Hope For The Underrated Youth Pre-Production Booklet
Hope For The Underrated Youth Pre-Production Booklet
Hope For The Underrated Youth Pre-Production Booklet
By Beth Talmer-Jones
Contents List:
o Script
o Storyboards
o Location recces
o Crew list
o Prop’s list/ Wardrobe Sheet
o Equipment list
o Filming Schedule
Jet packing their bag on their bedroom floor. INTRO
[Verse 1]
If I left today, would you wait for me
Walking in the street (night) from behind
following Jet (0.06- 0.17) Or would you throw us all away like
the magazines say?
At the train ticket booth purchasing a ticket Should I go right away? Cut all of
(0.17 -0.24) my hair off
And change my second name from
Cinematics of the train moving from Jets point a juvenile state?
of view (0.24- 0.30)
Slow motion of Jet going down escalators in a And just take my heart out, that'll
London tube station (0.30- 0.37) make it better
Tube doors closing and tube pulls away (as I won't be sorry, better late than
music lags slightly the clips within editing also never
Just take my heart out, that'll make
Jump cut to Jet sat on a tube looking sad and
hopeless (0.45- 0. 0.54) it better
Hidin' all my feelings, but I know
that I'm not dreaming
Running down a street 'Cause there's hope for the
(0.55 – 1.06) slow motion underrated youth
And I'm so far from telling you the
Falls to the ground (on knees)
'Cause you keep on pulling me
Shouting and screaming in pain
down, pulling me down, pulling me
(1.06 – 1.20) down
Yeah, there's hope for the
underrated youth
[Verse 2]
(1.20) –( 1.44)
Every day is an episode, I pick and
Jet drinking from a beer bottle and throws it to mix my self-control
the ground on “control” and it smashes. My head won't let me go, like if I
Jet falls to the ground again, died, you'd never know
Jump cut to Jet writing in a brown paper-back I made friends with the dark parts
diary… that are inside of my mind
“I just can’t escape it “
I tie them up till they come up,
spiking juvenile rhymes
Jump cut to Jet using the deodorant bottle and And my eyes are about to blow, but
a lighter to set the diary on fire that's all part of this freak show
My personality got fucked up by the
Got called an alien for bein' myself
I ain't got the patience to be
someone else
So just take my heart out, that'll
(1.44 )- (2.08)
make it better
Jet sat looking at the fire and the camera pans I won't be sorry, better late than
to reveal another character walk into shot, never
they offer Jet a cigarette and jet takes it, they Just take my heart out, that'll make
sit next to Jet and Jets leans into them. it better
Hidin' all my feelings, but I know
that I'm not dreaming
(2.08)-( 2.34) 'Cause there's hope for the
underrated youth
Jet suddenly looks up on “hope” and the And I'm so far from telling you the
camera follows their point of view to reveal a
few other people join them, this is the first
time we see Jet smile in the whole piece. 'Cause you keep on pulling me
They all hug and hold each other down, pulling me down, pulling me
Yeah, there's hope for the
underrated youth
Lights/ smoke/ vibey bit If I die, would you cry?
Or would you come and bury me
Jet and the extras/ friends/ part of the If I die, would you cry?
community all find hope and join forces Or would you come and bury me
together convey a sense of acceptance.
If I die, would you cry?
A dark room that is not recognisable to the Or would you come and bury me
audience, filled with bright strobe lights and alive?
fog machine- feels like a concert If I die, would you cry?
Would you come and bury me
(2.36- 3.13)
(Would you come and bury me
(3.13- 4.00) There's hope for the underrated
Field showing freedom and final acceptance.
I'm so far from telling you the truth
Primrose Hill Dusk. Yeah, there's hope for the
underrated youth
Jet happy and being themselves surrounded And I'm so far from telling you the
by those who support and are also a part of truth
the community. You keep on pulling me down,
pulling me down, pulling me down
Slowly fades to black.
Yeah, there's hope for the
underrated youth
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Location Recces
Type of room/area:
Allen Gardens
Location Address:
E1 5EH
https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/leisure_and_culture/parks_and_open_spaces/a_- 7.30 am –
_z_of_parks.aspx 8.30 pm
Well suited to the genre of my piece due to the overall “underground” feel of the park, the main
reason I chose this area is because it is based in Shoreditch and close to brick lane, which is known
for its diversity. There is a huge number of graffiti around the bridge I am planning on filming
under, fitting well into the genre of alternative.
Lighting Information: Solutions:
All-natural lighting and under the bridge there Film at the right time of day to achieve a dusky
are a few panel lights (weak though) summer night (cloudy)
Camera setting changed to fluorescent when
under bridge and bring LED light in case needed
Sound Information: Solutions:
Passers by/ the public As this is a part of the Music Video no sound
will be used other than the recording of the
Cars and trains from bridge above original song so this is not an issue
Hazards: Solutions:
Staying Covid safe Social distancing as much as possible and
wearing masks unless acting in a shoot.
Fire scene Having fire blanket at ready and someone on
standby with it (caren)
Location Recces
Type of room/area:
Dance Studio
Location Address:
16 Pixley St, London,
E14 7DF
2 hours booking
No food inside the studio
Fog machine and lights allowed
Lighting Information: Solutions:
Small Natural Lighting Not needed as I need the room dark,
Strobe Lights
UV Lighting
Sound Information: Solutions:
Roads and nearby stations Not an issue as this is a Music Video and the
footage will be muted and overlayed with the
original song
Hazards: Solutions:
Fog machine could set off any fire alarms they Need to check they are turned off for the 2
may have hours of usage
Location Recces
Location Address:
Have to be wearing a mask.
Lighting Information: Solutions:
Very good natural lighting from most angles, Runner holding an LED panel light to combat
must combat this with being backlit. the lighting issues when filming
Hazards: Solutions:
Dogs getting the way and tripping up. Runner to keep an eye on dogs when I am
Staying covid safe filming.
Mask on and social distancing wherever
Location Recces
Location Address:
Have to be wearing a mask.
Lighting Information: Solutions:
Big natural light from windows Curtains drawn and LED light and Fairy lights on
Others in the house, no talking at this point in Background noise would help to sound more
script natural within the household
Hazards: Solutions:
Dogs getting the way and tripping up. Runner to keep an eye on dogs when I am
Staying covid safe filming.
Mask on and social distancing wherever
Crew List
Wardrobe list
(For Jet)
Black Beanie
Black jeans
White long sleeve shirt
Black Band T-shirt over the long white sleeve
Red converse
Red tartan jacket
Props List
Equipment List
Filming Schedule
Thursday 15th April