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API Documentation

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API Documentation

Rev 1/5/17


Integration Considerations 1
Data Mapping 1
Middleware 2
Synchronization 2
Step 1: Determine the Business Requirements of your Integration 3
Step 2: Decide What Data to Synchronize 3
Step 3: Create the Synchronization Script 3

Getting Started with the API 5

360Alumni provides the following REST endpoints and methods: 5
The API URLs 5
Get Your API Key 5
Requesting Data 5

Filtering Responses 12
Filtering Campaign Results 12
Filtering Donation Results 15
Filtering User Results 18

Creating and Updating Users 21

Create a New User with POST /api/users/ 21
Get an Array of User Records with GET /api/users/ 22
Get a Specific User's Record with GET /api/users/{id} 23
Update a User Record with PUT /api/users/{id} 27

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Integration Considerations

Data Mapping

You'll need to create a plan for how to keep your data models synchronized. Data must
be pulled from 360Alumni's API rather than pushed via an event-driven integration
model. So your integration needs to periodically scan the data and provide a change log
to act upon.
Once you have decided upon your synchronization model, you need to identify which
fields you are going to keep synchronized between the two systems. Use the User
Object reference page to help with your mapping. You can also download a copy of the
following spreadsheet to use for your mapping:

1. Open the 360Alumni ​User Data Mapping Template​.

​ ile > Download as >​, from the open template.
2. Select F
3. Select your preferred format to save the spreadsheet:
○ Excel
○ OpenDocument
○ Comma separated values (CSV)
○ Tab separated values (TSV)
4. The template is sorted by ​JSON​ field column. You might find it useful to do your
mapping by resorting your spreadsheet by the ​Preferred Order​ column.


Another consideration is the middleware that provides the "bridge" between 360Alumni
and your database. Middleware provides enforcement of business logic such as
conversion of the data format or structures. Another example of middleware tasks is
adding a layer of protection so bad data or glitches can not create chaos in the
destination system. An example of middleware is Zapier, which is a middleware
"clearinghouse" - offering prepackaged middleware "scripts" for thousands of software
applications. 360Alumni has a privately available "Zap" which can be used by our clients
who run Salesforce.

API Documentation, Page 2 of 28


One method of integrating your application with 360Alumni is via a polling and
synchronization method. This involves checking the database periodically for changes
and then updating records accordingly. A polling and sync integration works by running
a script that checks for updates and then will update a target based on changes. You
can make these integrations two-way by simply applying the business logic you create
to both checks.

The following integration example uses a CRM to show how a sync integration can
work. Awesome University has a CRM that they use to keep track of their alumni and
ensure they can keep track of their donations. They have recently become a partner
with 360Alumni and would like to ensure that their alumni database in their CRM and
360Alumni remains in sync. In order to accomplish this they will be setting up a sync
with 360Alumni using the "Users" endpoint of the API.

● Step 1: Determine the Business Requirements of your Integration

● Step 2: Decide What Data to Synchronize
● Step 3: Create the Synchronization Script

Step 1: Determine the Business Requirements of your Integration

For Awesome University's integration they have determined they want to perform a two
way sync with 360Alumni and the contacts in their CRM system. They determined this
by finding out the business requirements by talking with stakeholders in their
organization. This involved a short series of meetings where they discussed what data
they wanted to keep in sync with 360Alumni. They decided upon a two way sync
because it would allow them to maintain their alumni directory both organically and still
be able to manage it through their CRM.

Step 2: Decide What Data to Synchronize

API Documentation, Page 3 of 28

Awesome University had to decide what parts of their contact data they wanted to keep
in sync, so they referred to 360Alumni's field list and settled upon the first name, last
name, email, and phone number fields only. They did this because they had only
maintained these pieces of contact information in their CRM so they wanted to get them
updated as users provided updates. They could have included additional fields but
chose a lean approach for phase 1 of their integration.

