Acp 2020 892
Acp 2020 892
Acp 2020 892
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
8 1 Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK
9 2
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK
10 3
National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK
11 4
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi, Delhi 110012, India
12 5
Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- 201 002, India
13 6
School of Water, Environment and Energy, Cranfield University, Cranfield, MK43 0AL, UK
14 7
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Penicuik, EH26 0QB, UK
15 8
Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Kashmiri Gate, New Delhi, Delhi 110006, India
17 a Now at: School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, Birmingham, UK
18 Abstract
19 29 different fuel types used in residential dwellings in northern India were collected from
20 across New Delhi (76 samples in total). Emission factors of a wide range of non-methane
21 volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) (192 compounds in total) were measured during
22 controlled burning experiments using dual-channel gas chromatography with flame ionisation
23 detection (DC-GD-FID), two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC-FID), proton-
24 transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) and solid-phase extraction
25 two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SPE-GC×GC-
26 ToF-MS). 94% quantification was achieved on average across all fuel types. The largest
27 contributors to emissions from most fuel types were small non-aromatic oxygenated species,
28 phenolics and furanics. The emission factors (in g kg-1) for total gas-phase NMVOCs were:
29 fuel wood (18.7, 4.3-96.7), cow dung cake (62.0, 35.3-83.0), crop residue (37.9, 8.9-73.8),
30 charcoal (5.4, 2.4-7.9), sawdust (72.4, 28.6-115.5), municipal solid waste (87.3, 56.6-119.1)
31 and liquified petroleum gas (5.7, 1.9-9.8).
32 The emission factors measured in this study allow for better characterisation, evaluation and
33 understanding of the air quality impacts of residential solid fuel combustion in India.
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
34 1. Introduction
35 Biomass burning is the second largest source of trace gases to the troposphere, releasing around
36 a half of global CO, ~ 20% of NO and ~ 8% of CO2 emissions (Olivier et al., 2005; Wiedinmyer
37 et al., 2011; Andreae, 2019). Biomass burning releases an estimated 400 Tg yr-1 of non-
38 methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) annually (Akagi et al., 2011) and is the
39 dominant source of both black carbon (BC) and primary organic aerosol (POA), representing
40 59% and 85% of global emissions respectively (Bond et al., 2013). Biomass burning includes
41 open vegetation fires in forests, savannahs, agricultural burning and peatlands (Chen et al.,
42 2017) as well as the biofuels used by approximately 3 billion people to meet their daily cooking
43 and heating energy requirements worldwide (World Bank, 2017). A wide range of trace gases
44 are released from biomass burning, in different amounts depending on the fuel type and the
45 combustion conditions, meaning that detailed studies at the point of emission are required to
46 accurately characterise emissions. The gases released lead to soil-nutrient redistribution
47 (Ponette-Gonzalez et al., 2016; N'Dri et al., 2019), can themselves be toxic (Naeher et al., 2007)
48 and can significantly degrade local, regional and global air quality through the photochemical
49 formation of secondary pollutants such as ozone (O3) (Pfister et al., 2008; Jaffe and Wigder,
50 2012) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) (Alvarado et al., 2015; Kroll and Seinfeld, 2008).
51 They can also lead to indoor air quality issues (Fullerton et al., 2008).
52 Emissions from biomass burning and their spatial distribution remain uncertain and estimates
53 by satellite retrieval vary by over a factor of three (Andreae, 2019). Bottom-up approaches use
54 information about emission factors and fuel usage. However, information for many developing
55 countries, where solid fuel is a primary energy source, is particularly sparse. Toxic pollution
56 from burning has been linked to chronic bronchitis (Akhtar et al., 2007; Moran-Mendoza et al.,
57 2008), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Dennis et al., 1996; Orozco-Levi et al., 2006;
58 Rinne et al., 2006; Ramirez-Venegas et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2007; PerezPadilla et al., 1996),
59 lung cancer (Liu et al., 1993; Ko et al., 1997), childhood pneumonia (Smith et al., 2011), acute
60 lower respiratory infections (Bautista et al., 2009; Mishra, 2003) and low birth weight of
61 children (Boy et al., 2002; Yucra et al., 2011). Smoke from inefficient combustion of domestic
62 solid fuels is the leading cause of conjunctivitis in developing countries (West et al., 2013).
63 The harmful emissions from burning also resulted in an estimated 2.8-3.9 million premature
64 deaths due to household air pollution (Kodros et al., 2018; WHO, 2018; Smith et al., 2014), of
65 which 27% originated from pneumonia, 18% from strokes, 27% from ischaemic heart disease,
66 20% from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 8% from lung cancer, with hazardous
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
67 indoor air pollution responsible for 45% of pneumonia deaths in children less than 5 years old
68 (WHO, 2018). For this reason, hazardous indoor air pollution from the combustion of solid
69 fuels has been calculated to be the most important risk factor for the burden of disease in South
70 Asia from a range of 67 environmental and lifestyle risks (Lim et al., 2012; Smith et al., 2014).
71 The emissions from biomass burning fires are complex and can contain many hundreds to
72 thousands of chemical species (Crutzen et al., 1979; McDonald et al., 2000; Hays et al., 2002;
73 Hatch et al., 2018; Stewart et al., 2020a). Measurements of emissions by gas chromatography
74 (GC) have been made (Gilman et al., 2015; EPA, 2000; Wang et al., 2014; Stockwell et al.,
75 2016; Fleming et al., 2018; Tsai et al., 2003), as it has the potential to provide isomeric
76 speciation of emissions. However, it is of limited use in untargeted measurements from burning
77 due to the complexity of emissions, leading to large amounts of NMVOCs released not being
78 observed. Some of the main issues are that GC does not provide high time resolution
79 measurements and several instruments with different column configurations and detectors are
80 required to provide information on different chemical classes. Samples can also be collected
81 into canisters or sample bags and then analysed off-line (Sirithian et al., 2018; Wang et al.,
82 2014; Barabad et al., 2018), which can increase time resolution, but can also lead to artefacts
83 (Lerner et al., 2017).
