History of Architecture and Town Planning-Course-Brochure
History of Architecture and Town Planning-Course-Brochure
History of Architecture and Town Planning-Course-Brochure
master in history of
architecture and town planning
information booklet
Rijksunversiteit Groningen | University of Groningen
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
spring 2018
Graphic Design:
Lara Caldas and Maurice Moerland ©
Expertise centre 6.
architecture, urbanism and Health
Institute 8.
history of art, architecture and landscapes
Research 32.
Groningen 34 .
Architectural gem
spring 2018
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
University of Groningen
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
head of expertise centre
Prof. Dr. C. Wagenaar
Faculty of Arts
+31 50 36 36101
+31 50 36 33895
Faculty of Arts
+31 50 36 36093
Faculty of Arts
+31 50 36 32379
+31 50 36 32845
[email protected]
spring 2018
+31 50 36 36747
Expertise centre
architecture, Urbanism and Health
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
in the mid-nineteenth century to the redefinition of electives on public health, and at the Faculty of
healthcare architecture according to the principles Spatial Sciences with courses on (socio-)spatial
of Evidence Based Design, which links patient planning, the principal aim being to work at the
experiences to specific, mostly programmatic crossroads of these fields.
history of art, architecture and landscape
spring 2018
Architecture and Urbanism Activities
Starting point of the work of the centre is the The Centre offers master courses in the history
conviction – well tested in practice – that and theory of architecture and urbanism that
interventions in architecture and urbanism provides personal tracks with the possibility to
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
require in-depth knowledge in the designer’s specialize either in classical architectural and
toolkit, the vocabulary used in architecture urban history (with its inherent emphasis on
and urbanism, the decision-making processes health issues), or in healthy cities and healthcare
involved, as well as the expertise to analyze architecture.
buildings and cities in these terms. This
is particularly true since many of these It produces reports (consultancy), that analyze
interventions are motivated by objectives that the impact of the built environment on health
are not, or not any longer, part of the designer’s related issues (assessing, for instance, the way
core business: urban mobility, sustainability, the layout of post-war housing estates effects
resilience in times of climate change, (social) health behaviors). Improvement proposals are
equity, and health. Students and scholars part of these reports.
from the disciplines that cover these fields:
public administration, urban economy, urban In-depth research (including post-occupancy
sociology, and public health, to list some of evaluations in healthcare buildings) is also one
them, will be thoroughly immersed in the of the Centre’s main activities.
history and theory of architecture and urbanism
as a sine qua non for the proper assessment of
the effects and effectiveness of improvement
schemes for buildings and cities.
spring 2018
Thomassen à Thuessink
The master course History of Architecture and Town Planning at the Institute
of History of Art, Architecture and Landscapes is unique in its scope, offering
its students the opportunity to compose personalized tracks that can either
focus on classical history and theory, on the health impacts of architecture
and urbanism (provided by the Thomassen à Thuessink chair), or a mixture
between these approaches. One of the programs characteristics is the
emphasis on architectural and urban objects and the need to describe them in
the designer’s vocabulary, another the conception of history as being defined
by its methodology rather than by its topics: history is not about the past, it’s a
way of explaining changes in the man-made environment by referring to the
ideas, beliefs, interests, philosophical notions, and ideological concepts of the
responsible actors.
The master course opens job opportunities in the fields of healthy cities,
hospital planning (management), urban planning, or academia; architectural
and urban design offices, hospital boards, municipal planning departments
and universities are among their likely employers.
Main characteristics
- Personalized tracks
- The opportunity to specialize in classical architectural and urban history
- The possibility to specialize in the health impacts of architecture and urbanism
- A wide range of electives (including courses at the Faculties of Medicine and
Spatial Sciences)
- The opportunity to work in multidisciplinary teams
- A choice of internships in the Netherlands and abroad
Admission requirements
spring 2018
The master courses are open for students in architectural and urban history,
history, graduates in urban studies, students of architecture and/or urbanism
who want to specialize in urban policies and/or healthy cities and healthcare
architecture, architects, graduates in public health and graduates in similar
fields. The courses are also open for practitioners in architectural and urban
design, public health, and hospital management.