Step 3: Create the Synchronization Script

Awesome University maintains a couple of in house servers so they decided their script
will be written in node.js and run once a day at 1 AM on one of their linux environments.
Their script will simply look at records that were changed in each system and then
update or create records on each of the respective environments. This also allows
Awesome University to put in any transformations they need.

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Getting Started with the API

360Alumni provides the following REST endpoints and methods:

● /api/campaigns/
● GET method
● /api/campaigns/{id}
● GET method
● /api/donations/
● GET method
● /api/users/
● GET and POST methods
● /api/users/{id}
● GET and PUT methods


Use one of the following URLs to open the API reference.

Test system https://demo.s.360alumni.com/api/documentation

Your system https://<<your-system>>.360alumni.com/api/documentation

Get Your API Key

Before you can use the API you'll need to get your API key, which you use to
authenticate with the API. Your account manager at 360Alumni will coordinate with
our Client Integrations Team to create an API key for your organization. Once you
have the key, connecting to the 360Alumni API is easy. For each API request,
simply include your API key as the value in an HTTP header named ​x-api-key.​ See
the examples for details.

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Requesting Data

The following steps walk you through the basics to get started using the API.

1. Click an API method to display it's reference documentation. For example, click
GET /api/campaigns/​.

An API Reference Page

Note, for a ​GET /api/campaigns/​ request the ​page​ parameter indicates which set of
results to return. The default ​page​ value is 1 representing the first 100 results.

A page represents up to 100 results returned in a JSON array.

2. Click ​Sandbox​ to display a form for entering values and trying the request.

3. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.

1. Use the header name ​x-api-key​.
2. Use the value obtained from your 360Alumni representative.

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An API Sandbox Test Form

4. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

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5. The display shows results such as the following:


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Note the following about the results:

● Request URL: ​Shows what executed.

● Response Headers:​ Contains messages about the success or failure of the
● Response Body: ​Contains a JSON array of the results, in this case an array of
Campaign Objects​. Other API requests use the ​Donation Object​ or the ​User
● Curl Command Line: ​Contains a form of the request that you can copy and
paste to execute at the command line or in scripts.

curl -X "GET" -H "Accept:\ application/json" -H "Content-type:\ application/json" -H

"x-api-key:\ <<your-API-key>>" /api/campaigns

6. Each campaign object in the returned array is identified with an ​id ​value. Note the first
object in the array above contains the id value 17.

7. To get a single campaign object, click ​GET /api/campaigns/{id}​.

This API request requires an integer ​id​ parameter that represents the compaign

The Reference Page for GET /api/campaigns/{id}

8. Click ​Sandbox​ and enter the following to execute the API request:

A. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.

B. Enter an ​id​ parameter value representing the campaign you want to get.

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C. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

The Sandbox Form for a GET /api/campaigns/{id} Request

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9. The ​Response Body​ shows the results in a formatted JSON ​Campaign Object.

The Response Body, Formatted

Click ​Raw​ to show the JSON object without formatting, suitable for copying and using in

The Response Body, Unformatted

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Filtering Responses

Some GET methods provide optional filter parameters you can include to narrow API
results based on various criteria. The following sections show how to use some filter
parameters to get data on campaigns, donations, and users. This page contains the
following topics:

● Filtering Campaign Results

● Filtering Donation Results
● Filtering User Results

Use one of the following URLs to open the API reference.

Test https://demo.s.360alumni.com/api/documentation

Your https://<<your-system>>.360alumni.com/api/documentation

Filtering Campaign Results

The following steps walk you through using a filter parameter to get data on
1. Click the ​GET /api/campaigns/​ method.
Optional filter parameters include ​created_since​ and ​created_before.​ Use
these parameters to narrow the campaigns returned to within a specific time

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2. Click ​Sandbox​ to display the form for entering values and trying the request.
For this example we'll narrow the results to those campaigns created since
August 1, 2017.
A. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.
B. Enter the value ​2017-08-01​ for the ​created_since​ parameter.
C. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

3. The ​Response Body​ shows the JSON results.

Note the values for the ​createdAt​ field are more recent than the value input for

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Filtering Donation Results

The following steps walk you through using filter parameters to get data on donations.

