Second Term Examination 2020-21: Section - I (40 Marks)

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1 2nd Term (ix) bio


SUBJECT – Biology
TIME: 2 hrs M.M. – 80
Answers to this paper must be written on paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all question from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for questions or part of the questions are given in the brackets. [ ]
Section – I [40 Marks]
(Answer all questions)
Question 1)
(A) Name the following [5]
(i) An organelle with foldings called Cristae.
(ii) The pigment present in RBCs.
(iii) The tissue which conducts water in a plant.
(iv) The formula which represents the number and kind of teeth in man.
(v) The Site of Protein synthesis.

(B) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below- [5]
(i) The barrier between the protoplasm and outer environment in a plant cell is-
(a) Nuclear membrane (b) Plasma membrane
(c) Tonoplast (d) Cell wall
(ii) The term neuter is given to a flower in which both
(a) Calyx and corolla are present
(b) Calyx and corolla are absent
(c) Androecium and Gynoecium are absent.
(d) Androecium and Gynoecium are present.
(iii) In vallisneria pollination takes place by the agency of-
(a) Water (b) Wind (c) Birds (d) Insects
(iv) The group of plants having naked seed is-
(a) Angiosperms (b) Bryophyta (c) Pteridophyta (d) Gymmosperms
(v) Which bacteria is rod shaped?
(a) Coccus (b) Spirillum (c) Bacillus (d) Vibrio

(C) What are the functions of the following in a seed? [5]

(i) Seed coat (ii) Micropyle (iii) Cotyledons (iv) Radicle
(v) Plumule

(D) Mention the exact location of the following- [5]

(i) Ovules (ii) Centrosome (iii) Chromosomes (iv) Anther
(v) Pollengrains

(E) Match the columns- [5]

Column A Column B
(i) Penicillium (a) Bacteria occurring in Chains
(ii) Diplococci (b) Antibiotic
(iii) Streptococci (c) Bacteria occurring in pairs
(iv) Vibrio (d) Spiral Shaped Bacteria
(v) Spirilla (e) Comma-shaped bacteria

(F) Name the nutrients whose deficiencies cause the following diseases in humans- [5]
(i) Pernicious anaemia (ii) Pellagra
(iii) Night blindness (iv) Goitre
(v) Kwashiorkor

(G) Choose the odd one out of the following terms given and name the category to which the
others belong- [5]
(i) Beriberi, Pellagra, Rickets, Marasmus.
(ii) Sieve tubes, fibres, companion cells, vessels.
2 2nd Term (ix) bio
(iii) Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin E
(iv) Cell wall, Centrosome, large vacuole, chloroplast.

(H) (i) Draw labelled diagram of structure of tooth. [3]

(ii) Define the following- [2]
(a) Crown (b) Enamel

Section – II [40 Marks]

(Answer any four questions)
Question 2)
(a) Study the given picture and answer the following- [5]

(i) Identify the figure.

(ii) To which kingdom does it belong?
(iii) Label the parts 1 to 4.
(iv) How does it reproduce?

(b) Define the following- [5]

(i) Incomplete flower (ii) Staminate flower (iii) Pistillate flower
(iv) Bisexual flower (v) Inflorescence

Question 3)
(a) State the functions of the following cell organelles- [5]
(i) Nucleus (ii) Ribosomes (iii) Mitochondria
(iv) Endoplasmic reticulum (v) Golgi complex.

(b) Answer the following questions-

(i) Why energy released during Aerobic respiration is more than the anaerobic respiration? [1]
(ii) Write short notes on the following- [4]
(i) Glycolysis (ii) Krebs cycle

Question 4)
(a) Given below is an experimental setup to demonstrate a particular process in plants. Study
the same and answer the questions that follow- [5]

(i) Name the physiological process being studied.

(ii) Define the process mentioned in (i)
(iii) What is function of Soda lime?
(iv) After a few hours what will happen to the lime water in conical flask A and B. Give suitable
reasons for your answer.
(v) Write a balanced chemical equation for the process carried out by Plants.
3 2nd Term (ix) bio
(b) (i) Draw labelled diagram of a Bacterial cell. [2]
(ii) Write one function of the following parts of Bacterial cell- [3]
(i) Mesosome (ii) Capsule (iii) Pili or Fimbriae.

Question 5)
(a) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]

(i) What are the conditions necessary for germination?

(ii) Why in the figure above middle seed germinates but not top and bottom seed?
(iii) Define germination.
(iv) Draw the structure of a bean seed and label its major parts.

(b) Give reasons- [5]

(i) Xylem and Phloem are called conducting tissues.
(ii) Respiration is said to be reverse of Photosynthesis.
(iii) Leguminous plants increases Soil fertility.
(iv) Maize grain contains more amount of carbohydrates.
(v) Roughage is an important part of our diet.

Question 6) [5]
(a)(i) Write three significances of fruits.
(ii) Write two significances of seeds.

(b) (i) Explain the following terms- [3]

(a) Heterostyly (b) Dichogamy (c) Unisexuality
(ii) Write two differences between self Pollination and cross pollination [2]

Question 7)
(a)(i) Explain the role of fungi in Bakeries and cheese processing. [4]
(ii) What is the role of Nitrifying Bacteria. [1]

(b)(i) Explain in detail about the role of Bacteria in industry. [3]

(ii) Name the vaccines used for following diseases. [2]
(a) Typhoid (b) Tuberculosis

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