Unit-Vi: Principle Sources of Optimization
Unit-Vi: Principle Sources of Optimization
Unit-Vi: Principle Sources of Optimization
Example: the above Fig shows the result of eliminating both global and local common sub
expressions from blocks B5 and B6 in the flow graph of Fig. We first discuss the
transformation of B5 and then mention some subtleties involving arrays.
After local common sub expressions are eliminated B5 still evaluates 4*i and 4*j, as
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Shown in the earlier fig. Both are common sub expressions; in particular, the three statements
t8:= 4*j; t9:= a[t[8]; a[t8]:=x in B5 can be replaced by t9:= a[t4]; a[t4:= x using t4 computed
in block B3. In Fig. observe that as control passes from the evaluation of 4*j in B3 to B5,
there is no change in j, so t4 can be used if 4*j is needed.
Another common sub expression comes to light in B5 after t4 replaces t8. The new
expression a[t4] corresponds to the value of a[j] at the source level. Not only does j retain its
value as control leaves b3 and then enters B5, but a[j], a value computed into a temporary t5,
does too because there are no assignments to elements of the array a in the interim. The
statement t9:= a[t4]; a[t6]:= t9 in B5 can therefore be replaced by
a[t6]:= t5 The expression in blocks B1 and B6 is not considered a common sub expression
although t1 can be used in both places. After control leaves B1 and before it reaches B6,it
can go through B5,where there are assignments to a. Hence, a[t1] may not have the same
value on reaching B6 as it did in leaving B1, and it is not safe to treat a[t1] as a common sub
Copy Propagation
Block B5 in Fig. can be further improved by eliminating x using two new transformations.
One concerns assignments of the form f:=g called copy statements, or copies for short. Had
we gone into more detail in Example 10.2, copies would have arisen much sooner, because
the algorithm for eliminating common sub expressions introduces them, as do several other
algorithms. For example, when the common sub expression in c:=d+e is eliminated in Fig.,
the algorithm uses a new variable t to hold the value of d+e. Since control may reach c:=d+e
either after the assignment to a or after the assignment to b, it would be incorrect to replace
c:=d+e by either c:=a or by c:=b. The idea behind the copy-propagation transformation is to
use g for f, wherever possible after the copy statement f:=g. For example, the assignment
x:=t3 in block B5 of Fig. is a copy. Copy propagation applied to B5 yields:
goto B2 Copies introduced during common subexpression elimination. This may not appear
to be an improvement, but as we shall see, it gives us the opportunity to eliminate the
assignment to x.
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A variable is live at a point in a program if its value can be used subsequently; otherwise, it is
dead at that point. A related idea is dead or useless code, statements that compute values that
never get used. While the programmer is unlikely to introduce any dead code intentionally, it
may appear as the result of previous transformations. For example, we discussed the use of
debug that is set to true or false at various points in the program, and used in statements like
If (debug) print. By a data-flow analysis, it may be possible to deduce that each time the
program reaches this statement, the value of debug is false. Usually, it is because there is one
particular statement Debug :=false
That we can deduce to be the last assignment to debug prior to the test no matter what
sequence of branches the program actually takes. If copy propagation replaces debug by
false, then theprint statement is dead because it cannot be reached. We can eliminate both the
test and printing from the o9bject code. More generally, deducing at compile time that the
value of an expression is a constant and using the constant instead is known as constant
folding. One advantage of copy propagation is that it often turns the copy statement into dead
code. For example, copy propagation followed by dead-code elimination removes the
assignment to x and transforms 1.1 into
a [t2 ] := t5
a [t4] := t3
goto B2
A statement-by-statement code-generations strategy often produce target code that contains
redundant instructions and suboptimal constructs .The quality of such target code can be
improved by applying “optimizing” transformations to the target program.
A simple but effective technique for improving the target code is peephole optimization, a
method for trying to improving the performance of the target program by examining a short
sequence of target instructions (called the peephole) and replacing these instructions by a
shorter or faster sequence, whenever possible.
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The peephole is a small, moving window on the target program. The code in
the peephole need not contiguous, although some implementations do require this. We shall
give the following examples of program transformations that are characteristic of peephole
• Redundant-instructions elimination
• Flow-of-control optimizations
• Algebraic simplifications
• Use of machine idioms
If we see the instructions sequence
(1) (1) MOV R0,a
(2) (2) MOV a,R0
-we can delete instructions (2) because whenever (2) is executed. (1) will ensure that the
value of a is already in register R0.If (2) had a label we could not be sure that (1) was always
executed immediately before (2) and so we could not remove (2).
Another opportunity for peephole optimizations is the removal of unreachable
instructions. An unlabeled instruction immediately following an unconditional jump may be
removed. This operation can be repeated to eliminate a sequence of instructions. For
example, for debugging purposes, a large program may have within it certain segments that
are executed only if a variable debug is 1.In C, the source code might look like:
#define debug 0
If ( debug ) {
Print debugging information
In the intermediate representations the if-statement may be translated as:
If debug =1 goto L2
Goto L2
L1: print debugging information
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If debug ≠0 goto L2
Print debugging information
L2: ............................................ (c)
As the argument of the first statement of (c) evaluates to a constant true, it can be replaced by
goto L2. Then all the statement that print debugging aids are manifestly unreachable and can
be eliminated one at a time.
