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Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure

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2 Original Article

3 Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71

4 on gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under
5 laboratory and field conditions
6 Q2 Palas Samanta a , Aloke Kumar Mukherjee b , Sandipan Pal c , Debraj Kole a ,
7 Apurba Ratan Ghosh a,∗
8 Ecotoxicology Laboratory, Department of Environmental Science, The University of Burdwan, Golapbag, Burdwan 713104,
9 West Bengal, India
10 P.G. Department of Conservation Biology, Durgapur Government College, Durgapur 713214, West Bengal, India
11 Department of Environmental Science, Aghorekamini Prakashchandra Mahavidyalaya, Subhasnagar, Bengai, Hooghly 712611,
12 West Bengal, India

14 a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
16 Article history: The effects of glyphosate-based herbicide Excel Mera 71 under field and laboratory condi-
17 Received 13 April 2015 tions were investigated to evaluate the pathological symptoms through light and electron
18 Accepted 2 January 2016 microscopic study in the gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) for a period
19 Available online xxx
of 30 days. Histological alterations like hypertrophy and fusion in secondary lamellae, dam-
20 age in chloride cells were more prominent in laboratory conditions under light microscopy.
21 Keywords: Topological changes such as complete loss of microridges, swelling, and irregular arrange-
22 Field conditions
ment of microridges in the gills were prominent under scanning electron microscopic study
23 Glyphosate (Excel Mera 71)
under laboratory conditions. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study depicted vac-
24 Heteropneustes fossilis
25 Laboratory conditions uolation and degeneration in chloride cells, dilation in rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER),
26 Light microscopy and mitochondria in gill epithelium. The liver showed enlarged and pyknotic hepatocytes,
27 Transmission electron microscopy vacuolation, excess fat deposition, and necrosis under laboratory conditions, while enlarged
acentric nuclei, increased sinusoidal space, and less vacuolation in cytoplasm were observed
under field conditions. TEM displayed cytoplasmic vacuolation and a reduced number of
endoplasmic reticulum and glycogen droplets in the laboratory, but this was less pro-
nounced under field conditions. In the kidneys, loss of hematopoietic tissue, degenerative
changes in glomeruli, proximal and distal convoluted tubule, and epithelial cell lining of
the renal tubules were comparatively less prominent under field conditions. Under TEM,
epithelial cell necrosis, endoplasmic reticulum fragmentation, and mitochondrial degener-
ation were more prominent under laboratory conditions. The present study evaluated the
comparative toxicity under field and laboratory conditions under long-term exposure to
glyphosate herbicide and identified pathological responses as indicators in monitoring the
herbicidal contamination in aquatic ecosystems.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Saudi Society of Microscopes.

1. Introduction 28

Histopathological study has been widely used for tox- 29

∗ Corresponding author. icity testing of the effects of xenobiotic compounds at the 30

E-mail address: [email protected] (A.R. Ghosh). suborganismal or organismal level, as well as evaluation 31

2213-879X/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Saudi Society of Microscopes.

Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),
G Model
2 P. Samanta et al. / Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

32 of overall health of the entire population in the ecosys- CY212 (EM grade) of analytical grade were purchased from 90

33 tem. The advantage of using histopathological symptoms Merck Specialities Private Limited. Osmium tetroxide was Q4 91

34 in specific target organs like the gills, liver, and kidneys in purchased from Spectrochem (Mumbai, India). 92

35 environmental monitoring is that they are most effective

36 to study the vital functions, such as respiration, accumula- 2.2. Fish 93
37 tion and biotransformation, and excretion of xenobiotics in
38 fish [1,2]. Histological changes appear as prime responses Freshwater teleostean fish H. fossilis (Bloch) of both 94

39 to sublethal stressors, while topological characterization of the sexes with an average weight of 31.77 ± 3.440 g and 95

40 cell surface and subcellular organelles can be best analyzed total length of 16.58 ± 0.388 cm were procured from local 96

41 under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmis- markets and were acclimatized under congenial labo- 97

42 sion electron microscopy (TEM), respectively. Furthermore, ratory conditions for 15 days separately in aquaria of 98

