Give Your Plant A Dust Control Tune-Up: Burning PRB Coal

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Give your plant a dust control tune-up

Because PRB coal is smaller, more friable, and contains more fine particulates
than bituminous coal, controlling the fugitive dust generated as PRB coal
moves from bunker to burner tip is problematic. The challenge for material-
handling systems at power plants that have switched coals is to minimize
this dust and capture it cost-effectively and without compromising safety.
By Bernard H. Schonbach, PE, CDG Engineers

ust-collection systems capture fugi-

D tive coal dust that would otherwise

escape from the perimeter of equip-
ment areas. Collected fugitive dust is fuel
1. Dust collection. A typical coal dust collection system includes pickup hoods, duct-
ing, branch lines, dust collector, fan, and a dust return system. Experience has shown that
the pickup hoods and ducting design are more problematic than the fan and dust collector.
Source: CDG Engineers
that should be delivered to the furnace and Dust Collector
burned. Dust control systems come in many
different area-specific configurations (Fig-
ure 1). In the typical power plant, they can
be found between the coal-unloading sta- Reverse
tion and the outside stockpile, between the air cleaning
coal yard and the crusher station, between
the crusher station and the tripper room,
and near the coal storage bunker (Figure 2).
For example, a plant’s railcar-unloading
system will usually have a ducted dust col- Fan
lection system, a passive enclosure cham-
ber, or some form of control spray. Coal Dust
conveyed to the storage pile typically disposal
receives some form of conditioned water
spray or surfactant. By contrast, coal from
the crushing station contains a higher frac-
tion of fine particulate matter, so it typically Blast
calls for a ducted dust collector. Finally, gate Pickup
dust from conveyor transfers into the tripper hoods
room area is usually controlled by collec-
tion hoods, by secondary control systems
such as fog sprayers, or both.
Dust is ubiquitous in power plants. It can 2. Dust control. Dust control systems come in many different configurations. In a typical
be found at the fan stack, around convey- power plant, they can be found between the coal-unloading station and the outside stockpile,
ors, and near coal transfer stations, where between the coal yard and the crusher station, between the crusher station and the tripper
poor or missing seals allow easy escape room, and near the coal storage bunker. Each area has unique dust control requirements that
paths. Conveyor belt cleaners and poor must be met by the use of specific techniques. Source: CDG Engineers
loading areas contribute to material spillage
and consequent buildup and dusting. Region 3
Improperly designed returns from collector crusher/tripper
hoppers can disperse dust into the environ-
ment or feed it back into the dust control
circuit. In these cases, the result is a layer
of coal dust that accumulates on all hori-
zontal surfaces.
Equipment-operating procedures also
can cause dusting problems that necessitate
excessive maintenance. Too-frequent dust- Region 1 Region 2
cleaning cycles can overclean, producing unloading stockpile/reclaim
bleeding through collection bags and,
potentially, shortened bag life. Underclean-
ing is just as bad; loaded collection bags
typically raise the pressure drop across
their baghouse, producing lower fan vol-

