Exacerbations of Copd

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Exacerbations of COPD
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International Journal of COPD
19 February 2016
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Ian D Pavord 1 Abstract: Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are defined as sustained
Paul W Jones 2 worsening of a patient’s condition beyond normal day-to-day variations that is acute in onset, and
Pierre-Régis Burgel 3 that may also require a change in medication and/or hospitalization. Exacerbations have a significant
Klaus F Rabe 4,5 and prolonged impact on health status and outcomes, and negative effects on pulmonary function.
A significant proportion of exacerbations are unreported and therefore left untreated, leading to a
Respiratory Medicine Unit, Nuffield
Department of Medicine, University poorer prognosis than those treated. COPD exacerbations are heterogeneous, and various phenotypes
of Oxford, Oxford, UK; 2Division have been proposed which differ in biologic basis, prognosis, and response to therapy. Identification
of Clinical Science, St George’s, of biomarkers could enable phenotype-driven approaches for the management and prevention of
University of London, London, UK;
Department of Respiratory Medicine, exacerbations. For example, several biomarkers of inflammation can help to identify exacerbations
Cochin Hospital, University Paris most likely to respond to oral corticosteroids and antibiotics, and patients with a frequent exacerbator
Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris,
phenotype, for whom preventative treatment is appropriate. Reducing the frequency of exacerbations
France; 4Department of Medicine,
Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, would have a beneficial impact on patient outcomes and prognosis. Preventative strategies include
Germany; 5LungenClinic, Member modification of risk factors, treatment of comorbid conditions, the use of bronchodilator therapy with
of the German Center for Lung
Research (DZL), Grosshansdorf, long-acting β2-agonists or long-acting muscarinic antagonists, and inhaled corticosteroids. A better
Germany understanding of the mechanisms underlying COPD exacerbations will help to optimize use of the
currently available and new interventions for preventing and treating exacerbations.
Keywords: COPD, exacerbation, phenotype, biomarker, bronchodilator

Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), whether reported/
treated or unreported/untreated, have a detrimental and prolonged impact on patients’
health status and outcomes,1–3 and have cumulative negative effects on lung function
over time.4 COPD exacerbations are heterogeneous, varying in severity and phenotype,
and thus require careful assessment in order to guide management strategies.5,6
Reducing the number of exacerbations that a patient experiences would have a
beneficial impact on their daily life, disease outcomes, and prognosis. Strategies to
prevent exacerbations include targeting risk factors, addressing comorbid conditions,
and bronchodilator therapy with long-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) or long-acting
muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) (used alone or in combination with each other or
with an inhaled corticosteroid [ICS]).7
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the currently accepted consen-
sus definition, an update on the assessment of exacerbations, and to outline the latest
evidence for selecting treatment and preventative strategies, including approaches
based on specific exacerbation subtypes and risk factors.
Correspondence: Paul W Jones
Division of Clinical Science, St George’s,
University of London, Cranmer Terrace,
What are exacerbations?
London SW17 0RE, UK How do we define exacerbations?
Tel +44 20 8725 5371
Fax +44 20 8725 5955
Exacerbations of COPD can be associated with both respiratory (eg, dyspnea and pro-
Email [email protected] ductive cough) and non-respiratory (eg, fatigue and malaise) symptoms.8 The consensus

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definition of an exacerbation is a sustained worsening of the 

patient’s condition from the stable state and beyond normal
day-to-day variations that is acute in onset and necessitates 

a change in medication or hospitalization in a patient with

underlying COPD.8 

COPD exacerbations frequently lead to an increase

in health care resource use, according to severity.8,9 For
example, mild exacerbations can often be managed in the

home but may require increased use of reliever medication,
such as inhaled bronchodilators, for worsening symptoms,

