Deterministic Insight Into ANN Model Performance For Storm Runoff Simulation
Deterministic Insight Into ANN Model Performance For Storm Runoff Simulation
Deterministic Insight Into ANN Model Performance For Storm Runoff Simulation
DOI 10.1007/s11269-006-9144-x
Abstract The artificial neural network (ANN) theory has been widely applied to practical
applications in hydrology. Since watershed rainfall–runoff processes are nonlinear and
exhibit spatial and temporal variability, the ANN model, which considers watershed
nonlinear characteristics, can usually but not always obtain satisfactory simulation results.
The training of an ANN network is based completely on the reliability of the available
hydrologic records. The objective of this study was to provide deterministic insight into the
limitations of storm runoff simulation when using ANN. Hydrologic records of 42 storm
events from two watersheds in Taiwan were adopted for analysis. A deterministic runoff
model was used to classify the hydrologic records into “usual” and “unusual” storm events.
The analytical results show that the ANN model could provide good simulation results for
“usual” storm events; however, its performance was poor when it was applied to “unusual”
storm events because no consistent hydrologic characteristics could be extracted from the
storm event records using ANN. The success of the ANN model in usual storm discharge
simulations may be mainly due to the input vectors including the previous observed
discharge. Moreover, the number of past periods of rainfall that were set as the input vectors
of the ANN model was found to be highly correlated with the watershed time of
concentration. It can be used to efficiently determine the ANN network structure instead of
using iterative network training.
Key words ANN model . deterministic insight . training data set . rainfall–runoff simulation
1 Introduction
hydrologic system. For practical application purposes, such a complex hydrologic system
has usually been simplified as a linear, time-invariant, and spatially averaged system (for
examples, see Sherman 1932; Nash 1957; Dooge 1959). Although the linear system model
has been widely applied to short-term rainfall–runoff simulation or long-term flow
prediction with acceptable results, the watershed inherent nonlinear hydrologic character-
istics do induce large simulation errors in some special cases (Minshall 1960; Amorocho
1967; Chiu and Huang 1970; Ding 1974). By taking advantage of high performance
computational techniques, hydraulic routing or simplified kinematic-wave approximation
can handle such nonlinearity, but these approaches are time-consume and laborious while
collecting information about the watershed geomorphology, land cover, and channel
The human neuron structure is one of the most complex systems known. With the aid of
high performance computers, the artificial neural network theory has been widely studied
and applied during the past 20 years (Hopfield 1982; Rumelhart et al. 1986; Caudill 1987;
French et al. 1992; Hsu et al. 1995; Tokar and Johnson 1999; ASCE Task committee 2000a,b;
Tayfur 2002; Rao et al. 2003; Muleta and Nicklow 2004; Kumar et al. 2004). An artificial
neural network system is a massively parallel-distributed information processing system that
has certain performance characteristics resembling the biological neural networks of the
human brain (Haykin 1994). The characteristics of a neural network depend on the pattern of
connections between layers. The general structure of a neural network includes an input
layer, several hidden layers, and an output layer. Each layer contains several neurons, and the
inputs are weighted and transferred through a transfer function to generate outputs. The ANN
has been proven to provide better solutions when applied to: (1) complex systems that are
poorly described or understood; (2) problems which deal with noise or involve pattern
recognition; diagnosis, abstraction, and generalization; and (3) situations where the input is
incomplete or ambiguous by nature (Tokar and Johnson 1999).
Since no generally accepted rule can be used to determine an optimal ANN structure, an
ANN system is usually designed through trial and error processes. A training process,
which includes iterative adjustment and optimization of the weight matrices as well as bias
vectors, is applied to find the best ANN structure to minimize the errors between observed
records and predicted outputs. Back-propagation, conjugate gradient algorithms, radial
basis functions, cascade correlation algorithms, recurrent ANN, and self-organizing feature
maps are usually adopted to determine the ANN structure. Significant growth in interest in
this computational mechanism has occurred since Rumelhart et al. (1986) developed a
mathematically rigorous theoretical framework for neural networks. Consequently, ANNs
have been extensively applied to hydrology engineering. As reviewed by the ASCE Task
Committee (2000b), ANNs have been applied to the rainfall–runoff process, streamflow
prediction, water quality, ground water, precipitation, and other water resources problems.