October 2003 | POWER 53

umes and reduced collection efficiency at fine particles that are stirred up cannot dust problem often results in the drawing of
pickup hoods. escape and can be controlled and collected. unnecessary coal into the dust collection
Dust should not be allowed to accumu- When there are rapid changes in the direc- system without fixing the problem. Adjust-
late for long periods in the hopper of a dust tion or speed of equipment motion, fine ing blast gates to redirect the flow of air
collector. The dust return system should be particles can be carried by air currents changes the balance-of-collection ductwork
sized for peak collection rates, and the col- through openings and gaps. but may create problems elsewhere in the
lected dust either should be conditioned or The experienced designer will locate circuit. Remember that a dust collection
delivered safely back to the conveying sys- pickup hoods and suction points at key system is designed to capture only the dust
tem beyond the collection perimeter. The points along the coal delivery route to mini- that would otherwise escape to the environ-
density of coal dust can be half that of coal, mize the escape of dust. System components ment. Obviously, hoods with drafts high
so irregular dumping might be symptomatic must be reasonably sealed, and collection enough to pull material off the conveyor
of rotary airlock sizing, bridging, or aera- hoods must be properly sized and located. belt should be avoided.
tion problems. Factors such as moisture, For example, when dust is observed stream-
condensation, dewpoint, and freezing ing from a ducted conveyor transfer point, Start with an audit
weather also affect the performance of the the most obvious solution would be to pro- A dust control audit can be used to assess
collection system. vide more suction air at the collection hood. the performance of both dust collection and
This solution may or may not work, depend- materials-handling systems. Determining
Address the problem, ing on the situation. The leak may indicate the performance of a collection system
not the symptom that the hood or duct may not be the correct begins with measurements of its airflows
Each piece of equipment that transports or size or positioned in the best place, or that and pressures. A water manometer and a
processes coal creates some level of partic- the equipment generating the dust may not series of selected holes in the ductwork are
ulate matter. If a piece of equipment is be sealed or contained properly. all that is required to map the static pres-
equipped with a containment device, the Overdrafting collection hoods to solve a sure of a system. Velocity pressures in
ducts are best measured by pitot tubes
3. Audit. A dust control audit can be used to assess the performance of dust collection whose readings reflect the volume of air in
and materials-handling systems. Determining the performance of a collection system begins the system. Power readings of the collector
with measurements of its airflows and pressures. A water manometer is best used to collect fan drive should be evaluated against the
static pressure readings. Velocity pressures are measured by pitot tubes and translated into fan’s performance curve to determine the
volume flows. Source: CDG Engineers fan’s optimum operating point. When new
filter media are installed and/or a system is
rebalanced, performance data should be
Dust recorded for later use as a benchmark of
collector 5.67 X.XX –Static pressure future performance. Good recordkeeping
9,000 cfm
provides insights into system trends and
9,000 cfm
can aid in troubleshooting (Figure 3).

Evaluations of static pressure readings

26" x 34"

can quickly identify any problems and defi-

ciencies in the dust control circuit. For
example, a high pressure differential across
5.59 the baghouse generally means that its filter
Fan 1,000 cfm is partially blinded. If the differential is
40 hp 7"ø normal but the inlet suction is high, that
1,400 cfm

indicates a problem in the ducting circuit.

4,000 cfm

400 cfm


Some ducts may be partially plugged, or


2,600 cfm
some hoods may be blocked completely,
forcing higher volumes of air into the
remaining ducting.
Likewise, mapping the pressure readings
at hood inlets can serve as a quick check of
the ducting circuit, although airflow read-
0 cfm ings would be required for an assessment of
the overall system. Blast gates at inlet hood
800 cfm

locations are a convenient way to adjust

airflows to balance a system, but care must
3.71 be taken not to optimize one hood and
upset the balance of the rest of the system.
1,000 cfm High suction pressures have a big impact on
7"ø collector fan operation. As static pressures go up,


3.75 fan airflow goes down. Ducting can easily be

checked for material buildup by tapping with a
hammer and listening. As ducts plug and bags
blind, air volumes fall and reduce the performance
of the system and the efficiency of dust collection.

