Exercises-Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Sherlock Holmes Short Stories Photocopiable

While reading 7) they find her husband’s clothes in the
The Man with the Twisted Lip room.
1 Who is talking, who are they talking to, and The Engineer’s Thumb
who or what are they talking about? 3 Match the description or action with the
a ‘Your wife has been waiting two days for you. name (1–7).
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.’ a ….. is a short, fat man with a beard.
b ‘I was surprised to find you in that place.’ b ….. takes his visitor to see Sherlock Holmes.
c ‘He used to leave home every morning and c ….. tries to save the engineer’s life.
then catch the 5.14 train back from Cannon d ….. has read about a missing engineer.
Street station.’ e ….. is a Scotland Yard detective.
d ‘She heard a cry, and saw her husband looking f ….. is a very thin German.
down at her.’ g ….. went into business on his own.
e ‘His upper lip is twisted as the result of an old
accident.’ 1) Victor Hatherley 2) Dr Watson
f ‘This is written in pencil on a page torn from 3) Captain Stark 4) Mr Ferguson 5) Elise
some book.’ 6) Sherlock Holmes 7) Bradstreet
g ‘It is clear that you are breaking the law by 4 Answer the following questions.
keeping me here.’ a What has happened to the engineer’s thumb?
h ‘My ugly face made everybody pity me, and b Why does Dr Watson take him to see
my pockets quickly filled with money. Only Sherlock Holmes?
one man knew my secret.’ c Why was the engineer eager to accept Captain
2 Match the letters with the numbers below to Stark’s offer of a job?
make complete sentences. d What did he not like about it?
a Sherlock Holmes is in the opium den e What did Stark say the machine was used for?
because …..
b Mrs Saint Clair feels something is wrong The Patient
because ….. 5 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
c The police believe Mrs Saint Clair’s story Correct the wrong sentences.
when ….. a Dr Trevelyan could not start his medical
d Mrs Saint Clair feels hopeful that her husband practice at first because he was poor. c
is alive when ….. b Blessington helped the doctor in return
e Holmes brings a wet cloth with him because for half of the money he earned. c
….. c The patient who says he is a Russian
f Neville doesn’t tell the police who he is lord comes to see the doctor alone. c
because ….. d Blessington says he keeps all his money
g Neville says he returned to the street as a in a black box in his room. c
beggar because ….. 6 Match the characters with their actions (1–7).
1) she sees her husband waving at her from a Dr Trevelyan …..
the window of a building in a bad b Mr Blessington …..
neighbourhood. c The Russian lord …..
2) he wants to wash the prisoner’s face. d The young man …..
3) he lost money to a friend. e Sherlock Holmes …..
4) he believes that men have been murdered f A servant …..
there. g A police officer …..
5) he does not want his children to find out. 1) refuses to help Blessington.
6) she receives a letter from him with his 2) catches the servant who may have been
ring. involved with the crime.

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Sherlock Holmes Short Stories Photocopiable

3) goes to Holmes’s house to ask for help. c What is unusual about Howard Garrideb’s
4) says he suffers from catalepsy. advertisement?
5) finds Blessington’s body in the room. d Why does Holmes ask to look at Nathan’s
6) brings his father to the doctor. collection in his absence?
7) is very nervous after hearing about a 10 Match the letters with the numbers below to
robbery. make complete sentences.
a Holmes knows that the lawyer is lying
The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax
because …..
7 Put the events in order (1–7).
b Nathan rarely leaves his home because …..
a c Lady Frances meets Dr and Mrs
c The lawyer says he found the third Garrideb
when …..
b c The maid sees Lady Frances talking to a
d The lawyer says he wants Nathan to talk to
man with a beard.
Howard Garrideb because …..
c c Holmes and Watson find Lady Frances
e Holmes tells Watson this case might be
alive in the coffin.
dangerous because …..
d c A telegram proves that Dr Schlessinger is
f Killer Evans didn’t kill Nathan because …..
‘Peters the Priest’.
1) he saw an advertisement in the newspaper.
e c Green sees the assistant of Peters go into
2) he does not like to shoot unless the other
an undertaker’s.
person has a gun.
f c Holmes introduces Philip Green to
3) he says he knows Dr Starr.
4) he will believe what Nathan says.
g c Holmes and Watson see an old woman’s
5) they are dealing with a man who usually
body in a coffin.
carries a gun.
8 Where did each activity happen? Write the
6) he is busy with his studies.
place (1– 6).
a Lady Frances leaves there soon after meeting Wisteria House
a tall man with a beard. ….. 11 Answer these questions.
b Lady Frances meets a sick man and his wife. a Why does Mr Eccles go to see Sherlock
….. Holmes and not the police?
c Dr Watson gets in a fight with a tall b Why does Gregson of Scotland Yard follow
Englishman. ….. Eccles to Holmes’s house?
d Mr Green worked there for many years. ….. c How was Garcia’s behaviour at dinner strange?
e ‘Peters the Priest’, who robbed lonely ladies, d Why was Eccles surprised and angry when he
got his ear torn in a fight. ….. woke up the next morning?
f Lady Frances’s jewellery is taken to a e Why did Garcia invite Eccles to stay at his
pawnbroker. ….. house?
1) Montpellier, France 12 Check (3) which clues are important in
2) Lausanne, Switzerland solving the mystery of Garcia’s murder.
3) South Africa a Eccles went to bed at eleven o’clock. c
4) Baden-Baden, Germany b Garcia wakes Eccles up and tells him
5) London, England it is one o’clock. c
6) Adelaide, Australia c Baynes finds the note that arrived
during the meal. c
The Three Garridebs
d Baynes says that Garcia was killed
9 Answer these questions.
before it started to rain at one o’clock. c
a Why does Holmes think that the American
e A bird is torn to pieces in Garcia’s
lawyer has lived in England for a long time?
kitchen. c
b Why is it important to the lawyer that Nathan
f A former gardener tells Holmes about
never takes any exercise?
the strange people at High Gable. c
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Progress test LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Sherlock Holmes Short Stories Photocopiable

