A Legibility Scale For Early Primary Handwriting
A Legibility Scale For Early Primary Handwriting
A Legibility Scale For Early Primary Handwriting
This study set out to examine the range of legibility demonstrated by Western Australian
students required to handwrite tasks of increasing intrinsic cognitive load. A
representative sample of students in Years 1, 2 and 3 (N=437) was recruited for a cross
sectional study and teachers administered handwriting tasks. Year 1 students were
administered easier tasks (copying from the board and dictation), and Year 3 students
were administered more difficult tasks (dictation and composition), whilst students in
Year 2 were administered all three tasks. A rubric was then constructed for six aspects of
legibility from selected participant exemplars: letter formation, size, space in word, space
between words, line placement, and slant, providing 18 items for analysis (3 tasks x 6
aspects). The rubric demonstrated acceptable inter- and intra-reliability. Scores were
assigned following pairwise comparisons; a Rasch model (RM) analysis was applied to
scores. Fit to the RM was confirmed to permit a more accurate assessment of legibility.
The study substantiates many assumptions about handwriting in the extant literature, and
more specifically reveals how cognitive load governs legibility when students are learning
to handwrite. Implications for practice are discussed.
(i.e. a letterform) from long term memory (McCloskey & Rapp, 2017), hold it in working
memory, at the same time identify the motor program for the selected allograph (letter
case), establish the size and placement of the letter, and finally handwrite it (Graham,
Harris & Fink, 2000). Motor programs for individual letters are mental models that specify
the number of basic motor units and their spatiotemporal relationship (Palmis et al.,
2017). Without an ability to: distinguish alphabetic symbols as letters in words, construct
mental models as orthographic representations to which phonemes can be applied, and
assemble a motor program to execute the letters, students will not be able to
independently retrieve letterforms to handwrite (McCloskey & Rapp, 2017). Transcription
skills (handwriting and spelling) not only demand cognitive resources of beginner writers,
they also interfere with cognitive resources available for text generation (Graham et al.,
2000). In turn, the complexity of writing tasks, or intrinsic cognitive load, interferes with
handwriting legibility for students learning to handwrite (Bourdin & Fayol, 2000; Olive,
Favart, Beauvais & Beauvais, 2009). This inherent circularity potentially limits effective
evaluation of legibility for students learning to handwrite.
Cognitive load theory (CLT) (Sweller, Ayres & Kalyuga, 2011) provides a framework to
explicate the cognitive demands managed during authentic classroom writing tasks for
students learning to handwrite. CLT is an information processing theory concerned with
learning acquired through the dynamic relationship between instruction and cognitive
architecture (Sweller, van Merrienboer & Paas, 1998). The theory assumes a cognitive
architecture made up of long-term memory or organised schema, with varying degrees of
automation, and a limited working memory capacity that includes partially independent
components to deal with visual and auditory information (Baddeley, 2003). Three types of
cognitive load at the specific level have featured in the literature and are considered to be
additive (Gerjets, Scheiter & Cierniak, 2009; Sweller et al., 2011): intrinsic CL (task
complexity); extraneous CL (instructional design); and germane CL (motivation and
mental effort required from the learner). According to the theory, learning involves
conscious processing of information and requires considerable effort; however, with
deliberate practice acquired schema can be used automatically with minimal to no
conscious effort (McCutchen, 2006). Understanding occurs when all necessary interacting
elements can be processed in working memory and skilled performance comes from
acquiring automated schema (Sweller et al., 2011). When cognitive load is too high, access
to long term memory and the ability to add information to long term memory schema is
compromised; on the other hand, learning increases when cognitive load is decreased
(Sweller et al., 2011). Intrinsic cognitive load, in the form of a hierarchical order for
writing task complexity, was considered for this study (hereafter cognitive load).
learning to handwrite is highly variable (Feder et al., 2007; Graham et al., 2006) and this
can be a challenge for measurement (Graham & Weintraub, 1996). Previous handwriting
studies using both global and analytic assessment methods to measure performance have
consistently identified letter formations, letter size, space between words, space within
words, slant and line placement as aspects of legibility (Graham & Weintraub, 1996;
Simner & Eidlitz, 2000). These aspects explained 96% of the variance between good and
poor handwriters in a study with typically developing Grade 1 and 2 students carrying out
copying and composition tasks (Graham et al., 2006). Research findings suggest that
examination of legibility aspects on assigned writing tasks of increasing cognitive load
(copying from the board, hereafter copying; dictation; and composition) might present an
efficient and effective evaluation strategy for students learning to handwrite.