54 POWER | October 2003

Dust 101
4. Transfer chute. A properly designed transfer chute loads material onto the center of
Mastering dust control requires a thorough
the receiving belt. Off-center conveyor loading is responsible for poor belt tracking and con-
understanding of how dust is generated. sequent spillage, dusting, and wear at the skirtboard area and along the length of the con-
Dust is created when fine particulate mater- veyor. Source: CDG Engineers
ial becomes separated from the coal stream.
Before After
Coal received at unloading stations already
contains a fair percentage of fine particles. Open conveyor headbox Headbox
Belt seal Adjustable Belt
Typically, the fraction of particulate matter trajectory cross-section
passing through 4-mesh (0.187-inch) control plate
screens can be as much as 40% or 45% for Hanging
Coal flow dust
Powder River Basin coals. trajectory d barriers
As coal flows through a power plant, it Enlarge rd
experiences impacts as a result of feeding, Segmented
conveying, crushing, and storing. Flowing discharge
streams of material interact with the sur- Added impact
rounding air through aerodynamic drag idlers
forces. For example, material falling from a skirtboard seal
distance will create air currents along the
way. As particles accelerate, the flowing 5. Common and improved transfer. Computer models of basic transfer geometry
stream expands until the moment of impact. can help designers choose the optimum flow rate for materials with a particular particle size dis-
Energy is quickly released and the recom- tribution. For example, changing the material flow pattern in the chute (left) created a better-guid-
pression of the space between the particles ed and a more-streamlined pattern with less scatter (right). Source: CDG Engineers
creates pressure waves that cause dust
clouds to be released. Further complicating Improved impact
the dusting issues, material must also dis- plate
place an equal amount of air. Other factors
affecting dust dispersion include drafts and Segmented
turbulence from process equipment such as chute
crushers and vibrating feeders.
Where feasible, dust generation can be
reduced by limiting the distances that mate-
rial falls and by minimizing impact forces.
For example, conveyors can be slowed
down and covered to prevent the effects of
crosswinds. Material-transfer chutes and
diverters can be modified to provide better
sealing and containment, streamline air-
flows, and reduce impact.

Coal containment Scattered flow

The design of belt conveyor transfer chutes flow
recently has become a hot technical topic.
Traditional designs discharge material
from one conveyor to the next without
much consideration of loading zones,
impact, or control of the material stream.
The operating result has typically been Common transfer Improved transfer
dusting, wear, spillage, noise, and
increased maintenance expense. Attempts
to add dust-collection hoods and other well-sealed enclosure would also inhibit Elsewhere in the system, every attempt
expensive cures at chute inlets and dis- air from being drawn into the chamber as should be made to isolate and contain areas
charges have not really compensated for a result of the induced air generated from where dust is created. Use of better seals at
weaknesses in chute design. the flowing stream. Ample enclosure vol- chutes, transfers, and enclosures, and pro-
An ideal transfer chute would be a ume is necessary to allow internal pres- viding shielding or wind screens to prevent
tight enclosure whose target plate sure gradients to equalize so the escape drafts all help to prevent the dispersal of
smoothly guides discharged material of pressurized dust is minimized. dust throughout the plant. Dust should be
down with a minimum of impact. The A properly designed transfer chute also confined to the areas where it originates
downward energy of the material stream would load feed material onto the center of and forced back into the product stream.
is converted to a flow in the direction of the receiving belt. Off-center conveyor Unloading stations often require better con-
the downstream conveyor; this allows the loading is responsible for poor belt track- finement of air currents that are created
material stream to enter at a shallow ing and consequent spillage, dusting, and during dumping cycles. Airborne dust
angle requiring minimal acceleration to wear at the skirtboard area and throughout should be given every chance to settle back
match the speed of the belt (Figure 4). A the length of the conveyor (Figure 5). into the stream.