43 the alterations in cells and tissues in vertebrates, especially 250-L capacity. Fish were kept in continuously aerated 99

44 fish, are recurrently used as biomarkers in many studies, water with a static system and experiments were con- 100

45 but such changes also occur in all invertebrates inhab- ducted with a natural photoperiod (12-hour light/12-hour 101

46 iting aquatic basins, and are normally easier to identify dark) and at an ambient water temperature. During 102

47 than functional ones [3], which ultimately serve as warning acclimatization, the average values of water parame- 103

48 signs of damage to animal health [4,5]. Fish after expo- ters were analyzed: temperature 26.49 ± 0.127 ◦ C, pH 104

49 sure to these xenobiotic substances show several lesions 7.94 ± 0.04, electrical conductivity 392.22 ± 0.62 ␮S/cm, 105

50 in different tissue systems [6,7]. Gills [8,9], liver [4,10], and total dissolved solids 279.33 ± 0.69 mg/L, dissolved oxy- 106

51 kidneys [11] are the most suitable organs for histological gen 6.44 ± 0.05 mg/L, total alkalinity 204.0 ± 7.30 mg/L 107

52 analysis in order to determine the effects of contamina- as CaCO3 , total hardness 180.44 ± 3.74 mg/L as CaCO3 , 108

53 tion. During xenobiotic exposure, the toxicants break down sodium 24.45 ± 0.56 mg/L, potassium 5.33 ± 1.02 mg/L, 109

54 the adhesion between the epithelial branchial cells and orthophosphate 0.03 ± 0.001 mg/L, ammoniacal nitrogen 110

55 the underlying pillar cells, accompanied by collapse of the 1.66 ± 0.21 mg/L, and nitrate nitrogen 0.21 ± 0.030 mg/L. 111

56 structural integrity of the secondary lamellae and sub- After acclimatization, fish were divided into two groups: 112

57 sequent failure of the respiratory functions of the gills one group was maintained in field ponds situated at Crop 113

58 [12]. The liver is the central metabolic organ and plays a Research Farm premises of the University of Burdwan, 114

59 key role in biochemical transformations of the xenobiotic West Bengal, India and the other group in a laboratory 115

60 substances, which inevitably reflects on its integrity by cre- aquarium. The fish were fed once a day with commercial 116

61 ating lesions and other histopathological alterations in the fish pellets (32% crude protein, Tokyu) during both accli- Q5 117

62 liver parenchyma [13]. The kidneys perform an important mation and exposure periods. Therefore, the study was 118

63 function in maintenance of a stable internal environment carried out under two different experimental conditions: 119

64 and partially xenobiotic metabolism. field pond and laboratory, for a duration of 30 days. 120

65 Aquatic bodies are contaminated by several pesti-

66 cides, especially herbicides such as glyphosate, through 2.3. Experimental design 121
67 irrigation water and surface run-off. Among the non-
68 target aquatic organisms, fish represent the largest and 2.3.1. Field experiment 122

69 most diverse group of vertebrates that are chronically Fish were maintained in two groups in two separate 123

70 exposed to these substances continuously. Therefore, the adjacent fields: three control groups containing 10 fish 124

71 present study aimed to investigate the toxic effects of com- species in a cage in one field, and three glyphosate expo- 125

72 mercial formulations of the glyphosate herbicide, Excel sure groups containing 10 fish species in separate field 126

73 Mera 71 (Excel Crop Care Limited, Mumbai, Maharash- and cages for 30 days. The desired dose of 750 g/acre, 127

74 tra, India), at histopathological and ultrastructural levels corresponding to the concentration recommended for use 128

75 through changes in the gills, liver, and kidneys of the fish in rice culture, was dissolved in water and applied once. 129

76 Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) under laboratory and field It was sprayed on Day 1 of the experiment on the surface 130