COre curriculum 25 ECTS
Personal assignment 5
internship 10 ECTS
5 5
spring 2018
5 5 5
1 Origins of the healthy city
Thomassen à Thuessink
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
CORE CURRICULUM This section catalogues a wide range of urban and 1.1 Cholera map of Hamburg, 1832
architectural interventions that were motivated by 1.2 J.A. Mulock Hower, Water tower
10 ECTS the ambition to improve public health. Focusing on West, Groningen, 1912
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health spring 2018
2 excursion
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
CORE CURRICULUM This course highlights the interaction between 2.1 Sir Christopher Wren, Masterplan
for London, 1744
historical, political-ideological and spatial issues
2.2 John McAslan and Partners,
5 ECTS by an in-depth analysis of one particular city – in transformation of King’s Cross
Station, London, 2012
spring 2018 the destination is London. Students 2.3
Dr. A.M. Martin View over the City of London
will learn how the production and reconstruction 2.4 Chamberlain, Powell and Bon,
of the built environment is couched in professional Barbican Centre, London, 1976
debates that relate to a myriad of often 2.5 Sir Denys Lasdun, Royal National
Theatre, London, 1976
ideologically charged issues. Key projects from 2.6 Houses of Parliament, London
various periods will be visited and studied. The trip 2.7 Tate Modern, Turbine Hall, London
is prepared during seminars that invite students
to study a) texts, books and cartographic material
in the domain of architecture and town planning,
and b) consult alternative forms of representation,
including fiction, documentaries and movies.
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health spring 2018
an encyclopedia of
3 typologies
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health spring 2018
4 expressionism and the city
ELECTIVE In the 1920s and 1930s many architects adopted an expressive vocabulary
with an emphasis on sculptural shapes and the texture of the materials.
5 ECTS In many instances a colourful decoration was applied as well. This trend
developed in Germany after the First World War, although its roots reach back
Dr. C.P.J. van der Ploeg
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
to the last pre-war years, when expressionism was still mainly a matter of the
visual arts. In the aftermath of the war, however, German artist and architects
sought an intense cooperation in order to realize a new society.The first signs
of architectural expressionism in the Netherlands can be traced back to the
early 1910s but it became only fashionable after 1918. Though scholarship has
always stressed its popularity in social housing, expressionism was equally if
not more successful among private patrons, witness the residential quarters
all over the country, and a series of impressive Protestant churches. In this
course we will discuss the meaning of architectural expressionism in the wider
context of socio-political developments, including a critical assessment of
earlier research on the topic.
a history of hospital
architecture 5 Thomassen à Thuessink
ELECTIVE The term ‘hospital’ designates a building for diseased people. The reasons
to concentrate diseased people in one place have varied greatly. Although
5 ECTS attempts at curing patients in hospitals are deeply rooted in history, it became
the primary objective only in the eighteenth century. Reflecting the ideals
Prof. Dr. C. Wagenaar
of the Enlightenment, hospitals were supposed to offer their inhabitants
a healing environment: clear air, and – if at all possible – direct access to
natural surroundings. Only in the mid-nineteenth century did they become
strongholds of the medical discipline, a response to impressive innovations in
the field of surgery. Around 1900, the Röntgen machine ushered in the next
revolution in hospital architecture: they became the power packs of medical
spring 2018
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
4.1 4.2
5.3 5.4
6 the city reflected
in the Cinema, Art, Photography, Literature & Philosophy.
ELECTIVE Cities generate urban culture, which can be defined as a result of as well as
represented by the maximum number of encounters with the highest degree
5 ECTS of diversity, creating an environment that stimulates creativity and progress.
This series presents a collection of art work (Georg Grosz, Ernst Ludwig
Dr. A.M. Martin
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
Exploring how spatial design can influence medical outcomes, EBD has had a
thorough impact on recent hospital design.
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
6.1 6.2 6.3
7.1 7.2
spring 2018
7.3 7.4
8 HEritage and Architecture
ELECTIVE From the very outset the history of architecture as an academic discipline has
been strongly connected to the issue of how to preserve ancient monuments.
