6.2.2 Human Resources

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Issue No. (4) Rev.

Human Resources
Procedure Date: 15/04/2013
PSC-OP-6.2 Page 2 of 3

1. Purpose and Scope

The Purpose of this procedure is to establish a system for the human resource management within the
organization, providing the framework of the recruitment, training, and the appraisal process.

2. Procedure
2.1. HR Department is responsible for the annual update of the company organization chart, and the
projects department is responsible for issuing the site organization chart.
2.2. HR Department is the owner of the recruitment process from the control and management
perspective; however the top management has the authority of establishing, determining, and
authenticating the recruitment policies.
2.3. HR Department is responsible for preparing and updating the job descriptions for all company jobs
of all positions (Even part time Jobs) according to the responsibilities, required qualifications and
skills, job authorities, and competencies using Job Description Form no. (F-01/PSC-OP-6.2.2) and
to be available for departments/ sites managers upon request.

2.4. Recruitment and Selection:

2.4.1. Upon needs, each department (Manager, Head)/site Manager is responsible for identification
of his needs from hiring new employees using Job Needs form no. (F-02/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
stating the needed vacancies, personnel competencies, and any special skills required rather
than the stated in the job description and submit it to the HR department for execution.
2.4.2. HR Department starts collecting candidates CVs through, advertisements, recruitment
agencies, and personal submitted resumes giving the priority for the internal suitable company
employees for the required jobs, where the selection processes is carried out through
coordinating between the HR department and the concerned managers/heads.
2.4.3. HR Department starts contacting the selected candidates; the first interview should be with the
HR department and the second interview with the concerned managers and heads.
2.4.4. Selection of employees for different tasks is performed on the basis of their qualifications as
appropriate to their work qualifications.
2.4.5. Each Candidate shall fill an Application form no. (F-03/PSC-OP-6.2.2) meanwhile the
interviewing process, where the accepted candidates who pass through a physical examination
shall be hired.
2.4.6. HR Department shall request an evaluation for the new employees' performance during the
prohibition period from the manager/head of the new employee within 3 months from the
recruitment date, either for subjecting the new employee to compensation or to suggest a
particular training to increase his performance in the tasks assigned to him.
2.4.7. New employees shall be sent to the HSE department to perform the first time safety induction
about all the company/site activities and scope of works recorded on Safety Induction
attendance sheet form no. (F03/OP19) and records shall be kept at the HSE department and send
a copy to HR department.
2.4.8. Employees Qualifications records, certificates, evidence of their competences as well as their
recruitment official documents shall be kept as a records for each employee at the HR

2.5. Training
2.5.1. HR Department is responsible for the preparation of the Annual Training Plan form no.
(F-05/PSC-OP-6.2.2) based upon the Training Needs sent by each department (Manager,
Head)/site manager by the beginning of each year using form no. (F-06/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
determining their departments needs of trainings to enhance the departments performance.
Issue No. (4) Rev. (0)
Human Resources
Procedure Date: 15/04/2013
PSC-OP-6.2 Page 3 of 3

2.5.2. After preparing the Training plan encompassing all the company departments the plan shall be
approved by the Managing Director to provide the needed resources to execute the plan.
2.5.3. HR Specialist arranges to provide with the approved training needs (including the proposed
training from the Managing Director) through internal and external training and co-ordinates
the required courses with the external training centers, agencies and managers/heads.
2.5.4. The internally performed awareness programs, the awareness program scope and names of the
attendees shall be recorded using Awareness Program form no. (F-07/PSC-OP-6.2.2) issued by
the instructor and reviewed by the HR specialist for information.
2.5.5. After the trainings being performed, HR specialist shall record all the trainings and awareness
programs using Training Card form no. (F-08/PSC-OP-6.2.2) for every employee in the
company as well as for their previously taken courses.
2.5.6. HR department shall perform the evaluation of each training program using Training
Evaluation form no. (F-09/PSC-OP-6.2.2) filled by each trainee, and each trainee shall be
evaluated by his direct reporter using Trainee Evaluation form no. (F-10/PSC-OP-6.2.2) after 3
months from the end of the training program to assure the effectiveness of the training.
2.5.7. HR Department shall report semi-annually to the top management the status of the trainings
and trainees evaluations using Aggregated Trainings/Trainees Evaluation Report form no.
(F-11/PSC-OP-6.2.2) indicating the viability of the training process within the organization.

2.6. Performance Appraisal

2.6.1. The performance appraisal form no. (F-12/PSC-OP-6.2.2) is been distributed by the HR
Department by the end of every three months to the managers and heads of the departments and
sites to evaluate all their employees performance according to their attitude.
2.6.2. The performance appraisal reports are used for compensating the employees according to
management instructions where the results are taken into consideration in case of a words and
bonus motivation as well as providing the trainings for the employees.

3. Forms
3.1. Job Description Form (F-01/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.2. Job Needs (F-02/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.3. Application Form (F-03/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.4. Annual Training Plan (F-05/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.5. Training Needs (F-06/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.6. Awareness Program (F-07/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.7. Training Card (F-08/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.8. Training Evaluation (F-09/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.9. Trainee Evaluation (F-10/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.10. Aggregated Trainings/Trainees Evaluation Report (F-11/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.11. Performance Appraisal (F-12/PSC-OP-6.2.2)
3.12. Induction attendant sheet (F03/OP19)

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