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c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
100 mass spectrometry (I−-CIMS), which is well suited to measuring acids and multifunctional
101 oxygenates (Lee et al., 2014) as well as isocyanates, amides and organo-nitrate species released
102 from biomass burning (Priestley et al., 2018). Multiple measurement techniques used in concert
103 are therefore complementary, with the use of PTR-ToF-MS and simultaneous gas
104 chromatography often alleviating some of the difficulties highlighted above.
105 Since the start of the century, rapid growth has resulted in India becoming the second largest
106 contributor to NMVOC emissions in Asia (Kurokawa et al., 2013; Kurokawa and Ohara, 2019).
107 However, effective understanding of the relative strength of different sources and subsequent
108 mitigation has been limited by a deficiency of suitably detailed, spatially disaggregated
109 emission inventories (Garaga et al., 2018). Current receptor-model studies have shown elevated
110 NMVOC concentrations at an urban site in Delhi to be predominantly due vehicular emissions,
111 with a smaller contribution from solid fuel combustion (Stewart et al., 2020b). However,
112 approximately 60% of total NMVOC emissions from India in 2010 were shown to be due to
113 solid fuel combustion (Sharma et al., 2015). A need has therefore been identified to measure
114 local source profiles to allow evaluation with activity data to better understand the impact of
115 unaccounted and unregulated local sources (Pant and Harrison, 2012).
116 Approximately 25% of worldwide residential solid fuel use takes place in India (World Bank,
117 2017), with approximately 25% of ambient particulate matter in South Asia attributed to
118 cooking emissions (Chafe et al., 2014). Despite large government schemes, traditional solid
119 fuel cookstoves remain popular in India because they are cheaper than ones that use liquified
120 petroleum gas (LPG) and the meals cooked on them are perceived to be tastier (Mukhopadhyay
121 et al., 2012). The total number of biofuel users has been sustained by an increasing population,
122 despite the percentage use of biofuels decreasing as a proportion of overall fuel use due to
123 increased LPG uptake (Pandey et al., 2014). Cow dung cakes remain prevalent as a fuel because
124 they are cheap, readily available, sustainable and ease pressure on local fuel wood resources.
125 Few studies have reported emissions data from cow dung cake (Stockwell et al., 2016; Koss et
126 al., 2018; Fleming et al., 2018), leaving considerable uncertainty over the impact that cow dung
127 cake combustion has on air quality. LPG usage has increased from around 100 to 500 million
128 users over the same period, but only reflects around 10% of current rural fuel consumption
129 (Gould and Urpelainen, 2018).
130 Inventories which include residential burning indicate a considerable emission source of
131 around 6000-7000 kt yr-1 (Pandey et al., 2014; Sharma et al., 2015). Burning is likely to have
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
132 a large impact on air quality in India, but considerable uncertainties exist over the total amount
133 of NMVOCs released owing to a lack of India specific emission factors and information related
134 to the spatial distribution of emissions.
135 Few studies exist measuring highly speciated NMVOC emission factors from fuels specific to
136 India. Recent studies using PTR-ToF-MS to develop emission factors, which are more
137 reflective of the range of species emitted from burning, have focussed largely on grasses, crop
138 residues and peat (Stockwell et al., 2015) as well as fuels characteristic of the western U.S.
139 (Koss et al., 2018). A previous study measured emission factors of NMVOCs from cow dung
140 cake using gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection (GC-FID) of 8-32 g kg-1 (EPA,
141 2000). Fleming et al. (2018) quantified 76 NMVOCs from fuel wood and cow dung cake
142 combustion using chulha and angithi stoves by collecting samples into Kynar bags, transferring
143 their contents into canisters and off-line analysis using GC-FID, GC-ECD (electron capture
144 detector) and GC-MS. The emission factors measured from these 76 NMVOCs were 14 g kg-1
145 for cow dung cake burnt in chulha stoves, 27 g kg-1 for cow dung cake burnt in angithi stoves
146 and 6 g kg-1 for fuel wood burnt in angithi stoves. An emission factor from one single dung
147 burn measured using PTR-MS was considerably larger at around 66 g kg-1 (Koss et al., 2018).
148 Emissions from dung in Nepal have also been measured (Stockwell et al., 2016) by sampling
149 into whole air sample canisters followed by off-line analysis with GC-FID/ECD/MS and
150 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). However, very few speciated NMVOC
151 measurements were made and the emission factors were similar to those measured using just
152 GC (Fleming et al., 2018). Studies have also focussed on making detailed measurements, using
153 a range of techniques, from the burning of municipal solid waste (Christian et al., 2010;
154 Yokelson et al., 2011; Yokelson et al., 2013; Stockwell et al., 2015; Stockwell et al., 2016;
155 Sharma et al., 2019) and crop residues (Stockwell et al., 2015; Koss et al., 2018; Kumar et al.,
156 2018).
157 Detailed chemical characterisation of NMVOC emissions from fuel types widely used in the
158 developing world is much needed to resolve uncertainties in emission inventories used in
159 regional policy models and global chemical transport models. A greater understanding of the
160 key sources is required to characterise and hence understand air quality issues to allow the
161 development of effective mitigation strategies. In the present study we measure comprehensive
162 emission factors of NMVOCs from a range solid fuels characteristic to northern India.
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
163 2. Methods
164 2.1 Fuel collection and burning facility
165 A total of 76 fuels, reflecting the range of fuel types used in northern India, were collected from
166 across New Delhi (see Figure 1 and Table 1). Cow dung cake usage was prominent in the north
167 and west regions, whereas fuel wood use was more evenly spread across the state. Municipal
168 solid waste was collected from Bhalaswa, Ghazipur and Okhla landfill sites. Collection also
169 included less used local fuel types which were found being burnt, including crop residues,
170 sawdust and charcoal. A low-cost LPG stove, widely promoted across India as a cleaner fuel
171 (Singh et al., 2017), was also purchased to allow direct emission comparison with other local
172 fuel types.
173 Fuels were burnt at the CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, under
174 controlled conditions utilizing a combustion chamber that has been well described previously
175 (Venkataraman et al., 2002; Saud et al., 2011; Saud et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2013), using
176 expert local judgement to ensure conditions replicated real world burning conditions. Fuel (200
177 g) was rapidly heated to spontaneous ignition, with emissions convectively driven into a hood
178 and up a flue to allow enough dilution, cooling and residence time to achieve the quenching
179 typically observed in indoor environments. Samples were drawn down a sample line at 4.4 L
180 min-1 (Swagelok, ¼” PFA, < 2.2 s residence time) from the top of the flue, passed through a
181 pre-conditioned quartz filter (ø = 47 mm, conditioned at 550 oC for 6 hours and changed
182 between samples) held in a filter holder (Cole-Parmer, PFA) which was subsampled for
183 analysis by PTR-ToF-MS, GC×GC-FID and DC-GC-FID instruments at a distance no greater
184 than 5 m from the top of the flue.