77 conditions. of each glyphosate-treated cage. During experimentation, 131

glyphosate-treated and control fish were subjected to the 132

78 2. Materials and methods same environmental conditions. The cages were prepared 133

for the culture of the experimental fish species as per 134

79 2.1. Chemicals Chattopadhyay et al. [14], with some modifications. All the 135

cages were square in shape with an area of 2.5 m × 1.22 m 136

80 Commercial formulation of the glyphosate herbicide and height of 1.83 m (submerged height was 0.83 m). The 137

81 (Excel Mera 71, Excel Crop Care Limited) was used cages were framed by light strong bamboo. The four-sided 138

82 in both the experiments. Excel Mera 71 is the trade wall, floor of the cage, and top of the cage cover was fabri- 139

83 name of glyphosate herbicide in the Indian Market. cated with nylon net and was embraced by two polyvinyl 140

84Q3 Delafield’s hematoxylin stain, eosin yellow, xylene, DPX, chloride nets: the inner and outer bearing mesh sizes 141

85 amyl acetate, acetone, glutaraldehyde solution, sodium of 1.0 mm × 1.0 mm and 3.0 mm × 3.0 mm, respectively. 142

86 hydroxide, tricaine methonesulfonate, uranyl acetate (EM During the experimentation of 30 days, the field pond 143

87 grade), ethanol, disodium hydrogen phosphate, dihydro- water was analyzed: temperature 24.03 ± 0.203 ◦ C, pH 144

88 gen sodium phosphate, lead citrate (EM grade), epoxy resin 6.56 ± 0.087, electrical conductivity 347.00 ± 1.15 ␮S/cm, 145

89 (EM grade), paraformaldehyde (EM grade), and araldite total dissolved solids 247.67 ± 1.45 mg/L, dissolved oxygen 146

Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),
G Model
P. Samanta et al. / Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

147 7.0 ± 0.157 mg/L, total alkalinity 221.33 ± 3.53 mg/L 0.1 M phosphate buffer) for 12 hours at 4 ◦ C and then 202

148 as CaCO3 , total hardness 140.0 ± 2.31 mg/L as CaCO3 , post-fixed with 1% osmium tetroxide in phosphate buffer 203

149 sodium 63.40 ± 2.67 mg/L, potassium 15.96 ± 2.10 mg/L, (0.2 M, pH 7.4) for 2 hours at 4 ◦ C, dehydrated through 204

150 orthophosphate 0.24 ± 0.026 mg/L, ammoniacal nitrogen graded acetone, infiltrated and embedded in epoxy resin, 205

151 0.74 ± 0.111 mg/L, and nitrate nitrogen 1.66 ± 0.035 mg/L. araldite CY212. Ultrathin sections (0.5–1 ␮m) were then 206

cut by using a glass knife on an Ultracut E Reichart–Jung 207

152 2.3.2. Laboratory experiment ultramicrotome at a thickness of 70 nm, collected on naked Q9 208
153 Fish were segregated into two groups (control and copper-meshed grids, and contrasted with uranyl acetate 209
154 glyphosate-treated) and maintained in six aquaria (3 con- and lead citrate. The tissues were examined under a Tech- 210
155 trol and 3 treated), containing 10 fish in each aquarium in nai G2 high resolution transmission electron microscope at Q10211
156 the Ecotoxicology Laboratory, Department of Environmen- the Electron Microscope Facility, Department of Anatomy, 212
157 tal Science, University of Burdwan. The fish were exposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. Q11 213
158 to sublethal doses of glyphosate, that is, 17.20 mg/L
159 in 40 L aquaria for a period of 30 days [15,16]. Doses 2.7. Ethical statement 214
160 were applied every alternate day, maintaining the same
161 water quality. During experimentation, water parame- The experiment was carried out in accordance with the 215
162 ters were measured: temperature 26.63 ± 0.120 ◦ C, pH guidelines of the University of Burdwan and approved by 216
163 7.93 ± 0.075, electrical conductivity 426.0 ± 5.93 ␮S/cm, the Ethical Committee of this University. 217
164 total dissolved solids 302.89 ± 4.69 mg/L, dissolved oxygen
165 5.06 ± 0.43 mg/L, total alkalinity 209.80 ± 10.50 mg/L 3. Results 218
166 as CaCO3 , total hardness 163.11 ± 3.04 mg/L as CaCO3 ,
167 sodium 37.76 ± 1.02 mg/L, potassium 7.26 ± 1.12 mg/L, 3.1. Gills 219
168 orthophosphate 0.04 ± 0.002 mg/L, ammoniacal nitrogen
169 7.09 ± 2.15 mg/L, and nitrate nitrogen 1.78 ± 0.263 mg/L Under light microscopy, the gills comprised lamel- 220
170 on average. The quality of the water was assessed as per lae (primary and secondary) composed of a cartilaginous 221
Q6 APHA [17].
171 skeletal structure, multilayered epithelium, and vascu- 222