This study builds on, and extends, previous research on handwriting and cognitive
influence (Bourdin & Fayol, 2000; Olive et al., 2009). Based on CLT, automatic access to
organised schemas in long term memory for orthographic representation(s) and motor
program(s) can be inferred from legibility by incrementally increasing cognitive load
(copying, dictation, composition), which is managed in working memory (McCarney et al.,
2013; McCutchen, 2006). As a result, diagnosis and intervention in handwriting could be
better informed by comparing legibility between students, and between task performances
for individual students. In this study, a coherent series of hierarchical writing tasks that
incrementally increased cognitive load was designed to examine the effect on students’
legibility when learning to handwrite.
according to writing task) and person abilities (legibility performance for each task) on the
same scale so they can be directly compared to each other. At the same logit, students
have a 0.5 probability of achieving that item; students with greater proficiency have a
greater probably of achieving the item and students with lower proficiency have a lower
probability of achieving the item. A priori, according to the RM and CLT, students with
legible composition would demonstrate legible dictation and copying; and, conversely,
students with illegible copying would not be expected to demonstrate legible dictation. If
that were the case, then that would be an anomaly and warrant further investigation. To
date no analysis of legibility when students are learning to handwrite using the RM has
been documented in the literature, as far as we are aware.
1. What are the effects of cognitive load on legibility when students are learning to
2. How do aspects of legibility differentiate handwriting performance when students are
learning to handwrite?
The study was conducted at the end of school Term 1; there are four terms in Australian
schools. Because the study used a cross sectional design, and to capture the full range of
handwriting performance when students are learning to handwrite from the beginning of
Year 1 to the end of Year 2, beginning Year 2 students acted as proxy for end of Year 1
and beginning Year 3 students acted as proxy for end of Year 2. In Australia, where this
study took place, students turn 6 in Year 1, 7 in Year 2 and 8 in Year 3.
In order to obtain student responses across the required ability range for Years 1 and 2, a
representative sample was recruited. Students were recruited from 11 schools, both
government and private fee-paying schools, within a 10 kilometre radius of the Perth
Central Business District. At the time of the study, which took place prior to the
introduction of the Australian National Curriculum, private schools determined their own
curriculum related to handwriting instruction in contrast to a prescribed curriculum in
government schools; therefore, it was of interest if differences could be detected. Ethics
approval to conduct the study was obtained by the University of Western Australia
(RA/4/1/2599) and all information requirements were met. Informed consent was
obtained from all individual participants included in the study. School principals were
informed of the study’s purpose and design before giving their written consent to recruit
participants. Student participants gave verbal assent and parents completed written
consent forms. Participants were de-identified prior to scoring legibility and recording
data. Table 1 depicts the distribution of students used in the analyses according to person
factors: gender, year level, and school type.
Staats, Oakley & Marais 541
Table 1: Participant sample according to gender, year level, and school type
Research design
The study was conducted at the end of Term 1 as an assumption of the study was that all
Year 1 students had received some handwriting instruction because the validity of results
increases when students have received instruction (Borsboom, Mellenbergh & van
Heerlen, 2004). At the time of the study, Year 1 was the first compulsory year of school in
Western Australia. The intent of the study was not to discriminate between poor and good
handwriters but, rather, to capture the range of legibility for hierarchically ordered
authentic classroom writing tasks within students’ ability range. A tailored design was
adopted, a term used for selecting items based on their relative difficulties (Kline, 2015).
Specifically, students in Year 3 were administered more difficult tasks (dictation and
composition) and students in Year 1 were administered easier tasks (copying and
dictation) with all three tasks administered to Year 2 providing a link among tasks. The
assigned tasks accommodated the cross sectional design (copying and dictation at the
beginning of Year 1, copying, dictation and composition at the end of Year 1, and
dictation and composition at the end of Year 2). Table 2 illustrates the data structure for
the tailored design of the legibility scale (LS).
A marking rubric was constructed based on the following assumptions: first, based on
CLT and an assumed cognitive architecture (Sweller et al., 2011), more legibility was
evidence of more organised schemas for orthographic representations and motor
programs (McCloskey & Rapp, 2017); second, each of the aspects would provide unique
information to the construct of legibility and therefore performance variation in any one
of the aspects would produce variation in measurement outcomes (Borsboom et al.,
2004); and, finally, judgment by assessors was valid based on the law of comparative
judgment which states that when comparing any two handwriting specimens, the
magnitude of quality may not be measured directly, but can be inferred (Heldsinger &
Humphry, 2010). Thorndike (1912) stated that the specimen being compared is either
542 A legibility scale for early primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences
better or worse than the target specimen and therefore can be assigned a value; given
specimen X, specimen Y is either X+Y or X-Y.