October 2003 | POWER 55

Just duct it ever, the required capture velocity of a
The single greatest source of problems with hood also is a function of its orientation
dust collection systems is poorly applied or and the type of dust it captures. Dust hood
improperly designed ducting and hood capture velocities typically range between
arrangements. Handbooks provide guide- 200 and 500 fpm. The NFPA suggests that
lines for the quantity of vent air required at hood take-offs have a minimum area of
each dust source, for duct velocity, and for four times the area of the duct. Positioning
the placement and dimensions of hood a hood too close to a dust source will result
pickups. Laying out a system’s ductwork, in too much dust (and product) being col-
however, requires skill in arranging trunk lected. Pickup effectiveness drops off very
and branch lines and suitable junction quickly as the distance from a hood to a
designs. For example, vertical lines should source increases. Where possible, try to
be preferred to horizontal lines. position the hoods over rising dust streams.
The speed at which ducts transport cap- Shrouding and containment within a
tured dust to the dust collector is important. dusting environment channel dust to hoods
National Fire Protection Association for more effective pickup. Hoods can be
(NFPA) Standard 120 states that the mini- extended to provide better capture and
mum acceptable velocity for coal dust is guiding of dust streams, but care should be
4,500 feet per minute (fpm). Other refer- taken not to place hoods so close that they
ences cite duct velocity requirements interfere with the process. Minimizing the 6. Dusting solution. At this plant,
between 4,000 and 5,000 fpm. High duct number of hoods and properly placing them severe dusting from a combination
transport speeds are required to prevent is best practice (Figure 6). railcar/open truck loadout facility handling
buildup and pluggage. Long horizontal ducts powdered bulk materials was causing safe-
usually require higher velocities, while short Collector inspector ty problems (top). The solution was to
vertical runs can be slower. As a practical A dust collector is a steel enclosure contain- design better seals for the belt conveyors
and loading spout and an enclosure to sur-
matter, the sizing of a dust-collection system ing porous filter media that separate fine dust
round the facility and shield it from the wind.
is an economic tradeoff. Its goal is to use the particles from a flowing stream of dirty air.
Slotted dust collection hoods with pickup
least airflow to make collection effective The most common filter media used in col- hoods were ducted to a dust collector unit
without requiring excessive fan pressure. lectors are filter bags and cartridges. Dust and fan mounted outside (bottom).
There are many causes of poor ductwork particles build up on the outside of the Courtesy: CDG Engineers
performance. For example, problems can media and form a coating called “dust cake.”
arise when one company designs the sys- It is this layer that does the actual job of fil-
tem, a second supplies the equipment, and a tering fine particles. As the cake builds up, establish the operating parameters of the unit.
third builds and installs the ducting. In this the pressure drop across the filter bag rises. The open space between all the bags or
case, the system’s performance may be fine Adjusting the cleaning cycle of the collector cartridges in the housing is the flow area,
initially but falter later when its load peaks so it periodically cleans most of the cake off where the dirty air travels. The average
or after an upset. the filter medium prevents bag blinding. velocity of the air stream through this space
Among the possible solutions to perfor- Too-frequent cleaning not only contributes is called the “can velocity.” The upper limit
mance problems are adjusting airflow with to bag wear but also can remove all of the of can velocity for coal dusts ranges
between 200 and 300 fpm. If it is higher,
The single greatest source of problems fine dust purged from bags or cartridges
during the cleaning cycle will tend to
with dust collection systems is poorly become re-entrained in the airflow and end
up back in them. This phenomenon is most
applied or improperly designed ducting pronounced for collectors with long bags.
and hood arrangements. Because can velocity is directly related to
air-to-cloth ratio, choosing a low-cost dust
collector with a high air-to-cloth ratio often
blast gates, blanking some hoods off, and dust cake, enabling dust to bleed through. leads to operating problems.
adding additional hoods and ducting. When Products for improving flow are commonly Bag-cleaning methods vary between
new process equipment is added to the plant, used to help pre-coat new bags to provide a models and manufacturers but typically
additional ducting circuits and/or booster fans uniform coating that shortens the break-in involve reversing the flow of air through the
may have to be added. Investigations of trou- time for efficient collector operation. bags. Bags should be visually inspected
bled dust-collection systems often reveal that The size of the dust collector depends on when bag-cleaning problems are suspected
the initial system design was altered due to the system’s required airflow. The quantity or there is evidence of continual bag blind-
modifications, deletions, or additions. Correc- of bags or cartridges determines the filtra- ing. Commercial services are available to
tions become expensive when new dust loads tion area and is a function of both the air- evaluate failed filter bags. Analysis could
exceed the capacity of installed equipment. to-cloth ratio (expressed in fpm) and the determine whether there is a system problem
Dust hoods are enclosures that allow type of dust being collected. For coal dust, or a need to switch to a different filter media
fugitive dust to be captured and drawn into the air-to-cloth ratio is typically between 4 to better match the dust characteristics. ■
a ducted collection system. The proximity and 6 fpm, depending on the concentration This article is based on a paper originally
of a hood to a source of dust is a key factor of dust loading. The geometry of the col- presented by the author at the American
for determining its capture velocity. How- lector housing and the number of bags Coal Council’s 2003 PRB Coal Use Seminar

56 POWER | October 2003

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