Summative Test in English 5
Summative Test in English 5
Summative Test in English 5
Department of Education
DepEd Region III – Central Luzon
I. DIRECTION: Identify from among the words in the sentence the meaning of the underlined compound
1. The airfield which is located between two mountains was too small to serve as a
landing strip for the jet plane.
A. between
B. landing strip
C. located
D. mountains
2. The schedule of flights to the city is as tight as the timetable of sea trips.
A. city
B. schedule
C. tight
D. trips
4. Travelling in the countryside is much enjoyable, I fell in love with the rural area
which I often visited.
A. enjoyable
B. often
C. rural area
D. travelling
5. Wendy became disheartened when she saw how the low-spirited employees did
their jobs after the typhoon.
A. became
B. disheartened
C. jobs
D. typhoon
6. My mother sells homemade leche flans, her sister made them at home. What is the meaning of the
underlined compound word?
A. leche flan
B. made at home
C. sells
D. sister
7. The lighthouse flashes signal twice a minute. It is a tower with light that guides ship away from
A. guides
B. light
C. ship
D. tower with light
8. During Ancient times, an hourglass was used as an instrument to measure time. What is the
meaning of the underlined compound word?
A. ancient times
B. instrument to measure time
C. measure
D. time
II. DIRECTION: Choose the meaning of the underlined word affix in the sentence.
9. Aga Mulach’s “Miracle in Cell No. 7” is a remake of a South Korean film bearing the same title. What
is the meaning of the underlined word?
10. Arvin was unresponsive to the doctor’s question because he was embarrassed to tell the truth.
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. not acting
B. not moving
C. not reacting
D. not singing
11. Many kings and emperors in the olden times were untouchable. Despite the cruelty people suffer,
nobody wanted to say anything against them out of fear. To be untouchable means __________.
A. afflicted with an incurable disease
B. cannot be criticized or talked about
C. hidden in their chambers
D. hidden in the box
12. Playing some games in your smart phone for long periods of time can cause some
fatigue and discomfort. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. hallucination
B. heart burn
C. sleepless nights
D. slight pain
13. Do you know why some old people want to keep a list of things they need to do during the
day? The list serves as their constant reminder in case they forget. A reminder is __________.
A. something that helps a person remember
B. a set of guidelines that people need to follow
C. a signal that tells you to do something
D. rules that needs to follow
14. When I tried calling up my friend who went out for some hiking on the mountains, he was already
unreachable. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. can reach
B. gone
C. out of phone coverage
D. very rich and famous
15. When Rita regained her consciousness, she saw people surrounding her bed. What is the meaning
of the underlined word?
A. sight
B. strength
C. awareness
D. laziness
16. Renz Angelo was a generally unpopular choice to be basketball team captain and I don’t like him
A. confusing
B. disgusting
C. not liked
D. unknown
III. DIRECTION: Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar blended words. Encircle the letter of the correct
17. The campus journalist recorded fire incident in his videocam. What is the meaning of the
underlined word?
A. video camera recorder
B. camera trick
C. shooting
D. video editing
18. The heliport is ready to receive representatives from other countries. What is the meaning of the
underlined word?
A. landing and takeoff place for an airplane
B. bus stop
C. landing and takeoff place for a helicopter
D. jeepney stop
19. The hi-tech super microscope is very helpful to the scientists who study about the nature of
coronavirus. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. a style of material
B. a kind of an equipment
C. a kind of material
D. technologically advanced
20. The docudrama on coronavirus disease that was shown on TV last night was quite impressive.
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. a drama documentary
B. a comedy show
C. a talk show
D. a melodrama
21. We had a staycation during the COVID-19 pandemic because we were not allowed to go out of our
house. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. a vacation at the beach
B. a vacation spent at home
C. a vacation at the farm
D. a vacation at the park
22. We enjoyed watching the infotainment because it was educational and amusing. What is the
meaning of the underlined word?
A. a television program that presents information
B. a television program that presents entertainment
C. a television program that presents information in an entertaining Manner
D. a television program that presents thrills
23. The organization has launched a telethon to secure funds for the purchase of personal protective
equipment of frontline workers. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. sports event attended by famous people
B. televised fundraising event
C. series of telephone calls
D. series of video games
24. They eat much the same thing for brunch every day. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. a meal taken at night that combines late dinner and midnight snack.
B. a meal taken in the morning that combines late breakfast and early lunch.
C. a meal taken in the afternoon that combines late lunch and early supper.
D. a meal taken at night that combines with midnight snack.
III.DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the CORRECT answer. Write the
letter only. Write your answers on the blank.
III.DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and choose the verb in the parenthesis that agrees with the
underlined subject. Write your answer on the answer sheet.
29. Shown some years ago (was, were) a film entitled THE WILD.
30. Featured in the film (was, were) animals housed in a zoo in New York.
31. Living in the wild (was, were) the real parents of Ryan.
32. There (was, were) a big feast right after Ryan was recognized by his parents.
33. Causing some of these misfortunes (was, were) Kazar, the antagonist in the story.
34. Defeating Kazar in the end (was, were) of course Ryan and his friends.
35. bonus