7 NSMJ-0905-2017
7 NSMJ-0905-2017
7 NSMJ-0905-2017
1, April-September 2017
preferences of consumers. This poses tight competition The retail sector includes all businesses that sell goods and
among the supermarkets as well as from the traditional services to consumers. Broadly, the sector can be classified
standalone retail shops. Consequently supermarkets have into the following two segments:
appreciated the importance of attracting and creating a
loyal customer base through provision of superior • Food: This segment comprises edible products,
shopping experience with emphasis on excellent customer including bakery products, organic food, meat and
service and relationship retailing driven by strategy. poultry, and ready-to-cook meals.
• Non-food: This segment can be further classified
into two categories–hard and soft products. The
II. INDUSTRY PROFILE hard products category includes appliances,
The retail sector includes all businesses that sell goods and electronics, furniture and sporting goods. Retailers
services to consumers. In 2014, it accounted for focused on hard products are called ‘hardline
approximately 22.5% of the world’s GDP. The sector is retailers’. The soft products category includes
largely dominated by the US and China. However, in the apparel. Apart from this broad classification,
recent past, the Chinese retail market has outpaced that of retailers are also classified on the basis of their
the US in terms of demand and supply. The retail sector is operational formats. The following are the major
highly fragmented and can be broadly divided into the operational formats used by retailers:
organised and unorganised segments. The organised • Department stores: Department stores are very
segment is dominated by large corporations such as Wal- large stores offering a wide range of goods and
Mart, Costco, Tesco and Carrefour. The top 10 retailers services, such as clothing, cosmetics, household
account for nearly 8.6% of global retail revenue, with Wal- items, electronics and sporting goods. Some
Mart alone accounting for approximately 3.1% in 2015. department stores also have a grocery section for
The retail sector has shown consistent growth after the selling food items. Target Corp, Sears Holdings and
global economic crisis. During 2009–2014, global retail Macy’s Inc are some of the major retailers that
sales grew at a CAGR of 5.3% to reach GBP10.6tn in 2014. have department stores as their dominant
The primary growth drives of the sector are a growing operational format.
middleclass population, rising income levels in Asia and • Grocery stores: Grocery stores offer both
technology-led business model transformations perishable and non-perishable food items. Some
worldwide. China has been the biggest contributor to grocery stores also sell non-food items, such as
global retail sales in recent years. Retail sales in the greeting cards, stationery, health care products and
country grew at a CAGR of 15.4% during 2009–2014, cookware.
driven by an increase in its middle-class population and • Specialty stores: Specialty stores offer a specific
the disposable income of its citizens. type of merchandise. For example, electronic stores
Global online retail sales reached GBP632.8bn sell only electronic goods and jewellers only stock
(USD839.8bn) in 2014, up 20.9% y-o-y. Retailers are products such as precious metals and gemstones.
increasingly leveraging information technology on the These stores are often small and independently
operational side, in areas such as supply chain owned. Best Buy, IKEA and Inditex are some of the
management, merchandising and store management, to major retailers that are specialty stores.
improve operational efficiency and enhance customer • Box stores: Also called supercentres, superstores,
experience. In 2014, the food and non-food segments of megastores and hypermarkets, box stores offer
the sector accounted for 47.2% and 52.8% of total sales, bulk merchandise at low prices. They conduct B2B
respectively. In 2009, these percentages were 45.1% and sales, in which they offer non-public access to
54.9%, respectively. Asia and Australasia accounted for items priced below their suggested retail price.
38.6% of total retail sales in 2014. Retail sales in the region Wal-Mart, Tesco and Carrefour are some of the
grew at a CAGR of 8.4% during 2009–2014, while in North major retailers that operate box stores.
America, it grew at a CAGR of 4.5% during the same • Online stores: Online stores sell products through
period. the internet. They either have a large product
portfolio or are focused on only one product line.
One of the major trends in the sector is the growth of Amazon, eBay and Alibaba are some of the world’s
e-commerce. Global e-commerce sales were GBP632.8bn major online stores. Some of the other popular
(USD839.8bn) in 2014, up 20.9% from GBP444.5bn operational formats in the sector are mom-and-pop
(USD694.8bn) in 2013. To better compete with pure online shops, convenience stores and discount store.
retailers such as Amazon, traditional retailers are shifting
to a multi-channel/omni-channel retail model. Other
significant trends in the sector are increasing M&A activity,
growing retail penetration in emerging countries and
rising retail IT spending.
popular, especially among the middle and lower strata of IX. SCOPE OF THE STUDY
the society. Yet, Tuwairish Group pioneered its way to
In this competitive world retaining the customers has
success by virtue of delivering everything under one roof
become very important; hence it has become part and
at affordable prices and offering impeccable customer
parcel of the business. Business which can adapt to quick
services. Tuwairish Group started as Tuwairish Trading
changes and get access to improvised technology can
LLC at Abu Dhabi, UAE. This deals with the distribution of
survive in this stuff market conditions
fresh meals and frozen items across United Arab Emirates.
• The study can be applied to understand various
level of quality services provided by the
• The study help for further studies related to
customer preferences and customer loyalty.
