Siddur Ishi Ma-Ariv: Byrim Ysya RVDC

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byrim ysya rvdc


Personal Siddur - Evening Connection

Kabbalah4All Transliteration Guidelines

Please note that transliteration guidelines are different according to each culture and also within
each movement of Judaism. We have developed these guidelines for use with our transliterated
documents. They may or may not apply to transliterations put out by other movements including
the various organizations teaching Kabbalah.

a as in father
ai as in aisle
e as in red
ei as in eight
i as in pizza
o as in no
oy as in toy
u as in tune
ch as in Bach in German (strong sound from the throat)
g as in give
tz as in lots
’ typically adds an “EH” sound after a consonant, this is known as a Shva Na or pronounced
Shva as in the word “Sh’ma”.
- a dash is simply used to aid in pronounciation, usually if two like vowels follow each other,
as in the word “da-at.”
In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhere
else in the word. In our transliteration, when the syllable falls somewhere else other than the last
syllable, that stressed syllable will be underlined. Example: Melech.

Hebrew Rules

The following are some of the Hebrew rules you may notice in our siddurim (connection books).

Kjl¤ n«¤ In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls
somewhere else in the word. Whenever a syllable other than the last is accented, a
“meteg” (the vertical line under the first letter) will appear.

lÇ̈k The “masoret” above the letter Chaf indicates that this is a Kamatz Katan, which is
pronounced as “o”; in this example the word is “kol.”

§i The “rafe” above a letter indicates it is a Shva Na. This example is pronounced
Note that the rafe does not appear above the first letter of a word that has a Shva
as that is ALWAYS a Shva Na.

Please do not publish or distribute without permission.

All prefaces to prayers written and adapted by David Aharon for Kabbalah4All.
Translated by David Aharon.
Edited by David Aharon.

Copyright © Revised 3 Elul 5773 (August 8, 2013).

MA-ARIV aixrn


Shir hama-alot, ,zFl£rO© d© xiW¦

A song of ascents,
Hineih bar’chu et Adonai,
Behold bless Hashem,
,dedi z ¤̀ Ekœ§xÄ d¥Pd¦
kol avdei Adonai,
all you servants of Hashem,
,dedi ic¥ a© § r lÇ̈M
Ha-om’dim b’veit Adonai baleilot.
who stand in the House of Hashem in the nights.
.zFli¥NA© dedi zi¥aA§ micœ§¦ nŸrd̈
S’u y’deichem kodesh,
Lift your hands in the Sanctuary,
,Wc¤Ÿw« mk¤ c¥ i§ E`U§
uvar’chu et Adonai.
and bless Hashem.
.dedi z ¤̀ Ekœ§xäE
Y’varech’cha Adonai mi-Tziyon,
May Hashem bless you from Zion,
,oFIS¦ n¦ dedi Lœk§ xä§ ¤ i
oseih shamayim va-aretz.
Maker of heaven and earth.
.ux«¤`¨ ë mi¦ n«© Ẅ dUŸ¥r
:minrt 'b
Recite Three Times:
Adonai tz’va-ot imanu,
Hashem of Hosts is with us,
,Ep«Ör¦ zF`äv§ dedi
misgav lanu Elohei Ya-akov, selah.
a stronghold for us is the Elohim of Jacob, forever.
.dl̈«¤q ,aŸwr£ i© idŸl¡
¥ ` Ep«l̈ aB̈U§ n¦
:minrt 'b
Recite Three Times:
Adonai tz’va-ot, ,zF`äv§ dedi
Hashem of Hosts,
ashrei adam botei-ach bach.
praiseworthy is the person who trusts in You.
.KÄ g«© hŸ
¥ A mc̈`¨ ix¥W§ `©
:minrt 'b
Recite Three Times:
Adonai hoshi-ah, ,dr̈iWFd«¦ dedi
Hashem grant salvation,
hamelech ya-aneinu b’yom koreinu. .Ep«¥̀ xÇ̈§ w mFia§ Ep«p¥ r£ i© K¤lO«¤ d©
may the Sovereign answer us on the day we call.

