Cultural and Faith Diversity: Guidelines To Help Staff Respond Appropriately

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Paper 07/04

College of Humanities and Social Science

Meeting of the College Equality and Diversity Committee
12 October 2007

Cultural and Faith Diversity

Guidelines to help staff respond appropriately

1. Introduction and Background

Cultural Diversity is a term which reflects the complex composition of
society. It acknowledges that society is made up of groups which,
though they may be distinctive in some ways, also share many
common features with other members of the community. These groups
may be ethnically-based, religion-based, gender-based, generation-
based and so on. Each may have its own sense of history, its own
values and a specific ‘language’ or form of self-expression. Such social
variety has a long history and much potential value but can also be a
source of misunderstanding and discrimination.

The focus of these guidelines is on cultural diversity based on ethnicity

and religion. The UK has been shaped by immigration from the earliest
times and like many other areas of the world, its demographic cultural
mix is now far broader than it was 50 years ago.

Similarly the mix of nationalities, cultures and faiths represented at the

University of Edinburgh is now much broader than in the past. We have
increasing numbers both of international students and students from a
range of ethnic backgrounds from within the UK and the same is true of
University staff.

From a total of over 20,000 students around 3,600 come from an

international background, with about 120 nationalities represented on
campus, giving us a very cosmopolitan and diverse student community.
The numbers of home students from minority ethnic backgrounds is
also increasing and in 2001-2002, 3.8% of our home undergraduate
students were from a minority ethnic background. Our staff group is
also becoming more ethnically diverse with some 3% of staff being
from minority ethnic backgrounds

This guidance forms part of the University’s Equality and Diversity

Strategy and part of its response to the requirements of the Race
Relations (Amendment) Act which aims to eliminate institutional racism
from public bodies.

The aim of this guidance is to assist staff at all levels and in all parts of
the University to anticipate the needs and provide appropriate support
to this more diverse group of staff and students. It does not attempt to
cover all cultures and religions represented but gives general
guidelines and references where further information can be obtained if

The guidance is aimed at all within the University community who have
contact with staff and students from different cultural and faith
backgrounds. This will include most staff. The guidance will, however,
be particularly relevant to Directors of Studies, those providing services
to students, those involved in Accommodation services and those
involved in catering or organising conferences.

In terms of religion, it aims to cover the main religions of the UK which


o Christianity
o Islam
o Buddhism
o Sikhism
o Judaism
o Hinduism

Further information can be found on the Chaplaincy website

( and at

2. Communication
In this section, we consider three aspects of communication which may
inhibit successful communication between people of different cultural
backgrounds. These are
 communication style
We tend to base our understanding of what someone else means
on our own way of making meaning and are not generally aware
that we do this. People brought up among different cultural groups
present themselves and interpret meanings differently. This can
have an impact on communication even if both parties speak good
English. The effect may be accentuated where people are
communicating in other than their first language.
 assumptions and values based on experience
Culture is not simply about whether certain groups do or do not
make eye contact or smile at strangers but the cultural knowledge
and values of a particular community develop in response to the
social and political realities which that community experiences. It is
not therefore a fixed entity. For example, experiences of racism as
a black person or an understanding of such experiences as a white
person may feed into and affect our cultural assumptions.
 power realised through the dominant culture
In any society there are powerful elites which express the dominant
culture. The dominant culture is still mainly based on the values,
beliefs and knowledge of the middle and upper-middle class and
their ways of talking and writing have come to be seen as standard
for British society.
These issues should be borne in mind when communicating across

3. Religious holidays and other leave

The University Race Equality Policy states that “Line managers should
be aware that public holidays observed by the University are related to
the Christian calendar. They and should be sensitive to the needs of
their staff for regarding leave and other time requiredrelated to for the
observance of other religions religious practices e.g. prayer times,
religious and holidays such as Eid and the Day of Atonement”.

Some of the main holidays for which requests may be received are:
• Chinese staff - Chinese New Year
• Muslim staff - Eid-ul-Fitr (End of Ramadan, Eid-ul-Adha (end of the
Haj) and Al-Hijra (New Year)
• Hindu staff - Divali/Deepavali (The festival of light)
• Sikh staff – Divali, Birthday of Guru Nanak, Baisaki (Sikh New Year)
• Jewish staff – Pesach (Passover), Rosh Hashanah (New Year), Yom
Kippur (Day of Atonement)

In relation to students, the policy states that “The needs of students

who cannot sit exams or take part in other forms of assessment
because of religious observance will be taken seriously and alternative
arrangements made, wherever practicable.” At the moment, the
University does not hold examinations on Sundays but examinations
are held on Fridays and Saturdays which coincide with days of
religious observance for certain traditions. Students with serious
concerns about examination arrangements should make these
concerns known, as early as possible, to their Director of Studies who
can then consider alternative arrangements.