185 Measurements of n-alkanes from n-tridecane (C13) to eicosane (C20) were also made from a
186 subset of 29 burns using solid phase extraction disks (SPE, Resprep, C18). Samples were passed
187 through a cooling and dilution chamber designed to replicate the immediate condensational
188 processes that occur in smoke particles approximately 5-20 mins after emission, yet prior to
189 photochemistry which may change composition (Akagi et al., 2011). Further details of SPE
190 sample collection are given in (Stewart et al., 2020a).
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193 Figure 1. Locations across New Delhi used for the local surveys into fuel use and collection of
194 representative biomass fuels. Map tiles by Stamen Design. Data by © OpenStreetMap contributors
195 2020. Distributed under a Creative Commons BY-SA License.
196 Table 1. Types and numbers of fuels burnt, the mean emission factor of total NMVOCs (TVOC) in g
197 kg-1 measured and standard deviation (SD) from all available burns. Discussion of TVOC calculation
198 given is given in the text.
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
210 Calibrations were performed twice a week using a gas calibration unit (Ionicon Analytik,
211 Innsbruck). The calibration gas (Apel-Riemer Enironmental Inc., Miami) contained 18
212 compounds: methanol, acetonitrile, acetaldehyde, acetone, dimethyl sulphide, isoprene,
213 methacrolein, methyl vinyl ketone, 2-butanol, benzene, toluene, 2-hexanone, m-xylene,
214 heptanal, α-pinene, 3-octanone and 3-octanol at 1000 ppbv (± 5%) and β-caryophyllene at 500
215 ppbv (± 5%). This standard was dynamically diluted into zero air to provide a 6-point
216 calibration. The normalised sensitivity (ncps/ppbv) was then determined for each mass using a
217 transmission curve (Taipale et al., 2008). The maximum error in this calibration approach has
218 been shown to be 21%. Peak assignment was assisted with results reported by previous burning
219 studies and references therein (Brilli et al., 2014; Stockwell et al., 2015; Koss et al., 2018). The
220 results may also contain other indistinguishable structural isomers not mentioned here.
221 Mass calibration and peak fitting of PTR-ToF-MS data were performed using PTRwid software
222 (Holzinger, 2015). Count rates (cps) of each mass spectral peak were normalised to the primary
223 ion (H3O+) and water cluster (H3O.H2O)+ peaks, and mixing ratios were then determined for
224 each mass using the normalised sensitivity. Where compounds known to fragment in the PTR-
225 ToF-MS were identified, the mixing ratio of these species was calculated by summing parent
226 ion and fragment ion mixing ratios. Before each burn, ambient air was sampled to provide a
227 background for the measurement.
228 Petrol and diesel fuel samples were collected from an Indian Oil fuel station in Pusa, New
229 Delhi, and the headspace analysed to allow comparison with benzene/toluene ratios. This was
230 designed to analyse the ratios in evaporative emissions, as these have been shown to be an
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
231 important source of atmospheric NMVOCs (Srivastava et al., 2005; Rubin et al., 2006; Yamada
232 et al., 2015), which for example represented ~ 15% of anthropogenic UK NMVOC emissions
233 in 2018 (Lewis et al., 2020). Fuel samples were placed in a small metal container (¼” Swagelok
234 cap) which was connected to a two-way tap (¼” Swagelok). The tap was connected to a t-piece
235 (¼” Swagelok) which had a flow of zero air (250 ml min-1) passed through it and could be
236 sampled by the PTR-ToF-MS. The tap was opened and closed which allowed the headspace of
237 fuels to be analysed.
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c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
264 Supplementary Information S1 for an example from the GC×GC-FID). Calibration was carried
265 out using a 4 ppbv gas standard containing alkanes and aromatics (NPL UK) and through the
266 relative response of liquid standard injections to toluene for components not in this gas
267 standard, as detailed elsewhere (Dunmore et al., 2015; Stewart et al., 2020b). Integration of
268 peak areas was performed in Zoex GC image software (Zoex, USA). Peaks were individually
269 checked and where peaks were split in the software, they were manually joined. The areas
270 corresponding to alkane isomers were manually joined within the GC image software and
271 calibration performed by comparing the areas to the corresponding n-alkane. For both GC
272 instruments, blanks of ambient air were made at the beginning, middle and end of the day and
273 the mean subtracted from samples.
283 SPE extracts were spiked with an internal standard (EPA 8270 Semivolatile Internal Standard
284 Mix, 2000 μg mL-1 in DCM) and extracted using accelerated solvent extraction into ethyl
285 acetate. Extracts were analysed using GC×GC-ToF-MS (Leco Pegasus BT 4D) using a 10:1
286 split injection (1 μL injection, 4 mm taper focus liner, SHG 560302). The primary dimension
287 column was a RXI-5SilMS (Restek, 30 m × 0.25 μm × 0.25 mm) connected to a second column
288 of RXI-17SilMS (Restek, 0.25 μm × 0.25 mm, 0.17m primary GC oven, 0.1 m modulator, 1.42
289 m secondary oven, 0.31 m transfer line) under a He flow of 1.4 mL min-1. The primary oven
290 was held at 40 oC for 1 min ramped at 3 oC min-1 to 202 oC where it was held for 0.07 mins.
291 The secondary oven was held at 62 oC for 1 min then ramped at 3.2 oC min-1 to 235 oC. The
292 inlet was held at 280 oC and the transfer line at 340 oC. A 5 s cryogenic modulation was used
293 with a 1.5 s hot pulse and 1 s cool time between stages.
294 Peaks assignment was conducted through comparison of retention times to known standards
295 and comparison to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mass spectral
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296 library. Peaks with no standard available were tentatively identified if the NIST library hit
297 exceeded 700 (Stein, 2011).
