Assignment #1
Assignment #1
Assignment #1
There are so many interesting stories about the countless heroes and martyrs in
the Philippines during the World War II. The bravery and sacrifices of those who stayed behind
and gallantly protected their own people can be equally as great as the courage of the soldiers
History of the provinces of the Bicol Region is replace with so many splendid, heroic
stories of people in all walks of life with their valor and heroism even before the coming of
Spaniards, Americans, and the Japanese Occupations in the Philippine shore. The untold bravery
of persons that never been given a chance, importance and ignored the courageousness, sacrifices
Some of these living witnesses were in fact, forgotten and were not recognized by
professional historians to contribute in the writing of Philippine history, for instance during the
Man’s arrogance and lust for power as old as time. World War II was a war a cataclysmic
magnitude and reach that changed lives of people all over the world, all because of these
iniquitous traits. The paradox of the war was that it brought out the best and the worst in people.
More than a place that bares exotic landmarks and out-of-this-world natural attractions, the province of
Camarines Norte has a lot more of greatness to tell, especially about home-grown revolutionaries and
wartime heroes.
It is a common knowledge that there is some truth in the common experience and served models
especially to the young. This is one way of saying that there are now many subjects from biographical
Japanese “were manifestations of traditional knowledge that re closest to the literary from biography or
However, the oral accounts have been recognized as rich source of the information which could
History is molded by entity that enthusiastic to make a difference in the 21 st century, one man
stood tall and left his mark or legacy on the history of province of Camarines Norte in the Philippines on
In Camarines Norte, it is know how that many forgotten heroes fought against the Japanese, and
we can trace these rich historical accounts by studying the places where most Japanese Filipino fights
In the province of Camarines Norte , this man was an exemplary leader. Not only did he faithfully
execute his duties as Governor, but he laid down his life to defend the honor of the land he cherished and
to ensure the safety of the people he loved and promised to serve. His legacy to the people of Camarines
Basilio B. Bautista Sr. served as Provincial Board Member and Governor act as our Military
commander at the time of war of Camarines Norte. During his term he was known as “Father of the
His performance and accomplishment served as a living testimony that had always admired him
and went to work for him because he was a fair man. They knew how hardworking he was, but not hard
as a person. And also his heroism and martyrdom should make the people of Camarines Norte be proud
It is in this context that the researchers conceived a bright idea to construct a biographical
research title that focus on the life, experiences and war struggles of Basilio B. Bautista Sr. : A
Forgotten Hero of Labo, Camarines Norte during World War II, 1941-1945.
This study was conducted to retrospect the life and works of all forgotten heroes, to keep it attune
to the changing times and make it relevant to the new spirit of contemporary generation.
The main objective of this study aims to provide a historical account concerned revealed
the life experiences and war struggles of Basilio B. Bautista Sr. : A Forgotten Hero of Labo,
Camarines Norte during World War II, 1941-1945. Moreover, the specific objectives attempt to
answer the following: (1) sources that proved the existence of his legacy in Labo, Camarines
Norte; (2) person(s) introduced that he was a forgotten hero of the Second World War in Labo,
Camarines Norte; (3)extent what were his experiences and struggles during World War II and
(4)reasons for the existence of their livelihood in the past that still exist today specially in
current issues.
The researchers perceived that the outcome this study will be useful to give a better
understanding of the existence of forgotten hero in Labo, Camarines Norte. Speciffically, this
History Students. Through this study, the students of history will be understand about
local heroism, the facets of information conditional in this research will be useful to those who
may serve as additional material in educating students about local history and topics regarding
valor, bravery and heroism among forgotten heroes of Bicol, which will serve as paragon of
to promote and encourage other local historians to study more particularly the existence of
Residents of Labo. Little is known about how this forgotten hero existed in Labo. Hence
this study will give them further information about the life of Basilio B. Bautista Sr. Also, this
paper will provide data regards to the local heroes. The local residents deserve to know not only
about the legacy but also the other local heroes and histories.