The rubric was constructed using participant samples. Exemplars were selected based on
demonstrated difference in performance by means of paired comparison (Heldsinger &
Humphry, 2010). The researcher rated pairs of work samples according to a
predetermined schedule to choose successively better examples of the aspect under
consideration. The rubric did not have structurally aligned categories such that each aspect
had the same number of categories; instead, the number of exemplars to differentiate
performance per aspect was not predetermined. For example, letter formation had four
category levels but space within word had two category levels. Figure 1 illustrates the
marking rubric for letter formation; other rubrics are given in Appendices 1 to 5. Selected
handwriting exemplars acted as the threshold (category) for assigning a score; each
exemplar was flanked by category descriptors (Humphry & Heldsinger, 2014). Based on
six aspects of legibility and three writing tasks, there were 18 items to score. Inter-rater
reliability, established by two raters (the researcher and an assistant) was satisfactory
(Cohen’s kappa=0.65), and intra-rater reliability (the researcher) was established a week
later (Cohen’s kappa=0.97). Internal consistency was good (alpha coefficient=0.88).
Data analysis
Data were analysed using the Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Model (RUMM2030)
software (Andrich, Sheridan & Luo, 2012) according to the polytomous Rasch model
(Andrich, 2009). Polytomous items are items that have more than two ordered categories.
The RUMM program generates a number of statistics and graphical displays to decide
whether or not the data fit the RM. Analogous to the traditional index of reliability,
Cronbach coefficient alpha, the Rasch index of reliability, called the person separation
index (PSI) has values between 0 and 1 with higher values indicating higher reliability
(Andrich, 1982).
The model for dichotomous responses is illustrated by the item characteristic curve (ICC)
and the model for polytomous items is illustrated by the category characteristic curve
(CCC). Figure 2 shows the category characteristic curves for an item with 4 categories and
a maximum score of 3. The CCC also illustrates points on the X-axis that are the
thresholds (T1, T2, T3) between the successive categories. The threshold between two
adjacent response categories is the point on the measurement continuum where the
probability of a response in either of the two adjacent response categories is equal.
Thresholds that are not ordered sequentially indicate that students had difficulty
discriminating between them.
A ‘family approach’ to assessing item misfit was used (Smith & Plackner, 2009). An item
was flagged as misfitting if it misfit according to two item fit statistics; the item fit-residual
statistic and the item chi-square fit statistic. In addition, information from graphical
displays as well as the content of the item were considered. Both the item fit-residual
statistic and the item chi-square fit statistic are based on comparisons between observed
and expected responses. Misfit is indicated if the probability value of the chi-square
statistic is less than 0.01. The overall item/trait chi square statistic is the sum of the
individual item chi square statistics and gives a summary indication of fit for the items as a
544 A legibility scale for early primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences
group. In the case of the item residual fit statistic, misfit is generally indicated if the value
is outside of the range -2.5 to 2.5. In addition, if the mean and SD of all item fit residuals
are close to 0 and 1 respectively, good fit is indicated.
Figure 2: Category characteristic curve with four categories and three thresholds
Rasch models assume local independence of responses; that is, the response to one item
does not depend on the response to another item. Two types of violations of local
independence, response dependence and multidimensionality, were diagnosed by
examining the item residual correlation matrix (Marais & Andrich, 2008). Item residual
correlations between -0.3 to 0.3 are generally considered within accepted range.
Rasch analysis allows diagnosis of differential item functioning (DIF) for various sub-
groups of the population. An item shows DIF when, for the same level of the trait being
measured, members of one sub-group (e.g., males) score differently on the item than
members of another sub-group (e.g., females). This does not preclude a different score
between males and females on an item, but rather that, given the same overall level of
handwriting legibility, the expected score on an item should be the same for different sub-
groups. DIF is diagnosed graphically through an inspection of the item characteristic
curve (ICC) and is confirmed statistically through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the
residuals (Andrich, 2012). Items were tested for DIF for gender, handedness, type of
school and year-level.
