Gastech2015 Day 4
Gastech2015 Day 4
Gastech2015 Day 4
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Friday, 30 October 2015
Technology and Business Information for the Global Gas Processing Industry
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publisher of Hydrocarbon Processing and World Oil. Gas bring resources online faster
as four daily editions, 27–30 October
Sales Area Manager of Midstream Gas and Power, Eni
2015. If you wish to advertise in this
10:50–11:10 Networking and Coffee Break newspaper, or to submit a press release,
please contact the editor via email
11:10–12:25 PART 2: Risk, Corporate Social Responsibility and People at [email protected].
11:10–11:35 Social Licence—People Can Stop Projects
■ Mary Lou Lauria, Global Managing Consultant, Environmental
Management and Approvals, WorleyParsons Group Advertisers Vice President, Midstream
and Downstream
11:35–12:00 Non-Technical Risk Management in Shell’s Bret Ronk
Integrated Gas Business ADNOC����������������������������������������������������� 4
Gastech Contacts
■ Karen Westley, General Manager Non-Technical Risk, Construction Boxscore Database������ 13 Gavin Sutcliffe, Head of Conference
Shell Integrated Gas and Governing Body
dmg::events global energy�������������1, 20
12:00–12:25 The True Cost of a Low-Price LNG Project Charlie Cracknell, Event Director
Gas Processing�����������������������������������������2
■ Heinz Kotzot, LNG Technology Manager, KBR Editor
Gulf Publishing Company Events��������9 Mike Rhodes
12:30–13:00 The Gastech Governing Body Wrap-Up and Summary
HOEGH LNG����������������������������������������������5 Contributing Editors
US Gas Processing Plant Directory����� 11 Adrienne Blume
Conference Exhibition
Tuesday 27 October 2015 14:00–17:50 10:00–18:00 Photographer
Wednesday 28 October 2015 09:00–18:00 10:00–19:00 Kelly Abraham
Thursday 29 October 2015 09:00–18:00 10:00–18:00 Production Manager
Friday 30 October 2015 09:00–13:00 10:00–16:00 Angela Bathe Dietrich Artist/Illustrator
To see the schedule for Centres of Technical David Weeks
2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020
Excellence (CoTEs), please see page 5 Houston, TX 77252-77046 USA Advertising Production Manager
+1-713-529-4301 Cheryl Willis
gas facilities
During one of Friday morning’s CoTEs lance to protect numerous facilities and cameras to facilitate control room interven- Already proven in a major gas port facil-
Information and Communication Tech- major gas pipelines across a geographic tion and incident response, while overcom- ity, the proposed security design provides
nology in Gas seminars (10:30–10:55), area of some 1,300 km2. ing limited focal lengths of cameras, poor a robust, effective and efficient solution to
Peter Flynn, Global Business Develop- visibility in a dusty environment, and cam- ensure the facilities are safeguarded, and
ment Director, Telecoms and Electronics, Background. The field in question com- era tower stability issues. In this vast and that risks are as low as reasonably practi-
SNC-Lavalin/Kentz, will present a case prised 120 stations of various sizes, includ- remote location, any devices would have to cable as prescribed by the client. ■
study, “Enhanced security for oil and gas ing warehouses, gas-oil separation plants be solar-powered and sufficiently robust to
facilities in a volatile world.” and water injection plants. The client speci- survive the extreme desert environment. Attend this and other informative CoTEs
Oil and gas facilities are usually sit- fied that the security protection system was Illuminating 1,300 km2 of video sur- seminars, and visit the SNC-Lavalin team
at #C145 for further discussion.
uated in remote locations in areas that to provide access control for entrances/ veillance was impractical, so thermal
are often geo-politically sensitive, with exits and fence-line CCTV surveillance, as imaging cameras were considered, as well
infrastructure that has little, if any, pro- well as CCTV security surveillance of tens as use of dual technology of both optical
tection. Nonetheless, these facilities of kilometers of sensitive major pipelines. and thermal cameras. However, initial cal-
need to have personnel onsite and often While this paper focuses on those par- culations of camera quantities prescribed
represent several billions of dollars of ticular systems, the FEED also covered by the client meant multiple video feeds
investment, making them high in both elements such as control room modifica- monitored by multiple security operators,
monetary and strategic value, and at risk tions, including civil engineering for room leading to image overload and compro-
of sabotage or attack. extension/modification, acoustic paneling, mising security.
A client requested protection system ceilings, flooring and ergonomics. Con- These constraints lead to a solution
solutions from such threats for a vast gas sideration was also given to HVAC for based on “blind” surveillance by ground
field, and the objective was to design a additional cooling, electrical engineering radars integrated with medium- and long-
system that would: for power and lighting, specialist telecoms range optical/thermal pan, tilt and zoom
• DETECT a potential threat engineering for extension of LAN, access cameras, which automatically lock the
• ASSESS the threat control, CCTV storage and retrieval with nearest camera onto any DETECTed tar-
• ACT on the threat. video wall, and instrumentation engineer- get. The security operator is then able to
The paper, authored by Albert Aspden, ing for fire and gas modifications. ASSESS and ACT on the target. This solu-
Chief Engineer (Telecoms), SNC-Lavalin, tion provides added value by delivering a
PETER FLYNN, Global Business
discusses the technology options consid- Results, observations and con- single view security operator screen when
Development Director, Telecoms
ered and the prescribed solution: Using clusions. Technical challenges included the client’s prescription for multiple views and Electronics, SNC-Lavalin/Kentz
access control systems and CCTV surveil- determining the number and location of was deemed unworkable.
FIG. 2. Siemens supplied three gas-fired SGT5-4000F gas turbines to the power plant. FIG. 3. China’s pipeline infrastructure. Source: EIA.
LNG prices will test new lows toward the end of the market just as China gas demand falters. 50% from a year ago, while gas prices in the UK and the
decade as a wave of supply hits the market over the next “The LNG market is facing another oversupply, which Netherlands are near their lowest in a year. Producers’
five years as China demand slows, consultancy Wood is likely to be deeper and persist for some years,” said reactions to low prices and China’s policies on market
Mackenzie says. Noel Tomnay, Wood Mackenzie’s head of global gas and liberalisation and domestic pricing will be key to deter-
Producers will add as much as 130 MMtpy of new LNG research. Asia prices will be lower than in Europe mining how far the market will fall before stabilizing,
LNG in the next five years, nearly three times the vol- and at their weakest between 2017 and 2019, while the Tomnay said. Gas prices in Europe and Asia would have
ume added by Qatar between 2008 and 2010. The new European prices will not hit their bottom until 2020. to hold higher than $5/MMbtu to prevent US LNG from
supplies, mainly from Australia and the US, will hit the Spot LNG prices in Asia have already tumbled by being shut in. ■
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FIG. 1. Size and footprint comparison: a Heatric PCHE vs. an equivalent shell and tube. Gain the market knowledge to grow your
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the same time, so the Zohr discovery obtaining prices of $5.88/MMbtu. Addi-
Boxscore Database
Delfin LNG Founder and CEO FREDERICK JONES explains to attendees why he thinks In front of TOTAL’S stand, a television crew interviews attendees about Gastech’s events
the US is the perfect place to revolutionize LNG trade. and current natural gas issues.
Gastech Co-Chairman PAUL SULLIVAN trades project stories with industry friends
at the WORLEYPARSONS booth. Exhibitors and customers enjoy a light moment at EXXONMOBIL’S stand.