while moderate exacerbations need treatment with antibiotics      
and/or corticosteroids. Severe exacerbations require hospi- VSHFLILFLW\
talization for advanced monitoring and potential treatments,
including assisted ventilation.8
6HUXP&&/ 6HUXP71)%
Exacerbation phenotypes 6HUXP9&$0 6HUXPDP\ORLG$
There is heterogeneity in COPD clinical manifestations, 6HUXP71)% 5HIHUHQFHOLQH
outcomes, and responses to treatment.6 These differences
can be used to classify COPD into specific phenotypes that Figure 1 Receiver operating characteristic curve illustrating that blood eosinophils
are a marker of sputum eosinophil-associated exacerbations.
can be used to guide therapeutic decisions.6 Exacerbations Note: Adapted with permission of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright ©
in COPD have been shown to be similarly varied, with 2016 American Thoracic Society. Bafadhel M, McKenna S, Terry S, et al. 2011. Acute
exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: identification of biologic
differing pathology and prognoses, and respond to different clusters and their biomarkers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Volume 184(6), Pages
management strategies.5,6 662–671. The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine is an official
journal of the American Thoracic Society.11
Many exacerbations of COPD involve bacterial or viral Abbreviations: IL, interleukin; CCL, chemokine ligand; TNF, tumor necrosis
respiratory infections10 and, despite resolution of the infec- factor; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule.

tion, have been shown to have a sustained effect on health

status.2 chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stage 2 disease
In a study of COPD exacerbation phenotypes, Bafadhel and as many as 47% of those with stage 4 disease were clas-
et al identified distinct subtypes that were predominantly sified as “frequent exacerbators” (defined as two or  more
related to bacterial or viral infection or elevated eosinophil exacerbations annually).13 Risk factors associated with this
counts and were associated with 55%, 29%, and 28% of type of patient include a rapid decline in lung function and
exacerbations, respectively.11 These were clinically indis- respiratory bacterial or viral colonization, although the
tinguishable but could be identified at the biologic level by predictive value of these factors is yet to be ascertained.14
the use of biomarkers.11 Peripheral blood eosinophil count A  background of persistent airway and systemic inflam-
was shown to be a valid biomarker for sputum eosinophil- mation results in slow recovery and poorer outcomes. 14
associated exacerbations (Figure 1).11 Unlike bacterial and Interleukin-8 and fibrinogen have been proposed as potential
eosinophilic phenotypes, viral infection was rarely detected biomarkers of the frequent exacerbator phenotype; however,
in the stable state, suggesting a strong association of viral further studies are required for elucidation.15,16
infections with exacerbations.11 Patients with COPD and
evidence of eosinophilic airway inflammation respond well How do we assess exacerbations?
to corticosteroid therapy.12 Therefore, biomarkers can be The variety of symptoms that can worsen during an exac-
informative in identifying phenotypes of COPD that will erbation of COPD necessitates the use of standardized and
respond to antibiotics or anti-inflammatory treatment at the validated instruments to evaluate the frequency, severity,
onset of an exacerbation.5 and duration of exacerbations. The EXAcerbation of COPD
A “frequent exacerbator” phenotype has been postulated Tool (EXACT), a patient-reported daily diary, has been used
and examined in clinical studies. In the Evaluation of COPD in clinical studies to detect and quantify exacerbations.17
Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints The tool is based on a set of 14 symptoms that characterize
(ECLIPSE) study of COPD exacerbation susceptibility, an exacerbation, grouped into subscales of chest symptoms,
approximately 20% of patients with Global initiative for cough and sputum symptoms, breathlessness symptoms, and

