Sample Letter For Appointment To An Advisory Committee
Sample Letter For Appointment To An Advisory Committee
Sample Letter For Appointment To An Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Inside address
On behalf of Central Piedmont Community College, I want to thank you for agreeing to serve on
the "Insert Name of Advisory Committee" Advisory Committee. As a member of this committee,
you will bring a much-needed perspective to the work we do at the College. Your contributions
will help to keep the programs we offer our students current and relevant. The College is
grateful that you are willing to share your time and your talents.
CPCC has long been a leader in workforce development and, thus, relies heavily on the advice
of people like you to maintain quality programs that educate our students and help them to be
productive employees and good citizens in our community.
Your current appointment term will begin this month and will end on 9/30/2014.
Shortly, you will receive a notice of the committee’s first meeting. At that time officers will be
elected and a calendar of meetings for the remainder of the year will be established.
Again, it is good to have you on board as part of the CPCC family. We are all working together
to provide our students the best in education and opportunities!
P. Anthony Zeiss