Correct The Sentences Exercises With Answers

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Correct the sentences exercises with answers pdf

› Cram Up › Grammar › Word Order › Exercise Note: This page is for students. Teachers, you can download this exercise as a worksheet here: Fixed Mistakes (Speaking Activity)This exercise is for intermediate level students. Each of the 20 sentences below has a mistake. Rewrite the sentence without mistake, and then click Reply to
check the answer. Explanations that are not obvious have been added to the answers. Let's get started!1. It was raining when I got home last night. AnswerIt was raining when I got home last night.* Use progressive past for longer action, which has been interrupted by a shorter action in the past. 2. My sister is annoying today, but usually
she is beautiful. My sister's answer is annoying today, but usually she is beautiful.* Use a progressive time (present progressive is used here) for actions and (some) adjectives that are temporary. Your sister's not annoying. she's just being annoying today. For adjectives, this generally applies to adjectives that require action (for example,
being silly, being rude) and not states (dead, tired). 3. I didn't eat anything today. AnswerI didn't eat anything today. 4. If I were a kid, I'd play outside. AnswerIf I were a kid, I would play outside.* Second Conditioning = If + past, subject + would/ could/could. The second condition is used for unreal situations. Fact: You're not a child. But if
you were a kid, you'd play outside. Review conditionalities here. 5. Everyone has seen this movie. AnswerEveryone saw that movie. This is a problem with the subject-verb-agreement. 6. If we are late, they will be angry. AnswerIt's late, they'll be furious.* Being late is a real possibility, so you should use your first conditioner. First
Conditional = If + topic + simple present, subject + will. Review conditionalities here. 7. My father thinks he should quit smoking. Answer My father thinks I should quit smoking.* In this sentence, the verb thinks it's a state verb. In general, it is not used in tense progressive (~ing). See our lesson on state verbs. 8. Look! It's snow.
AnswerLook! It's snowing.* Use the progressive time present if you want to describe what's happening now. 9. I fell asleep while watching TV. AnswerI fell asleep while watching TV.*After using the progressive past. Again, this is a longer action (watching TV), which was interrupted by a shorter action (sleeping). 10. I've been living in
Canada for 10 months. AnswerI has been living in Canada for 10 months. To describe a duration. Since describing when an action started. 11. There is a warm country. AnswerIt's a warm country. / This country is warm.*In the sentence above, there is a indicating a place. An adverb should not be the subject of a sentence. Instead, use It
as It's a pronoun. 12. I don't have an iPhone. AnswerI don't have an iPhone.* People don't say I don't have (something) anymore. That's old-fashioned English. 13. I've never been to Korea. Answer that I haven't been to Korea. / I've never been to Korea.* It's only used with the perfect present in questions. It is not used in statements. 14.
Students have fun in class today. Answer Students are having fun today in class.* The verb has a status verb, so it should not be used in progressive times (~ing). However, to have a good time is an expression (just like having a baby, having a party). These expressions are actions, so they can be used during progressive. 15. John
probably won't come to school tomorrow. AnswerJohn probably won't come to school tomorrow.* Use you for predictions. Use fi + go to for plans that are already decided. 16. If the world were to end tomorrow, I would be very sad. AnswerIf the world ended tomorrow, I'd be very sad.* This is the second conditional. It is for a present unreal
condition. There's a very small chance that the world will end tomorrow. The speaker doesn't think it's going to happen. Therefore, to show that it is not a real possibility, we will use the second condition. 17. I still did my homework at 10:30 last night. AnswerI was still doing my homework at 10:30 last night.* Using past progressive actions
that were ongoing at some point in the past. 18. He can speak Japanese because he was born in Canada. AnswerHe can speak Japanese even though/though he was born in Canada.* These ideas contrast each other, so we should use even if/though/though. 19. Lee afraid of snakes. AnswerLee is afraid of snakes.* fear is an adjective.
A verb is still necessary. 20. The students were not interested in the lesson because she was bored. Answer Students were not interested in the lesson because it was boring.* An explanation of this answer can be found here. How many answers did you get correctly? If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section below.