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Table 1 Symptomatic components of an exacerbation, evaluated with exacerbations, with a significantly more rapid (P=0.011)
using the EXAcerbation of COPD Tool (EXACT)17 decline in time spent outdoors evident in those with frequent
Subscale/item exacerbations.20 Although these effects are modest, these
Chest symptoms Cough and sputum data demonstrate that frequent exacerbations are associated
Chest congested Coughed today
with a higher likelihood of patients with COPD becoming
Chest discomfort Much mucus when coughing
Chest tight housebound.20
Breathlessness Other items Exacerbations of COPD also have a cumulative effect
Breathless today Difficulty with mucus on lung function (FEV1). Patients in the 3-year TOward a
How breathless today Weak and tired
Revolution in COPD Health (TORCH) study of salmeterol
Shortness of breath with personal care Sleep disturbed
Shortness of breath indoors Scared/worried plus fluticasone who experienced 0–1.0 moderate to severe
Shortness of breath outdoors exacerbation per year (n=1,862) had a 37% faster decline in
lung function (P,0.001) than those with no exacerbations
(n=1,306).4 Among those patients who experienced .1.0
constitutional items (Table 1). A recent study showed that moderate to severe exacerbation (n=1,735), the rate of decline
the EXACT tool was effective for evaluating exacerbation in FEV1 was 65% faster (P,0.001).4
severity when compared with the London COPD cohort
diary.18 Reported vs unreported/untreated
The impact of exacerbations Many exacerbations remain unreported and hence untreated
Exacerbations of COPD have a considerable impact on by health care professionals, and these also have a substantial
patients’ health status2 and exercise capacity,19 and have a impact on patients’ health status.1 In addition, there is a wide
cumulative effect on lung function.4 geographic variability in the ratio of reported to unreported
As part of the Gemifloxacin Long-term Outcomes in exacerbations, which may be due to cultural as well as
Bronchitis Exacerbations (GLOBE) study, the time course socioeconomic reasons.1
for recovery of health status in patients with respiratory Among a cohort of patients with COPD who had received
disease (St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire [SGRQ]) instruction on reporting worsening symptoms and had regular
and the impact of further exacerbations on time to recovery clinic visits, only 50% of exacerbations were reported to the
were assessed over the 6 months following an infective clinical team when the patient noticed worsening symptoms
exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.2 Following the initial on 2 consecutive days, even though there were no differences
exacerbation, SGRQ scores were worse among the group of in major symptoms between reported and unreported (iden-
patients who experienced subsequent exacerbations during tified from the patient diary card at scheduled clinic visits)
the 6-month follow-up compared with those with no further events.21 During the 6-month, international, randomized
exacerbation (difference 5.4 units; P=0.002).2 In both groups, Aclidinium To Treat Airway obstruction In COPD patieNts
the biggest improvement in SGRQ scores occurred within (ATTAIN) trial of aclidinium bromide, a 2.3-fold higher
the first 4 weeks after the initial event.2 A long phase of slow number of exacerbations per patient per year was recorded
improvement then took place over the 6-month course of the using the EXACT diary card (1.39 events per patient
study, with the extent of recovery significantly poorer among per year), compared with the number reported based on health
patients who experienced further exacerbation.2 care resource use, ie, increased symptoms on $2 consecutive
The short- and long-term impact of exacerbations on days requiring a change in medication (0.60 event per patient
exercise capacity was demonstrated by Cote et al.19 Patients in per year).1
this study who experienced exacerbations showed progressive Data from the ATTAIN study also demonstrated important
worsening of 6-minute walking distance over time, with a loss differences between reported and unreported exacerbations in
of 74 m reported after 2 years.19 In contrast, the control group, terms of impact on health status and recovery post-treatment.1
comprising patients who did not experience exacerbations The absolute health status score (SGRQ) was worse, the rate
during the study period, showed no significant change from of deterioration in FEV1 was faster, and patients recovered
baseline.19 Reduction in activity associated with exacerba- more slowly (EXACT scores) with unreported compared
tions may lead to patients with COPD becoming housebound. with reported exacerbations (Figure 2).1 A reduction in health
Donaldson et al demonstrated a significant decrease in time status score at the time of the exacerbation did not influence
spent outdoors (-0.16 hour/day/year; P,0.001) by patients whether or not an exacerbation was reported.1 The impact of

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'D\V±WR± (;$&7HYHQW

∆ “D ∆ “E


 ∆ ±“F


∆ “G

± ±     


Figure 2 EXAcerbations of COPD Tool (EXACT) scores for reported (identified by health care resource utilization and by EXACT) and unreported (identified by EXACT
only) exacerbations.1
Notes: aP=0.01; bP,0.01; cP=0.79; dP,0.01. Events presented are those with associated e-diary records for days -14 to -7. The ∆ values for days -14 to -7 and EXACT event
represent EXACT + health care resource utilization vs EXACT only; the ∆ values for complete recovery for reported exacerbation and incomplete recovery for unreported
exacerbations represent days 21 to 28 vs days -14 to -7.

unreported exacerbations on long-term disease progression However, each subsequent recurrence of a severe exacerbation
is still unknown; however, it is clear that these unreported requiring hospitalization increased the risk of a subsequent
events have important short- and medium-term consequences event and death (Figure 3), with subsequent events being
on symptoms and health status.1 of increasing severity.3 This highlights the current need for
improvement in approaches to both the prevention and treat-
Severe exacerbations ment of severe exacerbations of COPD.
A long-term follow-up study of a cohort of patients with
COPD found that 50% of patients died within 3.6 years of Management of exacerbations
their first hospitalization for COPD exacerbation.3 Following Systemic corticosteroid therapy
the first severe COPD exacerbation, a period of stable risk Current evidence-based guidelines for the management of
was identified between the first and second exacerbations.3 COPD state that in the absence of contraindications, oral