lar system. Secondary lamellae were lined by squamous 223

172 2.4. Sampling epithelium. Between the secondary epithelia, the primary 224

lamella was lined by stratified epithelium. Secondary gill 225

173 After completion of the 30 days experiment, on Day
lamellae consisted of epithelial cells supported by pil- 226
174 31, the fish were collected from the control and treated
lar cells (Figure 1A). The most marked changes under 227
175 aquarium and pond and were anesthetized with tricaine
the laboratory conditions after glyphosate exposure were 228
176 methonesulfonate (MS 222) and the gills, liver and kidneys
hypertrophy and fusion of the secondary lamellae, and 229
177 were taken immediately after dissection and processed
severe damage to chloride cells (Figure 1B), while partial 230
178 separately for histological and ultrastructural analysis.
fusion of some lamellae in H. fossilis was prominent under 231

field conditions (Figure 1C). 232

179 2.5. Histopathological analysis
Topographical study by SEM revealed that each gill fil- 233

180 Fish gills, liver and kidneys from the control and treated ament in the control fish was composed of primary and 234

181 groups were collected and fixed in aqueous Bouin’s fluid secondary lamellae surrounded by stratified epithelial cells 235

182 solution, dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol, (Figure 1D). SEM showed complete loss of microridges 236

183 and finally embedded in paraffin. Paraffin sections were cut in some stratified epithelial cells in the gills, swelling 237

Q7 at 3–4 ␮m using a Leica RM2125 microtome. These sections

of microridges, and irregular arrangement of microridges 238

185 were then stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histopatho- under laboratory conditions after glyphosate exposure 239

186 logical observations were made under a Leica DM2000 light (Figure 1E) but under field conditions, there were no signif- 240

187 microscope. icant alterations in stratified epithelial cells and microridge 241

structure (Figure 1F). 242

188 2.6. Ultrastructural analysis TEM observations of gill primary epithelium showed 243

general appearance of chloride cells supported by 244

189 For SEM, tissues were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde tightly packed pavement cells under control conditions 245

190 in phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.4) for 24 hours at 4 ◦ C (Figure 1G). In gill epithelium of H. fossilis under laboratory 246

191 followed by post-fixation with 1% osmium tetroxide in conditions, TEM showed degenerative changes in chloride 247

192 phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.4) for 2 hours at 4 ◦ C, dehy- cells, fusion of microridges, dilation of RER and mitochon- 248

193 drated through graded acetone, subsequently by amyl dria, vacuolation of chloride cell cytoplasm (Figure 1H), 249

194 acetate, and subjected to critical point drying with liq- while damage to the tubular vascular network, dilation of 250

195 uid carbon dioxide. The tissues were then mounted on mitochondria, and vacuolation in the cytoplasm were the 251

196 metal stubs and sputter-coated with gold to a thickness of most significant changes under field conditions (Figure 1I). 252

197 ∼20 nm. The tissues were examined with a scanning elec-
Q8 tron microscope (Hitachi S-530) at the University Science
198 3.2. Liver 253

199 Instrumentation Centre, University of Burdwan.

200 For TEM, tissues were fixed in Karnofsky fixative (mix- Fish liver consists of hepatocytes that are polygonal 254

201 ture of 2% paraformaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in and/or hexagonal cells with a centrally placed spherical 255

Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),
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4 P. Samanta et al. / Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Q16 Figure 1. Histopathological photomicrographs of gills of Heteropneustes fossilis under control conditions (Co), glyphosate-treated laboratory conditions
(GL), and glyphosate-treated field conditions (GF). (A) Normal structure of primary gill lamellae (PGL) and secondary (SGL) lamella under light microscopy
(Co, 400×). (B) Hypertrophy (arrow), fusion (white arrow) of SGL and distortion of chloride (oval) and pillar cells (broken arrow) under light microscopy
(GL, 400×). (C) Partial fusion of SGL (white arrow) and hypertrophy (arrow) under light microscopy (GF, 400×). (D) SEM showing normal arrangement of gill
Q17 rackers (GR) with primary gill lamellae (PGL) and stratified epithelial cells (SEC) on the PGL (Co, 200×). (E) Gill epithelium showing loss of MR in SEC (arrow)
under SEM (GL, 8000×). (F) Almost normal appearance of MR in SEC and excess mucin (M) droplets under SEM (GF, 5000×). (G) Gill epithelial cell under
TEM showing normal chloride cells (CC), pavement cells (PC) with prominent mitochondria (M) with apical pore (square) (Co, 3200×). (H) Degenerative
chloride cells (arrow), severe distortion in mitochondria (bold arrow), severe cytoplasmic vacuolation (broken arrow) with dilated endoplasmic reticulum
under TEM (GL, 2500×). (I) Vacuolation (broken arrow) and dilated mitochondria (bold arrow) under TEM (GF, 8000×).
SEM = scanning electron microscopy; TEM = transmission electron microscopy.

256 nucleus and a densely stained nucleolus and granular cyto- inflammation (Figure 2B), while vacuolation in the cyto- 262

257 plasm (Figure 2A). The most conspicuous histopathological plasm, enlarged acentric nuclei, and increased sinusoidal 263

258 alterations due to glyphosate toxicity identified by light space were observed under field conditions (Figure 2C). 264

259 microscopy in the liver of H. fossilis under laboratory condi- TEM of the liver showed normal appearance of hepa- 265

260 tions were enlarged and pyknotic hepatocytes, vacuolation tocytes with centrally placed prominent nucleoli and 266

261 in the cytoplasm, excess fat deposition, and hepatocytic cytoplasm that contained a large number of mitochondria, 267

Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),
G Model
P. Samanta et al. / Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Figure 2. Histopathological photomicrographs of liver of Heteropneustes fossilis under control conditions (Co), glyphosate-treated laboratory conditions
(GL), and glyphosate-treated field conditions (GF). (A) Normal appearance of hepatocytes (HC) and compact arrangement around central vein (CV) with
distinct nucleus (N) under light microscopy (Co, 1000×). (B) Hypertrophied and pyknotic nuclei (white arrow), vacuolation in cytoplasm of hepatocytes
(broken arrow) under light microscopy (GL, 1000×). (C) Light microscopy showing vacuolation in cytoplasm (broken arrow) and appearance of sinusoidal
space (oval) (GF, 1000×). (D) Normal appearance of hepatocytes with large number of mitochondria (M), rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and glycogen
droplets (GY) under TEM (Co, 6300×). (E) Hepatocytes showing necrotic nucleus (arrow), vacuolation in cytoplasm (broken arrow) with reduced amount
of RER under TEM (GL, 2500×). (F) TEM showing hepatocytes with dilated mitochondria (bold arrow) and cytoplasmic vacuolation (broken arrow; GF,
TEM = transmission electron microscopy.