Politicians. This will serve as a reminder of what good governance is all about. Also
B.Bautista .The results of this study are great help to the community to understand the
importance in their lives and eventually improve their knowledge of forgotten Hero.
Museo de Labo. The outcome of this research will serve as an additional record of
information to the library. Since the purpose of this study is historical discovery, it will help to
Researchers. This study is beneficial to the researchers since it aims to answer the
questions that the researchers seek to know about the life and struggles of forgotten hero in Labo,
Camarines Norte.
Future researchers. This study will serve as a reference material for those who are
One of the theories study was based on Great Man Theory 1840 by Thomas Carlyle it is
one of the early notions of leadership, which is still popular in certain situation, is that leadership
is an inborn quality. This theory explained by the impact of great men, or heroes highly
influential and unique individuals who, due to their natural attributes, such as superior intellect,
And the Path Goal Theory by Robert House stated that leader’s behaviour is contingent
upon the satisfaction and motivation, and performance of their subordinates. In this leadership
theory, they assume that a leader complements her or his employees and compensates for their
shortcomings. The task-oriented elements of the Path Goal Theory match situational leadership.
In the Path-Goal Theory of Leadership, effective leaders give their employees, dubbed
‘followers’ by House and Mitchell, a clear path they must follow to achieve their goals. This type
of supervision removes pitfalls and barricades. The Path-Goal Theory provides ways for leaders
HERO of Labo,
Political and
Economy Camarines Norte
THEORY during World War
(Thomas Carlyle) II, 1941-1945.
1840 Environmental
This conceptual framework of the study is a series concept including input, process and output.
The input is the objectives of the study presented above. Therefore, the researcher seeks
(a) to expose the life of Basilio B. Bautista Sr.: (b) to determine his role as a politician and (c) to
identify his experiences and struggles during World War II that he accomplished during his
On the other hand, process is actual collection of data through unstructured interview
Browsing internet, reading books in the different libraries, analysis, interpretation of data and
However, output refers to the outcome regarding to the study entitled of of Basilio B.
Bautista Sr.: A Forgotten Hero of Labo, Camarines Norte during World War II, 1941-1945.
This study focused on the life and struggles of forgotten hero during World War II in
Camarines Norte. It attempted to discover the historical evidence about Basilio B. Bautista.
However, the availability of the sources collected and period are considered as the limitation of
this research.
Norte. The municipality of Labo is the biggest town in Camarines Norte having a total land
area of 58, 936,267.7 hecatres are scattered among 52 barangays. Its neighboring town
surrounds Labo. At the (south) Paracale, Jose Panganiban, Capalonga, (east) Vinzons, Talisay,
San Vicente, (west) Santa Elena (north) Quezon and Camarines Sur. In addition, the figure
presented below is a map showing the geographical location and territorial of the study.
For a greater clarity and ease these terms were defined to enable the readers to understand
better the content of this research and avoid interpretation aside from what the researchers
intends and to provide a better perspective or idea relative to the present study.
Forgotten Hero.This refers to a person either male or female who exemplify heroism but have
WWII. It means World War II, a certain era in the local history of the Philippines when
American along with the Filipinos rages war with the Japanese.
Guerilla. An organized military force usually using a combat tactics of fighting behind enemy for
the purpose of outnumbering an enemy or destroying without being outnumbered. In this study,
he was a Filipino who sacrifices his life during Japanese period due to fought the rights of
MAKAPILI. term used to call the Filipino collaborators who wore the bayong over their heads
so as not to be identified by the other Filipinos, while they point out to the Filipinos aiding the
guerilla forces.
articles, journals, unpublished thesis, local studies, and foreign studies that are beneficial and
World War II
The Japanese occupation in the Philippines is one of the important events in the local and
national history of the country. It was during World War II that the Japanese began carving its
history in our nation along with their occupation from 1941 until 1945. This paved way to the
many experiences and cultural influences that the Japanese soldiers have left among the many
Filipinos of the country. For almost four years of their stay in the Philippines, more and more
impact were created along the life and culture of our nation, so to speak the many incidents and
pursuits were made against and pro for the Japanese who stayed and fought for their personal and
political interests.