$ %






Figure 3 Natural history of COPD in a cohort of 73,106 patients after first hospitalization for a severe exacerbation, showing (A) rate of next severe exacerbation and
(B) rate of next severe exacerbation or death per 10,000 patients per day.3
Notes: Time between successive events estimated using the median inter-exacerbation times conditional on survival with death as a competing risk (A), or the median
inter-exacerbation times as time to next exacerbation or death, whichever occurred first. Reproduced from Thorax, Suissa S, Dell’Aniello S, Ernst P, Volume 67(11), pages
957–963, copyright 2012 with permission from BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.3

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corticosteroids should be used in conjunction with other a blood eosinophil count of #2%, and one study suggested
therapies in all patients admitted to hospital with acute that treatment failure rates were significantly worse with
exacerbations.22 This recommendation is based on random- antibiotics and prednisolone compared with antibiotics
ized controlled trials,23,24 but it is important to note that the and placebo.30 Although confirmation of these findings is
effects are relatively small and need to be balanced against required, they indicate that blood eosinophil count could
the potential for harm. Moreover, there is only limited potentially be used as a biomarker to direct corticosteroid
evidence favoring the use of corticosteroids for patients therapy for exacerbations and could help avoid unnecessary
with severe exacerbations of COPD who require admission exposure to systemic corticosteroids. Fractional excretion of
to intensive care.25 The guidelines for the management of nitric oxide has been used to identify airway inflammation
COPD do not make strong recommendations on the use of in other respiratory conditions, and preliminary studies have
systemic corticosteroids for exacerbations for outpatients, demonstrated that this could be used as a potential marker of
rather they should be “considered” for outpatients with a response to corticosteroids in patients with COPD.31–33
significant increase in breathlessness that interferes with daily
activities.22,26 Overall, there is a lack of data on the use of Antibiotic therapy
systemic corticosteroids for the treatment of exacerbations in Approximately 50% of COPD exacerbations are associated
the outpatient setting, compared with hospitalized patients. with detection of bacteria in the sputum,11 and current guide-
A Cochrane analysis found that systemic corticosteroid lines recommend antibiotic therapy when patients present
use led to fewer treatment failures, a shorter duration of with the three cardinal symptoms (increased dyspnea, sputum
hospitalization, significant lung function (FEV1) benefits, volume, and sputum purulence), or with increased sputum
and improvements in breathlessness, but with no significant purulence and one other cardinal symptom.26
effect on mortality.27 In addition, there was an increased risk A meta-analysis of antibiotic use in COPD exacerbations
of an adverse event, in particular hyperglycemia, associated revealed inconsistent effects, with more pronounced positive
with systemic corticosteroid use.27 The 2015 update to the effects on treatment success in hospitalized patients vs out-
GOLD strategy document recommends treatment with oral patients, but no significant effects on mortality or length of
prednisone 40 mg per day for only 5 days for hospitalized hospital stay.34 However, a randomized, placebo-controlled
patients.26 This recommendation is based on the REDuction in trial of hospitalized patients who needed mechanical
the Use of Corticosteroids in Exacerbated COPD (REDUCE) ventilation for COPD exacerbations found that mortality
study, which demonstrated that, in patients presenting to the significantly increased from 4% to 22% in those patients
emergency department with an acute exacerbation of COPD, randomized to no antibiotic.35 Therefore, antibiotics should
a 5-day regimen with oral prednisone 40 mg is non-inferior not be withheld in patients with severe exacerbations who
to 14 days’ treatment, with regard to re-exacerbation within require ventilator support.
6 months’ follow-up.28 However, there were no significant C-reactive protein (CRP) is a potentially useful bio-
differences in glucocorticoid-related, short-term adverse marker for predicting which exacerbations may benefit from
effects between the treatment groups.28 It is also likely that antibiotic therapy and for selecting those that might resolve
lower doses of systemic steroids are associated with fewer without antibiotic intervention.36 In patients with exacerba-
side effects and a better benefit/risk profile than higher doses tions and CRP levels .50 mg/L, a significantly higher rate of
in patients hospitalized in intensive care units.29 clinical success for doxycycline treatment was demonstrated
A phenotype-guided treatment approach could be appro- vs placebo.36 The same study concluded that procalcitonin
priate to better target the use of corticosteroids in patients may not be sufficiently sensitive for use as a biomarker for
to prevent and treat COPD exacerbations. The presence response to antibiotics in patients with COPD exacerbations.36
of an elevated sputum eosinophil count in patients with Therefore, the use of CRP as a biomarker could help to avoid
stable COPD has been associated with a good response to unnecessary use of antibiotic therapy that can lead to adverse
prednisolone.12 As such, a blood eosinophil count .2% effects and development of bacterial resistance.37
has been suggested as an easily obtainable biomarker for
predicting effectiveness of oral corticosteroids in patients Non-invasive ventilation and oxygen
with exacerbations.5 A recent meta-analysis of outcomes therapy
with placebo and prednisolone showed that prednisolone Non-invasive ventilation improves gas exchange by providing
reduced treatment failure rates at 30 days from 66% to 11%.5 ventilator support through the upper airway using a mask,
In contrast, prednisolone was not effective in patients with and is recommended for severe COPD exacerbations in