268 RER, and glycogen (Figure 2D). Under laboratory con- glomeruli, PCTs and DCTs, and vacuolation in the epithe- 288

269 ditions, TEM showed reduced endoplasmic reticulum, lial cell lining of the renal tubules (Figure 3B), while mild 289

270 presence of necrosis, cytoplasmic vacuolation, and reduced changes in PCTs and DCTs and fat deposition in some places 290

271 glycogen (Figure 2E), while under field conditions, damage were noted in kidneys after glyphosate exposure under 291

272 was less than under laboratory conditions, which included field conditions (Figure 3C). 292

273 dilated mitochondria, large amount of endoplasmic reti- TEM of normal kidneys showed electron-dense 293

274 culum, fewer glycogen droplets, and less cytoplasmic mitochondria and nuclei and abundant vesicular struc- 294

275 vacuolation in some regions (Figure 2F). tures in the capillary epithelial cell cytoplasm (Figure 3D). 295

The kidneys showed epithelial cell necrosis, dilation, and 296

276 3.3. Kidneys fragmentation of the endoplasmic reticulum, degeneration 297

of mitochondria, and severe vacuolation under labora- 298

277 Histologically, fish kidneys comprised a large number tory conditions after glyphosate exposure (Figure 3E), 299

278 of nephrons and hematopoietic tissues. Nephrons con- but under field conditions, the kidneys showed normal 300

279 tained Bowman’s capsules and renal tubules. Renal tubules appearance of the nucleus with prominent nucleoli and a 301

280 consisted of proximal convoluted tubules (PCTs), distal large number of mitochondria (Figure 3F). 302

281 convoluted tubule (DCTs), and collecting ducts. The renal

282 tubules mainly consisted of columnar and cuboidal epithe- 4. Discussion 303

283 lial cells but a cross section were either oval or spherical
284 (Figure 3A). The most evident damage noticed in the The present study is believed to be the first attempt to 304

285 kidneys of H. fossilis under light microscopy under lab- report the toxicity of the glyphosate-based herbicide Excel 305

286 oratory conditions after glyphosate exposure were loss Mera 71 by histopathological and ultrastructural observa- 306

287 of hematopoietic tissue, degenerative changes in the tions through SEM and TEM in the freshwater teleostean 307

Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),
G Model
6 P. Samanta et al. / Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Figure 3. Histopathological photomicrographs of kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under control conditions (Co), glyphosate-treated laboratory conditions
(GL), and glyphosate-treated field conditions (GF). (A) Normal proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), distal convoluted tubule (DCT), Bowman’s capsule and
glomerulus (G) under light microscopy (C, 1000×). (B) Degeneration of PCT and DCT (arrow), vacuolation in hematopoietic tissues (broken arrow) and
loss of hematopoietic tissue (square) under light microscopy (GL, 1000×). (C) Light microscopy showing normal structure of PCT and DCT and vacuolation
(broken arrow; GF, 400×). (D) Normal appearance of kidney with electron-dense mitochondria (M) and nucleus (N) under TEM (Co, 4000×). (E) Dilation
and fragmentation of rough endoplasmic reticulum (square), degeneration in mitochondria (bold arrow) and severe vacuolation (broken arrow) under TEM
(GL, 5000×). (F) Normal appearance of kidney under TEM (GF, 6300×).
TEM = transmission electron microscopy.

308 fish, H. fossilis. However, Senapati et al. [18,19] reported that these alterations might interfere with normal respi- 331

309 histopathological alterations in the stomach and intestine ratory function and ultimately lead to impairment of the 332

310 of Anabas testudineus after almix herbicide exposure under general health condition of the fish. Under field condi- 333

311 laboratory conditions. tions, no significant alterations in stratified epithelial cells 334

312 The major changes were hypertrophy of the epithe- and microridge structures were observed after glyphosate 335

313 lial cells, fusion of some secondary lamellae, and severe exposure and this may have been due to natural habitat 336

314 damage to chloride cells. These alterations may be the and dilution effects. TEM showed degenerative changes in 337

315 early responses in the gills as a defense mechanism against chloride cells, fusion of microridges, dilation of RER and 338

316 toxic xenobiotic substances. Similar alterations in the gills mitochondria, and vacuolation in chloride cell cytoplasm 339

317 have also been reported in the fish exposed to metals of H. fossilis under laboratory conditions. Damage to chlo- 340

318 [20], and after acute exposure to insecticides [21]. Accord- ride cells can result in increased blood flow inside the 341

319 ing to Mallatt [8], such alterations are nonspecific and lamellae, causing dilatation of the marginal channel, blood 342

