1.discuss The Frequency Domain Techniques of Image Enhancement in Detail
1.discuss The Frequency Domain Techniques of Image Enhancement in Detail
1.discuss The Frequency Domain Techniques of Image Enhancement in Detail
The frequency domain methods of image enhancement are based on convolution theorem. This is
represented as,
g(x, y) = h (x, y)*f(x, y)
g(x, y) = Resultant image
h(x, y) = Position invariant operator
f(x, y)= Input image
The Fourier transform representation of equation above is,
The function H (u, v) in equation is called transfer function. It is used to boost the edges of input
image f (x, y) to emphasize the high frequency components.
The different frequency domain methods for image enhancement are as follows.
1. Contrast stretching.
2. Clipping and thresholding.
3. Digital negative.
4. Intensity level slicing and
5. Bit extraction.
1. Contrast Stretching:
Due to non-uniform lighting conditions, there may be poor contrast between the background and
the feature of interest. Figure 1.1 (a) shows the contrast stretching transformations.
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In the area of stretching the slope of transformation is considered to be greater than unity. The
parameters of stretching transformations i.e., a and b can be determined by examining the
histogram of the image.
Clipping is considered as the special scenario of contrast stretching. It is the case in which the
parameters are α = γ = 0. Clipping is more advantageous for reduction of noise in input signals of
range [a, b].
Threshold of an image is selected by means of its histogram. Let us take the image shown in the
following figure 1.2.
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Fig. 1.2
The figure 1.2 (b) consists of two peaks i.e., background and object. At the abscissa of histogram
minimum (D1) the threshold is selected. This selected threshold (D1) can separate background
and object to convert the image into its respective binary form. The thresholding transformations
are shown in figure 1.3.
3. Digital Negative:
The digital negative of an image is achieved by reverse scaling of its grey levels to the
transformation. They are much essential in displaying of medical images.
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The images which consist of grey levels in between intensity at background and other objects
require to reduce the intensity of the object. This process of changing intensity level is done with
the help of intensity level slicing. They are expressed as
The histogram of input image and its respective intensity level slicing is shown in the figure 1.5.
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f(x, y) is the input image
g(x, y) is the processed image and
T is the operator on f defined over some neighborhood values of
(x, y).
Frequency domain techniques are based on convolution theorem. Let g(x, y) be the image
formed by the convolution of an image f(x, y) and linear position invariant operation h(x, y) i.e.,
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Lowpass Filter:
The edges and other sharp transitions (such as noise) in the gray levels of an image contribute
significantly to the high-frequency content of its Fourier transform. Hence blurring (smoothing)
is achieved in the frequency domain by attenuating us the transform of a given image.
where F (u, v) is the Fourier transform of an image to be smoothed. The problem is to select a
filter transfer function H (u, v) that yields G (u, v) by attenuating the high-frequency components
of F (u, v). The inverse transform then will yield the desired smoothed image g (x, y).
Ideal Filter:
A 2-D ideal lowpass filter (ILPF) is one whose transfer function satisfies the relation
where D is a specified nonnegative quantity, and D(u, v) is the distance from point (u, v) to the
origin of the frequency plane; that is,
Figure 3 (a) shows a 3-D perspective plot of H (u, v) u a function of u and v. The name ideal
filter indicates that oil frequencies inside a circle of radius
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Fig.3 (a) Perspective plot of an ideal lowpass filter transfer function; (b) filter cross
Do are passed with no attenuation, whereas all frequencies outside this circle are completely
The lowpass filters are radially symmetric about the origin. For this type of filter,
specifying a cross section extending as a function of distance from the origin along a radial line
is sufficient, as Fig. 3 (b) shows. The complete filter transfer function can then be generated by
rotating the cross section 360 about the origin. Specification of radially symmetric filters
centered on the N x N frequency square is based on the assumption that the origin of the Fourier
transform has been centered on the square.