1. Click the ​GET /api/donations/​ method. Note the following:

Optional parameters to filter the results include ​campaign_id, user_id, start_date, ​and

2. Click ​Sandbox​ to display the form for entering values and trying requests.

3. First we'll request all the donations.

A. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.
B. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

4. The ​Response Body​ contains a JSON array of Donation Objects that includes all
donations. The following image shows a few of these results. Note the following:

● Donation object fields correspond to the filter parameters ​campaign_id​ and

user_id​ for ​GET /api/donations/​ requests.

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● The ​created_at​ field determines the results of a ​GET /api/donations/​ request if
you use the ​start_date​or ​end_date​ filter parameters.

5. The next request filters donations by ​user_id.

A. Enter 1102 for the ​user_id​ value.

​ ry!​ to execute the API request.
B. Click T

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6. Note the results contain a few donation objects.

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Filtering User Results

The following steps walk you through using filter parameters to get data on users.
1. Click the ​GET /api/users/​ method.
2. Click ​Sandbox​ to display the form for entering values and trying requests.
3. Note there are a great number of optional parameters available to filter the results.

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4. First we'll request all users that are not yet approved.
A. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.
B. Enter the value ​0​ for the ​approved​ field. A ​1​ represents approved and a ​0
represents not approved.
C. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

5. The ​Response Body​ contains a JSON array of user objects where the ​approved
field value is 0.

6. The next request filters for all ​approved​ users that are not ​enabled.

A. Enter the value ​1​ for the ​approved​ field.

B. Enter the value ​0​ for the ​enabled​ field. A ​1​ represents enabled accounts and a ​0
represents accounts that are not enabled.
C. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

Note the results contain fewer user records.

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8. Click a down arrow in the ​Response Body​ to collapse the view of an object's fields.

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Creating and Updating Users

You can create new users in the system and give them the appropriate access. This is
because you have access to more than just the information provided by the 360Alumni
GUI and you can perform complex operations such as approving users when they are
1. Create a New User with POST /api/users/
2. Get an Array of User Records with GET /api/users/
3. Get a Specific User's Record with GET /api/users/{id}
4. Update a User Record with PUT /api/users/{id}

Use one of the following URLs to open the API reference.

Test system https://demo.s.360alumni.com/api/documentation

Your system https://your-system.360alumni.com/api/documentation

Create a New User with POST /api/users/

Follow these steps to create a user.

1. Click the ​POST /api/users/​ method.

Required parameters to create a new user include email, first_name and
last_name. These parameters as well as all the optional parameters are
described in the User Object reference.
2. Click ​Sandbox​ to display the form for entering values and trying the request.
a. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.
b. Enter a string email address for the email parameter.
c. Enter a name for the first_name parameter.
d. Enter a name for the last_name parameter.
e. Enter 0 | 1 for the enabled parameter.
f. Enter an array ["admin" | "user"] for the groups parameter.
g. Click Try! to execute the API request.

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The POST /api/users/ Request

3. The ​Response Body​ shows the JSON results.

Note that the ​user_id​ field uniquely identifies a user. Make a note of this value to use
for identifying the user in later examples.

Note: If the response header is ​"400 Bad Request" ​try sending the request as a JSON
through the Content Textarea

Get an Array of User Records with GET /api/users/

1. Click the ​GET /api/users/​ method.

Note that the ​page​ parameter is required and the default value is ​1​.
2. Click ​Sandbox​ to display the form for entering values and trying requests.
3. To request all user records:
a. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.
b. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.
4. The ​Response Body​ contains a JSON array of User Objects.

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5. Note that the ​user_id​ field uniquly identifes each user. Save one of the ​user_id
values to use in later examples.