320 may be induced by different types of xenobiotic contam- congestion, or even an aneurysm [2,25]. Loss of micror- 343

321 inant. According to Arellano et al. [22] and Biagini et al. idge structures as well as fusion as observed in the present 344

322 [23], these histological alterations observed in fish gills can study was also reported by Mazon et al. [26] and Biagini 345

323 be considered as a rapid and valid method to determine et al. [23]. Mallatt [8] reported that the microridges were 346

324 damage caused by exposure to different xenobiotic sub- related to the retention of mucus on the epithelium to pro- 347

325 stances. The most conspicuous ultrastructural alterations tect gill epithelium against environmental alterations. The 348

326 in the gills of fish after glyphosate exposure under labo- appearance of vacuoles in glyphosate-exposed fish as seen 349

327 ratory conditions were the complete loss of microridges in the present study may impede gas exchange capacity 350

328 in some gill epithelial cells, swelling of microridges, and as well as indicate swelling of the mitochondria and RER 351

329 irregular arrangement of microridges. Similar observations [27,28]. Therefore, these histopathological and ultrastruc- 352

330 were reported by Schwaiger et al. [24] who suggested tural lesions in the gill morphology observed in the present 353

Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),
G Model
P. Samanta et al. / Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

354 study could lead to functional alterations and interference [37,47]. This may be due to either increased glycolytic activ- 415

355 in osmoregulation and the antioxidant defense system of ity to meet the energy demands imposed by enhanced 416

356 the gills [29]. metabolic activity [52,53] or reduced intestinal absorp- 417

357 The present study exhibited severe damage in the liver tion of carbohydrates [54]. Generally, the lesions displayed 418

358 tissue of H. fossilis including enlarged and pyknotic hepato- in the investigated cells, tissues, and/or organs represent 419

359 cytes, excess fat deposition, and hepatocytic inflammation an integration of cumulative effects of physiological and 420

360 along with vacuolation in the cytoplasm. Enhanced and biochemical contaminants, and therefore, can be linked 421

361 pyknotic hepatocytes observed in the present study were to the exposure and subsequent metabolism of chemical 422

362 also reported by Uguz et al. [30] who assumed that this contaminants [55]. Therefore, it can be interpreted that 423

363 may have been due to an increase in the DNA/RNA ratio, hepatocytes of laboratory-exposed fish showed stronger 424

364 which was also observed in carcinogenic cells induced structural alterations than hepatocytes of field-exposed 425

365 by 4-nonylphenol [31,32]. Jiraungkoorskul et al. [33] also fish, which ultimately indicates greater disturbance of the 426

366 noticed swelling of hepatocytes, nuclear pyknosis, severe cellular metabolism under laboratory conditions. 427

367 vacuolation in the cytoplasm, degenerative changes in the Due to central role of the kidneys in xenobiotic 428

368 cell membrane, and severe infiltration of leukocytes in the metabolism and excretion [56], and that like the liver, 429

Q12 liver of Orechromis niloticus after Roundup exposure. Rah-

369 they receive the largest proportion of the post-branchial 430

370 man et al. [34] reported severe necrosis, a large number blood, renal lesions might be expected to be good indi- 431

371 of vacuoles in the cytoplasm, and pyknotic nuclei in the cators of environmental pollution [21]. A large number 432

372 liver of Corydoras punctatus and A. testudineus exposed to of studies used histopathological characteristics of the 433

Q13 Diazinon 60 EC. Hued et al. [35] reported focal necrosis,

373 kidneys as indicators of aquatic pollution, especially by 434

374 infiltration of leukocytes, dilation of blood sinusoids, and herbicides [33,35], but studies on the glyphosate-based 435

375 vascular congestion in the liver of Jenynsia multidentata herbicide, Excel Mera 71, are rare. The present study 436

376 after Roundup intoxication under laboratory conditions. demonstrated the same histological changes in the kid- 437

377 Among the major cytopathological responses in the hepa- neys after exposure to glyphosate. Similar results have 438

378 tocytes of laboratory-exposed fish in the present study also been reported in different fish species after exposure 439

