Porosity and Permeability Estimation Using Neural Network Approach From Well Log Data
Porosity and Permeability Estimation Using Neural Network Approach From Well Log Data
Porosity and Permeability Estimation Using Neural Network Approach From Well Log Data
In recent years, artificial intelligence techniques, and neural networks in particular, have gained popularity in
solving complex nonlinear problems. Permeability, porosity and fluid saturation are three fundamental
characteristics of reservoir systems that are typically distributed in a spatially non-uniform and non-linear manner.
In this context, porosity and permeability prediction from well log data is well-suited to neural networks and other
computer based techniques. The present study aims to estimate formation porosity and permeability from digital
well log data using an artificial neural network (ANN) approach. A representative case study from the Alberta
Deep Basin is presented. Five well log responses (Gamma Ray Log (GR), Deep Resistivity (RD), Formation
Density (DEN), Neutron Porosity (PHIN) and Density Porosity (PHID)) are used as inputs in the ANN to predict
porosity and permeability. Core porosity and permeability are used as target data in the ANN to test the
prediction. The accuracy of the ANN approach is tested by regression plots of predicted values of porosity and
permeability with core porosity and permeability respectively. Excellent matching of core data and predicted
values reflects the accuracy of the technique. ANN is a fast and accurate method for the prediction of reservoir
properties and could be applied in reservoir modeling and characterization.
Key words: Artificial intelligent techniques, neural networks, reservoir characterization, porosity, permeability,
well logging.
A petroleum reservoir is a heterogeneous geological system with large intrinsic complexity. Reservoir
porosity, permeability and hydrocarbon saturation are directly related to the storage capacity, fluid flow
capacity and amount of hydrocarbon pore volume respectively. Problems related to reservoir
characterization are difficult due to natural heterogeneity, uncertainty and nonlinearity in these reservoir
parameters. Consequently, it is typically very difficult to explicitly quantify spatial relationships of
variable reservoir properties. Computer-based intelligence methods (e.g. Neural network, Fuzzy logic,
Genetic algorithm etc.) can easily handle this type of complicated problem very accurately (Ouenes,
2000; Nikravesh et al., 2001; Nikravesh et al., 2003).
In the last two decades, several researchers have worked on reservoir characterization problems from
different perspectives using soft computing methods (Nikravesh et al., 2001). From the conclusions of
those studies, it is evident that soft computing yields reservoir characterization results somewhat
superior to conventional methods because inherent uncertainties are not incorporated explicitly into
conventional hard computing techniques (Nikravesh et al., 2003). Neural network, fuzzy logic and
neuro-fuzzy techniques are generally used by different workers for the same purpose (Fung et al.,
1997; Ouenes, 2000; Nikravesh et al., 2001).
Artificial neural networks (ANN) are analogous to biological nervous systems and consist of input layer,
hidden layers and output layer (Fausett 1994; Haykin, 1999). The architecture of an ANN includes a
In this study, the bulk shift was applied by visual comparison between a depth plot of discrete core
porosity values and the density porosity curve. Secondly, core analyses are not regularly sampled in
depth and the depth points of core data do not precisely match the sample depths of well log data. To
address this latter problem, we used a nearest neighbor interpolation method (De Boor, 1978; Kahaner,
et al., 1989) to interpolate core data at equal depth intervals corresponding to depth points in the LAS
input files. The interpolated core porosity and permeability are presented in Figure 1, and these data
are used as target in the neural network.
RHOB Permeability
Figure 2: Architecture of the artificial neural network for the present study.
In general, Suppose there are “n” number of inputs (x1, x2, x3,.......,xn) and one output, then the output
(y) can be presented by following relationship:
y f (net ) f wi xi
i 1
and net wT x w1 x1 w2 x2 ..........wn xn
where “f(net)” refers to activation or transfer function and, “wi” is the weight vector.
In the training phase of the network, the parameters of the network are optimized and a process of
curve fitting is initiated. The training phase is done by one of the learning algorithms available in the
literature. The most widely used learning algorithm for training of the neural network is the back-
propagation learning algorithm (Haykin, 1999; Lim, 2003) which is used in this study. The training
Core porosity and permeability were chosen as target to the network. Training data were chosen from
random order selection from the original well log data.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Predicted porosity from ANN and core porosity with depth; (b) Regression plot of core porosity and
predicted porosity from ANN.
The training process of the network involved selection of the structure (i.e. number of layers, number of
neurons, type of activation function etc.) and updating of weights and biases which was done by
several learning algorithms. A network with one hidden layer has been chosen as dictated by
established practice. Since there are five inputs and one output, the structure of the input and output
layers is fixed. The numbers of hidden neurons were increased until the dimension (the number of
weights) equalled the number of available data. Sixty hidden neurons with tanh nonlinearity and one
output neuron with linear activation were chosen. Weights and biases of the network were then properly
initialized and the network was subjected to a back-propagation Levenberg-Marquardt training
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) Predicted permeability from ANN and core permeability with depth; (b) Regression plot of core
permeability and predicted permeability from ANN.
The first author is thankful to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), Govt. of
Canada, for the scholarship granted in the completion of this research work.