298 Integration was carried out within the ChromaTOF 5.0 software package (Leko, 2019). Eight
299 blank measurements were made at the beginning and end of the day by passing air from the
300 chamber (6 L min-1 for 30 mins) through the filter holder containing a PTFE filter and an SPE
301 disk. Blank corrections have been applied by subtracting the mean of blank values closest to
302 measurement of the sample. An 8-point calibration was performed for n-alkanes using a
303 commercial standard (C7-C40 saturated alkane standard, certified 1000 μg mL-1 in hexane,
304 Sigma Aldrich 49452-U) diluted in the range 0.25 – 10 µg ml-1.
305 3. Results
306 3.1 Chromatography
307 Figure 2 shows GC×GC-FID chromatograms obtained from collecting the emissions during
308 the combustion of LPG (Figure 2A), Saraca indica fuel wood (Figure 2B), cow dung cake
309 (Figure 2C) and municipal solid waste (Figure 2D). Figure 2D is labelled to show the position
310 of NMVOCs measured and displays a homologous series of n-alkanes from n-heptane (C7) to
311 n-tetradecane (C14) along the bottom, with the 1-alkenes positioned to the left. Above are more
312 polar species such as monoterpenes, aromatics from benzene to substituted monoaromatics
313 with up to 5 carbon substituents, and at a higher second dimension retention time even more
314 polar species, such as styrene.
315 Many peaks were present in the chromatograms for cow dung cake and municipal solid waste,
316 and these fuels released significantly more NMVOCs per unit mass than fuel wood and LPG
317 (see Table 1). Cow dung cake and municipal solid waste released a range of NMVOCs
318 including n-alkanes, alkenes, and aromatics. The municipal solid waste (Figure 2D) showed a
319 particularly large and tailing peak 22 owing to large emissions of styrene. Several unidentified
320 peaks were observed in these complex samples which were broad in the second dimension.
321 These were assumed to be from polar, oxygenated species formed during burning such as
322 phenol. These species could not be identified and were not analysed using the GC×GC-FID.
323 Peaks have been omitted if these species were found to interfere significantly. Analysis has
324 only been carried out using the DC-GC-FID from ethane (C2) to n-hexane (C6) owing to the
325 significant presence of coeluting peaks. The large peak in the LPG chromatogram (Figure 2, 1o
326 ~6 min, 2o ~ 0.5 s) was from unresolved propane and butane because of the high concentrations
327 from this fuel source.
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328 Figure 2. GC×GC-FID chromatograms from burning (A) = LPG, (B) = Saraca indica (fuel wood), (C)
329 = cow dung cake and (D) = municipal solid waste samples where 1-7 = n-octane – n-tetradecane, 8-13
330 1-octadecene – 1-tridecene, 14 = benzene, 15 = toluene, 16 = ethylbenzene, 17 = m/p-xylene, 18 = o-
331 xylene, 19 = C3 substituted monoaromatics, 20 = C4 substituted monoaromatics, 21 = C5 substituted
332 monoaromatics and 22 = styrene.
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342 Figure 4 shows the cumulative mass of species measured from burns of fuel wood, cow dung
343 cake, municipal solid waste and charcoal as a proportion of the total mass of NMVOCs
344 quantified using PTR-ToF-MS. The results were similar to those reported by Brilli et al. (2014)
345 and Koss et al. (2018): 65-90% of the mass of NMVOCs at emission originated from around
346 40 NMVOCs, with around 70-90% identification by mass when quantifying around 100
347 NMVOCs. The largest contributors to the NMVOC mass from burning of fuel wood and cow
348 dung cake were methanol (m/z 33.034), acetic acid (m/z 61.028) and a peak that reflected the
349 sum of hydroxyacetone, methyl acetate and ethyl formate (m/z 75.043). For municipal solid
350 waste samples around 28% of total mass was from methyl methacrylate (m/z 101.059) and
351 styrene (m/z 105.068), and two of the three municipal solid waste samples released significant
352 quantities of styrene, most likely the result of degradation of polystyrene in the samples.
353 Figure 5 shows a time series for phenolics and furanics from the burning of an example fuel
354 wood. Most species of similar functionality tracked each other. Stockwell et al. (2015)
355 demonstrated that benzene, phenol and furan could act as tracers for aromatic, phenolic and
356 furanic species released from biomass burning. Figure 5A shows that heavier, more substituted
357 phenolics appeared to be released at cooler temperatures. Guaiacol (dark blue) was released at
358 the start of the flaming phase before the temperature increased and more phenol (red) was
359 released at higher burn temperatures. Later in the burn, a larger proportion of vinyl guaiacol
360 (pink) and syringol (yellow) were emitted. This agreed well with previous results which
361 showed that species emitted from lower temperature depolymerisation had a larger proportion
362 of low-volatility compounds compared to higher temperature processes during flaming
363 (Sekimoto et al., 2018; Koss et al., 2018). Figure 5B shows timeseries of furanic species, with
364 most species showing similar characteristics throughout the burn. The only species to peak
365 later in the burn was 2-hydroxymethyl-2-furan.
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366 Figure 3. PTR-ToF-MS concentration-time series during the first 30 minutes of a cow dung cake burn
367 coloured by functionality with regions A, B and C displaying mass spectra placed into m/z bins of 10
368 Th. Fuel collected from Pitam Pura, New Delhi.
A) 1.0 B) 1.0
Cumulative fraction of mass identified
0.8 0.8
Syzgium sy. Syzgium sy.
0.2 Cow dung Cow dung
Waste Waste
Charcoal Charcoal
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Number of VOCs identified Ion mz-1 (Th)
370 Figure 4. Cumulative NMVOC mass identified from PTR-ToF-MS compared with total NMVOC signal
371 from PTR-ToF-MS with (A) ordered by decreasing NMVOC mass contribution and (B) ordered by ion
372 mass. High quantification of emissions from charcoal was due to a low emission factor (2.4 g kg-1).
