Step by Step Installation OLT ZTE C320
Step by Step Installation OLT ZTE C320
Step by Step Installation OLT ZTE C320
- Default IP
OLT IP Default is
Connect using straight cable to Port 10/100
- Default Username
Username : zte
Password : zte
- Added
ZXAN# config t
ZXAN(config)# add-rack rackno 1 racktype C320Rack
ZXAN(config)# add-shelf rackno 1 shelfno 1 shelftype C320_SHELF
ZXAN(config)# add-card rackno 1 shelfno 1 slotno 1 GTGH
ZXAN(config)# add-card rackno 1 shelfno 1 slotno 3 PRAM
ZXAN(config)# add-subcard rackno 1 shelfno 1 slotno 4 subcardno 1 UCDC/1
ZXAN(config)# exit
ZXAN# write
- Query
ZXAN# show card
Rack Shelf Slot CfgType RealType Port HardVer SoftVer Status
1 1 1 GTGH GTGH 16 V1.0.0.0 V2.1.0 INSERVICE
1 1 3 PRAM PRAM 3 V1.0.0.0 V1.01 INSERVICE
1 1 1 SMXA SMXA 3 V1.0.0.0 V2.1.0 INSERVICE
- Delete
ZXAN# conf t
ZXAN(config)# del-card slotno 1
Confirm to delete card? [yes/no] : y
ZXAN(config)# exit
ZXAN# write
4. User Management
ZXAN# conf t
ZXAN(config)# username test password Test1234 privilege 15
ZXAN(config)# exit
ZXAN# write
5. Hostname
ZXAN# conf t
ZXAN(config)# hostname ZTE-C320
ZTE-C320(config)# exit
ZTE-C320# write
- Onu Profile
ZXAN# conf t
ZXAN(config)# gpon
ZXAN(config-gpon)# onu profile vlan V100 tag-mode tag cvlan 100 pri 1
ZXAN(config-gpon)# exit
ZXAN(config)# show gpon onu profile vlan
Profile name: V100
Tag mode: tag
CVLAN: 100
CVLAN priority:1
ZXAN# conf t
ZXAN(config)# pon
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type F609 gpon description 4GE, 2Pots, 4Wifi
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type F609 gpon max-tcont 7
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type F609 gpon max-gemport 32
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type F609 gpon max-switch-perslot 1
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type F609 gpon max-flow-perswitch 32
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 eth_0/1
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 eth_0/2
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 eth_0/3
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 eth_0/4
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 pots_0/1
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 pots_0/2
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 wifi_0/1
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 wifi_0/2
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 wifi_0/3
ZXAN(config-pon)# onu-type-if F609 wifi_0/4
ZXAN(config-pon)# exit
ZXAN(config)# show onu-type gpon F609
ONU type name: F609
PON type: gpon
Description: 4GE,2POTS,4WIFI
Max T-CONT: 7
Max GEM port: 32
Max switch per slot: 1
Max flow per switch: 32
Max IP host: 2
Max IPv6 host: 0
Service ability N:1: support
Service ability 1:M: support
Service ability 1:P: support
WIFI mgmt via non OMCI: disable
OMCI send mode: async
Default multicast range:none
VRG: disable
MGC configure mode: zte
Max VEIP: 0(default: 1 VEIP)
Extended OMCI: disable
Location: disable
7. Installation ONU
Connect Onu to OLT
- Query the unauthenticated ONU
ZXAN#conf t
ZXAN(config)# show gpon onu uncfg
OnuIndex Sn State
gpon-onu_1/1/1:1 ZTEGC1E5FE05 unknown
State Description
Offline The OLT does not find the ONU because the ONU is offline
Logging The OLT has found the ONU and is measuring the distance
syncMib The OLT has measured the distance to the ONU and is synchronizing data
Working The data synchronization completes, and you can configure services
LOS The fiber link between the OLT and ONU is Faulty so that the ONU is
DyingGasp The ONU is powered off