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Safety Policy of the Contractor to be enclosed: Enclosed

2. When was the Safety Policy last reviewed: Protocol - 04/0/2021
3. Details of implementation procedure / methods to implements Safety Policy
/Safety Rules:
a) General Job Site Safety
b) Lifting Safety
c) Ladder Safety
d) Electrical Safety
e) Working With batteries
f) Working Smart
g) Consider what one last Workday injury Might cost your company in terms of

04. Name, Qualification, experience of Safety Officer :

Name:- Site In-charge Engineer as per individual project.
Qualification: - Graduate
Experience: - 2 to 4 years
05. Review of Accidents Analysis Method, Methods to ensure Safety and Health:
As per IQAC check Sheet
06. Unit executive responsible to ensure Safety at various levels in work area:
Safety Committee
07. List of employees trained in safety employed before execution of the job.
Complete Execution Team.
Give the details of training:
● Do’s and Don’ts
● Project Safety I &C copy with Engineering In-Charge.
● Fire Hydrant Training
● First Aid Training
● Majority Each Customer share there Protocol and training session with execution team
related to safety.
● Use of PPE Equipment’s
08. Safety Training Targets, Schedules, methods adopting to providing safety training
to all employee:
● Safety Training Target – 100 % Employees should have Safety Awareness
● Schedules- Every month cluster meeting via online or physical mode. Quarterly
revision of Risk Assessment Areas of sites, office space and ware house.
● Methods – External Safety trainers , Monthly Review for safety new changes, Sharing
of new safety techniques ( via PPT, videos, posters) used within industry standard
09. Details of checklist for different jobs / work and responsible person to ensure
compliance (copy of checklist to be enclosed):
● Site Execution – Site In-charge
o As per customers spec
● Office – Safety Committee Secretary. –
o Check COVID check sheet
o House Keeping Check sheet,
o Site labor record with safety equipment’s,
o Site safety Register
o Office Safety Register
o Safety Equipment and PPE Procurement Indenting
● Safety Equipment Check – Store Keeper

Safety Equipment Check list

Qty (No.)
Items Specification Make Qty Ok /Not Ok Remark
Safety Helmet White
Safety Helmet Yellow
Safety Belt
Safety Jacket
Safety Shoes
Safety Gloves
Burn Cream
Antiseptic Lotion
Pain Relief gel
Betadine Solution
Betadine Cream
Doctors tape
Band Aid
First Aid Kit Box Becasule
Face Sheild
Disposable Masks
Disposable Gloves
Covid Safety Kit Nitrile Gloves
Pluse Oximeter

10. Regular Safety Inspection Methods and Periodicity and list of members to be
o House Keeping Check sheet,
o Site labor record with safety equipment’s,
o Site safety Register
o Office Safety Register
o Safety Equipment and PPE Procurement Indenting
o Covid Test pre and post Site execution
o ESIC enrollment or Health Policy insurance with accidental coverage.
o Employee and labor insurance as per govt. standards before execution of each
Contract .
o All the employees are enclosed within this.

11. Risk Assessment, Safety Audit by Professional Agencies, Periodicity:

● As per project to Project term and conditions
12. Implementation of Recommendations of Audit / Inspections, Procedures for
Implementation and follow up: As and when targeted.
13. Provision for treatment of injured persons at work site:
● First Step 🡪 Prior First Aid
● Second Step 🡪Check up with approved Medical Practitioner or Hospital nearest to
accident area.
● Third Step 🡪 Inform the Safety Committee
● Fourth Step 🡪 If required shift the concerned injured person to proper Hospital for better
treatment as suggested by Safety Committee.
14. Review of overall safety by top Management and Periodicity: Quarterly
15. System for Implementation of Statutory legislations: As per Guidelines shared by the
customer , ESIC of each Employee or Health insurance
16. Issue of PPEs to employees, Periodicity / stock on hand etc.:
● Consumable PPE as per Consumption
● Safety Equipment as per project
● First Aid kit placed at every 10 meter within the premises
● Covid kit – Individual to each Employee
17. Specify safety measures for round the clock working (especially during night):
If the team is working at night then there is Night officer available who is fully authorized to
take any decision in respect to safety. The number of Night officer is circulated via mail
/sms/social app to the concerned team members. List of emergency is shared within the
premises at particular intervals.

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