• The present study also helps for understand the
new services for improving the quality of services
Research methodology is one of the most essential
Tuwairish Group with a strong background of business
elements of a research study as it provides a framework to
experience of over 15 years in this part of world itself,
accomplish a research in the most efficient manner. It is a
under the guidance of esteemed chairman Mr. P.P Abu-
way to systematically solve the research problem and it
Bakr and other dedicated professionals, has grown
may be understood as a science of studying how research
vigorously. Combining the wisdom of our chairman and
is done. Research methodology involves different methods
experienced senior managers along with zeal of the
and strategies that are significant to develop a link
younger generation, our staff members believe as their
between research question and its objectives.
own company and strive hard to achieve the highest
standard to serve our customers to their satisfaction. Our
CEO, Mr.Muhammad Sideeq with an extraordinary XI. DATA SOURCE
combination of youthful dynamism, supports the chairman Primary Data
in running the business of the group. Our staff members,
who hail from various parts of the world, submerge into a Collection of primary Data
single work culture at Tuwairish Group. There are several methods of collecting primary data
particularly in surveys and descriptive researches.
VII. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Important ones are as follows:
Quality service is defined as the judgment or perception 1. Observation Method
resulting from customers’ evaluation processes, whereby 2. Interview Method
customers compare their expectations with the service 3. Questionnaire
they perceive they have received. Keeping in view the 4. Schedules and
significance of service quality and customer satisfaction
Secondary Data
and loyalty, a study is designed to examine the impact of
service quality as an independent variable on dependent In order to have a proper understanding of the service
variables i.e. customer satisfaction and loyalty. quality of bank a depth study was done from the various
sources such as books, a lot of data is also collected from
The major research problems are: the official websites of the banks and the articles from
• What is the level of service quality deliver of various search engines like Google, yahoo search and
Tuwairish supermarket answers.com.
• What is the Customer satisfaction and Loyalty with
Tuwairish supermarket XII. RESEARCH DESIGN
To carry out this project, descriptive research is used,
VIII. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY since it is a systematic study in which the researcher is
• To assess the level of service quality of the able to formulate the objectives of the study.
Tuwairish Supermarket. Descriptive Research Design
• To analyse the relationship of service quality and Descriptive research also known as statistical research,
customer satisfaction and loyalty of Tuwairish describes data and characteristics about the population or
supermarket phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers
• Make recommendations based on the findings of the questions who, what, when and how...
the study that will help to address the challenges
identified by the customer.
with Ghana. The main problem of this study was whether Opinion about Variety of Products in One Product
customers are satisfied with service delivery of MTNs in Category
Ghana. The study was basically a survey that used both
qualitative approaches. A structured questionnaire was Percentage
developed, pre-tested and personally administered to the
target population of individual mobile subscribers. One 70
thousand (1000) respondents were sampled from the
target population of seven million, six hundred and four 60 57.27
thousand and fifty-three (7604053) mobile telecom
subscribers through a satisfied random sampling. 50
Palacio, Meneses, & Perez, (2012) also empirically proved
the dominant role of brand image in predicting customer
satisfaction in the hospitality industry. Moreover, the
30 24.55
congruence between the brand image and customers‘ self-
image would enhance customer satisfaction and 17.28
customers‘ preference for the brand. Furthermore, the
strategic importance of customer satisfaction for 10
organizations is even more highlighted. In a competitive 0.9
marketplace where businesses compete for customers like 0
in the service industry; customer satisfaction is seen as a
Yes No Not many None
key differentiator and increasingly has become a key
element of business strategy. It is essential for companies
to effectively manage customer satisfaction
Overall Satisfaction towards Tuwairish Supermarket
50 34.55
30 22.73
20 15.46 15.45
7.27 11.81
10 22.73 6.36 7.27 5.45
15.46 9.09 8.18
0 6.36
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Total Percentage 22.73 34.55 15.46 15.45 11.81
Female (%) 7.27 11.82 6.36 7.27 5.45
Male (%) 15.46 22.73 9.09 8.18 6.36
• 66.37% of respondents said that the store is which suggest that the customers are satisfied with the
reminding & intimating store discounts & prices to service quality of Tuwairish Supermarket.
all customers in store. As a researcher it was a good experience and also helped
• 60% of respondents agree that the store accept to get exposure to the field. We can hope that Tuwairish
return and exchange of products. Supermarket may continue its good performance in the
• Discount coupons and the one hour sales are the future also by satisfying the needs of customers.
most successful loyalty programs of Tuwairish
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[6] Nguyen, T.T., Nguyen, T.D., & Barrett, N.J., (2007). Hedonic shopping
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customers by providing more offers at the right transitional markets: Evidence from Vietnam. Asia Pacific Journal of
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• Company can increase revenue, by retaining relation to customer loyalty and retention. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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distinguishing from the competition, in order to Business, Vol. 11, No. 1, Pp. 19-41.
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• Giving Private event tickets is the lower ranked cts-of-website-attributes-on-customer-satisfaction.php
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loyalty program. Make changes like giving equal
opportunity to all customers can improve this
loyalty program
• Company can improve customer service, by
reducing the wait time at checkout and also
creating a clean atmosphere in the store and
adding more variety of products in one product
In the current retail industry, customer purchasing and
managing their product option. To win and retain
customers, Retail firms must differentiate themselves by
more than just price. Quality and customer satisfaction
have long been recognised as playing a crucial role for
success and survival in today’s competitive market.
The research entitled “A study on impact of service quality
on customer satisfaction and loyalty at Tuwairish
Supermarket, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi, UAE” seeks to examine
the several aspects of effectiveness of service quality of
Tuwairish Supermarket. For the study of above topic
questionnaire containing relevant questions were supplied
to the customers. The questionnaire was prepared in such
a way that customers can understand it clearly and answer
easily. From this study all the variables had high
percentage of positive opinions. Only minority of the
customers gave negative opinions about certain variables,