Information on religious holidays for all the major religions can be found

4. Prayer times
The issue of time for prayers arises mostly in Islam where there is a
requirement to pray 5 times a day - at dawn, at midday, in the
afternoon, after sunset, in the night. Some of these times will obviously
coincide with work or study time and most people will wish to have a
private space in which to pray. This can be done in an individual office
or other private space. Managers should be sympathetic to requests for
such space and also requests for flexibility on a Friday when many
Muslims will want to visit the Mosque for prayer. The Central Mosque
is close to the central area campus and there are designated Prayer
Room at Kings Buildings and Moray House (Holyrood Campus).

5. Food and drink

One of the most obvious ways in which we must try to cater for cultural
and religious diversity is in the food we provide as a University: for
students in University Accommodation, in the range of catering sites
around the University and in catering that we provide for events such
as public lectures, conferences or training events. Dietary requirements
and issues relating to consumption of alcohol should also be borne in
mind when organising field trips or departmental social events. As
general principle it is always good practice to find out the dietary
requirements of the people being catered for in advance and then take
steps to meet their needs. Where it is not possible to do this and a
diverse group of people is likely, the following guidelines may be

o Ensure that food is carefully labelled. This removes anxiety about
eating food that is not acceptable for religious or belief reasons. This is
also good practice for people with food allergies and other dietary
o Always have vegetarian and vegan options
 Vegetarians do not eat any meat or fish or items made with
animal products
 Vegans are strict vegetarians who do not eat any dairy products
or eggs. Most vegans do not eat honey.
o Have some vegetarian dishes with no eggs and ensure that some of
these do not contain garlic or onions
o Ensure there is no animal fat in vegetarian dishes and that any cheese
used is free from rennet
o Puddings should not contain gelatine – or should be clearly labelled if
they do
o No alcohol should be used in the preparation of food
o Kosher rules have different interpretations but it is normally sufficient to
provide vegetarian food with disposable cups, plates and cutlery
o Muslims will normally be happy with vegetarian food but any meat used
needs to be halal (permitted and slaughtered in accordance with
Islamic law)
o If meat is served, use chicken or turkey and avoid beef and pork
o Make sure vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is served on separate
plates and preferably on separate tables
o Seek advice from the appropriate bodies such as faith groups or the
Vegetarian Society (

o There are different traditions and varying approaches to the
consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee
 Alcohol is forbidden by Islam and there are warnings of the
dangers associating with people drinking alcohol
 Baha’is don’t drink alcohol and it is considered undesirable for
Hindus and Jains. Some Christian groups also advocate
o If alcohol is provided at an event, always ensure that non-alcoholic
drinks are available and clearly identified
o As stimulants are avoided by observant members of certain traditions
and by increasing numbers of people for health reasons, an alternative
to tea and coffee (e.g. herbal teas, juice or water) should always be
o It is important therefore to consider where social events are held,
including informal practices like going to the pub after a tutorial and this
may exclude certain people.

6. Dress
In most areas of the University, there is no strict dress code and staff
and students are free to dress in a way they choose and which meets
with their cultural and/or religious tradition. In other areas, there is a
requirement to wear a uniform and it should be borne in mind that
uniform requirements should be flexible so as to take into account
different cultural and religious traditions. The following guidelines may
be helpful:

 If a uniform is required, ensure that the version for women includes

the option of wearing trousers
 If a uniform includes headwear, Sikhs should not be prevented from
wearing turbans unless there is an over-riding Health and Safety
 Staff and managers should not discourage the wearing of traditional
dress of any culture.

7. Changing facilities
A number of cultures and religions have requirements relating to
modesty which particularly apply to women. In areas of the University
where such facilities are provided or on residential courses or field trips
these issues should be considered and private space for changing
should be available if required.

8. Accommodation
Single sex flats are available in some accommodation blocks.
Accommodation staff have a particular role in ensuring that practical
implications of particular cultural differences are thought through e.g.
when university and external workmen and male technicians are
working in female accommodation.

9. Summary
It is not possible for us as members of University staff to know about all
the particular norms and requirements of every culture and religion
represented among our staff and student body. It is important,
however, to recognise that these cultural differences do exist and to
take steps to meet the needs of all our staff and students.
Marian Larson
Equality and Diversity Advisor
March 2003

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