Hoshiah et amecha, ,L«O©

¤ r z ¤̀ dr̈iWFd «¦
Save Your people,
uvareich et nachalatecha, ,L«zl̈£
¤ gp© z ¤̀ KxäE ¥
and bless Your inheritance,
ureim v’nas’eim ad ha-olam. .ml̈Frd̈ c©r m ¥̀ V©œ§ pe§ m¥rxE§
tend them and raise them up forever.
Mi yitein mi-Tziyon y’shu-at Yisra-eil,
If only He would grant out of Zion the salvation of Israel,
,l ¥̀ ẍU§ ¦i z©rEWi§ oFIS¦ n¦ oY¦ ¥ i in¦
MA-ARIV aixrn

b’shuv Adonai sh’vut amo, ,FO©r zEaW§ dedi aEWA§

when Hashem restores the captivity of Hashem’s people,
yageil Ya-akov yismach Yisra-eil.
Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice.
.l ¥̀ ẍU§ ¦i gn© U§ i¦ aŸwr£ i© l¥bï
B’shalom yachdav eshk’vah v’ishan,
In peace, in harmony I lie down and I sleep,
,oẄi`¦ e§ d䜧MW§ ¤̀ eC̈g© § i mFlẄA§
ki atah Adonai l’vadad,
for You alone Hashem,
,cc̈äl§ dedi dŸ`© iM¦
lavetach toshiveini.
securely will make me dwell.
.i¦pa«¥ iWFY¦ gh«© a¤ l̈
Yomam y’tzaveh Adonai chasdo,
In the day Hashem will command loving-kindness,
,FCq§ g© dedi dE¤v© i§ mn̈Fi
uvalailah shiroh imi,
even by night His resting place is with me,
,iO¦ r¦ dŸxiW¦ dl̈§i«N© a© E
t’filah l’Eil chayai.
a prayer to the Almighty One of my life.
.iÏg© l ¥̀ l§ dN̈t¦ Y§
Utshu-at tzadikim mei-Adonai,
And the salvation of the righteous is from Hashem,
,dedin¥ miwi ¦ C©¦ v z©rEWzE §
ma-uzam b’eit tzarah.
their might in time of distress.
.dẍv̈ z¥rA§ mG̈Ern̈
Vayaz’reim Adonai vayfal’teim,
Hashem helped them and caused them to escape,
,mh¥ Nœ§ t© i§ e© dedi mxœ¥f§ r©
§ Ie©
y’fal’teim mei-r’sha-im v’yoshi-eim,
He will cause them to escape from the wicked and will save them,
,m¥riWFi ¦ e§ mir¦ Ẅœ§xn¥ mh¥ Nœ§ t© i§
ki chasu vo.
for they took refuge in Him.
.Fa Eq«g̈ iM¦

MA-ARIV aixrn

xkb ana
Considered by the Kabbalists to be the most powerful and mystical prayer of all; the
sequence of Hebrew letters is known as the 42-Letter Name of the Creator. The
importance of this prayer is not in the words themselves but in the first letter of each
word. The words only help us to make the sounds of each first letter. This prayer can
connect us to the energy of healing and before we say it, we should think of others that
need healing in order that we too may receive healing in our own lives.

Following the Ana B’Choach, we have a meditation known as Tikun HaNefesh, literally
“Correction of the Ego Self.” You may wish to use your right hand and place it over the
parts of your body as you look at the Divine Name (Tetragrammaton) in each box. The
numbers will guide through this meditation which is also used to realign the energy points
in our bodies. Some have referred to the Tikun HaNefesh as the Kabbalistic Chakra

After you have finished the Tikun HaNefesh, you may look at the letters of the angel for
the new day. Keep in mind that Hebrew days begin at evening, so on Sunday night you
would look at the name of the angel for Monday.

MA-ARIV aixrn

xkb ana

.dẍExv§ xiY¦ Y© Lœp§ n¦ i§ z©lEcb§ g© Ÿk« A§ `p̈`¨ CHESED

Ana b’choach g’dulat y’min’cha tatir tz’rurah.
Release all those in captivity, we beseech You, Almighty One whose power sets us free.