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patients with respiratory acidosis (arterial pH #7.35) when Risk factors as targets for intervention
added to standard therapy.22,26 Early use of this therapy fol- Risk factors for COPD are also risk factors for the frequency
lowing hospitalization has been shown to reduce the need and severity of exacerbations, and as such, are potential
for intubation and improves survival in patients with COPD targets for intervention. These include smoking cessation,
in a randomized clinical trial.38,39 However, there is some prevention of respiratory infections, and avoiding a rapid
controversy on this subject because another recent study did decline in lung function.14 Decreased FEV1 in particular is
not detect any benefit of non-invasive ventilation.40 associated with increased symptoms and heightened inflam-
Oxygen therapy has also been shown to reduce hypoxia matory responses, thus targeting lung mechanics may alter
associated with exacerbations of COPD; however, careful the risk of an exacerbation.46
titration of oxygen levels is crucial, particularly in patients
at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure.41 Inhaled corticosteroids
ICS is commonly prescribed to patients with COPD, with the
Home management primary goal of reducing exacerbations. There is consistent
Although exacerbations have a considerable clinical impact, evidence that ICS treatment reduces exacerbation frequency
some patients could be safely treated at home.22 This approach by ∼25% either when prescribed alone or in combination
would reduce demand for hospital beds and would also take with a LABA.47,48 Current guidelines recommend ICS therapy
patients’ preferences for home- or hospital-based treatment in patients with two or more COPD exacerbations in the
into consideration.22,42 Current guidance acknowledges how- last  year, one severe exacerbation, or impaired lung func-
ever that it may be difficult to determine which patients home tion such that an exacerbation risk is deemed to be present.26
management is appropriate for, although resources available Traditionally, a high dose of ICS (eg, fluticasone dipropionate
and poor prognostic indicators (eg,  acidosis) will influ- 500 µg bid) is prescribed; however, there is little high-quality
ence the decision.22 information available on the dose−response relationship.
Roche et al developed a scoring system, based on A  study of once-daily fluticasone furoate, at a dosage of
variables at admission to hospital for COPD exacerbation 50−100  µg daily in addition to vilanterol, demonstrated a
(age, exacerbation severity, and dyspnea), that may be useful progressive treatment benefit, with no apparent benefit above
for predicting risk of death and requirement for post-hospital this dose.49 The potential for ICS to cause pneumonia is a
support.43 A recent independent study by the same authors concern; this is a function of dose and duration of treatment.50
suggests that this score may prove useful in clinical practice, Currently, there is a great deal of interest in the possibility
but further validation is still necessary.44 A Cochrane review, that this risk might be mitigated using the blood eosinophil
evaluating early hospital discharge combined with a domicili- count as a biomarker of likely response to ICS. Two studies
ary respiratory nurse for managing acute COPD exacerba- have shown that the risk of exacerbation and the benefits of
tions as an alternative to hospitalization, found that hospital ICS increase progressively as the blood eosinophil count
re-admissions were reduced with the “hospital at home” increases above 2% (equivalent to a count of 0.15×109/L),
approach (risk ratio 0.76; P=0.04).42 Furthermore, there were whereas patients with a blood eosinophil count ,2% had little
early indications for reduced risk of mortality (risk ratio 0.66; evidence of benefit from ICS.51,52 However, the elevated risk
P=0.07).42 Evidence is lacking though for a strongly positive of pneumonia associated with ICS use was independent of
association between the “hospital at home” approach and eosinophil count; therefore, patients with a blood eosinophil
other outcomes (lung function, patient satisfaction, quality of count of ,2% had minimal benefit from the ICS but increased
life, and cost-effectiveness).42 Furthermore, only a minority risk of pneumonia.51
(25%) of patients were eligible for the “hospital at home”
approach, based on lung function, comorbidities, and other Bronchodilator treatment
factors (eg, confusion).42 The nature of the exacerbation and the COPD phenotype
dictate the extent of mechanical and anti-inflammatory
Preventing exacerbations intervention required; patients with more mucus and airway/
There is evidence that COPD exacerbations cluster together, lung function impairment are more likely to benefit from
and a high-risk period for recurrence has been identified in anti-inflammatory therapy, whereas patients with greater
the first 8 weeks following an initial event.45 This may have mechanical impairment are likely to benefit from broncho-
important implications for preventative strategies. dilator therapy, even without corticosteroids.53