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A) B)
600 0.6 600 3.0
Heater on
Heater on
Concentration / ppmv
Concentration / ppmv
Guaiacol Furfurals
Temperature / oC
Temperature / oC
Methylguiacol Methylfurfural
400 0.4 400 2-Hydroxymethyl-2-furan
Vinyl guaiacol x 2
Syringol x 5
300 300 1.5
0 0.0 0 0.0
15:50 15:55 16:00 16:05 16:10 16:15 16:20 16:25 15:50 15:55 16:00 16:05 16:10 16:15 16:20 16:25
Time Time
373 Figure 5. Timeseries analysis of phenolic and furanic compounds released from burning of Azadirachta
374 indica which released 27.0 g kg-1 of NMVOCs. Temperature corresponds to the increase in temperature
375 above ambient measured in the flame directly above the combustion experiment.
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
399 limit the impacts of coelution. Significant efforts were made to synchronise the sample periods
400 for the three instruments as best as possible; however, slight uncertainty existed over the exact
401 time each instrument started measuring when calculating mean sample windows (± 30 s). These
402 factors combined, may help to explain the slight differences observed between different
403 instruments during this study. When multiple instruments have measured the same NMVOC
404 in this study, preference was given to the data from the GC×GC-FID due to the ability of this
405 instrument to resolve coeluting peaks, followed by the DC-GC-FID and then the PTR-ToF-
406 MS.
408 Figure 6. Comparison of PTR-ToF-MS to DC-GC-FID and GC×GC-FID with the black dashed line
409 representing slopes equal to one, grey shaded region = slopes agreeing within a factor of two, shaded
410 blue region indicating correlation coefficients > 0.8 and P = PTR-ToF-MS, 1D = DC-GC-FID and 2D
411 = GC×GC-FID.
419 Figure 7A shows very large emissions of smaller oxygenated species which were driven by
420 methanol, acetic acid and the unresolved combined peak for hydroxy acetone, methyl acetate
421 and ethyl formate. For the fuel wood samples, acetic acid/glycolaldehyde (2.6 g kg-1), methanol
422 (1.8 g kg-1) and acetaldehyde (0.6 g kg-1) compared well with mean values reported by Koss et
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c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
423 al. (2018) for pines, firs and spruces (2.7/1.3/1.2 g kg-1) and the mean values measured by
424 Stockwell et al. (2015) mainly from crop residues, grasses and spruces (1.6/1.3/0.9 g kg-1). The
425 emission factor from this study for the unresolved peak of hydroxy acetone, methyl acetate and
426 ethyl formate (1.4 g kg-1) was larger than those previously reported by Koss et al. (2018) and
427 Stockwell et al. (2015) of 0.55 and 0.25 g kg-1, respectively.
428 Figure 7B shows that there were large emissions of furans and furanones from combustion,
429 mainly from methyl furans, furfurals, 2-(3H)-furanone, methyl furfurals and 2-methanol
430 furanone. The World Health Organisation consider furan a carcinogenic species of high-
431 priority (WHO, 2016) with furan and substituted furans, suspected to be toxic and mutagenic
432 (Ravindranath et al., 1984; Peterson, 2006; Monien et al., 2011). Furan emissions originate
433 from the low temperature depolymerisation of hemi-cellulose (Sekimoto et al., 2018) and from
434 large alcohols and enols in high-temperature regions of hydrocarbon flames (Johansson et al.,
435 2016). The OH chemistry of furans has been the subject of several studies (Bierbach et al.,
436 1994; Bierbach et al., 1995; Tapia et al., 2011; Liljegren and Stevens, 2013; Strollo and
437 Ziemann, 2013; Zhao and Wang, 2017; Coggon et al., 2019) and often produces more reactive
438 products such as butenedial, 4-oxo-2-pentenal and 2-methylbutenedial (Bierbach et al., 1994;
439 Gómez Alvarez et al., 2009; Aschmann et al., 2011, 2014). Photo-oxidation of furans may also
440 be a potentially important source of small organic acids such as formic acid (Wang et al., 2020).
441 Oxidation can also occur by nitrate (Berndt et al., 1997; Colmenar et al., 2012) or chlorine
442 radicals (Cabañas et al., 2005; Villanueva et al., 2007). As a result, furans have recently been
443 shown to be some of the species with highest OH reactivity from biomass burning, causing an
444 estimated 10% of the O3 produced by the combustion emissions in the first 4 hours after
445 emission (Hartikainen et al., 2018; Coggon et al., 2019). Oxidation of furans can lead to SOA
446 production (Gómez Alvarez et al., 2009; Strollo and Ziemann, 2013) with an estimated 8-15%
447 of SOA caused by furans emitted by burning of black spruce, cut grass, Indonesian peat and
448 ponderosa pine and 28-50% of SOA from rice straw and wiregrass (Hatch et al., 2015),
449 although SOA yields are still uncertain for many species (Hatch et al., 2017).
450 Phenols are formed from the low-temperature depolymerisation of lignin (Simoneit et al., 1993;
451 Sekimoto et al., 2018) which is a polymer of randomly linked, amorphous high-molecular
452 weight phenolic compounds (Shafizadeh, 1982). Owing to their high emission ratios and SOA
453 formation potentials, phenolic compounds contribute significantly to SOA production from
454 biomass-burning emissions (Yee et al., 2013; Lauraguais et al., 2014; Gilman et al., 2015;
455 Finewax et al., 2018). Figure 7C shows that the largest phenolic emissions from fuel wood in
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
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456 this study were methoxyphenols, with significant contributions from phenol, guaiacol, cresols
457 and anisole. Phenolic emissions from sawdust were dominated by guaiacol and creosol.
458 Phenolic emissions from coconut shell were greatest, most likely as a result of the lignin rich
459 nature of coconut shell (Pandharipande, 2018). The larger mean emission of furanics (3.2 g kg-
460 ) compared to phenolics (1.1 g kg-1) from fuel wood was consistent with wood being composed
461 of around 75% cellulose/hemicellulose and 25% lignin (Sjöström, 1993).
462 Figure 7D shows that the largest alkene emission was styrene from burning municipal solid
463 waste, likely caused by the presence of polystyrene in the fuel. Emissions of alkenes from fuel
464 woods were dominated by ethene and propene, species with high photochemical ozone creation
465 potential (Cheng et al., 2010). Monoterpenes¸ which are extremely reactive with the OH radical
466 (Atkinson and Arey, 2003), were emitted from combustion of sawdust, cow dung cake and
467 municipal solid waste samples.