.`ẍFp Epx£
«¥dh© Ep«a¥ bœ§ U
© Lœ§nr© z©Px¦ l¥Aw© GEVURAH
Kabeil rinat am’cha sag’veinu tahareinu nora.
Accept the singing of all Your people Who praise and glorify You alone.

.mx¥n§ W
Ç̈ z©aäM§ Lœ§cEgi¦ iWœ§
¥ xFc xFAb¦ `p̈ TIFERET
Na gibor dor’shei yichud'cha k’vavat shomreim.
Preserve those Who seek Your unity, guard them like the pupil of the eye.

.m¥ln§ Ç̈B cin¦ Ÿ Lœz«

§ ẅc§ v¦ in£
¥ gx© mx£
¥dh© mk¥ x§ Ä
Bar’cheim tahareim rachamei tzidkat’cha tamid gomleim.
Bless and purify them and always grant them Your compassionate righteousness.

.L«z¤ c̈r
£ ld¥ p© LœaE
§ h aFxA§ WFcẅ oiq¦ g̈ HOD
Chasin kadosh b’rov tuv’cha naheil adatecha.
Invincible and Mighty One, with the abundance of Your goodness, watch over Your people.

.L«z¤ ẄEcw§ ixœ§¥kFf d¥pR§ Lœ§O©rl§ d ¤̀ B¥ cig¦ ï YESOD

Yachid gei-eh l’am’cha p’neih zoch’rei k’dushatecha.
O Exalted One, turn to Your people Who remember Your holiness.

.zFnEl£rY© r© cF
«¥ i Ep«z¥ w£
© rv© rn© W§ E l¥Aw© Ep«zr̈
¥ e§ W
Shavateinu kabeil ushma tza-akateinu yodei-a ta-alumot.
Turn to us and hear our prayers, You Who know all hidden things.
This verse is said in a whisper.

!c¤rë ml̈Frl§ FzEkl§ n© cFaM§ mW¥ KExÄ

Baruch sheim k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed!
Blessed is the Name of His glorious realm for ever and ever.

MA-ARIV aixrn


dpia xzk dnkg
3 Binah (Left Brain) 1 Keter (Skull) 2 Chochmah (Right Brain)

d¥ e¥d¥
¥i d̈e¨d̈ï d© e©d©
5 (Left Eye) 9 (Nose) 8 4 (Right Eye)

dedi dedi dedi dedi

id e` e id c ei

id e` e id c ei
dedi dedi
dedi dedi dedi dedi
7 (Left Ear) 6 (Right Ear)

dd e`e id cei dd e`e id cei

10 (Mouth)

id e`e id cei
s"nea u"xyqf z"plhc w"kib r"dg`
dxeab zx`tz cqg
12 Gevurah (Left Arm) 11 Chesed (Right Arm)
13 Tiferet (Body)

d§ e§d§ i§ ŸdŸeŸdŸi d¤ e¤d¤

ced ceqi gvp
15 Hod (Left Thigh) 16 Y’sod (Reproductive Organs) 14 Netzach (Right Thigh)

dª eªdª iª EdEeEdEi d¦ e¦d¦ i¦

17 Malchut (Feet)


MA-ARIV aixrn


i¥ d¥ e¥ ¥̀ e¥ i¥ d¥ c¥ e¥i¥ i© d© e©©ie© i© d© c© e©©i
iiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l`
dxexv xizz jpini zlecb gka `p`
d¤ e¤d¤
¤ i d¤ e¤d̈i§ uz¤ ¤ ib§ ä`§
l¤ ¤̀ e¤n¤¤ l l¤ ¤̀ p¤ r¤ e¤ l¤ ¤̀ i¤x¤¤fb¤ d¤¤ ix¤e¤h¤ n¤ q¤

lebq z"x

Ÿ`Ÿd FŸ`F Ÿ`Ÿd ŸcFŸi i§ d§ e§ `§ e§ i§ d§ c§ e§ i§ i¥ d¥ e¥ ¥̀ e¥ i¥ d¥ c¥ e¥i¥
``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l`
`xep epxdh epaby jnr zpx law
d§ e§ d§ i§ d̈e¡
§ di© oḧW¤ § rx§ w©
l§ `§
§ ip§ d§ `§ l§ `§
§ ik§ x§ a§ l§ `§
§ ir§ n§ W§