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The Prevention Of Exacerbations with Tiotropium in  


COPD (POET) study showed that long-acting bronchodila-  


tor therapy with the anti-cholinergic drug tiotropium was 

superior to a LABA, salmeterol, in preventing exacerba-

tions in patients with moderate to severe COPD at risk of 

exacerbation.54 Time to first exacerbation was increased 

(187 vs 145 days; hazard ratio 0.83; P,0.001), and the annual


number of moderate or severe exacerbations was reduced

(0.64 vs 0.72; P=0.02) with tiotropium compared with 0RGHUDWHRU 5HTXLULQJV\VWHPLF 5HTXLULQJ
salmeterol.54 The concomitant use of ICS showed no effect
on these outcomes.54 Interestingly, the response to salmeterol &RPELQDWLRQWKHUDS\ Q 
can be influenced by the β2-adrenergic receptor genotype.55
Patients with the Arg16Arg genotype had a reduced risk of Figure 4 Annual rate of exacerbations, systemic corticosteroid prescriptions, and
hospitalizations in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of combination therapy
exacerbation in response to salmeterol than those with the with a long-acting β-agonist and inhaled corticosteroid in patients with COPD.
Arg16Gly and Gly16Gly genotypes.55 Notes: *Significant difference vs placebo at the 0.05 significance level. From
The New England Journal of Medicine, Calverley PM, Anderson JA, Celli B, et al,
The ATTAIN study investigated the efficacy of the Salmeterol and fluticasone propionate and survival in chronic obstructive pulmonary
inhaled LAMA aclidinium in moderate to severe COPD.1 disease, Volume 356(8), Pages 775–789. Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical
Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.48
Regardless of whether COPD exacerbations were reported
(recorded by health care resource utilization) or unreported
(recorded by EXACT), aclidinium treatment demonstrated a interpreted with caution, because only those patients who
similar clinical benefit, instigating a 29%–33% reduction in had at least one exacerbation in the previous year met the
annualized rates of exacerbation per patient per year.1 recruitment criteria, meaning that those responding poorly
In the SPARK study, the efficacy of the dual LAMA/ to ICS were more likely to be represented in the study
LABA glycopyrronium/indacaterol was compared with gly- population.
copyrronium and open-label tiotropium in patients with severe
or very severe COPD.56 Approximately 75% of patients were Other approaches to reduce exacerbation
also using a concomitant ICS. Glycopyrronium/indacaterol risk
reduced the annualized rate of COPD exacerbations (all In addition to bronchodilators, other classes of drugs have
severities) compared with glycopyrronium or tiotropium been shown to reduce exacerbation risk in specific subsets
monotherapy, indicating that combining a β2-agonist with an of patients with COPD. A randomized trial of the macrolide
anti-cholinergic agent reduces exacerbation frequency.56 This azithromycin, taken daily for 1 year in addition to usual
dual bronchodilation approach may be clinically beneficial therapy, demonstrated a significant reduction in the risk of
for patients with severe disease, and may circumvent the exacerbations in patients with COPD at increased risk  of
genetic variability that renders patients less susceptible to exacerbation.58 This effect was greatest in the subgroup
single agents.56 of patients requiring both antibiotic and corticosteroid
The annual incidence of moderate or severe exacerbations, treatment, and in patients who were non- or ex-smokers.59
systemic corticosteroid prescriptions, and hospitalizations Similarly, a study of the oral anti-inflammatory agent roflu-
were reduced significantly in the TORCH study with both milast, a phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor, has demonstrated a
the β2-agonist salmeterol and corticosteroid fluticasone.48 reduction in exacerbations frequency in patients with severe
The effects were greater in patients who administered the COPD and a history of exacerbations.60 Two Chinese clinical
drugs in combination, suggesting that multiple underlying studies showed that N-acetylcysteine and the mucolytic
factors may be involved in determining response to therapy agent carbocisteine, both of which have antioxidant and
(Figure 4).48 However, the recently published Withdrawal anti-inflammatory properties, may reduce the frequency of
of Inhaled Steroids During Optimized bronchodilator exacerbations of COPD in Chinese patients.61,62
Management (WISDOM) study specifically investigated There is evidence that pneumococcal and annual influenza
impact on exacerbation frequency caused by the withdrawal vaccinations reduce the risk of exacerbation and hospitaliza-
of ICS and found that ICS use did not alter the risk of moder- tion in patients with COPD, and it is recommended that these
ate to severe COPD exacerbations.57 These results should be are offered to patients with COPD.22,26,63,64

