Individual Daily Log and Accomplishment Report Arnulfo P. Salem-T 3

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(Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 011, s.



Name of Personnel : ARNULFO P. SALEM-T 3
Bureau/Service : Department of Education
Division : Southern Leyte
District/School : Libagon District/Nahulid Elementary School
Date/s Covered : July 1-31, 2020

Alternative Work Date and Actual Time Actual Accomplishments

Arrangement logs
(*Indicate if 2-week

HOLIDAY 7/1/2020/ Wednesday  Holiday/ Southern Leyte Founding

7/2/2020/Thursday  Search and downloaded EPP 4,5 and 6
Work From Home Time-in: 8:22 AM MELC Q1 via DepEd Common
Time out: 5:10 PM

7/3/2020/Friday  Meet and contacted the unenrolled students

Work From Home Time-in: 8:08 AM of Brgy. Nahulid,Pangi and Nahaong
Time out: 5:00 PM through social distancing to enroll their

7/6/2020/Monday  Continue to download MELC in EPP 4,5 and

Work From Home Time-in: 8:05 AM 6 Q1 1st and 2nd week
Time out: 5:00 PM

7/7/2020/Tuesday  Visited the unenrolled students at

Work From Home Time-in: 8:00 AM Nahaong,Libagon,So.Leyte and fill up the
Time out: 5:00 PM remote enrollment form via social distancing

7/8/2020/Wednesday  Search and downloaded in the internet the

Work From Home Time-in: 8:30 AM simplified MELC-Based Budget of Lessons
Time out: 5:00 PM in EPP 4,5 and 6
 Fertilized organic fertilizer in Gulayan sa
7/9/2020/Thursday  Started the making the simplified MELC-
Work From Home Time-in: 8:27AM Based Budget of Lessons in EPP 4
Time out: 5:00 PM  Continued fertilizing the vegetable plants in
7/10/2020/Friday  Visited and home enrolled the eleven(11)
Work From Home Time-in: 8:30 AM students using remote enrollment form in
Time out: 5:00 PM Brgy.Nahulid

7/13/2020/Monday  Filled-up and submitted the IPCRF via

Work From Home Time-in: 8:24 AM online
Time out: 5:00 PM  Cleaned and cleared the HE building for
Quarantine Area
7/14/2020/Tuesday  Continued searching and making the
Work From Home Time-in: 8:18AM simplified MELC-Based Budget of Lessons
Time out: 5:09 PM in EPP 4
7/15/2020/Wednesday  Continued searching and making the
Work From Home Time-in: 8:18 AM simplified MELC-Based Budget of Lessons
Time out: 5:00 PM in EPP 4 and 5

7/16/2020/Thursday  Printed the simplified MELC-Based Budget

Work From Home Time-in: 8:25AM of Lesson in EPP 4 Q1
Time out: 5:00 PM
7/17/2020/Friday  Printed the simplified MELC-Based Budget
Work From Home Time-in: 8:15 AM of Lesson in EPP 5 Q1
Time out: 5:00 PM  Cleaned the NES GPP
7/20/2020/Monday  Continued searching in DepEd common the
Work From Home Time-in: 8:00 AM simplified MELC-Based Budget of Lesson in
Time out: 4:58PM EPP 6 Q1
 Cleaned and cleared classrooms Gr.5 A and
B used for Quarantine Area
7/21/2020/Tuesday  Whole day assisted the Brgy. electrician and
Work From School Time-in: 8:20 AM tubero to check and repair the school
Time out: 5:00 PM electrical wirings and water supply
7/22/2020/Wednesday  Started tagging of LESF to LIS
Work From Home Time-in: 8:30 AM  Downloaded modules in EPP 4,5 and 6
Time out: 5:00 PM  Watered and cleaned the vegetable plants in

7/23/2020/Thursday  Continued downloading the modules in EPP

Work From Home Time-in: 8:09 AM 4,5 and 6
Time out: 4:50 PM  Started downloading the learning activity
sheets LAS in EPP 4,5 and 6
7/24/2020/Friday  Printed modules in EPP 4 and 5 Q1
Work From Home Time-in: 8:10 AM  Contacted some parents by text about their
Time out: 4:35 PM unenrolled children
7/27/2020/Monday  Started downloading modules in TLE 6 Q1
Work From Home Time-in: 8:20 AM  Visited ten (10) unenrolled students of
Time out: 4:40 PM Brgy.Nahulid,Pangi and Nahaong,and filled
them up with the remote enrollement form by
their parents
 Installed electrical bulbs in NES plaza

7/28/2020/Tuesday  Continued downloading and search modules

Work From Home Time-in: 8:00 AM in EPP/TLE 6
Time out: 4:30 PM  Printed modules in TLE 6 Q1,W1
 Visited the frontliners and ask for their
concern in electrical and water situation
7/29/2020/Wednesday  Continued making Learning Activity Sheet
Work From Home Time-in: 8:00 AM (LAS) in EPP 4,5 and 6
Time out: 4:30 PM  Cleaned and cleared classrooms 3-B and 4-B
with Brgy.officials
and workers
7/30/2020/Thursday  Formulated Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)
Work From Home Time-in: 8:00 AM in EPP 4,5 and 6 Q1,W2
Time out: 5:00 PM  Submitted Individual Daily Log and
Accomplishment Reports for the month of
July 2020
HOLIDAY 7/31/2020/Friday  Holiday “Eid al Adha”

Submitted by: Approved by:


Teacher 3 Head Teacher II
Date: July 31,2020 Date: ___

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