Affidavit of Adverse Claim
Affidavit of Adverse Claim
Affidavit of Adverse Claim
1. That we are the legal heirs of the late EDUARDO ARCAINA SR. being the
only biological son of the late ESTEFANIO ARCAINA;
3. T h a t a c e r t a i n N O E L D E L E O N w a s a l l o w e d v e r b a l l y t o u s e
the property by the late ESTEFANIO ARCAINA, and that the
former has knowledge that no document exists to prove his
4. H o w e v e r , i t h a s c o m e t o o u r k n o w l e d g e t h a t h e i s p r e s e n t l y
claiming and worse, attempting to register the above-
mentioned land in his name despite the fact that he has no
legal rights and interests thereon;
1. That on December 30, 2016, I have entered into a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage which
was acknowledged on the same date before Notary Public Tito Ragasa Tugade and
entered in his Notarial Register as Doc. No. 448, Page 90, Book XVIII, Series of 2016. A
copy of the said Deed is hereto attached as ANNEX “A” and made
an integral part of this Affidavit;
2. That in the said Deed of Real Estate Mortgage, I was the Mortgagee of a certain parcel
of land declared under the name of Antonio Fetalvero, more particularly described as
3. However, it has come to my knowledge that the Mortgagors, Mila Retuta and Marino
Fetalvero, being the legal heirs of the late Antonio Fetalvero are attempting to sell or
dispose of the same;
4. That I am filing an ADVERSE CLAIM on the above-described property based on the
above-stated facts and to request DEFERMENT on any transaction regarding any
transfer to be made to the said property with the Registry of Deeds of Ilocos Sur,
Bureau of Lands, Bureau of Internal Revenue and City Assessor’s Office of Vigan City;
5. That I am executing this Affidavit as Adverse Claimant to the above-described property
and for all legal intents and purposes it may serve.