`ey z"x

MA-ARIV aixrn

d¥ d¥ ëë d¥ d¥ ŸcFŸi i© d© FŸ`F Ÿ`Ÿd ŸcFŸi
ddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l`
mxny zaak jcegi iyxec xeab `p
ŸdŸeŸdŸi d© e¡
¦ di© Uk© i¦ c¤ b©§ p
ŸlŸ`ŸiŸpŸgŸn ŸlŸ`ŸiŸcŸdŸl ŸlŸ`ŸiŸpŸg

mlg z"x

d¥ d¥ ëë d¥ d¥ eceei e`ed ee`e e`ed eceei
ddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l`
mlnb cinz jzwcv ingx mxdh mkxa
d§ e§ d§ i§ d̈e¡
§ di© oḧW¤ § rx§ w©
l¦ `¦
¦ iy¦ c¦ w¦ l¦ `¦ ¦ ih¦ d¦ x¦ l¦ `¦
¦ iw¦¦ fg¦

wxg z"x

MA-ARIV aixrn

e`ed ee`e e`ed eceei i§ d§ e§ `§ e§ i§ d§ c§ e§ i§ i¥ d¥ e¥ ¥̀ e¥ i¥ d¥ c¥ e¥i¥
``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l`
jzcr ldp jaeh aexa yicw oiqg
dª eªdªª i d© e¡
¦ di© r©ph¤ ¦ aw§ g©
lª ª̀ iªpªwª lª ª̀ iªnª rª xª lª rª eªnª yª

wxy z"x
(wxey z"xa eik`ln ueawd)

i¥ d¥ e¥ ¥̀ e¥ i¥ d¥ c¥ e¥i¥ i© d© e©©ie© i© d© c© e©©i
iiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l`
jzyecw ixkef dpt jnrl d`b cigi
EdpEeEdEi d̈Ÿed¡ ï wf̈Ÿtl¤ bï §

wxy z"x

MA-ARIV aixrn

The darkness of the first day differed from the darkness that preceded creation. Ma-ariv
also means mix and suggests that the Creator mixed light into the primordial darkness.
This blessing reminds us that darkness can be transformed by the tiniest spark of light.

Baruch atah Adonai, ,dedi dŸ`© KExÄ

Blessed are You Hashem,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
our Elohim, Sovereign of the universe,
,ml̈Frd̈ K¤ln«¤ Epi«dŸl ¥ ¤̀
asher bidvaro ma-ariv aravim,
Who by His word brings on evenings,
,mia¦ ẍ£r aix£¦ rn© Fxäc§ A¦ xW£̀ ¤
b’chochmah potei-ach sh’arim,
with wisdom opens the gates of dawn,
,mixr̈ ¦ W§ g«© zFR¥ dn̈kÇ̈ § gA§
uvitvunah m’shaneh itim,
and with understanding alters periods,
,miY¦ r¦ d¤PW© n§ dp̈Eaz§ aE ¦
umachalif et haz’manim,
and changes the seasons,
,mi¦Pnœ © G§ d© z ¤̀ sil£
¦ gnE ©
umsadeir et hakochavim
and orders the stars in their constellations,
mia¦ k̈FMd© z ¤̀ xC¥ q© nE §
b’mishm’roteihem baraki-a kirtzono.
in the heavens as He wills.
.FpFvx§ M¦ r© i«w¦ ẍÄ mdi ¤ zFxœ§
¥ nW§ n¦ A§
Borei yom valailah,
He creates day and night,
,dl̈§i«l̈ë mFi `xFA¥
goleil or mip’nei choshech,
unfurling light before darkness,
,KWŸ«¤ g i¥pRœ§ n¦ xF` l¥lFB
v’choshech mip’nei or.
and darkness before light.
.xF` i¥pRœ§ n¦ KWŸ«
¤ ge§
Uma-avir yom umeivi lailah,
He removes day and brings night,
,dl̈§i«l̈ `ia«¦ nE¥ mFi xia£ ¦ rnE ©
umavdil bein yom uvein lailah,
and separates between day and between night,
,dl̈§i«l̈ oi¥aE mFi oi¥A liC¦ a§ nE ©
Adonai, tz’va-ot sh’mo.
Hashem, Ruler of Hosts, is His Name.
.FnW§ zF`äv§ dedi
Eil chai v’kayam,
Almighty One, living and enduring,
,mÏw© e§ ig© l ¥̀
tamid yimloch aleinu l’olam va-ed.
continually may He reign over us for ever and ever.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Epi«l¥ r̈ KFln§ ¦i cin¦ Ÿ
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dŸ`© KExÄ
hama-ariv aravim.
Who brings on evenings.
.mia¦ ẍ£r aix£¦ rO© d©