Test prompts for the writing tasks were devised in consultation with experienced
classroom teachers. The copying task was a pangram written on the whiteboard, The quick
brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The dictation task read, We had a lot of help from Mum and
Dad to cut the tree, and the composition task prompt read, My Family. Time allowed for the
copying and composition tasks was three and seven minutes respectively. Teachers
Staats, Oakley & Marais 545
Students were removed from the data set for analysis if they were receiving additional
support for handwriting, or had missing data for any of the writing tasks (as it is easier to
study distribution and RM fit with complete data). Handwriting samples of less than five
words were counted as missing data as some writing is necessary to assess handwriting
proficiency. This left data for 437 students to be used in analyses (refer to Table 1 for
participant factors).
The RM for polytomous responses used data of 437 students to examine the overall fit of
data to the RM in order to determine: (i) scalability (the validity of placing students and
items on the same scale); (ii) hierarchal ordering of items and student ability (the relative
difficulty of different legibility aspects and relative difficulty of different writing tasks; the
relative ability levels of students); (iii) unidimensionality (summed scores confirm legibility
construct); (iv) and item invariance (whether or not items functioned the same way the
same for different sub-groups of the population).
The person-item distribution, alignment of items and persons, is depicted in Figure 3. The
graph show histograms of the Rasch person estimates (top histograms for the different
year-levels in blue, red and green) and item difficulty threshold estimates (bottom
histogram in blue). The graph shows relatively good targeting of the test prompts with
thresholds of difficulty across the whole continuum indicating that the test was generally
within the ability range of the students. There were no disordered category thresholds, nor
ceiling or floor effects. The separation between mean year levels (-1.56, 0.77, 1.73 logits)
for Years 1, 2 and 3 respectively supports the validity of the marking rubric. The
distribution of the year groups shows the mean value of year levels increases as expected,
but there is a great deal of variation within each year level. Standard deviations were (1.35,
1.57. 1.46) for Years 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The overall range for legibility in Term 1 for
Year 1 to Year 3 was -4.69 to 5.05 logits. The person separation index (PSI) was 0.90 and
indicated excellent reliability and power to detect misfit.
546 A legibility scale for early primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences
The overall item/trait chi square statistic value ( 2=149.98, df 54; p<0.001), and the
mean of the item fit residual statistics value for items (-0.57) and standard deviation (2.12)
indicated there was some item misfit. The person residual fit statistic mean (-0.34) and
standard deviation (1.01) were close to expected values of 0.00 and 1.00 indicating that the
persons fitted the model. Item locations, standard errors and fit statistics are shown in
Table 3. The table is ordered by the difficulty location of the items.
The following items met one criteria of misfit: Items 1, 2, 7, 9 and 13. Item 9 had a fairly
high positive fit residual statistic (2.47) and showed poor discrimination between students
(see Table 3). Figure 4 shows the ICC for item 9. As handwriting legibility increases along
the X-axis, the observed means for students (black dots) did not increase as much as
expected (curve).
Four items showed high negative fit residuals: Item 1 (z=-4.98), Item 2 (z=-2.92), Item 7
(z=-3.32), and Item 13 (z=-2.98). Items 1, 7 and 13 were for aspect letter formation and
all showed very high discrimination, which suggests letter formation represents some
higher-order feature of legibility. No item showed misfit according to both fit statistics
and, after consideration of the graphic displays as well as the content of the items, all
items were retained to maintain the structure of the test.
Table 3 is ordered by the difficulty location of the items and the order of difficulty for
writing tasks shows that increased cognitive load governs handwriting legibility. Copying
Staats, Oakley & Marais 547
Figure 4: Item characteristic curve (ICC) for Item 9 - copying space in word
(M, -0.88) was easier than dictation (M, -0.04), which was easier than composition (M,
0.93). The specific mean logit values for copying, dictation and composition cannot be
compared as ratios because there is no natural origin, but differences between values
expressed in logits can be compared as ratios. The respective means of composition,
dictation and copying were 0.93, -0.04, and -0.88. The successive differences between
them were 0.97 and 0.84, giving a ratio of 0.97/0.84 = 1.15. There is a hierarchical
548 A legibility scale for early primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences
proficiency for writing tasks but it is uneven. Dictation is more difficult than copying, but
composition is much more difficult than dictation. The order for aspects from easy to
difficult, expressed in logits according to mean locations was: space in word (-1.63); slant
(-0.69); size (-0.23); space between words (0.37); letter formation (0.86); and line
placement (1.25).
Consistent with the literature that shows girls outperform boys in writing tasks during
Grade 1 and 2, girls (M=0.39) did better than boys (M=-0.23) overall. As expected, the
differences between year levels were statistically significant. There were no overall
differences between government and private schools. Overall, there were no differences
between left and right-handed students.