For an ideal lowpass filter cross section, the point of transition between H(u, v) =
1 and H(u, v) = 0 is often called the cutoff frequency. In the case of Fig.3 (b), for example, the
cutoff frequency is Do. As the cross section is rotated about the origin, the point Do traces a
circle giving a locus of cutoff frequencies, all of which are a distance Do from the origin. The
cutoff frequency concept is quite useful in specifying filter characteristics. It also serves as a
common base for comparing the behavior of different types of filters.
The sharp cutoff frequencies of an ideal lowpass filter cannot be realized with electronic
components, although they can certainly be simulated in a computer.
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Butterworth filter:
The transfer function of the Butterworth lowpass (BLPF) of order n and with cutoff frequency
locus at a distance Do, from the origin is defined by the relation
A perspective plot and cross section of the BLPF function are shown in figure 4.
Fig.4 (a) A Butterworth lowpass filter (b) radial cross section for n = 1.
Unlike the ILPF, the BLPF transfer function does not have a sharp discontinuity that establishes
a clear cutoff between passed and filtered frequencies. For filters with smooth transfer functions,
defining a cutoff frequency locus at points for which H (u, v) is down to a certain fraction of its
maximum value is customary. In the case of above Eq. H (u, v) = 0.5 (down 50 percent from its
maximum value of 1) when D (u, v) = Do. Another value commonly used is 1/√2 of the
maximum value of H (u, v). The following simple modification yields the desired value when D
(u, v) = Do:
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5. Discuss about Ideal High Pass Filter and Butterworth High Pass filter.
An image can be blurred by attenuating the high-frequency components of its Fourier transform.
Because edges and other abrupt changes in gray levels are associated with high-frequency
components, image sharpening can be achieved in the frequency domain by a high pass filtering
process, which attenuates the low-frequency components without disturbing high-frequency
information in the Fourier transform.
Ideal filter:
2-D ideal high pass filter (IHPF) is one whose transfer function satisfies the relation
where Do is the cutoff distance measured from the origin of the frequency plane. Figure 5.1
shows a perspective plot and cross section of the IHPF function. This filter is the opposite of the
ideal lowpass filter, because it completely attenuates all frequencies inside a circle of radius Do
while passing, without attenuation, all frequencies outside the circle. As in the case of the ideal
lowpass filler, the IHPF is not physically realizable.
Fig.5.1 Perspective plot and radial cross section of ideal high pass filter
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Figure 5.2 shows a perspective plot andd cross sectiion of the BHPF
B functtion. Note th
hat when D
(u, v) = Do, H (u, v) is dow wn to ½ of its maximuum value. As A in the caase of the Butterworth
B h
lowpasss filter, com
mmon practiice is to sellect the cutooff frequenccy locus at points for which
w H (u,
v) is doown to 1/√2 of its maxim
mum value.
T/ECE 100
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6. Discuss about Gaussian High Pass and Gaussian Low Pass Filter.
where, D(u, v) is the distance from the origin of the Fourier transform.
Fig.6.1 (a) Perspective plot of a GLPF transfer function, (b) Filter displayed as an image,
(c) Filter radial cross sections for various values of Do.
σ is a measure of the spread of the Gaussian curve. By letting σ = Du, we can express the filter in
a more familiar form in terms of the notation:
where Do is the cutoff frequency. When D (u, v) = Do, the filter is down to 0.607 of its
maximum value.
The transfer function of the Gaussian highpass filter (GHPF) with cutoff frequency locus at a
distance Do from the origin is given by
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The figure 6.2 shows a perspective plot, image, and cross section of the GHPF function.
Fig.6.2. Perspective plot, image representation, and cross section of a typical Gaussian high
pass filter
Even the filtering of the smaller objects and thin bars is cleaner with the Gaussian filler.
