Water-King - How It Works Jan '19

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Water-King: How it Works “

Extracts from a report by

Professor Peter Dobson and Alexandra Kay, University of Oxford, Dept of Engineering Science March 2006.
The Water-King device differs from most available non-chemical water conditioning devices because it applies an electric field to water
inside the pipes rather than a magnetic field. The electrodes are fixed to the outside of the water pipes and they comprise two or more coils
of insulated wire, they do not provide for any magnetic field production. A rectangular pulsed voltage is applied between the two coils and
this induces an electric field inside the water pipe. The electric field will penetrate any normal water pipe.

The normal scale that builds up in hard water areas is

calcite, often mixed with some magnesium carbonate. Independent tests carried out on a
Application of Water-King to a system produces an
Water-King installation by TFW Associates,

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increase in suspended nanoparticles, which tend to
Forensic Engineering Consultants to the Legal

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have a higher percentage of aragonite present, and
these particles tend to flocculate rather than build Profession show that at the end of the trial period,

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scale, and form a fine sludge that is flushed away.
There is also evidence that the application of Water- the residual calcium concentration was reduced by
King to an existing installation brings about a removal approximately 50% compared with the initial

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of scale. The presence of traces of iron in the water also
appears to enhance the effectiveness of Water-King,
pre-installation value. Additionally, there was a marked
probably by enhancing the electrical charge on the Increase in calcium
reduction in
suspended nanoparticles. 200 concentration after installation
indicates the removal of calcium deposition
Residual Calcium (ppm)
on appliances fed only
existing scale deposits.
Softer Water “

Unlike other types of water conditioner, Water-King is from the cold water supply.
proven to produce softer water with less dissolved
In the tests a WK1 model was fitted in a
calcium occurring in hot water. The results of 100
domestic premises, located in a hard water
independent tests carried out for the Advertising

area, to treat the hot water system. It was sited

Standards Authority and following advice from 50 on the cold supply pipe between the header
British Water are shown overleaf. The adjacent table
tank and the hot water storage cylinder. Water
shows week by week how much Water-King can soften was sampled weekly and double filtered
hard water. After the first few weeks, during which 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 through a 0.45 µm micro-fibre filter. The
the existing scale is removed, the hot water is half as residual calcium concentration was measured
hard as it was without the Water-King treatment. Weeks using a Z8100 Hitachi Absorption Photometer.

i f e s c i e n ce
L Products Ltd Tel: + 44 (0)1608 811 707 Fax: + 44 (0)1608 819 060 http://www.waterking.co.uk e-mail: [email protected]
Total Hardness Test. (Powell Technique)
The total hardness test is described in “Water Conditioning
SAMPLE 1: WINCANTON (Hard Water) SAMPLE 2: FARINGDON (Moderately Hard) SAMPLE 3: PENSELWOOD (Soft Water) for Industry” by S T Powell pages 476-479 (McGraw - Hill
1954 source Mr R Gregory, WRc). Three water samples (hard,
Total Hardness ppm CaCo3

Total Hardness ppm CaCo3


Total Hardness ppm

moderately hard and soft) were used and heated to three
temperatures (65°C, 55°C and 45°C).
The graphs illustrate the level of residual dissolved calcium
bicarbonate in the water expressed as calcium carbonate
equivalent. They demonstrate the effectiveness of the
Water-King in comparison to the untreated water. The
65°C 55°C 45°C 65°C 55°C 45°C 65°C 55°C 45°C
difference is more obvious in the hard water area, although
UNTREATED TREATED with Water-King results in the soft water area are also significant.

Brown Bowl Test.

The Brown Bowl test, as described by Dr Ian Pallett of the
SAMPLE 1: (Hard Water) SAMPLE 2: (Moderately Hard) SAMPLE 3: (Soft Water)  = short lived lather Quality Water Group, British Water, 1 Queen Anne’s Gate,
65°C   65°C   65°C   = lasting lather (>15 sec) London, was also undertaken using the same control
55°C   55°C   55°C   conditions described in the Total Hardness Test above. The
45°C   45°C   45°C   = lasting lather and ‘soft feel’ results showed that better and more persistent lathering is
observed when the water had been subjected to treatment
UNTREATED TREATED with Water-King by the Water-King device.

Milk Bottle Detergent Test.

SAMPLE 1: WINCANTON (Hard Water) SAMPLE 2: FARINGDON (Moderately Hard) SAMPLE 3: PENSELWOOD (Soft Water) The Milk Bottle Detergent test was described by
Mr Gordon Holden of John Crowther & Sons Ltd.,
Huddersfield and involves adding a detergent solution to
200ml of water in a milk bottle, shaking for 15 seconds
Persistence: Seconds

Persistence: Seconds
Persistence: Seconds

and making visual observations of the appearance and

persistence of the lather or scum formed.
The results from the Analysis at Cary Foods on the same
samples of water utilised in the tests above, showed that
better and more persistent lathering is observed when the
65°C 55°C 45°C 65°C 55°C 45°C 65°C 55°C 45°C water had been subjected to treatment by the
Water-King device.
UNTREATED UNTREATED UNTREATED No visual differences were observed with the soft water.
(Dense scummy foam) (Thin scummy foam) (Light deep lather)
This is expected as the lathering is very good even before
TREATED with Water-King TREATED with Water-King TREATED with Water-King
(Light deep lather) (Light deep lather) (Light deep lather) treatment was applied.

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