5 ECTS Originally a pastime for educated members of the leisure class, during
the past decades the idea of cultural heritage has acquired a much more
Dr. C.P.J. van der Ploeg
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
An Architectural History
of Psychiatric Clinics 9 Thomassen à Thuessink
ELECTIVE Few buildings reflect changes in the way patients are perceived more directly
than psychiatric clinics. This series offers students a historical overview of
5 ECTS the buildings that were used to concentrate the mentally ill from medieval
times to the present, explaining their evolution by referring to the way society
Prof. Dr. C. Wagenaar
perceived the mentally ill, the emergence of the conviction that mentally
ill can be cured, the development of a range of therapies, and architectural
spring 2018
8.1 8.2
spring 2018
9.2 9.3
Cities and Civic Culture &
10 the future of cities
Thomassen à Thuessink
ELECTIVE Cities can either be places that mark inequality and promote social, religious
and ethnic isolation, or they can be the exact opposite: places that foster a
5 ECTS sense of community. In urban history and theory, a lot of attention has been
given to the city as a generator of social cohesion and social equilibrium.
Dr. A.M. Martin
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
have their origin in de Middle Ages. In the 1950s and 1960s, some countries –
notably the Netherlands – built extensive networks of care and cure institutions
for the elderly; heavily criticized in the 1970s, these systems were gradually
replaced with less institutional networks since the late 1980s.
10.3 10.4
spring 2018
11.2 11.3
12 internship
10 ECTS Students are offered the opportunity to text and expand their skills during
an internship at a selected company – this can be an architectural firm, a
Prof. Dr. C. Wagenaar management firm, a municipality. The internship culminates in a written report
Dr. C.P.J. van der Ploeg that can benefit from the choice of electives in the personal tracks.
Dr. A.M. Martin
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
Note: 5 of the 10 points can be covered by following one of the eight electives
personal assignment 13
5 ECTS This component has been added to the course as a ‘wild card’ that allows
students to complete their personalized track. It is a miniature thesis on a
Prof. Dr. C. Wagenaar topic the students can select according to their wishes.
Dr. C.P.J. van der Ploeg
Dr. A.M. Martin
14 thesis
15 ECTS The Thesis is an integral part of the course and its most ambitious component in
terms of workload and ETCS. Students can work on a topic of their choice, and
Prof. Dr. C. Wagenaar subdivide the actual work in subcomponents that can coincide with elective
Dr. C.P.J. van der Ploeg courses (which are integrated in the supervision scheme of the Thesis). In
Dr. A.M. Martin
principle, the Thesis is an exercise in independent scientific writing, the use
of sources, clear reasoning, accountability, explanation of the position of the
Thesis in existing bodies of knowledge, the social, scientific and professional
spring 2018
relevance. Theses may be written in Dutch, English, French, and German, and
in some cases also in Italian and Spanish.
Note. 10 of the 15 points can be covered by following three of the eight electives
summer school
spring 2018
Auxiliary courses
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
Students who wish to refresh their knowledge of the history and theory of
architecture and urbanism may do so by attending bachelor courses. In
specific cases, special assignments can be formulated, resulting in an upgrade
of these courses that may earn students credits in their master track.
2A style & modernity 5
2A Excursion to Berlin 5
2B architecture, nature & enlightment 5
2B thesis 10
2B blurring boundaries: architecture & urbanism 1904-now 5
2B medieval landscapes 5
1A beyond antiquity: architecture 400-1400 5
1A architecture, city and freedom (aufbruch!) 5
1B towards modernity: architecture & Landscape 1400-1800 5
architecture as a public responsibility
spring 2018
1B 5
2B excursion to Budapest (TU DELFT) 5
healthcare architecture
spring 2018
affiliations & partners
affiliations and partners consultancy
The Centre is integrated in national and international The Centre develops practice oriented surveys
networks. Our partners help us povide a diverse intended to inspire concrete architectural and
educational environment by supporting different urban interventions. These range from post-
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
expertises, and provide students with internship occupancy evaluations in healthcare buildings to
opportunities and valuable lectures outside the assessment of cultural heritage values, and
University of Groningen from walkability and cyclability studies to classical
architectural and urban histories. Assignments
are carried out by experts of the Centre and its
(international) networks.