The unnecessary jumps can be eliminated in either the intermediate code or the
target code by the following types of peephole optimizations. We can replace the jump
goto L2
L1 : gotoL2
by the sequence
goto L2
L1 : goto L2
If there are now no jumps to L1, then it may be possible to eliminate the statement L1:goto
L2 provided it is preceded by an unconditional jump .Similarly, the sequence
if a < b goto L1
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L1 : goto L2
can be replaced by
if a < b goto L2
L1 : goto L2
Finally, suppose there is only one jump to L1 and L1 is preceded by an unconditional goto.
Then the sequence
goto L1
L1:if a<b goto L2
L3: ...................................................... (1)
may be replaced by
if a<b goto L2
goto L3
L3: ..................................................... (2)
While the number of instructions in (1) and (2) is the same, we sometimes skip the
unconditional jump in (2), but never in (1).Thus (2) is superior to (1) in execution time
Instructions involving register operands are usually shorter and faster than those involving
operands in memory. Therefore, efficient utilization of register is particularly important in
generating good code. The use of registers is often subdivided into two sub problems:
1. During register allocation, we select the set of variables that will reside in registers at a
point in the program.
2. During a subsequent register assignment phase, we pick the specific register that a variable
will reside in. Finding an optimal assignment of registers to variables is difficult, even with
single register values. Mathematically, the problem is NP-complete. The problem is further
complicated because the hardware and/or the operating system of the target machine may
require that certain register usage conventions be observed.
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Instructor: P Naga Deepthi
Certain machines require register pairs (an even and next odd numbered register) for some
operands and results. For example, in the IBM System/370 machines integer multiplication
and integer division involve register pairs. The multiplication instruction is of the form M x,
y where x, is the multiplicand, is the even register of an even/odd register pair.
The multiplicand value is taken from the odd register pair. The multiplier y is a single
register. The product occupies the entire even/odd register pair.
The division instruction is of the form D x, y where the 64-bit dividend occupies an even/odd
register pair whose even register is x; y represents the divisor. After division, the even
register holds the remainder and the odd register the quotient. Now consider the two three
address code sequences (a) and (b) in which the only difference is
the operator in the second statement. The shortest assembly sequence for (a) and (b) are
given in(c). Ri stands for register i. L, ST and A stand for load, store and add respectively.
The optimal choice for the register into which „a‟ is to be loaded depends on what will
ultimately happen to e.
t := a + b t := a + b
t := t * c t := t + c
t := t / d t := t / d
(a) (b)
Two three address code sequences
L R1, a L R0, a
A R1, b A R0, b
M R0, c A R0, c
D R0, d SRDA R0,
ST R1, t D R0, d
ST R1, t
(a) (b)
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problem by generating code for the three -address statements in the order in which they have
been produced by the intermediate code generator.
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Instructor: P Naga Deepthi
In general, every time one reference variable is assigned to another, it may be necessary to
update several reference counts. Suppose p and q are both reference variables. The
p = q;
would be implemented by the Java virtual machine as follows:
if (p != q)
if (p != null)
p = q;
if (p != null)
For example suppose p and q are initialized as follows:
Object p = new Integer (57);
Object q = new Integer (99);
As shown in Figure (a), two Integer objects are created, each with a reference count of
one. Now, suppose we assign q to p using the code sequence given above. Figure (b)
shows that after the assignment, both p and q refer to the same object--its reference count is
two. And the reference count on Integer(57) has gone to zero which indicates that it is
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must be adjusted as above. This increases significantly the time taken by assignment
The advantage of using reference counts is that garbage is easily identified. When it becomes
necessary to reclaim the storage from unused objects, the garbage collector needs only to
examine the reference count fields of all the objects that have been created by the program. If
the reference count is zero, the object is garbage.
It is not necessary to wait until there is insufficient memory before initiating the garbage
collection process. We can reclaim memory used by an object immediately when its
reference goes to zero. Consider what happens if we implement the Java assignment p = q in
the Java virtual machine as follows:
if (p != q)
if (p != null)
if (--p.refCount == 0)
heap.release (p);
p = q;
if (p != null)
Notice that the release method is invoked immediately when the reference count of an object
goes to zero, i.e., when it becomes garbage. In this way, garbage may be collected
incrementally as it is created.
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1. Compilers, Principles Techniques and Tools- Alfred V Aho, Monical S Lam, Ravi Sethi,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,2nd ed, Pearson,2007.
2. Principles of compiler design, V. Raghavan, 2nd ed, TMH, 2011.
3. Principles of compiler design, 2nd ed, Nandini Prasad, Elsevier
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