The expression inside the brackets on the left side of the above Eq. is recognized as the
Laplacian of f(x, y). Thus, we have the important result
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which simply says that the Laplacian can be implemented in the frequency domain by using the
As in all filtering operations, the assumption is that the origin of F (u, v) has been centered by
performing the operation f(x, y) (-1) x+y prior to taking the transform of the image. If f (and F)
are of size M X N, this operation shifts the center transform so that (u, v) = (0, 0) is at point
(M/2, N/2) in the frequency rectangle. As before, the center of the filter function also needs to be
The Laplacian-filtered image in the spatial domain is obtained by computing the inverse Fourier
transform of H (u, v) F (u, v):
Conversely, computing the Laplacian in the spatial domain and computing the Fourier transform
of the result is equivalent to multiplying F(u, v) by H(u, v). We express this dual relationship in
the familiar Fourier-transform-pair notation
The spatial domain Laplacian filter function obtained by taking the inverse Fourier transform of
Eq. has some interesting properties, as Fig.7 shows. Figure 7(a) is a 3-D perspective plot. The
function is centered at (M/2, N/2), and its value at the top of the dome is zero. All other values
are negative. Figure 7(b) shows H (u, v) as an image, also centered. Figure 7(c) is the Laplacian
in the spatial domain, obtained by multiplying by H (u, v) by (-1)u+v , taking the inverse Fourier
transform, and multiplying the real part of the result by (-l)x+y . Figure 7(d) is a zoomed section at
about the origin of Fig.7(c).' Figure 7(e) is a horizontal gray-level profile passing through the
center of the zoomed section. Finally, Fig.7 (f) shows the mask to implement the definition of the
discrete Laplacian in the spatial domain.
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Fig.7 (a) 3-D plot of Laplacian in the frequency domain, (b) Image representation of (a), (c)
Laplacian in the spatial domain obtained from the inverse DFT of (b) (d) Zoomed section
of the origin of (c). (e) Gray-level profile through the center of (d). (f) Laplacian mask
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A horizontal profile through the center of this mask has the same basic shape as the profile in
Fig. 7(e) (that is, a negative value between two smaller positive values). We form an enhanced
image g(x, y) by subtracting the Laplacian from the original image:
All the filtered images have one thing in common: Their average background intensity has been
reduced to near black. This is due to the fact that the highpass filters we applied to those images
eliminate the zero-frequency component of their Fourier transforms. In fact, enhancement using
the Laplacian does precisely this, by adding back the entire image to the filtered result.
Sometimes it is advantageous to increase the contribution made by the original image to the
overall filtered result. This approach, called high-boost filtering, is a generalization of unsharp
masking. Unsharp masking consists simply of generating a sharp image by subtracting from an
image a blurred version of itself. Using frequency domain terminology, this means obtaining a
highpass-filtered image by subtracting from the image a lowpass-filtered version of itself. That is
Thus, high-boost filtering gives us the flexibility to increase the contribution made by the image
to the overall enhanced result. This equation may be written as
This result is based on a highpass rather than a lowpass image. When A = 1, high-boost filtering
reduces to regular highpass filtering. As A increases past 1, the contribution made by the image
itself becomes more dominant.
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with A > 1. The process consists of multiplying this filter by the (centered) transform of the input
image and then taking the inverse transform of the product. Multiplication of the real part of this
result by (-l) x+y gives us the high-boost filtered image fhb (x, y) in the spatial domain.
Homomorphic filtering:
The illumination-reflectance model can be used to develop a frequency domain procedure for
improving the appearance of an image by simultaneous gray-level range compression and
contrast enhancement. An image f(x, y) can be expressed as the product of illumination and
reflectance components:
Equation above cannot be used directly to operate separately on the frequency components of
illumination and reflectance because the Fourier transform of the product of two functions is not
separable; in other words,
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where S (u, v) is the Fourier transform of the result. In the spatial domain,
Now we have
Finally, as z (x, y) was formed by taking the logarithm of the original image f (x, y), the inverse
(exponential) operation yields the desired enhanced image, denoted by g(x, y); that is,
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are the illumination and reflectance components of the output image. The enhancement approach
using the foregoing concepts is summarized in Fig. 9.1. This method is based on a special case of
a class of systems known as homomorphic systems. In this particular application, the key to the
approach is the separation of the illumination and reflectance components achieved. The
homomorphic filter function H (u, v) can then operate on these components separately.
Fig.9.2 Cross section of a circularly symmetric filter function D (u. v) is the distance from
the origin of the centered transform.
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