TOOLBOX TALK No 2 - Falls From Vehicles

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Tool Box Talk

The matters discussed below are for guidance and should be expanded upon as the
circumstances dictate.
Note: In the appropriate circumstances, the safe use of the equipment which is being
discussed should be demonstrated.


What is this all about?

 There are over 2000 “Falls from Vehicles” accidents reported to the HSE each
 These include on average 5 fatalities each year.
 Major injuries are usually broken arms or legs, resulting in weeks of work.

Construction specific information

 In construction 70% of these accidents occur to non-drivers.

 90% are low falls, below head height.
 They occur during off loading of materials or when getting on or off the vehicle.
 In construction the falls mostly occur from the load area of flatbeds, HGV’s &

What are we looking at?

 Alternatives to working on vehicles.

 Safe access to and from the vehicle beds.
 Safer working practices.
 What the company can do.
 What the operative can do.

Work at Height Hierarchy

 AVOID work at height on the load area. Use automatic sheeting devices or a fork
lift truck for off loading where possible.
 PREVENT anyone falling whilst working on the load area by using vehicle fitted
edge protection or loading gantries for example.
 MINIMISE any injury should a fall occur by using soft landing systems, nets &
Getting on to the load area TBT No 2 cont.

 Only get onto the load area if no other alternative.

 Always use the steps and hand hold provided.
 Do not use the “underrun bars” these are usually set in and slippery.

On the load area

 Keep it tidy – pick up loose ropes, packaging etc.

 Keep it clean, free of mud / oil that cause slip and trips.
 Report broken boards and other tripping hazards.
 Follow any company procedures.

Getting down from the Vehicle

 DON’T jump off the load.

 Always use the steps or access equipment which is provided.
 Get down backwards, facing the vehicle and using the handrails.
 If there are problems, report them to your supervisor.
 Keep the area clean.

“Special” equipment e.g

 Tail lifts.
 Tower and mobile cranes.
 Lorry-loader cranes.
 Fork-lift trucks.
 Fall prevention systems – gantries.
 Soft landing systems – nets, air/bean bags.

What the company can do

 Specify good access when purchasing new vehicles.

 Retro-fit equipment if necessary.
 Respond to ideas for improving access.
 Keep equipment in good order.
 Provide slip resistant footwear.
 Ensure supervisors check how people are getting on and off vehicles.

What the employee can do

Further guidance can be sought from Harrington Builders PLC Director of Health, Safety &
Tel: 020 8903 4743 Mob: 07803 519912
HBPLC-IMS-TBT-002 Rev: 01 Date: Jun 2020
 Take a few seconds to climb down facing the vehicle – DON’T jump.
 Report missing or damaged equipment.
 Report slip, trip and fall hazards.
 Ware correct footwear.
 Look at what other companies do – if you see a good idea, suggest it to you Safety

Further guidance can be sought from Harrington Builders PLC Director of Health, Safety &
Tel: 020 8903 4743 Mob: 07803 519912
HBPLC-IMS-TBT-002 Rev: 01 Date: Jun 2020

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