1st September 2013 Parish Bulletin
1st September 2013 Parish Bulletin
1st September 2013 Parish Bulletin
18th August: Loose 695.50. Envelopes 307.50. Standing Orders 446. Total 1449. Weekend of 24 th 25th August: Loose 574.98. Envelopes 298.20. Standing Orders 446. Total 1,319.18. Many thanks for your generosity. MISSIONARIES OF ST PAUL This weekend we welcome Fr Mark Odion MSP who is making an appeal on behalf of the Missionaries of St Paul, there will be a retiring collection. DECEASED Please pray for Alice Deignan RIP who died recently, Alices body will be received into Our Lady of Peace Church on Tuesday, 3 rd September at 5.00pm, her Requiem Mass will be on Wednesday, 4th September at 10.30am followed by burial at Slough Cemetery. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. MASS CHANGE There will be no 9.30am Mass on Friday morning, Mass will be at 7.30pm at St Gilberts as it is the first Friday of the month. CONGRATULATIONS to Simon Mann and Sheryl Holland who are to be Married this Sunday, 1st September. We wish them every blessing. CONGRATULATIONS to Benjamin Valek and Aliya Sliwinska who are to be Baptised on Saturday, 7th September. Please pray for their parents and their Godparents. PLEASE REMEMBER the sick of our Parish: Luis Vancini, Graham Loudon, Marie Chamberlain, Ann Cronin, Mabel McCulloch, Pauline Rafter, Phyllis Wallbank, Joanna Glowski, Assunta Smyk, Rocco Seagrove, Reverend Nicky Pledger, Rosemary Conry, Marie Stephens, Deacon George Brooker, Ann Gurrie, Mary Compton, Fr David, Jerry Ellis, Francis Cashell, Jim Scott, Alcide Rodrigues, Kathleen Richardson, Craig Wiley, Sandy McDonald, Kevin OBrien, Michael Hattrell. PARISH PARTY Sunday, 8th September (Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary) following Sunday morning Mass at Our Lady of Peace which will be at 11.00am. Please note that on this Sunday there will be no 9.45am Mass at Our Lady of Peace, and no 11.30am Mass at St Andrews. MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS
Saturday 5.15pm-5.45pm 6.00pm Sunday 9.00am 9.45am 11.30am 6.00pm Monday 9.30am 7.00pm Tuesday 9.30am Wednesday 10.30am Thursday 8.30am 9.30am Friday 7.30pm Saturday 5.15pm-5.45pm 6.00pm
31st August Our Lady of Peace Our Lady of Peace 1st September St Gilberts Our Lady of Peace St Andrews Our Lady of Peace 2nd September Our Lady of Peace Our Lady of Peace 3rd September Our Lady of Peace 4th September Our Lady of Peace 5th September St Andrews St Andrews 6th September St Gilberts 7th September Our Lady of Peace Our Lady of Peace
TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Confessions PS Norbeto RIP & Piedade Coudinho RIP (Cardoza) TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Mary Roberts RIP (ODonnell) Bridget & Dominic McDonnell (Barker) Canute Simoes RIP (Sepala) Thomas Antony RIP (Thomas) Lavina Fernandes RIP (DSouza) Luis Vancini Intentions (Bulteel) Annie Theresa Murphy RIP (Morrissey) Sardar Lamba RIP (Murphy) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament POPE ST GREGORY THE GREAT, Doctor Families who have transmitted the faith (Rawling) Barbara & Susan Lisle Intentions (Lisle) Requiem Mass Alice Deignan RIP Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Beard (Foundation) Vocations to the Priesthood (Parish) Laurence Brennan RIP (Anniv) (Whatley John Maloney RIP (Michael ODriscoll)
TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Confessions Canon Tim Russ RIP (P&C) John Maloney RIP (Deignan) Sunday 8th September TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 9.00am St Gilberts Vocations to the Priesthood (Parish) 11.00am Our Lady of Peace Thanksgiving (Lobo) Ramesh Sriram RIP (Thomas) John Walsh RIP (Walsh) 6.00pm Our Lady of Peace Holy Souls (Rosary Group) Luis Vancini Intentions (Bulteel) Morning Prayer is prayed before every weekday Mass and the Rosary is prayed after Mass: all are welcome to join us.