468 Ethane and propane dominated the alkane emissions for fuel wood samples (see Figure 7E). A
469 wider range of alkanes from C2-C20 were observed from combustion of coconut, cow dung
470 cake and municipal solid waste. The largest alkane emission by mass was from LPG due to
471 unburnt propane and butane.
472 Nitrogen containing VOCs (NVOCs) are formed from the volatilisation and decomposition of
473 nitrogen-containing compounds within the fuel, mainly from free amino acids but can also be
474 from pyrroline, pyridine and chlorophyll (Leppalahti and Koljonen, 1995; Burling et al., 2010;
475 Ren and Zhao, 2015). NVOCs are of interest because nitrogen may be important in the
476 development of new particles (Smith et al., 2008; Kirkby et al., 2011; Yu and Luo, 2014) which
477 act as cloud condensation nuclei (Kerminen et al., 2005; Laaksonen et al., 2005; Sotiropoulou
478 et al., 2006) and alter the hydrological cycle by forming new clouds and precipitation (Novakov
479 and Penner, 1993). They can also contribute to light-absorbing brown carbon (BrC) aerosol
480 formation, effecting climate (Laskin et al., 2015). Additionally, NVOCs can be extremely toxic
481 (Ramírez et al., 2012, 2014; Farren et al., 2015). Cow dung cake was the largest emitter of
482 NVOCs (4.9 g kg-1), releasing large amounts of acetonitrile and nitriles, likely to have a large
483 impact on the toxicity and chemistry of emissions (see Figure 7F).
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485 Figure 7G shows emissions of aromatics from fuel wood, cow dung cake and municipal solid
486 waste were principally benzene, toluene and naphthalenes. Large emissions of benzene were
487 unsurprising as biomass burning is the largest global benzene source (Andreae and Merlet,
488 2001). Emissions of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) from cow dung cake
489 (0.5-1.7 g kg-1) were in line with previous measurements of 1.3 g kg -1 (Koss et al., 2018) and
490 1.8 g kg-1 (Fleming et al., 2018) but lower than the 4.5 g kg-1 reported from cow dung cake
491 combusted from Nepal (Stockwell et al., 2016). Emissions of BTEX from municipal solid
492 waste burning (0.9– 2.6 g kg-1) were comparable to that measured previously (3.5 g kg-1)
493 (Stockwell et al., 2016).
494 Figure 7H shows a qualitative comparison of species such as ammonia, HCN and dimethyl
495 sulphide which were measured during experiments, but could not be accurately quantified as
496 their sensitivity was too different from the NMVOCs used to build the transmission curve. Cow
497 dung cake emitted significantly more of these species than other fuel types.
498 Table 2 shows the total emission factors of NMVOCs for different fuel types. These have been
499 determined by calculating the total volume of air convectively drawn up the flue and relating
500 this to the mass of fuel burnt (see the Supplementary Information S3 for details). Emission
501 factors have been calculated over a 30-minute period, in line with the GC sample time, with
502 any small emissions after this sample window not included. The total emission factor has been
503 calculated as the sum of the PTR-ToF-MS signal, excluding reagent ion peaks (< m/z 31 Th)
504 water cluster peaks (m/z 37 Th) and isotope peaks identified for all masses (SIS, 2016). The
505 emission factors for all alkanes measured were also included as alkanes up to n-hexane had
506 proton affinities less than water and larger alkanes had proton affinities similar to water (Ellis
507 and Mayhew, 2014; Wróblewski et al., 2006). This low sensitivity meant that no peaks were
508 present in the PTR-ToF-MS spectra for these larger species. Further information on the
509 calculation of the total emission factor is given in the Supplementary Information S4.
510 Table 2. Mean total NMVOC emission factors (g kg-1, including IVOC fraction) where high/low EF
511 represent the largest/smallest emission factor measured for a given sample type (g kg -1) and IVOC is
512 the sum of emission factors of species with a mass greater than benzaldehyde (g kg-1) where n = number
513 of measurements made.
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514 Coconut shell, sawdust, cow dung cake and municipal solid waste released the greatest mass
515 of NMVOC per kg of fuel burnt. The mean emission factor for all fuel woods (18.7 g kg-1) was
516 comparable to that for chaparral (16.6 g kg-1) measured using PTR-ToF-MS by Stockwell et
517 al. (2015). This may be due to similarities between north Indian fuel wood types with chaparral,
518 which is characterised by hot dry summers, and mild wet winters. The mean fuel wood
519 emission factor was smaller than Stockwell et al. (2015) reported for coniferous canopy (31.0
520 g kg-1). The NMVOC emission measured for cow dung cake (62.0 g kg-1) was comparable to
521 that previously reported (66.3 g kg-1) in literature using PTR-ToF-MS (Koss et al., 2018), but
522 2-3 times larger than that measured by GC-FID/ECD/MS likely due to those techniques
523 missing significant amounts of emissions (Fleming et al., 2018). Whilst the total emissions
524 reported by Fleming et al. (2018) might therefore be an underestimate, it is noteworthy that the
525 emission factors measured by Fleming et al. (2018) in angithi stoves for cow dung cake were
526 ~ factor of 4 greater than fuel wood under the same conditions. This result was comparable to
527 this study which showed that cow dung cake emissions were ~ factor of 3 larger than fuel wood,
528 however the techniques used here targeted a greater proportion of total emissions. Moreover,
529 Fleming et al. (2018) reported emission factors from combustion of biomass fuels from a
530 neighbouring state, Haryana, and there may be slight heterogeneity between the different fuels
531 collected in both studies. NMVOC emissions from municipal solid waste (87.3 g kg-1) were
532 significantly larger than the 7.1 g kg-1 (Stockwell et al., 2015) and 33.8 g kg-1 (Stockwell et al.,
533 2016) previously reported. This was likely due to differences in composition and moisture
534 content of the fuels collected from Indian landfill sites for the present study, compared with the
535 daily mixed waste and plastic bags collected at the US fire services laboratory (Stockwell et
536 al., 2015) and a variety of mixed waste and plastics collected from around Nepal (Stockwell et
537 al., 2016). It seems noteworthy that combustion experiments of fuels collected from developing
538 countries in Stockwell et al. (2016) had larger emission factors than those collected from, and
539 burnt at a laboratory (Stockwell et al., 2015). The mean crop residue combustion emission
540 factor (37.9 g kg-1) was comparable to that reported by Stockwell et al. (2015) (36.8 g kg-1),
541 despite the small number of samples in this study and compositional differences.