Examples of user_id fields in the Response

"updatedAt": "2016-04-27 19:20:25",
"user_id": 1196,
"user_timezone": null,
"updatedAt": "2016-08-09 18:28:03",
"user_id": 234063,
"user_timezone": null,
"about": null,
"activated_at": null,
"admin_notes": null,
"approved": 1,

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Get a Specific User's Record with GET /api/users/{id}

1. Click the ​GET /api/users/{id}​ method.

The single required parameter is the ​user_id.
2. Click ​Sandbox​ to display the form for entering a user ID and trying the request.
a. Enter your API key in an HTTP request header.
b. Enter a value for the ​id​ parameter.
c. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

The GET /api/users/{id} Request

3. The single User Object is returned. Copy and save the JSON object from the
Response Body to use in the next example.

A User Object
"about": "New description of this user in the about field.",
"activated_at": "2016-06-22 01:07:19",
"admin_notes": null,
"approved": 1,
"bad_email": 0,
"client_id": 5,

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"createdAt": "2016-06-22 01:07:19",
"custom_fields": [],
"dob_day": null,
"dob_month": null,
"dob_year": null,
"email": null,
"emma_member_id": null,
"enabled": 0,
"facebook_link": null,
"first_login": null,
"first_name": "Christina",
"gender": null,
"groups": [
"hard_bounce": 0,
"home_address1": null,
"home_address2": null,
"home_city": null,
"home_country": null,
"home_geohash": null,
"home_geohash_l1": null,
"home_geohash_l2": null,
"home_geohash_l3": null,
"home_geohash_l4": null,
"home_geohash_l5": null,
"home_geohash_l6": null,
"home_lat": null,
"home_lng": null,
"home_phone": null,
"home_state": null,
"home_zipcode": null,
"image": null,
"inst_id": null,
"instagram_link": null,
"isConfirmed": 0,
"isPrimary": null,
"is_import_user": 0,
"last_activity_at": "2016-06-22 01:07:26",

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"last_login": "2016-06-22 01:07:19",
"last_name": "attendee",
"linkedin_link": null,
"maiden_name": null,
"middle_name": null,
"mobile_phone": null,
"name_suffix": null,
"name_title": null,
"nickname": null,
"preferred_email": null,
"preferred_phone": null,
"salt": "",
"secondary_email": [],
"soft_bounce": 0,
"tags": [],
"terms_and_conditions": 1,
"twitter_link": null,
"unsubscribe": 0,
"updatedAt": "2016-08-09 18:28:03",
"user_career_info": [],
"user_id": 234063,
"user_industry": [],
"user_language": [],
"user_skill": [],
"user_study_area": [],
"user_timezone": null,
"username": null,
"website": null,
"work_address1": null,
"work_address2": null,
"work_city": null,
"work_country": null,
"work_geohash": null,
"work_geohash_l1": null,
"work_geohash_l2": null,
"work_geohash_l3": null,
"work_geohash_l4": null,
"work_geohash_l5": null,
"work_geohash_l6": null,

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"work_lat": null,
"work_lng": null,
"work_phone": null,
"work_state": null,
"work_zipcode": null,
"year_graduated": null

Update a User Record with PUT /api/users/{id}

1. Copy the JSON user object from the response in the previous example into an
editor and change a few field values.
2. Click the ​PUT /api/users/{id}​ method. The required parameter is the ​user_id.
3. Click ​Sandbox​ to display the form for entering information and trying the request.
a. A JSON user object is required for the content. Copy your changed JSON
user object into the ​Content​field on the form.
b. Set the content type.
c. Enter the ​Content-Type​ as ​application/json​ and click ​Set header.
d. Enter your API key in another HTTP request header.
e. Click ​New header​ and enter ​x-api-key​ and your API key value.
f. Enter a value for the ​id​ parameter.
g. Click ​Try!​ to execute the API request.

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The PUT /api/users/{id} Request

If the request is successful the ​Response Body​ indicates the user record was updated.

Response body

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