COME AND SEE Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? A new course for anyone thinking of joining the Catholic Church will begin in September. It will meet on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm-8.45pm. It will continue until Easter when those who desire will be received into the Church. This could be the right time as well to invite any non-Catholic friends to come along and find out more. It is more than just a course: it is a way of getting to meet and know the Lord Jesus who is the living Heart of our Faith. Please contact Fr Andy for more information either after Mass or on 01628 605764. CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE meet on Monday, 2nd September at Our Lady of Peace at 7.30 pm. Everybody welcome. BAPTISM PREPARATION COURSE the next course begins on Wednesday, 4th September at 6.00pm and will run for three consecutive weeks. The course is run by Deacon Marek and is held in the Sacristy at Our Lady of Peace. If you wish for your child to be Baptised over the next few months, you will need to attend the course. This is especially important for first time parents. If you have not already advised that you will be attending, please contact Yvonne on 01628 605764. THE JOHN PAUL II PRAYER GROUP, SLOUGH invites you, your family and friends to a Retreat and Service of Healing with Alan Ames, on Friday, 6th September - 7:30 pm Praise / Mass at 8.00pm followed by talk and Healing, at Polish RC Church of Divine Mercy, 48 Pitts Road, Slough SL1 3XH. Alan Ames is an internationally known evangelist and visionary from Australia, and he will be in the UK during September 2013. Ames is blessed with the gifts of healing and stigmatism. This visit follows a number of dramatic physical and spiritual healings in his ministry wherever he has held healing and prayer services. Alan Ames is a former pharmaceutical sales manager who was an alcoholic prior to 1993. He led a life of violence and crime until he heard a voice telling him that God loved him and wanted him to change. Following a series of supernatural events, Ames experienced a dramatic conversion, transforming him from a virtual non-believer into a powerful apostle of Christ. Because of the suddenness and drama of his conversion, he has been likened to Apostle Paul who, the Bible tells us, also had a similarly compelling and life-altering encounter with Christ. BAPTISM PREPARATION Fr Andy will be holding a Baptism Preparation meeting on Saturday 7th September at 10.00am in the Sacristy. This meeting is for parents who have already had a child Baptised and have attended a previous Baptism Preparation Course, and wish to have their child Baptised over the next few months. ST VINCENT DE PAUL meet at 2.00pm on Tuesday 10th September in the Sacristy at Our Lady of Peace. New members would be welcome. If you know of anyone who would like a visit from the SVP please advise Yvonne. FILM NIGHT The next film night for 9-11 years old (U and PG rated films) will take place on Friday, 13th September at 7.00pm in the Presbytery.
ST BERNARDS CATHOLIC GRAMMAR SCHOOL Parents are invited to an 11+ Information evening on Thursday, 3rd October at 8.00pm. Tours of the School for prospective parents and their children will be on Tuesday, 8 th October at 9.15am. Wednesday, 9 th October at 9.15am, and Thursday, 10th October at 9.15am. For further information please contact the Admissions Secretary on 01753 695072. LONDON AND SLOUGH RUN Get your running shoes on! The London and Slough Run are organising a 5k fun run and 10k race at Olympic venue Dorney Lake on 6 th October at 10.30am .All proceeds go to the London and Slough Run. Please take a flyer from the porch and help promote the event at work, down the Gym or with friends and family. You can find out more by visiting www.synthetixcharityrun.com They are also looking for volunteers to help as stewards on the day, for more information please contact John Power on 01628 605367. PRESBYTERY GARDEN Can you spare an hour or two on a Saturday or even during the week? It does not have to be a permanent commitment - a little help goes a long way to keep our Church garden looking neat and tidy. The only qualification you need is enthusiasm! John is there from 10.00am every Saturday, and Giles, Martina and Leo have been working hard in the garden also, if you can pop in and help for an hour or so on a Saturday or during the week they would be delighted to see you. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays 7:00pm-8:00pm at Our Lady of Peace. Come and experience God's Healing Grace in Prayer, Praise and Silence - all are welcome. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT with Worship, Scripture, Silence and Divine Mercy Prayer at St Andrews every Thursday from 8.30am 9.30am. All welcome. READERS & EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ROTA 7th 8th September Saturday 6.00pm Patsy Murphy and Marie Oke. Sunday 9.00am Julie. 9.45am Readers : Anthony McLoughlin and Madeleine Bowron. Eucharist Ministers: Maureen Waters, Georgia Clark, Barbara Bryant, Peter and Tina Koenig. 11.30am Tahire and Andrew. Sunday 6.00pm Lisa Mennone and Cedrica Lobo. 14th 15th September Saturday 6.00pm Margery/Frank Christian and John Barry. Sunday 9.00am Pat. 9.45am Readers : Liz Bamber and Karen Rakowska. Eucharist Ministers : Angela Mackri, Franka Deluca, Robert Bryant, John Nash, Andrea Barry. 11.30am Cydney and Christopher. Sunday 6.00pm Jaga Heys and Denise McClintock. The rotas are also available on the Parish website