Staats, Oakley & Marais 549
There was sufficient fit to the Rasch model to confirm the validity of the LS when
students are learning to handwrite. Writing tasks with greater cognitive load had higher
difficulty estimates, and those with less cognitive load were estimated to be easier, which
supports previous research and the study’s a priori assumption. Each of the six aspects
contributed to a unidimensional scale of legibility, and the relative difficulty of each aspect
was located on a linear scale. Test items operated in the same way for all participants with
the caveat that composition letter formation operated differently for girls than for boys.
The high order nature of letter formation when learning to handwrite was reinforced
because it identified as a relatively difficult item that highly discriminated between year
levels. In addition, a finding not reported elsewhere, is that line placement is a difficult
legibility aspect for Year 1 and 2 students, even after letter formations have been acquired.
The purpose of the study was to examine the range of legibility demonstrated by Years 1
and 2 students who were required to handwrite authentic writing tasks of increasing
complexity (thereby increasing intrinsic cognitive load), using the Rasch model of
measurement for data analysis. A specifically designed marking rubric was constructed
based on selected participant exemplars, each showing increasingly better performance to
define a threshold for assigning a score. Any one writing task was compared to selected
exemplars for each one of the six aspects and assigned a total score for that task (task x
aspect=item). Data obtained using the rubric shows sufficient fit to the Rasch model to
describe variation between persons and items on a uni-dimensional scale of legibility, and
demonstrates the utility of pairwise comparison to construct marking rubrics of
performance (Heldsinger & Humphry, 2010).
The answer to the first research question, "What are the effects of cognitive load on
legibility when students are learning to handwrite?", was illustrated by the establishment of
a uni-dimensional scale for legibility. The effects of cognitive load on legibility for Year 1
and Year 2 students can now be examined in more detail. Although legibility differences
according to writing task complexity have been reported elsewhere (Feder et al., 2007;
Graham et al., 2006), the LS quantifies the magnitude of difference compared as ratios
between copying, dictation and composition. The respective means of composition,
dictation and copying were 0.93, -0.04, and -0.88. The successive differences between
them were 0.97 and 0.84 giving a ratio of 0.97/0.84 = 1.15, confirming that each kind of
writing task requires relevant instruction to the task when learning to handwrite (Graham
et al., 2006). Dictation is more difficult than copying, but composition is much more
difficult than dictation.
The LS did not distinguish between private and government schools, and as no data were
collected on instructional methods, the findings suggest that they were effectively
equivalent. No differences were detected between left- and right-handed students,
confirming previous research (Graham et al., 2006). A significant difference was found
550 A legibility scale for early primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences
between boys and girls, with girls being better than boys, a finding consistent with other
studies (Berninger, Nielson, Abbott, Wijsman & Raskind, 2008; Malpique et al., 2017).
Boys demonstrate more sensory motor immaturity than girls, including for fine motor
ability (Larson et al., 2007) that may negatively impact learning to handwrite (Hooper et
al., 2011). Other studies have suggested that boys are more likely to have problems with
auditory processing, which negatively impacts processing speech sounds necessary for
taking dictation (Rowe, Rowe, & Pollard, 2004).
The answer to the second research question, "How do aspects of legibility differentiate
handwriting performance when students are learning to handwrite?", was addressed by
examining the logit position of the six aspects of legibility on the LS. The order of
difficulty for aspects of legibility from easy to hard was: space in word, slant, letter size,
space between words, letter formation and line placement. Copying space in word and
dictation space in word were very easy items and copying space in word discriminated
poorly between persons. It might be that the aspect, space in word, is most applicable to
composition as composition is a high cognitive load task and more likely to expose ‘gaps’
in cognitive architecture for writing. Slant was also an easy item, consistent with previous
research (Graham et al., 2006). Letter formation strongly differentiated year levels and
represents some higher order feature of legibility that operates differently at the beginning
of Term 1 for students in Years 1, 2 and 3. At the same level of legibility proficiency, girls
were better at letter formation during composition, which suggests composition is a
slightly different task for girls than it is for boys, when both are learning to handwrite. The
most difficult aspect was line placement. Whether or not to use lined or unlined paper
depends on when it is introduced (Daly, Kelley & Krauss, 2003). When children start to
experiment with writing letters, their attention is focused on reproducing letterforms
instead of where to place them. On the other hand, lined paper provides a visual aid for
maintaining horizontal consistency that may be differentially beneficial for poor
handwriters, because they are more likely to demonstrate visual spatial difficulties
(Fancher et al., 2018). Lined paper when students are receiving formal handwriting
instruction is advised.
