Akselito - Twitter Stoqo CV

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+62 8912 3456 789 ​-​ susan​@gmail.com​ ​-​ ​linkedin.com/in/​susan

Bachelor of Computer Science (GPA: 3.38/4.00) Sep 13-Dec 17
● Awarded Most Outstanding CS Student by Dean of Faculty (April 2017)
● Activities: Head of Web Development Club, Project Manager of CS Student Research Organization
STOQO​ (stoqo.com) Jakarta, Indonesia
Engineering Lead Sep 2018 - present
● Building and managing 10-person Transport engineering team, and 3-person Data analytics team.
● Setting up and overseeing the hiring process across all engineering teams. Successfully recruited 25 full-time engineers, and over 40
interns in 2.5 years.
● Setting up leveling and performance review mechanism, resulting in 100% retention rate over 2.5 years among full-time engineers.
● Designed and led the development of Transport System and Driver App used by 200+ drivers handling 2000+ daily deliveries.
● Designed state of the art routing algorithm capable of efficiently routing thousands of deliveries across Jakarta in just a minute.
Reduced manpower cost, hours of manual labor, and potential human errors.
Software Engineer Jun 2017 - Aug 2018
● First engineer and second employee of a B2B supply-chain and e-commerce startup connecting farmers with restaurants.
● Set up code review systems, unit testing, engineering onboarding, and on-call procedures to increase engineering productivity.
● Designed and implemented promotions and referral feature. 80%+ of all STOQO customers came from this feature.
● Led the implementation of STOQO Main App, STOQO e-commerce website, and Customer Dashboard used by 50k customers.
● Led the implementation of Merchant Dashboard, Internal Ops Dashboard, and various tools used by 200+ full-time employees.
● Designed and led the implementation of CRM and Sales App, used by 200+ sales to manage 50k+ customers.
TWITTER San Francisco, CA
Software Engineering Intern (Core Storage) Jun - Sep 2016
● Worked on Manhattan, Twitter’s in-house distributed data storage responsible for storing Twitter’s core data.
● Built Manhattan Importer V2, a faster tool for importing large dataset into Manhattan to reduce importing time from the scale of
several weeks into the scale several hours.
Software Engineering Intern (Platform) Jun - Sep 2015
● Conducted pilot tests of a new tool for three engineering teams across Twitter to optimize their testing workflows.
● Developed new major features for Twitter’s regression testing tool to improve engineering productivity and system stability.
● Designed and implemented a solution to increase a testing tool’s ability to cover 200% more services across Twitter
DEKORUMA Jakarta, Indonesia
Software Engineering Intern Jan - Feb 2016
● Worked alongside the CTO as the first engineering hire in developing the online e-commerce product.
● Architected the deployment workflow, code review systems, logging, and unit testing to improve engineering productivity.
● Developed features to increase efficiency of the Ops team, reduce system downtimes, and improve checkout speed by 300%.
● Akselito (2019). ​Building a tech-enabled platform for students and fresh graduates to build their dream career through a structured
and rigorous coaching system with industry professionals. Participated in Y Combinator Startup School 2019.
● The Moving Library (2017).​ Developed P2P book lending app. Won 2​nd​ place in national software development competition.
● KrisFlyer (2017).​ Developed a mobile app to improve Singapore Airlines loyalty program effectiveness using gamifications,
leaderboards, and in-app item shops. Won 1​st​ place in Singapore Airlines App Challenge Jakarta round.
● Quint.id (2016).​ Developed the MVP and business model of an internship match-making platform connecting talented students with
companies. Conducted an interest survey to 300+ students and matched 13 students with 6 companies in 6 weeks during the initial
release. Won 1​st​ place in national collegiate business model competition.
● Fellow, YC 120, Boulder, CO (2019). ​Invited by Y Combinator to a 4-day gathering comprised of 100 driven individuals and 20
individuals who are already at the top of their fields.
● Delegate of Indonesia, Asia-Pacific Student Entrepreneurship Summit - Stanford, CA (2016)​. Invited to Stanford University for a
week-long boot camp among 35 other international student entrepreneurs chosen from top universities across the Asia-Pacific to
develop a product prototype and pitch to a panel of Silicon Valley experts.
● Regional Finalist, Hult Prize - Boston, MA (2016).​ Selected as a team from more than 25 thousand applicants competing to solve the
problem of urban poverty. Designed an ultra-efficient supply chain mechanism to cook and distribute healthy food for millions of
people in Indonesia’s big cities.
● Bronze Medal, National High School Olympiad in Computer Science - Jakarta, Indonesia (2012). ​Competing on problem solving and
algorithms at the school, city, and province level before landing a bronze medal at the national level. Placed top 16 in the selection of
candidates to represent Indonesia at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).

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