The Man with the Twisted Lip The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax
1 Complete the sentences with these words. 4 Choose the correct word in italics.
prison opium letter ring blood alive coat a Lady Frances always travels the world with her
beggar policemen money / jewellery.
Mrs Saint Clair is worried because she sees her b Lady Frances gave a cheque / piece of jewellery to her
husband in the window of a building where maid, Miss Marie Devine.
(a) ……………… addicts go. She returns to the c The bearded man fights with Watson because he
building with several (b) ……………… . They find cares about / is angry with Lady Frances.
drops of (c) ……………… on the window and d The man from Australia talks about romance /
floor of that room. They also find his clothes, but his religion to get the trust of lonely women.
(d) ……………… is missing. The man in the room is e Police learn that Peters the Priest is in London by
a well-known (e) ……………… named Hugh Boone. watching a pawnbroker’s shop / bank.
Boone was taken to (f ) ……………… . Meanwhile, f The evil man and woman hide Lady Frances in a
Mrs Saint Clair receives a (g) ……………… in hole in the garden / large coffin.
the mail from her husband. His (h) ……………… g The first time Holmes looks in the coffin, he sees a
is inside the envelope. Perhaps her husband is woman who is old / middle-aged.
(i) ………………, but where is he?
The Three Garridebs
The Engineer’s Thumb 5 Underline YES or NO.
2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct a Is John Garrideb happy to be working with Holmes
the wrong sentences. on this case? YES NO
a Captain Stark likes working with Mr Hatherley b Does Holmes really know Dr Lysander Starr?
because he comes from a good family. c YES NO
b Hatherley would rather not meet Captain Stark c Does Nathan Garrideb think his collection is
late at night but he wants the job. c valuable? YES NO
c Stark tells Hatherley that there is gold on his d Does Holmes say Nathan should go to Birmingham
neighbours’ land. c to visit the man? YES NO
d Hatherley watches carefully where Stark takes e Did the man who says he is John Garrideb used to
him in the carriage. c live in Nathan’s room? YES NO
e Stark gets angry because Hatherley wants to f Did Nathan feel upset about not getting the money
know the truth about the machine. c from the will? YES NO
f Stark probably killed an engineer earlier. c
Wisteria House
g The woman likely set the house on fire. c
6 Write the correct names (1–7).
The Patient a ….. is surprised to find himself alone in Garcia’s
3 Put the events in order (1–7). house.
a c Dr Trevelyan asks Holmes to talk with b ….. acts strangely after receiving a note at dinner.
Blessington. c ….. gets the names of all the large homes in the
b c Holmes tells the others about the Worthingdon area.
Bank robbers. d ….. is charged with the murder of Garcia five days
c c Holmes finds out Blessington is dead. after the crime.
d c Dr Trevelyan examines the older man. e ….. writes a note to Garcia.
e c Blessington does not tell Holmes who the two f ….. is an evil man who ruled a South American
men might be. country.
f c Two men visit the doctor. g ….. goes everywhere with Henderson.
g c Blessington is upset because he believes
1) Miss Burnet 2) Sherlock Holmes
someone was in his room.
3) Garcia 4) Scott Eccles 5) Lucas
6) Mr Henderson 7) Garcia’s cook

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