According to Benda, H. (1958) argued that the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia
drastically changed the postwar situation by creating a discontinuity in the rule of some local
elites in Indonesia.
Simmon,T. (2015),stated that World War II was the defining event of the twentieth
century. For everyone it was a time of confusion, fear, destruction, and death on a scale never
before seen. Much has been written of the generals, campaigns, and battles of the war, but it was
young, ordinary American kids who held our freedom in their hands as they fought for liberty
Hartendorp, A.V.H on his article. “The Japanese Occupation in the Philippines” (1967)
discussed “The information of this guerilla in Camarines Norte under the guerilla leader W.Q
Vinzons popularly known as Gov. W. Q Vinzons Travekubg Guerillas. He said that the first
guerilla unit to be formed in the Bicol region was organized in 18 December 1941 in Camarines
Norte by Lt.Wenceslao Q.Vinzons, former governor of the province. Led by Vinzons assistant,
Sgt. Francisco (Turko) Boayes , this force of about 100 armed men raided Japanese garrison
Agoncillio,T. (1990) stated that the period of the Japanese occupation lasting three years
(1942-1945) was one of the darkest interlude in the history of the Philippines.
So It’s hard to imagine that a major month long battle from World War II — one that
devastated a large city, caused more than 100,000 civilian deaths and led to both a historic war
crimes trial and a Supreme Court decision — should have escaped scrutiny until now.
But history has somehow overlooked the catastrophic battle for Manila, capital of the
Philippines, in the waning months of the war. Like the Rape of Nanking, or the siege of
Stalingrad, the tragedy of Manila deserves far greater understanding and reflection today.
Because it process of trying the atrocities and sexual violence of military and
constabulary collaborators with the 1941–1945 Japanese occupation of the Philippines under the
law of treason and finds that, if early war crimes trials of the early postwar period fell short in
many ways, punishing the brutality of war as betrayal was a deeply troubled alternative. Were
Filipino citizens who, during the war, were called upon to carry out acts of extreme violence.
acts were justified as acts of sacrifice carried out in defense of both an Asian order their
occupiers claimed to be the only bulwark against the injustices of Western imperialism, and on
local leaders in the Philippines who collaborated with the Japanese army. Steinberg suggested
that even though the war retained the oligarchy in some areas, it created changes in the political
leadership of the country due to the treason charges against them that weakened their political
According to Agdon, F. & Garcia,C.(2014) stated that “life during Japanese era was
quite difficult for the majority of the Filipinos during the Japanese Era”. There are a shortage of
food, medicines, and other basic accomodities needed by the people to survive. As a result of this
situation, food rationing came to be practiced in the cities. Food shortage, however, became very
acute especially during the latter part of the Japanese occupation as farmers were forced to leave
their farmlands to escape Japanese brutalities. Life was very precarious especially in areas where
there were guerillas. An atmosphere of fear and anxiety was so prevalent for fear of being
suspected of joining or supporting the underground resistance against the Japanese authorities.
This was aggravated by the presence of spies and collaborators who reported the guerillas and
According to Agdon C. Japanese era has a very disgraceful phenomenon that
happened during the Japanese occupation was the collaboration of some groups with the
Japanese invaders in oppressing their fellow Filipinos and in Japanese prosecution of its war
against the Filipino guerillas and the Allied forces in the Philippines.These fanatical pro-
Japanese were the Ganaps, the Palaaks, the United Nippon, the Pampars and the MAKAPILIS.
The worst among these collaborators were the MAKAPILIS. The MAKAPILI was essentially a
in Camarines Norte was a young married man from Daet,Camarines Norte which namely
Vicente Belmonte. According to Belmonte, part of Vinzons precautionary plan was the arrest of
some 120 Japanese residents of Daet declared as “ enemy nationals” As it turned out , most of
those men were high ranking Japanese officers who , for many years , had been gathering vital
intelligence data in the region data in the region using their occupation as their cover.