542 Table 2 also shows an approximation for the mean amount of IVOCs released by fuel type.
543 The IVOC fraction has been approximated by considering all NMVOCs with a mass greater
544 than benzaldehyde to be IVOCs. This approach was approximate as vapour pressures depend
545 on both mass and functionality. The fuels tested in this study showed that mean emissions of
546 IVOC species represented approximately 18 – 27% of total emissions from all fuel types other
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
547 than LPG. This agreed well with the IVOC fraction reported by Stockwell et al. (2015) of ~
548 14-26%. This demonstrated that biomass burning is potentially a large global source of IVOCs.
549 Further studies are required to better understand the contribution of IVOC emissions from
550 biomass burning to SOA formation.
551 Figure 8A shows the mean total emissions measured in this study for different fuel types split
552 by functionality. Large variability in total emissions were observed for fuel woods, with
553 emission factors from individual burns varying by ~ factor 20. Figure 8B shows the mean
554 emissions by functionality as a proportion of total emissions averaged by overall fuel type.
555 Oxygenates were the largest emission (33-55%), followed by furanic compounds (16-21%),
556 phenolics (6-12%) and aromatics (2-9%) for all fuel types except LPG. LPG emissions were
557 mainly alkanes, with a small emission of furanic species. These have previously been reported
558 to be produced in hydrocarbon flames (Johansson et al., 2016).
559 Figure 8A-B also show the amount of NMVOC which remained unidentified (black). On
560 average 94% of all NMVOCs emitted across all burns were quantified. Quantification was
561 greater than 90% for all sample types, except Vachellia spp due to several large unidentified
562 peaks (see the Supplementary Information S5). Mean quantification by fuel type was between
563 93-96 % for all other fuels, except LPG where quantification was > 99%.
A) B)
564 Figure 8. NMVOC emissions from burning sources in New Delhi, India grouped by functionality with
565 unidentified emissions given by the total NMVOC signal measured by the PTR-ToF-MS minus the
566 fraction quantified using DC-GC-FID, GCxGC-FID, GCxGC-ToF-MS and PTR-ToF-MS instruments
567 with (A) all fuel types and (B) mean values by type of fuel.
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568 The emission factors measured in this study were compared to mean values measured in other
569 studies using PTR-ToF-MS (see Figure 9) for fuel wood, straw, peat and cow dung cake (Koss
570 et al., 2018); grasses, straws and peat (Stockwell et al., 2015) and forest fires (Simpson et al.,
571 2011; Müller et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2017). They were also compared to mean values calculated
572 from reviews for savannah, boreal forest, tropical forest, temperate forest, peatland, chaparral
573 and open cooking (Akagi et al., 2011) and savannah, tropical forest, temperate forest, boreal
574 forests, peat fires and biofuels without fuel wood (Andreae, 2019). Comparison was also made
575 to reviews for mean emission factors from just fuel woods from savannah, boreal forest,
576 tropical forest and temperate forest (Akagi et al., 2011; Andreae, 2019).
577 Figure 9A shows that emission factors measured in this study and those measured by Stockwell
578 et al. (2015), Koss et al. (2018), Muller et al. (2016) and Simpson et al. (2011) were generally
579 within a factor of 2-4. The differences in emission factors were likely due to differences in
580 composition between fuels collected from different locations. The emission factors measured
581 in this study were generally smaller than those reported in reviews by Akagi et al. (2011) and
582 Andreae (2019), despite the total NMVOC emission in this study being greater due to
583 measurement of a much wider range of NMVOCs. Emission factors for cow dung cake
584 measured in this study were closer to the 4:1 line, which showed that cow dung cake was
585 consistently more polluting per mass burnt than fuel wood.
587 Figure 9. Emission factor comparison between this study and literature for (A) all species reported in
588 reviews and comparable studies and (B) furanic species from fuel woods. See text for discussion of fuel
589 types included in each study.
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590 Figure 9B shows a comparison of emission factors for furanic species from fuel woods
591 compared with those from literature, which showed relatively good agreement within the
592 standard deviation observed from this study. A few notable exceptions were that the emission
593 factor for furfural measured by Muller et al. (2016) was considerably higher (2.3 g kg-1) than
594 this study (0.7 g kg-1), or previous studies, and not included in Figure 9B. The mean emission
595 factor for furan measured in this study was ~ factor 2 lower than other studies. Koss et al.
596 (2018) measured ~ factor 3 higher methyl furfural, ~ 9 higher 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural and
597 ~ factor 3 higher dihydrofurandione and Stockwell et al. (2015) measured a higher emission
598 factor than this study of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural by ~ factor of 4.
607 i-/n-Pentane indicator ratios have been evaluated for fuel wood sources, propane/butane ratios
608 for LPG and benzene/toluene ratios for fuel wood and cow dung cake (see Figure 10). The
609 range of values for multiple different burns have been evaluated rather than just reporting mean
610 and median ratios. The median of i-/n-pentane ratios from biomass samples measured during
611 this study was ~ 0.7 (see Figure 10). The mean ratio was ~ 1.0, with an interquartile range
612 (IQR) ~ 0.5-1.5, which suggests caution is required when assigning burning sources based on
613 emission ratios due to considerable variability. Despite this, the ratio from solid fuel
614 combustion sources was often less than expected from petrol emissions. The mean ratio of
615 propane/butane from LPG burning was measured to be 3.1. The ratios of benzene/toluene
616 varied considerably between different sources and was measured for fuel wood combustion
617 (2.3), cow dung cake combustion (0.94), petrol liquid fuel (0.40) and diesel liquid fuel (0.20).
618 The range of benzene/toluene ratios for fuel wood was large, with an IQR of ~ 1.5- 2.8 and the
619 range within 1.5 IQR shown by the whiskers in Figure 10 from ~ 0.9-4.2. Despite the variability
620 of ratios from specific source types, the considerable range of benzene/toluene ratios could
621 potentially be a useful indicator of the origin of unaged (fresh) ambient emissions in New Delhi.
