Problems On Brian Greene's "The Fabric of The Cosmos"
Problems On Brian Greene's "The Fabric of The Cosmos"
Problems On Brian Greene's "The Fabric of The Cosmos"
David J. Jeffery
Department of Physics
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho
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1 Roads to Reality
2 The Universe and the Bucket
3 Relativity and the Absolute
1 Multiple-Choice Problem Answer Tables
Adler, R., Bazin, M., & Schiffer, M. 1975, Introduction to General Relativity (New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company) (ABS)
Arfken, G. 1970, Mathematical Methods for Physicists (New York: Academic Press) (Ar)
Bernstein, J., Fishbane, P. M., & Gasiorowicz, S. 2000, Modern Physics (Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall) (BFG)
Cardwell, D. 1994, The Norton History of Technology (New York: W.W. Norton & Company)
Clark, J. B., Aitken, A. C., & Connor, R. D. 1957, Physical and Mathematical Tables
(Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd Ltd.) (CAC)
French, A. P. 1971, Newtonian Mechanics (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.) (Fr)
Greene, B. 2004, The Fabric of the Cosmos (New York: Vintage Books) (Gre)
Griffiths, D. J. 1995, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall) (Gr)
Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. 2000, Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 6th Edition
(New York: Wiley) (HRW)
Hecht, E., & Zajac, A. 1974, Optics (Menlo Park, California: Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company) (HZ)
Jackson, D. J. 1975, Classical Electrodynamics 2th Edition (New York: Wiley) (Ja)
Krauskopf, K. B., & Beiser, A. 2003 The Physical Universe (New York: McGraw-Hill) (KB)
Lawden, D. F. 1975, An Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Relativity (London: Chapman
and Hall) (La)
Jeffery, D. J. 2001, Mathematical Tables (Port Colborne, Canada: Portpentragam Publishing)
Mermin, N. D. 1968, Space and Time in Special Relativity (New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Company) (Me)
Shipman, J. T., Wilson, J. D., & Todd, A. W. 2000 An Introduction to Physical Science (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company) (SWT)
Weber, H. J., & Arfken, G. B. 2004, Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists (Amsterdam:
Elsevier Academic Press) (WA)
Wolfson, R., & Pasachoff, J. M. 1990, Physics: Extended with Modern Physics (Glenview Illinois:
Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown Higher Education) (WP)
Chapt. 1 Roads to Reality
Multiple-Choice Problems
c) Well . . .
. . . like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He star’d at the Pacific—and all his men
Look’d at each other with a wild surmise—
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.
d) Quoting Newton:
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have
been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and
then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great
ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
That’s the one.
e) I’ve no idea.
where the values have been taken from Wikipedia (2007oct21). The Planck units (originally
proposed by Max Planck) are based only on general universal physics and not arbitrary human
choices. They should have some fundamental significance and are often ingredients in advanced
theory. Its helpful in constructing Planck units to note that G/c4 has units of m/J and G/c5
has units of s/J (which incidentally makes it the inverse of the Planck power).
Chapt. 1 Vector Analysis 3
Brian Greene (Gre-17), in the customary arcane jargon of grand high theorists, refers
to a length “some hundred billion billion times smaller than a single atomic nucleus.” Atomic
nuclei have a size scale of order 10−15 m. Evidently, he is referring to the Planck length.
Construct the Planck length from the above constants and evaluate it approximately.
q q
a) − h c5 /G ≈ 1.8 × 109 m b) − h G/c5 ≈ 5 × 10−44 m
q q
c) − h G/c3 ≈ 1.6 × 10−35 m d) − h c/G ≈ 2 × 10−8 m
e) c5 /(− h G) ≈ 2 × 1043 m
Full-Answer Problems
Chapt. 2 The Universe and the Bucket
Multiple-Choice Problems
Full-Answer Problems
Chapt. 3 Relativity and the Absolute
Multiple-Choice Problems
Full-Answer Problems
Chapt. 4 Entangling Space
Multiple-Choice Problems
Full-Answer Problems
Appendix 5 Multiple-Choice Problem Answer Tables
Note: For those who find scantrons frequently inaccurate and prefer to have their own table and
marking template, the following are provided. I got the template trick from Neil Huffacker at
University of Oklahoma. One just punches out the right answer places on an answer table and
overlays it on student answer tables and quickly identifies and marks the wrong answers
Answer Table for the Multiple-Choice Questions
a b c d e a b c d e
1. O O O O O 26. O O O O O
2. O O O O O 27. O O O O O
3. O O O O O 28. O O O O O
4. O O O O O 29. O O O O O
5. O O O O O 30. O O O O O
6. O O O O O 31. O O O O O
7. O O O O O 32. O O O O O
8. O O O O O 33. O O O O O
9. O O O O O 34. O O O O O
10. O O O O O 35. O O O O O
11. O O O O O 36. O O O O O
12. O O O O O 37. O O O O O
13. O O O O O 38. O O O O O
14. O O O O O 39. O O O O O
15. O O O O O 40. O O O O O
16. O O O O O 41. O O O O O
17. O O O O O 42. O O O O O
18. O O O O O 43. O O O O O
19. O O O O O 44. O O O O O
20. O O O O O 45. O O O O O
21. O O O O O 46. O O O O O
22. O O O O O 47. O O O O O
23. O O O O O 48. O O O O O
24. O O O O O 49. O O O O O
25. O O O O O 50. O O O O O
Appendix 5 Multiple-Choice Problem Answer Tables 11