A good physical understanding of the hydrologic process being modeled can help one
select the input vector and design a more efficient network. Previous researches have tried
to compare simulation results obtained using ANN, empirical, and physically based
approaches (Dawson and Wilby 1998; Zealand et al. 1999; Anmala et al. 2000;
Thirumalaiah and Deo 2000; Tayfur 2002; Jain and Indurthy 2003), but no detailed
investigation has been reported to show in which cases the ANN can provide good
simulation results, and which cases the physically based approach can provide better
simulation results than ANN can. In this study, we sought to gain deterministic insight into
the limitations of ANN modeling for rainfall–runoff simulation. A validated deterministic
runoff model was adopted to identify the hydrologic characteristics of selected storm events
Deterministic insight into ANN model performance for storm runoff simulation 69
and then linked to the simulation results obtained using the ANN models. Moreover, the
relationship between the number of past periods of rainfall input vectors of the ANN model
and the watershed time of concentration was studied. We hope the deterministic insight into
the watershed rainfall–runoff process provided here can aid researchers in selecting
adequate ANN model structures.
The ANN is an information processing system for emulating neuron information transfer in
biological systems. In a feed forward network, there are an input layer, several hidden
layers, and an output layer. The information is passed from the input layer through the
hidden layers to the output layer. In this study, we focused on a feed forward and back
propagation ANN system. To avoid redundancy, only a brief description of the ANN theory
will be given here.
The ANN is composed of multi-unit processors or artificial neurons. The outputs of the
system are functions of the inputs, the weighted coefficients, and the threshold values. The
sigmoid function, which is a continuous and differentiable function, has usually been
adopted by previous researchers to simulate the nonlinearity of the system. Consequently,
the outputs of the system can be expressed as:
X 1
Yj ¼ f Wij Xi q j ¼ P ð1Þ
ð Wij Xi q j Þ
in which Yj is the output from the jth neuron in a specified layer; Xi is the input of the ith
neuron in the previous layer; Wij is the weight of the connection joining the jth neuron
in a layer with the ith neuron in the previous layer; and θj is the threshold value, also
called the bias, of the jth neuron in a specified layer. The output of the sigmoid function
is bounded between 0 and 1, and the input to the function can be negative or positive
A three-layer ANN system was examined in this study. The system contains an input
layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. The nodes in the same layer are independent, but
they are linked to those in the subsequent layer. The input layer receives information from
outside of the system, and then this information is transferred by using Eq. 1 to the hidden
layer. Data processing is also applied to transfer the information from the hidden layer to
the output layer. It is, therefore, called a feed forward process because the information is
only transmitted from the previous layer to the next layer, with no recurrent process in this
data transfer process.
When constructing a feed forward ANN, one needs to define the weight coefficients and
threshold values in the system. Hydrologic data is, therefore, required to calibrate the
coefficients; this process is called network training. The back-propagation algorithm is
widely used for network training. A recurrent process based on the gradient steepest descent
70 K.T. Lee, et al.
method is used to transfer the estimation error back to the original system to modify the
coefficients in order to arrive at the minimum estimation error. The error function used in
this study is:
1X 2
E¼ ðTt Yt Þ ð2Þ
2 t
where E is the estimated error; Tt is the desired output at time t; and Yt is the corresponding
ANN output at time t. Since the back-propagation algorithm is a first-order approximation
based on the steepest gradient descent, sometimes, the solution is trapped in a local
minimum, which should be avoided during network training.
b ðtÞ ¼ f ½Pðt 1Þ; Pðt 2Þ; ; Pðt mÞ; Qðt 1Þ; Qðt 2Þ; ; Qðt nÞ
Q ð3Þ
in which Qb ðtÞ is the predicted discharge at time t; P(t−m) is the observed precipitation at
time t−m; and Q(t−n) is the observed discharge at time t−n. Since no general rule is
available for determining the number of input vectors, the prior values of m and n may be
based on a correlation matrix of training data from the study watersheds (Tokar and
Johnson 1999).
