Guide To Air Navigation Charges 2020 Enaire

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to air
to air

Introduction 4

1. Regional air navigation directorates 5

2. Regulations governing charges

for the use of air navigation facilities 6
and services

2.1. En-route charge 6

2.2. Terminal navigation charge 7

3. Charges for the use of air navigation

facilities and services

3.1. En-route charge 9

3.2. Terminal navigation charge 12

This document is issued exclusively for information purposes, with the sole objective
of providing a quick reference to the charges applied on Air Navigation Services.
ENAIRE should not be held responsible for the following information, which can be
incomplete, not be updated or contain errors. The only legislation that should be
taken into account is the one published on the respective Official Gazettes.


The Public Business Entity ENAIRE was created throu-

gh Article 82 of Law 4/1990, 29th of June, on the State
General Budget, changing its name in July 2014 from the
previously named Aena, Aeropuertos Españoles y Nave-
gación Aérea.

ENAIRE as continuation of Aena, is governed by its

Statute, approved by Royal Decree 905/1991, of June
14th, which was subsequently amended by Royal Decree
1993/1996, of September 6th, Royal Decree 1711/1997, of
November 14th and Royal Decree 2825/1998 of December
23rd and Royal Decree 105/2011 of January 28th.

ENAIRE is a Public Business Entity attached to the Minis-

try of Public Works with its own legally independent sta-
tus and independent from that of the State, developing
its activity within the framework of the general transport
policy of the Government.

Royal Decree 13/2010, of December 3rd, on fiscal, labour

and liberalization measures to foment Investment and
the creation of employment, introduced a number of me-
asures in order to undertake a significant modernization
process, aimed at the separation of functions between
airport management and air navigation provision in Spain
with the objective of improving the efficiency and effecti-
veness of the airport system. Until then, these functions
had been performed by the same Public Business Entity,

On the 25th February, 2011 the creation of the State

mercantile society “Aena Aeropuertos, SA” was approved,
and it is currently named Aena SA since July 2014. This
Company has assumed the functions and obligations
related to the management and operation of the airport
premises, while ENAIRE assumes its state competencies
mainly in the field of air navigation within the framework
established by Law 9/2010 of April 14th.


ENAIRE manages five

Regional Air Navigation Directorates:



Canary Islands


In the exercise and development of the duties attribu-

ted to ENAIRE by its law of creation, it is governed by
the conditions of its Statutes, approved by Royal Decree
905/1991, of the 14th of June, subsequently amended
by Royal Decree 1993/1996 of the 6th of September,
Royal Decree 1711/1997 of the 14th of November, and
Royal Decree 2825/1998 of the 23rd of December and
Royal Decree 105/2011 of January 28th.

Income from the use of facilities and air navigation ser-

vices is obtained mainly through the route and terminal
navigation charges, which are regulated as follows:

2.1. Route Charge

Decree 1675/72, of the 26th of June, related

to charges for the use of the en-route air
navigation aids network. This Decree is updated
by Ministerial Orders (Ministry of Public Works)
published annually, by modifying Annex I. The
last two Orders published are:

Order FOM/174/2018, of the 31st of January

Order FOM/60/2019, of the 24th of January

Ratification Instrument for the Multilateral
Agreement about air navigation aid charges, agreed
in Brussels on 12 February 1981 and ratified by
Spain through an instrument of 14 April 1987.
Law 25/1998. of the 13th of July, on Modification
of the Statutory Regime for State and Local Taxes
and Reclassification of Financial Contributions of a
Public Nature.

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)

2019/317 of 11 February 2019, laying down a
performance and charging scheme in the single
European sky and repealing Implementing
Regulations (EU) No 390/2013 and (EU) No

2.2 Terminal navigation charge

Law 24/2001, of the 27th of December, on Fiscal,

Administrative and Social Measures for the Year
2002, article 22.

Order FOM 405/2003, of the 25th of February,

on modification of airport classification for the
purposes of terminal navigation charges.

Law 4/2004, of the 29th of December, on the

Modification of Taxes and Fiscal Benefits of
Events of Exceptional Public Interest, article eight,
paragraph one.

Law 26/2009, of the 23rd of December, on the

State General Budget for year 2010, article 83, on
partial adaptation of national regulations to EU

Law 1/2011, of the 4th of March, establishing
the State Program for Civil Aviation Safety that
modifies Law 21/2003, of the 7th of July, on Air
Navigation Safety.

Regarding the mandatory change of the charging

formula for terminal air navigation services from
the year 2015 on, established in the related
European Union regulations, it was done through
Law 36/2014, of December 26, of the State
General Budget for the year 2015, Article 67.