Furthermore, from the narrative report of Asis, P. (2004) stated that before America and
the Philippine could finish their war preparation, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, on December 8,
1941. It was Immaculate Conception Feast Day. The treacherous attacked marked the beginning
President Quezon, before the Declaration of war by America had created Civilian
Emergency Administration. For the purpose of preparing the population for emergency. Course
were given in schools, first-aid, blackout practice air-raid drills were conducted, evacuations
centers were established at various places, but in the province, they fend for the farm.
The invaders were her sooner than expected. They came from the South. They landed at
Legaspi Port, sweeping Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon and towns of Bicol, as early as before
the Fall of Bataan. The whole Bicol Region was flooded by the “SAKANG” in matter of days.
They reach Camarines Norte for their destination, Jose Panganiban and Paracale. The people
residing near their route were like birds on flight, to hide in the hinterland mountains and
forested places.
commenced their brutality. The family of Domingo Dasco resides in a nipa house in the middle
of the rice field, near the road. On that day, the husband and wife come down from the hill to
fetch their chickens and other animals they left, of their sudden flight.
Suddenly seven Japanese soldiers began raiding the houses the roadside. Inggo and
Momen hid under the house. Unfortunately the soldiers were looking for foods, chicken and eggs
Inggo was tied at the banana tree, then one at a time the seven soldiers rape Ate Moment,.
Another incident was perpetuated to a beautiful teenager 12 years old by the name f Lily
Bedena. Their house being near the oil depot at Pantalan, Jose Panganiban, suffer also those
According to Diamond Jubilee (1994) that Japanese invasion has a long period of quiet
followed the creation of civil government in the province. This was only broken by World War II
in December, 1941. Japanese forces moved towards Camarines Norte in 1941. A Group of
guerrillas under Wenceslao Q.Vinzons Sr. with a certain Lt. White of the USAFFE tried to stop
the Japanese on December 18, in Laniton,Basud reputed to be the first recorded guerrilla
encounter between Philippine forces and elements of the Japanese Imperial Army but they were
In the study of Gripaldo (1998) wrote on Japanese Adventure in the Bicol Region. She
said the Pacific War (World War II) came to the Philippines in the early hours of virtually
crippled Pearl Harbor and key airfield points in the Philippines were subsequently attacked.
Nosotro (2007) on his essay the change over time about the Japanese occupation in the
Philippines stated that the occupation of the Japanese from 1941-1945 was a time of
heartache,brutality,and guerrilla warfare as the inahbitants tried to their utmost to push the
Forgotten Heroes
Unsung Heroes stated that” the untold bravery of persons that never been given a chance,
importance and ignored the courageousness, sacrifices and bravery during Japanese War. For
instance, the impact of their values orientation was exemplified on the Filipino attitudes and
what was demanded of these young heroes through the stories of rank-and-file individuals who
served in the navy, marines, army, air corps, and merchant marine in all theaters of the war.
Their tales are told without pretense or apology. At the time, each thought himself no different
from those around him, for they were all young, scared, and miserable. They were the ordinary,
Furthermore, Beesley, R. (2005) stated that the brave and bold Officers and other Ranks
had courage and heroism but were forgotten. The sacrifice that they made for their King and
their Country will unfold. They helped to keep the Nazi jack boot from our shores and they
fought for freedom for us all. But to this day, they still remain forgotten, all of those years ago.
Some of the men were killed, others died, but the memories will live on for the rest of our lives.
