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Cement industries typically produce portland cement, although they also produce
masonrycement (which is also manufactured at portland cement plants). Portland cement is a
fine,typically gray powder comprised of dicalcium silicate, tricalcium silicate, tricalcium
aluminate,and tetracalcium aluminoferrite, with the addition of forms of calcium sulfate.
Different types ofportland cements are created based on the use and chemical and physical
properties desired.Portland cement types I - V are the most common. Portland cement plants
can operate con-tinuously for long time periods (i.e., 6 months) with minimal shut down
time for maintenance.The air pollution problems related to the production, handling, and
transportation of portlandcement are caused by the very fine particles in the product.Exhibit 1
illustrates the stages of cement production at a portland cement plant:

1. Procurement of raw materials

2. Raw Milling - preparation of raw materials for the pyroprocessing system

3. Pyroprocessing - pyroprocessing raw materials to form portland cement clinker

4. Cooling of portland cement clinker

5. Storage of portland cement clinker

6. Finish Milling

7. Packing and loading


Although portland cement plants generate the same final product using similar
processes,plant layouts vary according to fuels and raw materials used, location, climate, site
topography,and the manufacturer of the equipment. The flow diagram in Exhibit 1 depicts
the manufacturing process at a portland cement plant and indicates emission points
throughout the process.


This section briefly discusses the nature of the pollutants generated from, and controls used
at,several sources in the cement manufacturing process. Air pollutants are typically of
greaterconcern than solid or liquid wastes.

1. Air Pollutants

Air pollutants generated during the cement manufacturing process consist primarily of
particu-lates from the raw and finished materials, and fuel combustion by-products. Exhibit 2
indicatessources of air pollution, and differentiates between particulates and other air
pollutants.Controlling particulate emissions from sources other than the kiln usually entails
capturing thedust using a hood or other partial enclosure and transporting it through a series
of ducts to thecollectors. The type of dust collector used is based on factors such as particle
size, dustloading, flow rate, moisture content, and gas temperature. The best disposal method
for col-lected dust is to send it through the kiln creating the clinker. However, if the alkali

Fabric Filters
Open roof monitor of a positive pressure fabric filter at a cement plant. High efficiency fabric
filters have been used in the cement industry for more than 40 years. They are used for
controlling emissions from cement kilns, clinker coolers, alkali bypass gas streams, finish
mills, raw mills, material handling systems, product bagging, and rail load out. Most cement
plants have between 40 and 80 separate fabric filter control systems ranging in size from 30
actual cubic meters per minute capacity to more than 100,000 actual cubic meters per minute
capacity. There are numerous design types in service.

Fabric filter operation can be described as three sequential steps:

1. Filtration of particles from the gas stream

2. Gravity settling of the dust cake

3. Removal from the hopper

Dust collector –
A dust collector (bag house) is a typically low strength enclosure that separates dust from a
gas stream by passing the gas through a media filter. The dust is collected on either the inside
or the outside of the filter. A pulse of air or mechanical vibration removes the layer of dust
from the filter. This type of filter is typically efficient when particle sizes are in the 0.01 to 20
micron range.

Cyclone –
Dust laden gas enters the chamber from a tangential direction at the outer wall of the device,
forming a vortex as it swirls within the chamber. The larger articulates, because of their
greater inertia, move outward and are forced against the chamber wall. Slowed by friction
with the wall surface, they then slide down the wall into a conical dust hopper at the bottom
of the cyclone. The cleaned air swirls upward in a narrower spiral through an inner cylinder
and emerges from an outlet at the top. Accumulated particulate dust is deposited into a
hopper, dust bin or screw conveyor at the base of the collector. Cyclones are typically used as
pre-cleaners and are followed by more efficient air-cleaning equipment such as electrostatic
precipitators and bag houses.

Electrostatic Precipitator –
In an electrostatic precipitator, particles suspended in the air stream are given an electric
charge as they enter the unit and are then removed by the influence of an electric field. A
high DC voltage (as much as 100,000 volts) is applied to the discharge electrodes to charge
the particles, which then are attracted to oppositely charged collection electrodes, on which
they become trapped. An electrostatic precipitator can remove particulates as small as 1 μm
(0.00004 inch) with an efficiency exceeding 99 percent.

Settling chamber
A settling chamber consists of a large box installed in the ductwork. The sudden expansion of
size at the chamber reduces the speed of the dust-filled airstream and heavier particles settle

Settling chambers are simple in design and can be manufactured from almost any material.
However, they are seldom used as primary dust collectors because of their large space
requirements and low efficiency. A practical use is as precleaners for more efficient

Baffle chamber
Baffle chambers use a fixed baffle plate that causes the conveying gas stream to make a
sudden change of direction. Large-diameter particles do not follow the gas stream but
continue into a dead air space and settle. Baffle chambers are used as precleaners

Cyclonic separation
Centrifugal collectors use cyclonic action to separate dust particles from the gas stream. In a
typical cyclone, the dust gas stream enters at an angle and is spun rapidly. The centrifugal
force created by the circular flow throws the dust particles toward the wall of the cyclone.
After striking the wall, these particles fall into a hopper located underneath.

The most common types of centrifugal, or inertial, collectors in use today are:

Single-cyclone separators
They create a dual vortex to separate coarse from fine dust. The main vortex spirals
downward and carries most of the coarser dust particles. The inner vortex, created near the
bottom of the cyclone, spirals upward and carries finer dust particles.
Multiple-cyclone separators
Also known as multiclones, consist of a number of small-diameter cyclones, operating in
parallel and having a common gas inlet and outlet, as shown in the figure. Multiclones
operate on the same principle as cyclones—creating a main downward vortex and an
ascending inner vortex.

Multiclones are more efficient than single cyclones because they are longer and smaller in
diameter. The longer length provides longer residence time while the smaller diameter creates
greater centrifugal force. These two factors result in better separation of dust particulates. The
pressure drop of multiclone collectors is higher than that of single-cyclone separators.

Babcock & Wilcox is the original manufacturer and trademark holder of Multiclone dust
collectors and replacement parts formerly offered by Western Precipitation. Multiclonedust
collectors are found in all types of power and industrial applications, including pulp and
paper plants, cement plants, steel mills, petroleum coke plants, metallurgical plants, saw mills
and other kinds of facilities that process dust.

Secondary Air Flow Separators

This type of cyclone uses a secondary air flow, injected into the cyclone to accomplish
several things. The secondary air flow increases the speed of the cyclonic action making the
separator more efficient; it intercepts the particulate before it reaches the interior walls of the
unit; and it forces the separated particulate toward the collection area. The secondary air flow
protects the separator from particulate abrasion and allows the separator to be installed
horizontally because gravity is not depended upon to move the separated particulate

Wet scrubbers

Dust collectors that use liquid are commonly known as wet

scrubbers. In these systems, the scrubbing liquid (usually
water) comes into contact with a gas stream containing dust
particles. The greater the contact of the gas and liquid
streams, the higher the dust removal efficiency.

Low-energy scrubbers (0.5 to 2.5 inches water gauge - 124.4

to 621.9 Pa)

Low- to medium-energy scrubbers (2.5 to 6 inches water gauge - 0.622 to 1.493 kPa)

Medium- to high-energy scrubbers (6 to 15 inches water gauge - 1.493 to 3.731 kPa)

High-energy scrubbers (greater than 15 inches water gauge - greater than 3.731 kPa)

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