The annual State General Budget Laws, the most

recent being:

Law 3/2017, of the 27th of June, on the State

General Budget for the year 2017, article 64.

Law 6/2018, of the 3rd of July, on the State

General Budget for the year 2018, article 88.

Extension to year 2019 of the State General

Budget for the year 2018.

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)

2019/317 of 11 February 2019, laying down a
performance and charging scheme in the single
European sky and repealing Implementing
Regulations (EU) No 390/2013 and (EU) No


3.1 Route Charge

Spain is a member of the EUROCONTROL route charge

system, and so billing and collection of the same are
entrusted to this Organization.


This is the payment for the costs incurred by the

en-route air navigation facilities and services.

Charge calculation
(from 1 January 2020)

The formula for the charge levied is:

ri = t x N


ri is the total charge

t, the Spanish unit rate of the charge (in euros),

N the number of service units ( N = di x p, where di is the

distance factor (great circle distance in kilometers / 100
)), and p is the weight factor (( Maximun take-off weight,
MTOW, in metric tons / 50 ) 0,5 )


Unit Rate (€)

(taxes excluded)
Continental 51,08
Canary Islands 43,73


The following types of flight are exempted from route


Flights by aircraft whose certificated maximum

take-off weight does not exceed two metric tons,
as stated on the Aircraft Flight Manual.

Flights performed exclusively under visual flight

rules (VFR) within the Flight Information Regions
of the airspace dependent on the Spanish State.

Flights terminating at the aerodrome from which

the aircraft has taken off and during which no
intermediate landing has been made (circular

Authorized search and rescue flights by a

competent SAR body.

Flights performed exclusively for the purpose

of checking or testing equipment used or
intended to be used as air navigation ground
aids, excluding positioning flights by the aircraft

Training flights performed exclusively for the
purpose of obtaining a license, or a rating in
the case of cockpit flight crew, where this is
substantiated by an appropriate remark on the
flight plan.

Flights performed exclusively for the transport,

on official mission, of the reigning Monarch and
his/her immediate family, Heads of State and of
Government, and Government Ministers. These
exemptions must, in all cases, be justified by the
special status indicator or the corresponding
remark in the flight plan.

Military flights from those countries having

reciprocity agreements.

3.2 Terminal navigation charge


The terminal navigation charge remunerates the air

navigation services provider to ensure the safety and
orderly flow of movements at this phase of flight.

The terminal navigation charge is applicable to all

airports and air bases open to civil traffic where
ENAIRE provides terminal air navigation services.
The approach and take-off operations are considered
as a single service with regard to this charge.

The European Union regulations related to the Single

European Sky initiative require the formula to be the
same for all EU member states as of 2015.

Charge calculation

The formula for the charge levied is:

R = t x (P/50) n


R = Total charge to pay per operation

t = Unit rate

P = Autorized maximum take-off weight of the aircraft


(P/50)n = Service units

n = Weighting coefficient: 0,7

Terminal navigation charge unit rate (t):
(taxes excluded)

Airport Unit Rates (€)

Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas, Alican- 18,72

te-Elche, Barcelona/El Prat, Bilbao, Fuer-
teventura, Gran Canaria, Ibiza, Lanzarote,
Málaga/Costa del Sol, Menorca, Palma de
Mallorca, Sevilla, Tenerife Norte, Tenerife
Sur/Reina Sofía and Valencia.

A Coruña, Almería, Asturias, Girona, 16,84

Granada/Federico García Lorca. Grana-
da-Jaén, Jerez, La Palma, Reus, Santiago
and Vigo.

Badajoz, Madrid/Cuatro Vientos, Melilla, 14,04

Aeropuerto Internacional de la Región de
Murcia, Pamplona, Sabadell, Salamanca,
San Sebastián, Santander, Valladolid,
Vitoria, Zaragoza and the rest of Airports
in which ENAIRE provides Terminal Air
Navigation Services.

The unit rates above, applied in the year 2019, will con-
tinue in force in 2020 until the publication by Law of the
new amounts to be approved for year 2020.

The billing and collection of terminal navigation charges

are entrusted to Eurocontrol for flights made as of the
1st of January, 2014.

Exemptions from terminal navigation charges

Terminal navigation charges will not be applied for the

following types of flight:

Flights by aircraft whose authorized maximum

take-off weight does not exceed 2 metric tons, as
stated on the Flight Manual.

Flights performed exclusively for the transport,

on official mission, of Sovereigns, Heads of
State and Government, as well as Government

Search and rescue flights authorized by a

competent SAR body.

Flights of Spanish military, customs and police

Military flights from those countries having

reciprocity agreements.

P. E. Las Mercedes - Edificio 2
Avda. de Aragón, 330
28022 Madrid. España.

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