ENAH is a Berlin based team of specialists The platform Health@BK of Delft University
committed to enhance the sustainability of of Technology offers a multidisciplinary
healthcare systems by integrating knowledge studio on healthcare architecture. This
from urban planning, architecture, medical studio investigates the emergence of a
technologies, public health and health new type of community health center. It
economics. We evaluate and develop
is meant as a pilot for multidisciplinairy/
solutions for healthcare policy makers,
transdisciplinairy research and design.
promoters, managers, providers, consumers
New innovative elements will be tested:
and city dwellers that aim for better health
and economic outcomes. For ENAH no lectures given by students on their own
project is too large or to small, we have proven subjects of interest with peer reviewing by
experience in transdisciplinary research students themselves, interactive lectures
and practice with projects addressing from with use of apps, online interviewing and
sustainability issues at the urban city-scale MOOC’s. The studio entails tutorials and
to the healing capacities of inner spaces. Our research seminars (topics: health and
strategy is to inform the process of developing wellbeing, issues relating to environmental
salutogenic built environments with evidence psychology, sociology, and architecture/
of our best practice in health promotion, urbanism), and modelling (selecting
disease prevention, disease management and refining design by interviews and
spring 2018
Platform GRAS involves the inhabitants of Since 1969 the Stichting Oude Groninger
Groningen in the continuous processes of Kerken (Foundation for the Preservation
the architectural and urban reconstruction of Old Churches in Groningen) is active in
of their city. It wants to enhance the design the preservation of many predominantly
qualities of buildings and public spaces, medieval churches in the Groningen area.
promote awareness of the impact of the In recent years, due to an ongoing process
city on the quality of life, and keep alive the of secularisation, also churches from the
tradition of internationally ground breaking nineteenth and twentieth centuries have
projects – ranging from iconic buildings to been added to the vast portfolio. As a result,
the introduction of healthy city strategies. the Foundation, apart from being an expert
GRAS organizes seminars and conferences, organisation in the more traditional field of
public debates and exhibitions, and preserving and restoring, has also become
mediates between (cultural) entrepreneurs very active on the forefront of adapting
and the makers of the city – designers and these church buildings to new functions,
politicians, cultural heritage agencies and equally considering their status as
public housing corporations, developers and architectural heritage as well as the social
numerous other stakeholders. effects of the proposed interventions. It is
in particular on this intersection of heritage
spring 2018
www.platformgras.nl www.groningerkerken.nl
Public Health in Post-War
Hospital Architecture Housing Estates in Europe
Cor Wagenaar, Noor Mens, Guru Manja, Colette Expertise Centre Architecture, Urbanism and Health,
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
PhD projects
Public native dwelling estates in Sub Sahara Africa, a
forgotten aspect of 20th century urban architecture
Pauline Bezemer
Since the community health centres first appeared, the public health landscape has changed dramatically.
In most Western-European countries and in the United States, medical functions are being re-distributed:
the days of the traditional general hospital appear to be numbered, what replaces them is a network
of community health care centres that only provide low-risk medical care in a setting that resembles
satellite outpatient clinics (though they sometimes have a few hospital beds). High-risk interventions
and interventions that require multidisciplinary teamwork and sophisticated medical equipment are
transferred to either large scale (teaching) hospitals, or so-called ‘focused factories’ that specialize in
only one type of therapy. Community health centres face new challenges: they have to combine relatively
simple medical interventions for people who suffer diseases with several other functions: they have to
provide assistance for people who will be in need of medical support in the near future (for instance
pregnant women), they have to develop into information centres on health issues, and they should
become the nodes in networks that support health promotion and disease prevention. This PhD-project
explores the new roles of community health centres and the way architectural design can contribute to
spring 2018
Other PhD subjects: Improving the performance of hospitals – an architectural analysis of patient
journeys in China - Peng Deijan (PdD Defense at Delft University of Technology); Architectural
Policies in the Netherlands - Kirsten Schipper; How to make Chinese Cities Healthy - Yufang Zhang
spring 2018
the city of groningen
spring 2018
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
Starck, Michele de Lucchi, and Coop Himmelb(l)au
were part of the team that designed the building
that opened in 1994. Organized in 1996, A Star is
Born marked the revitalization of public space in
the inner city. Fumihiko Maki, Rem Koolhaas with
Erwin Olaf, Manuel de Solà-Morales and Alsop &
Störmer Architects were among the participants.
Adolfo Natalini’s reconstruction project for the
city’s main square, completed in the same year,
introduced the concept of ‘Stadtreparatur’, urban
repair, in a square where post-war rebuilding had
caused more damage than the bombs that caused
havoc in 1945. Now, the same square is again
spring 2018
courses table
Core courses
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health spring 2018
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health spring 2018
Expertise Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Health
admissions office
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +31-(0)50 363 8976
spring 2018