379 was the loss of cellular compartmentation, which might to different xenobiotic substances [21,33,57–59]. Nephro- 440

380 have been due to chemical attack on the cytoskeleton [36]. histopathological alterations in kidneys of H. fossilis may 441

381 In addition to this, it has also been assumed that poorly have been due to herbicidal stress as a compensatory 442

382 developed cellular compartmentation indicates severe response, and may also be correlated with disruption of 443

383 disturbance of cellular metabolism [37]. Hepatocytes of several biochemical and physiological pathways includ- 444

384 fish exposed to glyphosate under laboratory conditions ing endocrine disruption [60,61]. Several ultrastructural 445

385 generally showed greater disturbance of cellular com- alterations such as epithelial cell necrosis, dilation, and 446

386 partmentation than fish exposed under field conditions. fragmentation of endoplasmic reticulum, degenerative 447

387 Ultrastructural changes in the endoplasmic reticulum of changes in the mitochondria, and severe vacuolation under 448

388 fish exposed to other toxicants have also been described laboratory conditions were hard evidence of glyphosate 449

389 by Braunbeck et al. [38]. Alterations of the RER, includ- stress. Fischer-Scherl et al. [57] reported major ultrastruc- 450

390 ing proliferation, fragmentation, and vesiculation, are the tural changes such as degeneration and vacuolation in the 451

391 common response to xenobiotic stress [39–41]. Although epithelial cells, and fragmentation in the RER in the kid- 452

392 Braunbeck and Völkl [42] and Au et al. [43] correlated the neys of rainbow trout exposed to atrazine. Cytoplasmic 453

393 alterations of the RER with higher biotransformation capac- vacuolation has also been reported in the kidneys of gold 454

394 ity of hepatocytes, Ghadially [44] interpreted the dilation fish exposed to hexachlorobutadiene by Reimschüssel et al. 455

395 of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae as a result of enhanced [62] and Segnini de Bravo et al. [63] in two Venezuelan cul- 456

396 storage of proteins due to reduced secretory activity. Alter- tured fish, Caquetaia kraussii and Colossoma macropomum, 457

397 ation of RER also indicates the induction of mixed-function after triazine exposure. The presence of hyaline droplets 458

398 oxidase [45], which can also be interpreted as the morpho- in renal tubules indicates the occurrence of renal toxicity 459

399 logical counterpart of ethoxycoumarin-O-deethylase and after herbicide exposure [64]. 460

400 ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction. Similar observa-

401 tions were also reported in rainbow trout after exposure 5. Conclusion 461

402 to endosulfan and disulfoton [46], and in the demersal

403 fish following intraperitoneal injection of benzo(a)pyrene In conclusion, the present study indicates that chronic 462

404 [43]. Enhanced lipid droplets in hepatocytes of exposed exposure to glyphosate induces histopathological and 463

405 fish species observed in the present study were also ultrastructural changes in gills, liver, and kidneys. The 464

406 reported by others [37,47–50]. This enhanced number of cytopathological lesions in all three tissues recorded 465

407 lipid droplets indicated a decline of protein synthesis in under two different exposure conditions demonstrate 466

408 the cytoplasm, which ultimately blocks the utilization of the cumulative physiological and biochemical effects 467

409 lipid–protein conjugation [51]. Glycogen content declined of glyphosate exposure. The effects were more pro- 468

410 in hepatocytes under both conditions but in the present nounced in laboratory-exposed than field-exposed fish, 469

411 study the maximum reduction occurred in the laboratory. which ultimately indicated greater disturbance of cellu- 470

412 Similar observations were reported in other fish species lar metabolism as well as serious structural alterations 471

413 such as Channa punctata, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Danio rerio, under laboratory conditions. Therefore, these histopatho- 472

414 and Liza ramada, following exposure to several toxicants logical including ultrastructural alterations under different 473

Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),
G Model
8 P. Samanta et al. / Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Samanta P, et al. Toxic effects of glyphosate-based herbicide, Excel Mera 71 on
gill, liver, and kidney of Heteropneustes fossilis under laboratory and field conditions. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2016),

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