Deterministic insight into ANN model performance for storm runoff simulation 71
The deterministic model that we adopted was the geomorphologic instantaneous unit
hydrograph model (GIUH) proposed by Rodriguez-Iturbe and Valdes (1979). The rainfall–
runoff process can be represented by integrating all the rainfall excess particles moving
along different paths towards the watershed outlet to form the outflow hydrograph. The
resultant IUH can be expressed as (Rodriguez-Iturbe and Valdes 1979):
uðtÞ ¼ fxoi ðt Þ*fxi ðtÞ*fxj ðtÞ* *fxΩ ðt Þ PðwÞ ð4Þ
w2W w
in which u(t) is the instantaneous unit hydrograph; fxj ðtÞ is the travel-time probability
density function in state xj with a mean value of Txj ; W is the runoff travel path space; P(w)
is the probability of a specified runoff path w; and * denotes a convolution integral. Lee and
Yen (1997) applied kinematic-wave theory to estimate the mean travel times on overland
areas and channels of each order. The runoff travel time in the ith-order overland areas and
channels can be expressed, respectively, as follows (Lee and Yen 1997)
0 11
n L
o o
Txoi ¼ @ 1=2 i A ð5Þ
S oi iem1
20 11 3
Bi 6@ m 2ie nc Loi Lci A 7
Txi ¼ 4 hcoi þ hcoi 5 ð6Þ
2ie Loi 1=2
S ci Bi
in which no and nc are the roughness coefficients for the overland areas and channels,
respectively; Loi and Lci are the mean overland and channel lengths of the ith-order sub-
basin, respectively; S oi and S ci are the the mean ith-order overland and channel slopes,
respectively; Bi is the width of the ith-order channel; ie is the rainfall excess intensity; m is
an exponent; and hcoi is the inflow depth of the ith-order channel due to water transported
from upstream reaches, which can be determined from the watershed channel network
structure. The kinematic wave based GIUH model is then denoted as KW-GIUH model in
the following sections.
5 Model Application
The Wu-Tu and Heng-Chi watersheds in northern Taiwan were selected for application of
the ANN model in order to gain deterministic insight. Both of the stream networks of the
two watersheds are fourth order, and the sizes of the watersheds are 204 and 54 km2,
respectively. The watershed geomorphic factors of these two watersheds for application of
the KW-GIUH model are listed in Table 1. Both of the watersheds are upland forest
watersheds with heavy brush, and the channels consist of large boulders with weeds and
72 K.T. Lee, et al.
Watershed Stream Number of Mean length of Mean of ith- Mean slope of Mean slope of
(1) order i ith-order ith-order channel order drainage ith-order ith-order
(2) channel Ni Lci (km) area Ai (km2) overland S oi channel S ci
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
brush banks. The averaged annual rainfall is 4,847 mm for Wu-Tu and 3,353 mm for Heng-
Chi. Hydrologic records show that high rainfall intensity caused by typhoons and
thunderstorms occurs mainly between June and September in these watersheds. The
proportion of the base flow compared to the total runoff of the storm is relatively small. The
major component of the discharge is due to rapid surface runoff, which results not only
from the high rainfall intensity, but also from the steep slopes of the watersheds.
Hydrologic records from these two watersheds from 1975 to 2000 were collected for
analysis. Storm records with major measurement errors have been excluded in this analysis.
Since the success of an ANN model depends on the reliability of the hydrologic records,
systematic examination of the quality of the input data is required. The KW-GIUH model
was used to investigate the reliability and hydrologic characteristics of the storm event data.
The model has been tested in Taiwan (Lee and Yen 1997; Lee 1998; Lee et al. 2001; Lee et
al. 2006a,b) and the U. S. (Yen and Lee 1997). Hourly rainfall and discharge data from 42
storm events were collected for analysis. In performing the runoff model, the rainfall-excess
hyetograph was determined by deducing the abstractions from the rainfall using the Horton
infiltration equation.
Storm event records from the study watersheds were firstly compared with the simulated
results obtained using the KW-GIUH model. Two criteria were used to evaluate the
goodness of fit of the model. The estimate error of the peak discharge can be expressed as:
b p ðtÞ Qp ðtÞ
EQp ð%Þ ¼ 100 ð7Þ
Qp ðt Þ
b p ðtÞ is the predicted peak discharge;
where EQp is the estimate error of the peak discharge; Q
and Qp(t) is the observed peak discharge. The estimate error of time to peak discharge is
given by:
Table 2 Storm events analyzed in this study and the simulated results of KW-GIUH model
As shown in Table 2, runoff simulation performed using KW-GIUH model could usually
produce acceptable results while comparing with the hydrological records. The estimate
error of peak discharge was almost always limited to 10%, and the estimate error of time to
peak was usually less than ±2 h. Columns 3 and 4 show the values of channel-flow
74 K.T. Lee, et al.
Training processes, which included iterative adjustment and optimization of the weight
matrices as well as bias vectors, were applied to find the best ANN structure that minimized
the deviation between the observed records and predict outputs. Additional input vectors
added into the model were trained in different steps. The goodness-of-fit statistics for the
present model were computed for the training and testing procedures, and compared with
those for the best-fit model in the previous step. Iterative training for the 1-h ahead
Deterministic insight into ANN model performance for storm runoff simulation 75
Table 3 Selected storm events in ANN models’ training, testing, and verification
prediction discharge, Qb ðtÞ, showed that the input vectors of the optimal ANN model should
consist of the past 3 h of precipitation, P(t−1), P(t−2), and P(t−3), and the past hour of
discharge, Q(t−1), for the Wu-Tu watershed; on the other hand, the input vectors should
consist of the past 2 h of precipitation, P(t−1) and P(t−2), and the past hour of discharge, Q
(t−1), for the Heng-Chi watershed.