There were some limitations to the study. It was conducted with Year 1 students and most
students now commence formal handwriting instruction one year earlier in Australia
(school entry from 4.7 years), which may have implications for the findings (Malpique,
Pino-Pasternak & Valcan, 2017). However, the LS showed no ceiling effects for Year 1 - 3
students in Term 1, which suggests that findings remain relevant despite this change in
context. The study was cross sectional so the Year 2 study acted as a proxy for the end of
Year 1 and Year 3 students acted as a proxy for the end of Year 2; therefore, the LS may
not have captured the range as accurately as a longitudinal study. It is possible that the
length of the summer break (7 weeks in Australia) could contribute to growth and change
in Year 2 and Year 3 students that was not captured in a cross sectional study. The study
was conducted in Western Australia and may not be immediately applicable to other
jurisdictions. The rubric (Figure 1 and Appendices 1-5) could have included more
exemplars (thresholds) to increase its precision. The study intentionally did not examine
handwriting speed, as legibility is considered a precursor to developing handwriting speed.
Staats, Oakley & Marais 551
Second, the need to vary handwriting instruction according to the writing task is
reinforced. Dictation is more difficult than copying, but composition is much more
difficult than dictation; therefore, dictation can be considered a bridging task between
copying and composition. Cognitive load can be manipulated to provide just the right
challenge for students to maintain legibility when they are learning to handwrite. For
example, when instructing students to take dictation students may be told to start the
sentence with a capital letter. Instructors may say ‘space’ prior to dictating the following
word and end the sentence with ‘full stop’. To reduce the cognitive load of spelling at the
same time as maintaining legibility, instructors may ‘stretch’ out a word to help students
hear each sound in order that they can ‘blend’ sounds as a word when handwriting.
Instructional design for extended text may take the form of a five-sentence narrative or
five-sentence information text that could be dictated one sentence at a time during daily
handwriting lessons, to reinforce a salient feature(s) of legibility, and/or of text
conventions (capital letter, full stop, space between words) at the same time. While
composition as self generated text will always have a place at the beginning of the school
year in Year 1 classrooms, it seems that using composition as a means of instruction and
practice for handwriting legibility may be counterproductive.
Third, the use of pairwise comparison between writing tasks for the same student can be
informative for diagnosis and intervention planning (Heldsinger & Humphry, 2010). The
distinction between poor and good handwriters is often more obvious than for students
‘somewhere in the middle’ range, when students are learning to handwrite (Feder et al.,
2007). Potential difficulties for individual students will become apparent as the cognitive
load of writing tasks increases; the earlier this is detected, the earlier it can be addressed
(Santangelo & Graham, 2016). The comparison of intra-individual responses on writing
tasks of increasing cognitive load to assess handwriting proficiency in Years 1 and 2 is
both efficient and effective and has been confirmed by this study.
552 A legibility scale for early primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences
This study set out to examine the range of legibility that is demonstrated by students
required to handwrite tasks of intrinsic cognitive load, using the Rasch model of
measurement for data analysis. The findings confirm many assumptions held about
handwriting instruction and handwriting legibility documented in the extant literature. The
study adopted a novel approach to study legibility by devising writing tasks informed by
cognitive load theory. The data were analysed by the Rasch model that placed students
and items on a single scale and enabled description of variation between students and
items, in contrast to classical test theory, which focuses on describing variation in the
population. Strong evidence for legibility as a unidimensional construct was upheld and
reinforces that legibility assessed by comparing authentic writing tasks of hierarchically
ordered cognitive load is more informative to determine proficiency than single task
evaluations when students are learning to handwrite. The comparison of intra-individual
handwritten responses on writing tasks of increasing cognitive load aids diagnosis and
intervention for handwriting legibility in Years 1 and 2.
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556 A legibility scale for early primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences
Dr Ida Marais is a Senior Research Fellow in the Graduate School of Education at The
University of Western Australia where she teaches the Rasch measurement of modern
test theory. Her research area is the use of the Rasch model as psychometric method for
analysis of test and questionnaire data.
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/persons/ida-marais
Please cite as: Staats, C., Oakley, G. & Marais, I. (2019). A legibility scale for early
primary handwriting: Authentic task and cognitive load influences. Issues in Educational
Research, 29(2), 537-561. http://www.iier.org.au/iier29/staats.pdf