MA-ARIV aixrn

,lvi tbha
Through this prayer we are reminded of the Creator’s eternal love for us, the expression
of which is through the gift of Torah. It moves us to love others as we have been loved.

Ahavat olam beit Yisra-eil, ,l ¥̀ ẍW§ i¦ zi¥A ml̈Fr z©a£d`©

With an eternal love, the House of Israel,
am’cha ahavta.
Your people You have loved.
,Ÿa«§ d̈`¨ Lœ§O©r
Torah umitzvot,
Torah and commandments,
,zFv§ nE¦ dẍFY
chukim umishpatim otanu limadta.
laws and precepts You have taught us.
.Ÿc«§ O© l¦ Ep«z̈F` mih¦ R̈W§ nE ¦ miT¦ gª
Al kein Adonai Eloheinu,
Therefore Hashem our Elohim,
¥ ` dedi oM¥ l©r
b’shochbeinu uvkumeinu
when we lie down and when we rise
¥ aE § Ep«A¥ k§ W Ç̈ A§
nasi-ach b’chukecha,
we will discuss Your laws,
,Li«T¤ gª A§ gi© Up̈«¦
v’nismach b’divrei talmud Toratecha
and we will rejoice in the words of the study of Your Torah
L«z¤ ẍFz cEnl§ z© ix¥a§ c¦ A§ gn© U¦ § pe§
uvmitzvotecha l’olam va-ed.
and Your commandments for ever and ever.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Li«zŸ ¤ ev§ n¦ aE §
Ki heim chayeinu v’orech yameinu,
For they are our life and the length of our days,
¥ Kx¤Ÿ`« e§ Epi«I¥ g© md¥ iM¦
uvahem neh-geh yomam valailah,
and we will reflect on them day and night,
,dl̈§i«l̈ë mn̈Fi d¤Bd¤ § p md¤ äE
v’ahavat’cha al tasir
Your love do not remove
xiq¦ Ÿ l`© Lœzä£
§ d`© e§
mimenu l’olamim.
from us forever.
¦ l§ EP«O¤ n¦
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dŸ`© KExÄ
oheiv amo Yisra-eil.
Who loves His people Israel.
.l ¥̀ ẍU§ ¦i FO©r adF`

MA-ARIV aixrn

The Sh'ma is an affirmation of faith. It both expresses our love for the Creator, and also
serves as an ode to the divinity of the soul. Kabbalah teaches that the Sh’ma is the
acknowledgement of unity and connects us to B’riyah, the World of Creation. It brings
the Creator’s Oneness into our consciousness and reminds us that we must extend
unconditional love to all.

The enlarged letters r and c form the word c¥r, which means witness. By saying the
Sh’ma, we bear witness to the Creator’s unity as we declare it to the world. The second
verse we say in a whisper because it is the prayer of the angels and we are not ordinarily
in a state to say it as they do.

The blessings that follow the Sh’ma express our love for the Creator. Each section
corresponds to one of the letters of the Divine Name.

It is important to say each word clearly and not to run words together.
We recite the first verse aloud while covering the eyes with the right hand.

!cg̈ ¤̀ dedi ,Epi«dŸl¡ § i rn© W§

¥ ` dedi ,l ¥̀ ẍU¦
Sh’ma Yisra-eil, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!
Hear O Israel, Hashem is our Elohim, Hashem is the One and Only!

This verse is said in a whisper.