The estimate error of the peak discharge (EQp) and root mean square error (RMSE) of
the verification storm events obtained using the ANN1, ANN2 and ANN3 models are shown
in Table 4. In these verification events, half of the hydrologic records were from “usual”
storm events and the other half records were from “unusual” storm events. We found that
the simulation performance of the ANN1 model was, in general, slightly better than that of
the ANN2 model, and that the model performance of the ANN2 model was better than that
of the ANN3 model. This was because the ANN1 model was trained using complete
Wu-Tu 08/19/1990 825 5.44 38.25 5.92 38.78 −20.57 56.86 −6.03 85.79 10.21 59.87
09/20/1992* 389 −15.01 19.11 −12.20 16.23 −12.93 20.27 −15.01 24.61 −4.02 21.69
09/27/1996* 678 17.90 20.46 17.63 19.42 10.17 20.81 25.37 56.31 9.34 27.34
08/17/1997 1,040 0.79 24.10 −0.95 24.32 −33.61 79.68 12.10 53.82 8.37 120.39
10/15/1998* 1,050 1.55 47.01 −2.08 42.93 −33.96 126.81 2.28 47.02 4.92 58.60
12/13/2000 364 3.81 8.82 2.81 12.35 4.37 11.92 6.56 38.72 4.06 18.43
Heng-Chi 08/07/1984* 251 49.48 34.12 59.32 37.21 41.92 39.26 51.47 33.55 6.52 16.10
08/22/1986* 336 −0.26 29.11 12.56 33.39 −21.31 24.81 65.42 44.56 1.23 34.13
06/19/1991* 233 −9.69 22.31 44.58 29.70 15.96 37.63 10.93 29.31 2.85 39.81
07/30/1996 260 8.13 14.02 7.16 15.06 5.13 12.17 36.87 24.80 6.25 19.33
08/17/1997 195 −6.94 10.18 −4.09 12.39 −0.02 8.06 −8.83 12.47 −2.48 37.78
08/28/1997 132 7.11 11.66 2.55 11.85 17.42 10.16 117.61 47.91 5.70 32.87
hydrologic data sets, which included both the “usual” and “unusual” storm events; thus the
ANN structure could account for various hydrologic conditions. The ANN2 model was
trained using only the “usual” storm event data. Although it could represent the major
runoff process of the watershed, the model could not include some exceptional hydrologic
conditions of the watershed. Consequently, the performance of ANN2 was sometimes
poorer than that of ANN1. As mentioned previously, the “unusual” events were the storm
events in the watershed that occurred under exceptional hydrologic conditions, which could
result from very dry or very wet antecedent conditions, or from significant variation of the
spatial distribution of the rainstorms. Therefore, only some of the hydrologic characteristics
of the watershed could be extracted from the training data sets. The ANN3 model could not
provide a complete structure reflecting various hydrologic conditions.
In short term rainfall–runoff simulations, if the estimate error of peak discharge is less
than 10%, the simulation can be considered acceptable. Consequently, we found that the
ANN1 and ANN2 models could generally produce good simulation results for the “usual”
storm events, but not for the “unusual” storm events. Nevertheless, when the KW-GIUH
model parameters values (the overland- and channel-flow roughness coefficients) were
adjusted, the hydrologic response of the deterministic runoff model could adapt to
accommodate the exceptional hydrologic conditions, thus producing good simulation
results for the “unusual” storm events.
