que el tratamiento con baclofeno intratecal y la inyeccio n de toxina botulınica son rentables, pero se
necesitan pruebas ma s so lidas de los efectos a largo plazo. Las intervenciones mediadas por pa ginas webs (web-based
interventions) e intervenciones focalizadas en el estilo de vida son econo micas, pero se requiere una medicio n ma s amplia de los
INTERPRETACION La prevencio n de ls PC evitarıa una carga econo mica significativa. Se ha demostrado que algunos tratamientos
e intervenciones son rentables, aunque se necesitan pruebas ma s so lidas de la eficacia clınica.
OBJETIVO A apreciacßa~o econo^ mica pode ajudar na elaboracßa~o de polıticas para deciso~ es sobre aquisicßa~o de servicßos, e nos
algoritmos para manejo e tratamento relacionados a intervencßo ~ es em sau de. No s realizamos uma revisa
~o sistema tica dos estudos
econo^ micos em paralisia cerebral (PC) para informar futuras pesquisas.
METODO Estudos econo^ micos publicados desde 1970 foram identificados em sete bases de dados. Dois revisores avaliaram
independentemente os resumos e extraıram dados seguindo as diretrizes dos Itens preferidos para reportar em reviso ~ es
sistema ticas e metana lises (PRISMA). Quaisquer discrepa ^ncias foram resolvidas por discussa ~o.
RESULTADOS Das 980 refere^ncias identificadas, 115 foram incluıdas para avaliacßa~o do texto completo. Treze artigos atenderam
aos criterios para avaliacßa~ o econo^ mica completa, dois como avaliacßa ~ o econo ^ mica parcial, e 18 como estudos de custo. Seis foram
~ es econo
avaliacßo ^ micas completas acompanhando estudos clınicos, enquanto sete envolveram simulacßo ~ es de modelos. O caso
econo^ mico relativo a administracßa ~o de sulfato de magne sio para o nascimento prematuro iminente e atraente, atingindo tanto
ganho em sau de quanto economia de custos. A literatura atual sugere que as terapias com baclofeno intratecal e injecßa ~o de
toxina botulınica sa ~o custo-efetivas, mas evide ^ncias mais fortes quanto aos efeitos de longo prazo sa ~ o necessa ~ es
rias. Intervencßo
sobre o estilo de vida e baseadas na internet sa ~ o baratas, mas medidas de resultados mais amplas sa ~o necessa rias.
INTERPRETAC ~ A prevencßa~o da PC evitaria custos econo^ micos significativos. Alguns tratamentos e intervencßo~ es te^m se
ß AO
mostrado custo-efetivos, embora evide ^ncias mais fortes de efetividade clınica sejam necessa rias.