.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ FzEkl§ n© cFaM§ mW¥ KExÄ

Baruch sheim k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed.
Blessed is the Name of His glorious realm for ever and ever.

MA-ARIV aixrn

V’ahavta eit Adonai Elohecha jLi®¤dŸl¡` dédi z­¥̀ Ÿ z½ a§ d´¨
© `e§
And you shall love Hashem Your Elohim,
b’chol l’vav’cha uvchol nafsh’cha
with all your heart and with all your soul,
Lj­ Wy
œ§ t©§ pÎlÇ̈kaE § e Lj¬ a« œ§ älÎlÇ̈
§ kAa§
uvchol m’odecha.
and with all your being.
:LjcŸ«¤ `nÎlÇ̈
§ kaE §e
V’hayu had’varim ha-eileh asher
And these words which
xW y¤̧ £̀ d¤Nl ¥̀À d̈ mix䜧 ´¦ Ccd© Eeºid̈e§
anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al l’vavecha.
I command you on this day shall be upon your heart.
:Lj«¤aälÎl© § r mFeIi­d© Lj² œ§Eev© n§ i¯¦kŸp`«¨
V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bam
And you shall teach them to your children and speak of them,
m®Äa ­Ÿ zx©§ Aac¦ e§ Lji½p¤ äl§ m´Ÿ z§pPp© W y¦ e§
b’shivt’cha b’veitecha uvlecht’cha
and while sitting in your house and while walking along
ĹjœY z§ k¤
§ laE§ e ÆLjzi¥
¤̧ aAa§ Lj³ Y zœ§ a§ Wy¦ Aa§
vaderech uvshochb’cha, uvkumecha.
the way and upon lying down and upon rising.
:LjnE «¤ ewaE § e Lj­ Aaœ§ k§ W
Ç̈ a§ Ee« Kjx¤Cc½¤ a©
Ukshartam l’ot al yadecha
And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand
Lj®¤cïÎl©r zFe`­ l§ m¬Ÿ zx§ W y© wE§e
v’hayu l’totafot bein einecha.
and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
:Lji«p¤ i¥r oi¬¥Aa zŸ­tḧŸ«hl§ Ee¬id̈e§
Uchtavtam al m’zuzot
And you shall write them upon the doorposts
§ r m²Ÿ za§ z© kE §e
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and your gates.
:Ljixr̈ «¤ Wy§ aE ¦ e Lj­¤zi¥Aa

V’hayah im shamo-a tishm’u ÆEerœ§nW y§ Yz¦ r© Ÿ³nẄ
y m`¦ dÀ̈id̈e§
And it shall happen if you listen attentively
el mitzvotai asher anochi
to My commandments, which I am
i²¦kŸp`«¨ x¯¤W y £̀ izŸ
©½ ev§ nÎl
¦ ¤̀
m’tzaveh etchem hayom
commanding you this day,
mFeIi® d© m­¤kz§ ¤̀ d¬¤Eev© n§
l’ahavah et Adonai
to love Hashem
³ ¤̀ dº̈a£d`«© l§
Eloheichem ulovdo
to serve your Elohim
Fec½ aÇ̈
§ rlE
§ e Æmki¤ d¥Ÿl¡
b’chol l’vavchem uvchol nafsh’chem.
with all of your heart and with all of your soul.
:m«k¤ W
yœ§ t© § pÎlÇ̈kaE § e m­¤ka© § alÎlÇ̈
§ kAa§
V’natati m’tar artz’chem b’ito
And I shall provide rain for your land in its proper time,
z­ r¦ Aa§ m²¤kvœ§ x§ `Îx« © h© n§ i¯¦Y zz«© p̈e§
MA-ARIV aixrn

