Job Satisfaction Project
Job Satisfaction Project
Job Satisfaction Project
Employees relationship with the nature of work:
In this, it has been seen that area of interest is so much important. The
work or task employees performing are of their interest are not. By
different research, it has been observed that most of the employees are
satisfied if they are performing jobs task according to their interest.
[ CITATION AHB51 \l 1033 ].
Furthermore, the employees performing jobs beyond their interest are
dissatisfied or unhappy. It has been seen that the dissatisfied
employees are doing the job because they have the burden of their
family. There is also the chance that they are suppressed by some
situation and reason.
Age factor
Age factor plays a very important role in job satisfaction. According to
research the employees who are teenagers or we can say that going to
universities are doing the job for the sake of their interest and fulfill
their needs as well. So, they would be more satisfied because they
don’t have much more responsibility as compared to that person or
employee who must earn for the livelihood of their family. [ CITATION
VSc83 \l 1033 ]Teenagers are much more satisfied because they are not the
slaves of status fame and money because they are the beginners, and
they are eagerly passionate to learn more and more things.
Attractive fixed salary:
In Net Sol technology company, it has noticed that many employees are
psychologically happy just because of their fixed salary. The company is
financially stable so that there is no chance for the company downfall.
This is the reason for an employee’s satisfaction.[ CITATION PES77 \l 1033 ].
Moreover, they know that they will get their salaries on time at the end
of the month. That makes them more motivated towards their work.
And they able to perform their task more efficiently and effectively.
Relationships with other colleagues:
the social circle in that we are working is so much important and has a
great impact on our behavior and moods. We are happy there when
there is peace in the environment. But the violence on the other hand
causes dissatisfaction and unhappiness. By the research, it has seen
that many employees are satisfied and attached to their workplaces
because they are emotional attached to the other employees working
in it. So, having a positive relationship with other employees is so much
imperative.[ CITATION EEL67 \l 1033 ]
Therefore, it also becomes an important factor for the employees to
keep them satisfied at their workplaces.
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Aziri, B. (2011). management research and practice .