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Treating comorbid conditions have  been proposed, which may differ in prognosis and
Comorbidities of COPD, such as cardiovascular disease, gas- response to treatment. The management of COPD should
troesophageal reflux disease, depression, and osteoporosis, are involve phenotype-directed strategies, and efforts have been
associated with increased susceptibility to exacerbations  and made to identify biomarkers that could help guide treatment.
can also contribute to how COPD develops.14 Cardiovascular In addition, efforts to prevent exacerbations should aim to
disease is the most common group of comorbidities, with reduce risk factors and manage comorbid conditions. Under-
ischemic heart disease estimated to affect around 20% of standing the mechanisms by which COPD exacerbations
patients with COPD.14 Severe COPD exacerbations may occur may determine the best course of preventative strategy
involve underlying comorbidities, particularly endocrine and and lead to development of novel interventions.
cardiovascular conditions. For example, systemic inflamma-
tion and elevated CRP, both features of COPD, have been Acknowledgments
associated with increased cardiovascular risk.14 Patients with Medical writing support was provided by Kirsteen Munn on
severe airflow obstruction have even poorer cardiac outcomes behalf of Complete Medical Communications, funded by
than those with systemic inflammation; however, those with Almirall S.A., Barcelona, Spain.
both impaired lung function and systemic inflammation have
a significantly worse cardiovascular outcome in terms of the Disclosure
cardiac infarction injury score.65 Professor Pavord has previously received speaker’s fees and
Preventative strategies should therefore consider these honoraria from Aerorine, Almirall, AstraZeneca, Boehringer
comorbid conditions. Although there is sparse evidence from Ingelheim, Dey, GlaxoSmithKline, Napp, Novartis, and
randomized trials demonstrating that treating comorbidities Respivert. Professor Jones has previously received speaker
improves COPD, several treatment approaches have shown fees from and has served on advisory boards for Almirall,
a benefit in observational studies. Statin therapy may help AstraZeneca, Chiesi, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Roche,
to improve outcomes in patients with COPD and peripheral and Spiration, and has received research grants from
arterial disease66 and other cardiovascular comorbidities.67 GlaxoSmithKline. All fees were contracted via his institution.
However, a recent study of simvastatin in patients with Professor Burgel has previously received lecture fees and
moderate to severe COPD without metabolic/cardiovascular honoraria from, and served on advisory boards for, Air Liq-
indication for statins did not observe any reduction in COPD uide, Almirall, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi,
exacerbations.68 There is evidence suggesting that the use GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Pfizer, and has received
of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin research grants from Boehringer Ingelheim and Pfizer.
receptor blockers, and beta blockers may reduce mortality in Professor Rabe has consulted for, participated in advisory
patients with COPD and cardiovascular comorbidities.69,70 board meetings with, and received lecture fees from Almirall,
Given the prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi, Pfizer, Novartis,
among patients with COPD, cardiovascular safety of COPD Takeda, Merck Sharp & Dohme, and GlaxoSmithKline.
therapy also needs to be considered. For example, in a Professor Rabe has also received grants from Novartis,
pooled analysis of long-term studies in COPD, the oral anti- AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hoffmann-La Roche,
inflammatory agent roflumilast has not been associated with Altana, and GlaxoSmithKline.
major cardiovascular events in long-term studies.71
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