yoreh umalkosh v’asafta d’ganecha Ljp¤½ b̈c§ ´Ÿ

zt§ q«© `¨ e§ W yFew® l§ nE © e d´¤xFei
first rain and last rain and so you may gather your grain
v’tirosh’cha v’yitzharecha.
and your wine and your oil.
:Ljx«¤d̈v§ ¦ie§ Lj­ Wyœ§ Ÿx« iz¦ e§
V’natati eisev b’sad’cha livhemtecha
And I shall provide also grass in your fields for your cattle
zn§ d¤ a§ l¦ Lj­ c« œ§ Ü
yAa§ aU y¤ ¬¥r i²¦Yzz«© p̈e§
v’achalta v’savata.
and you shall eat and be satisfied.
zr«§ äÜye§ ­Ÿ zl§ k«© `¨ e§
Hisham’ru lachem pen yifteh
Be careful for yourselves lest seduced
d­¤Yzt§ i¦ ÎoRt¤ mk¤½ l̈ Eex́œ§n«Ẍ yd¦
l’vavchem v’sartem va-avad’tem
be your heart and you turn away and serve
ÆmY z¤ cœ§ a© r£ e«© mYz¤À x§ q© e§ m®¤ka© § al§
elohim acheirim v’hishtachavitem
other deities and bow down
m­¤zie£ ¦ gY z«© W
y§ d¦ e§ mix½¦ g£̀ ¥ mi´¦dŸl¡`
to them.
V’charah af Adonai bachem v’atzar
Then the anger of Hashem shall be upon you and He shall seal
x³©vr̈e§ mk¤À Äa d¹edi s`© d ¸ẍg̈e§
et hashamayim v’lo yih-yeh matar
the heavens and there shall be no more rain
xḧ½ n̈ d´¤id«§ i¦ `Ÿle§ Æm ¦in©¸ Ẍ yd© z ¤̀
v’ha-adamah lo titein et y’vulah
and the earth will no longer yield its produce
Dd®l̈Eea§iÎz ¤̀ o­¥Y zz¦ `¬Ÿl dn̈½ c̈£̀´d̈e§
va-avad’tem m’heirah mei-al ha-aretz
and you shall be banished quickly from the good land
ux´¨ ¤ `d̈ Æl©rn¥ d Àẍd¥ n§ m´¤Y zcœ§ a£̀
© e«©
hatovah asher Adonai notein lachem.
that Hashem has given you.
:m«¤kl̈ o¬¥zŸp dedi ­ x¬¤W y £̀ dä½ ŸH hd©

V’samtem et d’varai eileh d¤Nl ¥̀½ i´©xäCc§ Îz ¤̀ ÆmY z¤ n§ U y© e§
Set these words of Mine
al l’vavchem v’al nafsh’chem
upon your heart and upon your soul
m®¤kW y
œ§ t©§ pÎl«r© e§ m­¤ka© § alÎl©§ r
ukshartem otam l’ot
and secure them as a sign
ÆzFe`l§ m³z̈Ÿ` mY z¤̧ x§ Wy© wE§e
al yedchem v’hayu l’totafot
upon your hand and as reminders
zŸ­tḧFeh« l§ Ee¬id̈e§ mk¤½ c¤§ iÎl©r
bein eineichem.
before your eyes.
:m«k¤ i¥pi«r¥ oi¬¥Aa
V’limad’tem otam et b’neichem
And you shall teach them to your children
m­¤ki¥pAa§ Îz ¤̀ m²z̈Ÿ` m¬¤Y zcœ§ O n© l¦ e§
l’dabeir bam b’shivt’cha b’veitecha
to discuss and as you sit in your home
¤̧ aAa§ Lj³ Y zœ§ a§ W
y¦ Aa§ m®Äa x´¥Aac© l§
uvlecht’cha vaderech uvshochb’cha
and as you walk along the way and as you lie down
Lj­ Aaœ§ k§ W
yÇ̈ a§ Ee« Kjx¤Cc½¤ a© ĹjœY
z§ k¤ § laE §e
and as you rise up.
:LjnE«¤ ewaE §e
MA-ARIV aixrn