622 However, further study would be required to assess if these ratios were also true in the exhaust
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c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
623 of petrol and diesel vehicles in India, or just limited to fugitive emissions. These findings agree
624 well with literature which report mean benzene/toluene ratios of 1.4-5.0 from fuel wood and
625 0.3 from automotive emissions (Hedberg et al., 2002), indicating that on average biomass
626 burning releases a greater molar ratio of benzene than toluene when compared to automotive
627 emissions.
Range within 1.5IQR
Median Line
Emission ratio / (ppbv/ppbv)
e e e ne e e
tan tan en lue en en
en bu olu / to olu olu
n- p ne
/ e/t e/t e/t
i- / pa zen ene zen zen
n nz en en
od pro be be lb lb
Wo G od ng tro se
LP Wo Du Pe Die
629 Figure 10. Summary of ratios of NMVOCs measured during this study from the burning of fuel wood,
630 LPG and cow dung cake and from the headspace of liquid petrol and diesel fuels collected in India. The
631 different mean and median values have been considered to evaluate the ratios at emission of specific
632 sources.
633 4. Conclusions
634 This study was based on comprehensive measurements of NMVOC emissions using a range of
635 detailed and complementary techniques across a large range of functionalities and volatilities.
636 It presented detailed burning emission factors for different NMVOCs from a range of fuels
637 used in New Delhi, India for residential combustion. This work allowed for a better
638 understanding of the impact of residential combustion on air quality and showed that fuel wood,
639 cow dung cake and municipal solid waste burning sources released significantly more
640 NMVOCs than LPG.
641 A range of areas where future studies are required to better improve and understand emissions
642 from burning have been highlighted:
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644 The impact of stove conditions on NMVOC emissions remains poorly understood.
645 Experiments in this study were carried out using expert local judgment to attempt to ensure
646 that laboratory conditions reflected real-world burning conditions. A range of stoves are used
647 in India for combustion of local fuels, such as chulha and angithi stoves, and an evaluation of
648 the impact of these on emissions and their relative use and spatial distribution requires further
649 study.
652 Fuels in this study were collected and stored in a manner designed to be reflective of local
653 practices to ensure that laboratory combustion conditions, and in turn emissions, reflected local
654 burning practices. Future studies should conduct detailed compositional analysis of fuel types
655 and moisture content prior to burning. These studies should also measure CO and CO2 to allow
656 an evaluation of the impact of modified combustion efficiency on emissions from different fuel
657 types.
659 Few measurements were made from domestic, commercial and industrial waste, and the
660 emission factors measured in this study were higher than those observed in previous studies.
661 The effect of moisture content on waste burning has been suggested to impact emissions of
662 particulate matter by around an order of magnitude (Jayarathne et al., 2018). Furthermore, only
663 one LPG stove was used to evaluate emissions from this fuel source, with emissions likely to
664 vary by the type of burner used. Future studies should also make more measurements from
665 waste burning to better understand the effect of composition on emissions. Comprehensive
666 measurements should also be made of emissions from combustion of a range of additional crop
667 residues, as these are an important NMVOC source in India (Jain et al., 2014).
668 4. Evaluation of the impact on O3 and SOA production as well as the toxicity of emissions
669 Better understanding of the drivers of photochemical O3 and SOA production from burning
670 emissions is required. A large variety of high molecular weight species with likely low
671 volatilities, such as phenolic and furanic compounds, were released from burning. These
672 NMVOCs are expected to have a large influence on subsequent atmospheric chemistry, and a
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673 detailed understanding of this chemistry is required to truly assess the impact of biomass
674 burning on air quality.
675 5. Evaluation of the relative importance of fuel types to air quality in India
676 Detailed evaluation of fuel use across India is required to evaluate the relative impact of
677 emissions from fuel wood, municipal solid waste, cow dung cakes and LPG. The emission
678 factors measured for cow dung cake and municipal solid waste in this study were much higher
679 than for fuel wood and LPG and indicated that these sources are likely to contribute
680 significantly to poor air quality.
681 The comprehensive characterisation of emissions from fuel types in this study should be used
682 to produce spatially disaggregated local emission inventories to provide better inputs into
683 regional policy and global chemical transport models. This should allow a better understanding
684 of the key drivers of poor air quality in India and could allow meaningful mitigation strategies
685 to alleviate the poor air quality observed.
686 Author contributions. GJS made measurements with GC×GC-FID, combined and analysed
687 datasets and lead the writing of the manuscript. WJFA made measurements of NMVOCs by
688 PTR-ToF-MS, supported by CNH, LKS and NT. BSN made measurements with DC-GC,
689 supported by JRH. ARV assisted in running and organising of experiments. RA, AM, RJ, SA,
690 LY and SKS collected fuels, carried out burning experiments and measured gas volumes up
691 the flue. RED worked on GC×GC-FID method development. SSMY assisted with data
692 interpretation. EN, NM, RG, ARR and JDL worked on logistics and data interpretation. TKM
693 and JFH provided overall guidance with setup, conducting, running and interpreting
694 experiments. All authors contributed to the discussion, writing, and editing of the manuscript.
695 Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
696 Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Newton-Bhabha fund administered by the
697 UK Natural Environment Research Council, through the DelhiFlux project of the Atmospheric
698 Pollution and Human Health in an Indian Megacity (APHH-India) programme. The authors
699 gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the UK Natural Environment
700 Research Council and the Earth System Science Organization, Ministry of Earth Sciences,
701 Government of India under the Indo-UK Joint Collaboration vide grant nos NE/P016502/1 and
702 MoES/16/19/2017/APHH (DelhiFlux) to conduct this research. The paper does not discuss
703 policy issues and the conclusions drawn in the paper are based on interpretation of results by
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704 the authors and in no way reflect the viewpoint of the funding agencies. GJS and BSN
705 acknowledge the NERC SPHERES doctoral training programme for studentships. RA, AM,
706 RJ, SA, LY, SKS and TKM are thankful to Director, CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New
707 Delhi for allowing to carry out this work. The authors thank the National Centre for
708 Atmospheric Science for providing the DC-GC-FID instrument. LKS acknowledges Physical
709 Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India for the support and permission to deploy PTR-
710 ToF-MS during the experimental campaign.
Preprint. Discussion started: 19 October 2020
c Author(s) 2020. CC BY 4.0 License.
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