They died fighting on for many days but then became trapped, with no way out and they were
then ordered to surrender, by the French. So come what may, the Germans had a catch, of what
According to Cook, D. (n/d) we need to recognise the forgotten heroes and the
importance of Burma and Campaign and those who took part in it. Their fight was long, hard and
brutal. So let them know that we will always remember what they gave to bring about the peace
especially the celebration honour of his name such as VJ day because does not mark the end of
WWII but gives us a chance to remember the sacrifices of forgotten heroes. The brave men and
women who continued the fight for peace in the Far East months after the war in Europe was
over. And we renew our commitment to achieving peace and solidarity for all humankind so that
Likewise, according to Moore, C. (2005), in his work he present the current study is
more a testimony to little known American servicemen and women and is intended for the
In his further analysis, Moore made a great contribution by expanding our knowledge of
1.1 million black Americans who fought bravely in World War II, despite the fact that Old Jim
Crow still characterized the American Army in 1941. Instance, Moore reminds us that the war
According to Nathan,R. (n/d) The name of this remarkable Frenchman seldom appeared
in the press or on the radio during the defense build-up prior to Pearl Harbor and the all-out
mobilization in the challenging months in early 1942 just after the United States entered the war.
Yet until Jean Monnet provided the leadership during the preceding year for setting much higher
goals for American armament production, the prospects were dismal for the successful defense
of Great Britain and Russia. The outlook for the allied nations was discouraging when Japan
attacked Pearl Harbor. The production of war material in the United States was accelerating but
the level of output was quite limited and the production goals still modest. Monnet's talent and
drive helped change all of this. The story of his role in relentless pursuit of higher military goals
significant. In Europe, the British and the Russians were on the defensive everywhere and in the
Pacific the Japanese were extending their control wherever the Western powers had military
bases or wherever access to the materials of war was critical. Monnet was a man who worked
quietly, effectively and close to those who had the power to make decisions and to achieve
results. His effectiveness exemplifies the kind of leadership desperately needed today in solving
some of the most urgent international and domestic problems. Monnet was in England in May
1940 when France was overrun by the powerful Nazi forces. He was reputedly the man who
proposed to Churchill that common citizenship be offered by Great Britain to the French people
to preserve their spirit of independence and will to resist the Germans. Whether that proposal
would have been effective if offered somewhat earlier is speculative, but it was a dramatic and
desperate move on the part of Churchill to encourage those in France who strongly opposed
Memories and Experience “ that on 17th of December , the Japanese reached Sipocot and was
making swift advance north and north westward. In the evening , Vinzons personally
reconnoiterred enemy positions and development at Barrio, Laniton in the municipality of Basud,
Camarines Norte. At dawn following day, he and 51st division Philippine Army USAFFE patrol
led by American Captain named Welles & Lieutenant Miguel White, the Filipino bronze
medallist in the 400 meter low hurdles in 1936 at Berlin Olympics, engaged in the Historic Battle
of Laniton. On this day , Vinzons wrote down a brief information about the battle in his diary.
This chapter contains the discussion of the research design used, the respondents of the
Research Design
information to accomplish the study. To know the biography of Basilio B. Bautista Sr. the
researchers use unstructured interviews to the nearest family of Basilio B. Bautista. The other
information was collected through the help of books of some cooperating agencies, the internet
Basilio B. Bautista and someone knows until he becomes a forgotten hero during Japanese
Data collection
the study. It uses the cellular phone for voice recording and for documentation, which served as
evidence of the researchers and computer or laptop to encode the gathered data. The researchers
also gathered information in the books, articles, journals and diary to cite some related literature
Thomas E. Simmons is the author of The Brown Condor, Escape from Archangel, and The Man Called
Brown Condor.
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From the magazine of Valor: Unsung Heroes of the World War II by Frisbee,J. (1993)
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Benda, H. J. (1958). The crescent and rising sun: Indonesian Islam under the Japanese
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Hartendorp, A.V.H. (1967). The Japanese occupation of the Philippines, vol. 1. Manila: The
Thomas, M. L. (1969). Centralism in the Philippines: Past and Present Cause. In J.V. Abueva &
R.P. De Guzman, (Eds.), Foundation and dynamics of Filipino Government. Manila: Bookmark.
Lear, E. (1951). Collaboration, resistance, and liberation: A study of society and education in
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New York: Southeast Asia Program, Department of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell University
McCoy, A. W. (1980). Politics by other means: World War II in the Western Visayas. In A. W.
McCoy (Ed.), Southeast Asia under Japanese occupation (pp. 158-203). New Heaven: Yale