The records and simulated hydrographs obtained using ANN1, ANN2, ANN3, and KW-
GIUH for two example storms in the Wu-Tu watershed are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1
shows the verification of a storm event on 17 Aug. 1997 in the Wu-Tu watershed, which
was classified as a “usual” storm event in this study. The figure shows that the deviation
Wu-Tu 08/17/1997
1200 recorded
1000 ANN2
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Time (h)
Fig. 1 Models verification of a usual storm event in the Wu-Tu watershed
78 K.T. Lee, et al.
Wu-Tu 09/27/1996
800 recorded
600 ANN3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (h)
Fig. 2 Models verification of an unusual storm event in the Wu-Tu watershed
between the records and the simulated hydrographs is minor for the ANN1 and ANN2
models but is large for the ANN3 model. Figure 2 shows the verification of an “unusual”
storm event on 27 Sept. 1996, which demonstrates that the KW-GIUH model can more
accurately predict the storm hydrograph peak while the model parameters are adequately
As mentioned previously, a trial and error procedure was used to find the best-of-fit ANN
model in this study. Tokar and Johnson (1999) reported that correlation matrixes could be
Table 5 Correlation matrix of the input and output vectors in the Wu-Tu watershed
P(t−5) 1.000
P(t−4) 0.640 1.000
P(t−3) 0.440 0.640 1.000
P(t−2) 0.396 0.440 0.640 1.000
P(t−1) 0.309 0.396 0.440 0.640 1.000
Q(t−1) 0.620 0.655 0.661 0.677 0.566 1.000
Q(t) 0.588 0.620 0.655 0.661 0.677 0.982 1.000
Deterministic insight into ANN model performance for storm runoff simulation 79
Table 6 Correlation matrix of the input and output vectors in the Heng-Chi watershed
P(t−5) 1.000
P(t−4) 0.682 1.000
P(t−3) 0.544 0.682 1.000
P(t−2) 0.418 0.544 0.682 1.000
P(t−1) 0.409 0.418 0.544 0.682 1.000
Q(t−1) 0.602 0.640 0.691 0.731 0.604 1.000
Q(t) 0.560 0.602 0.640 0.691 0.731 0.915 1.000
used a prior rule for selecting the input vectors of ANN models. Therefore, we examined
the correlation matrixes of the input vectors to the system output. Tables 5 and 6 show the
correlation matrixes of the input and output vectors in the Wu-Tu and Heng-Chi
watersheds. If a significant drop in the correlation coefficient values between Q(t) and
P(t−1), P(t−2), ..., P(t−m) can be used as a criteria for precipitation input vector selection,
then the adequate precipitation input vectors should be P(t−3), P(t−2), and P(t−1) for the
Wu-Tu watershed, and P(t−2) and P(t−1) for the Heng-Chi watershed (see the bold
numerals in Tables 5 and 6).
In deterministic hydrology, precipitation during different periods is the only input used
for watershed rainfall–runoff modeling. The number of input vectors (the length of the
system-input memory) represents the persistence of the input vectors within the hydrologic
60 Wu-Tu 08/19/1990
0 12 24 36 48
Time (h)
Fig. 3 Real-time feedback and non-feedback ANN models simulations in the Wu-Tu watershed
80 K.T. Lee, et al.
response system. Therefore, the watershed time of concentration, which is defined as the
time of flow from the hydraulic remotest point on the watershed to the outlet (Chow 1964),
can be used to estimate the past periods of precipitation that should be considered in the
ANN system. Applying a storm averaged rainfall excess intensity, ie, of 30∼50 mm h−1 in
Eqs. 5 and 6, we found that the values of the watershed time of concentration were around
3.2 h for the Wu-Tu watershed, and around 2.2 h for the Heng-Chi watershed. These values
of the time of concentration correspond to the best-of-fit ANN models with precipitation
input vectors P(t−3), P(t−2) and P(t−1) for the Wu-Tu watershed, and with P(t−2) and P
(t−1) for the Heng-Chi watershed. This demonstrates that the number of precipitation input
vectors can be determined either from the correlation matrix or from the watershed time of
concentration estimate. However, the later may be more convenient to be used in practice.
30 Heng-Chi 08/28/1997
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Time (hr)
Fig. 4 Real-time feedback and non-feedback ANN models simulations in the Heng-Chi watershed
Deterministic insight into ANN model performance for storm runoff simulation 81
8 Conclusions
Three types of ANN models were developed in this study, based on different groups of
training data sets, which were classified into “usual” and “unusual” storm events using a
deterministic runoff model. Although the ANN1 model has difficulty to obtain acceptable
simulation results for the “unusual” storm events, it performs better for runoff simulation
than the ANN2 and ANN3. Thus, the ANN model developed using complete data set is
suggested. We also found that the accuracy of the ANN models was mainly due to
including the real-time observation quantities into analyses. So the real-time feedback
information is required to assure good quality of simulation using ANN.
Acknowledgements This study is part of a research work supported by the National Science Council,
Taiwan, ROC, under grant NSC 89-TPC-7-019-011. Financial support from the National Science Council is
gratefully acknowledged.
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