Uchtavtam al m’zuzot zFe¬fEefnÎl©

§ r m²Ÿ za§ z© kE§e
And write them upon the doorposts
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and upon your gates.
«¤ W y§ aE¦ e Lj­¤zi¥Aa
L’ma-an yirbu y’meichem vimei
Then you will prolong your days and the days
i´¥nie¦ Æmki ¤ n¥ i§ EeAa³ x¦i§ o©rn©¸ l§
v’neichem al ha-adamah asher
of your children upon the land that
xWy¤̧ £̀ dn̈½ c̈£̀ d̈« l©µ r mk¤½ i¥pa§
nishba Adonai la-avoteichem lateit
Hashem swore to your ancestors to give
z´¥zl̈ m­¤kizŸ«¥ a£̀«l© dedi ² r¯©AaW y§ p¦
lahem kimei hashamayim
to them like the days of heaven
mi¦­©nẌyd© i¬¥niMk¦ m®¤dl̈
al ha-aretz.
on earth.
:ux«¤`¨ d̈Îl©r

Vayomer Adonai el Mosheh leimor:
Hashem talked to Moses, saying:
:xŸ«n`¥Nl d¬¤W yŸnÎl ¤̀ d¬edi xn`Ÿ ¤ ¬Iie©
Dabeir el b’nei Yisra-eil v’amarta
Speak to the children of Israel and say
zx§ n«© `¨ e§ Æl ¥̀ ẍUy§ ¦i i³¥pAa§ Îl ¤̀ xºAa¥ Cc©
aleihem v’asu lahem tzitzit
to them that they are to make for themselves tassels
z²¦viv¦ m¬¤dl̈ EeU̧ yr̈e§ md¥ ¤½ l £̀
al kanfei vigdeihem l’dorotam
on the corners of their clothes in every generation
m®z̈ŸxŸc« l§ m­¤dic¥ b§ a¦ i¬¥tp§ Mk© Îl©r
v’nat’nu al tzitzit hakanaf p’til
and they shall put a blue thread on the corner
li¬¦zRt§ s­p̈M̈kd© z¬¦vivÎl© ¦ r Eep² z«œ§ p̈e§
:z¤lk«¥ Y z§
V’hayah lachem l’tzitzit ur-item
And it shall constitute for you tassels and that you may see
m´¤zi`¦ xE§ e z¼ vi ¦ v¦ l§ m» k¤ l̈ d´ïd̈e§
oto uzchartem et kol mitzvot
them and remember all the commandments
zŸév§ nÎlÇ̈
¦ MkÎz ¤̀ ÆmY z¤ x§ k§ © fEe FezŸÀ `
Adonai va-asitem otam
of Hashem and do them
m®z̈Ÿ` m­¤ziU y¦ r£ e«© d½edi
v’lo taturu acharei l’vavchem
and not follow after your heart
Æmk¤ a© § al§ i³¥x£g`«© EexEez¹ z̈ `Ÿl¸ e§
v’acharei eineichem, asher atem
and after your eyes which draw you astray
z`Îx© W y¤ £̀ mki¥ ¤½ pi«r¥ i´¥x£g`«© e§
zonim achareihem.
leading to lust. :m«di ¤ x£ ¥g`«© mi­¦pŸf
L’ma-an tizk’ru va-asitem
In order that you may remember m­¤ziU y¦ r£ e«© Eexœ ½ Mk§ f§ Y
z¦ o©r´©nl§
et kol mitzvotai vih-yitem
all of My commandments and be m¬¤zi¦id«§ e¦ i®z̈Ÿev§ nÎlÇ̈ ¦ MkÎz ¤̀
k’doshim l’Eiloheichem.
holy to your Elohim. :m«k¤ id¥Ÿl`¥ « l mi­¦W yŸcw§
MA-ARIV aixrn

Focus on the mitzvah to remember the Exodus from Egypt.

Ani Adonai Eloheichem asher xWy¤̧ £̀ mki¤À d¥Ÿl¡

« ` dédi iºp¦ £̀
I am Hashem your Elohim Who
hotzeiti etchem mei-eretz mitzrayim
brought you out of the land of Egypt
m ¦ix½©v§ n¦ ux´¤̀¤ n¥ Æmk¤ z§ ¤̀ iz`³¥
¦ vFed
lih-yot lachem l’Eilohim
to be your own Elohim
mi®¦dŸl`«l¥ m­¤kl̈ zFe¬id§ l¦
ani Adonai Eloheichem.
I am Hashem your Elohim.
« ` d¬edi i­¦p £̀


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