can you improve your English? The best way is to practice speaking and writing with a teacher who can give you feedback on your mistakes. If you don't have a teacher, there is also free software, it would be Gramatally, which can give you grammatical feedback while typing. If you want to see some more common mistakes, please visit
these related pages:- Matthew Barton / Creator: (Copyright) Current English recommends grammar as a learning tool to reduce mistakes in English. If you've found this page useful, consider a donation to our hosting bill to show your support! The correct answer to any of our questions correction of the sentence
will have all the following 4 characteristics: 1. No No mistakes 2. The correct structure of sentence 3. No diction errors 4. No change in the meaning of the intended sentence It is also important to note that I did not specify that the correct answer is always the most concise. While this is often the case, it doesn't always hold true. You may
find that you need to resist the temptation to always select the shortest answer choice. If you've read the underlined text, you already know what it says. Note, however, that we do not say to ignore choice A in its entirety. It will be correct about a fifth of the time. That said, we recommend that you resist the temptation to overanalyze these
questions or assume that there is always a re-written response choice that is better than the highlighted segment presented in the question. Look for more errors. A sentence may contain multiple errors. A common error in which those taking the test fall is to find an error and then quickly choose the answer that corrects this mistake,
without considering whether there are other errors in the sentence that an alternative choice of response could also address. The correct answer must correct all errors in the underlined text. Use the removal process whenever possible. The easiest way to use the removal process in sentence correction questions is simply to remove any
answer options that are themselves grammatically incorrect. You can also remove any options that change the intended meaning of the sentence. If you're still not sure to answer a question, even after narrowing your options to two, you'll be better off by selecting more concise remaining answer options, provided it doesn't use the passive
voice. Don't worry about spelling or capitalization errors. Test writers do not test for these 2 errors. When in doubt, look for subtle differences between the different response options. Examining how response options differ from each other may also be a good way to determine what errors might be present in the underlined text. This
technique can also help you fight the tendency to read so carefully for the sense that you overlook grammatical mistakes. Read the entire sentence a second time by entering the selected response option. We have found that this is a very strong advice to deal with questions of correction of sentences. It can keep from making careless
mistakes that would affect the GMAT score. Trust your ears. If you get stuck, tell the choices in your head and then select the passage that sounds best to your ears. The majority of those who tested the tests, especially native English speakers, more grammatical rules than I can explicitly identify. Below you will find our complete list of
sentence correction worksheets. In this section, students practice identifying/correcting errors in sentences by rewriting them. Below you will find our full list of Worksheets to fill in sentences to be used by teachers at home or at school. Just click a link to open a printable PDF version of the worksheet you want. We hope you find them
useful. In each of the following sentences you must remove a word to make them grammatically correct. Identify that word that needs to be removed. Despite it is the preposition. She doesn't take after her. The relative pronoun acts as the subject or object of the relative clause. It replaces words like him, him, them, them etc. It is therefore
wrong to repeat the pronoun in the relative clause. The correct expression is at work. We do not use the perfect present with expressions from past time as before. Preposition is not required here. Had better is followed by an infinitive without. There is no preposition between tell and its object. The lack of verb is followed by direct objects
without prepositions. The likeness is followed by direct objects without prepositions. Each cannot be used with possessive adjectives. Answers 1. He went to work despite his illness. 2. Raju, who is my best friend, is a writer. 3. No matter what I do, I can't make her happy. 4. She is busy at work and will not be home before 10.30. 5. I
decided to quit my job a week ago. 6. You should complain if you are not satisfied with the service you receive. 7. You better not wake him up when you get home. 8. You should tell me exactly what happened there. 9. He is intelligent, but he has no experience. 10. She does not resemble any of her parents. 11. I have written to every
friend I have. 12. I speak neither French nor German. German.

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